Lectures & Presentations

Bronzezeitliche Geweihtrensen

Herstellung und Vorführung bronzezeitlicher Trensenknebel aus Geweih
[Manufacturing and use of Bronze Age bits with antler cheek pieces]

17.-18. August 2024
Bronzezeittage [Bronze Age Days]
Kreismuseum Syke

Since the domestication of the horse in the Bronze Age cheek pieces of bits as aids for horse riding are regular finds in the archaeological record. They have been made of bronze or antler and some have been elaborately designed and decorated. Besides their practical function they had a representative character.
2003 such red deer antler cheek pieces have been found in a cremation burial in Wildeshausen, Lower Saxony. By example of these finds, currently exhibited in the museum in Syke, we want retrace the manufacturing process and build a replica. Horse riding with such bits with antler cheek pieces is demonstrated with an already existing replica.