Publications & Manuscripts

Ein Canidenskelett aus der Wurt Jemgumkloster

Küchelmann, Hans Christian (2009): Ein Canidenskelett (5. – 8. Jh.) aus der Wurt Jemgumkloster (Gemarkung Holtgaste, Gde. Jemgum, Ldkr. Leer/Ostfriesland). – Nachrichten aus Niedersachsens Urgeschichte 78, 57-78

[A canid skeleton (5th-8th century) from the Jemgumkloster terp (Holtgaste, Jemgum, Rural District of Leer, East Frisia)]

At the site of the Jemgumkloster terp mound in Frisia, Germany, a carefully buried skeleton of a large mature male canid was excavated. It had a fractured skull. Its size and the morphological features were inbetween those of a large dog and a wolf. The features of the skeleton, which are described in detail, allow it to be identified as that of a large dog. Pathological features, anatomical anomalies and human tool marks are discussed. The find is interpreted in the context of chronologically and culturally comparable examples.

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