
This is a choice of publications concerned with animal bones.

The database contains: 9095 entries
Number of selected titles: 166

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Jackson, Jeremy B. C. / Alexander, Karen E. / Sala, Enric (2011): Shifting Baselines. The Past and Future of Ocean Fisheries, Washington

Jackson, Jeremy B. C. / Kirby, Michael X. / Berger, Wolfgang H. / Bjorndal, Karen A. / Botsford, Louis W. / Bourque, Bruce J. / Bradbury, Roger H. / Cooke, Richard G. / Erlandson, Jon M. / Estes, James A. / Hughes, Terence P. / Kidwell, Susan M. / Lange, Carina B. / Lenihan, Hunter S. / Pandolfi, John M. / Peterson, Charles H. / Steneck, Robert S. / Tegner, Mia J. / Warner, Robert R. (2001): Historical Overfishing and the Recent Collapse of Coastal Ecosystems. – Science 293, 629-638

Jacob, Dorit E. / Stracke, Andreas / Wiegand, Bettina / Dindorf, Willi (2008): Tracing ivory by its chemical and isotopic composition. in: Roth, J. & Bortolaso, Giovanna (eds.): Ivory and Species Conservation. Proceedings of INCENTIVS – Meetings (2004 - 2007), Bundesamt für Naturschutz Skripten 228, 93-99, Bonn

Jacobi, Leor (2018): ‘This Horse is a Bird Specialist’: Falconry intrudes upon the Palestinian Mishnah in Sasanian Babylonia. in: Gersmann, Karl-Heinz & Grimm, Oliver (eds.): Raptor and human – falconry and bird symbolism throughout the millennia on a global scale, volume 4, Advanced studies on the archaeology and history of hunting 1, 1831-1845, Neumünster

Jaeckel, Siegfried H. (2003): Unsere Süsswassermuscheln, Neue Brehm-Bücherei 82, 2. Auflage, Hohenwarsleben

Jaeckel, Siegfried H. (1965): Die Muscheln und Schnecken der deutschen Meeresküsten, Neue Brehm-Bücherei, 3. Auflage, Wittenberg

Jaeckel, Siegfried H. (1948): Süßwassermuscheln als Nahrungsmittel. – Natur und Nahrung 17/18, 20-21

Jaeger, Mateusz / Kulcsár, Gabriella / Taylor, Nicole / Staniuk, Robert (2018): Kakucs-Turján, a Middle Bronze Age multi-layered fortified settlement in Central Hungary, Studien zur Archäologie in Ostmitteleuropa, Bonn

Jäger, Helmut (1995): Technik und Werkstoff. in: Dinger, Brigitte / Kappel, Jutta / Trommer, Elke (eds.): Wiedergewonnen – Elfenbein Kunststücke aus Dresden – eine Sammlung des Grünen Gewölbes, 42-53, Erbach

Jagnow, Bert & Gosselck, Fritz (1987): Bestimmungsschlüssel für die Gehäuseschnecken und Muscheln der Ostsee. – Mitteilungen aus dem Hamburgischen Zoologischen Museum und Institut 63, 191-268

Jagow, Kurt (1915): Die Heringsfischerei an den deutschen Ostseeküsten im Mittelalter. – Archiv für Fischereigeschichte 5, 1-45

Jahnke, Carsten (2000): "Das Silber des Nordens" – Lübeck und der europäische Heringshandel im Mittelalter, Handel, Geld und Politik vom frühen Mittelalter bis Heute 3, Lübeck

Jahnke, Carsten (1998): Regulating the Medieval Fisheries of the Baltic Region: The 'Urban' and 'International Market' Compared. in: Holm, Poul & Starkey, David J. (eds.): North Atlantic Fisheries. Markets and Modernisation, Studia Atlantica 2, 39-57, Esbjerg

Jahnke, Carsten (1997): „Und ist der fisch- und Heringsfangh das Erste beneficium…“ – Städtische und freie Markt-Fischerei im mittelalterlichen Ostseeraum. – Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Schleswig-Holsteinische Geschichte 122, 289-321

Jahnke, Carsten (1997): Die Malmöer Schonenzolliste des Jahres 1375. – Hansische Geschichtsblätter 115, 1-107

Jakobsen, Frank / Jentoft, Rolf / Berg, John / Steene, Bardon / Sørensen, Freddy / Hansen, Halvor / Sandtorv, Tor / Korneliussen, Stein-Ove (2003): Stockfish, Quality Assurance Manual for the Production of Stockfish, Tromsø

Jambresic, Gordana / Miculinic, Kazimir / Miracle, Preston T. (2005): Pleistocene Fauna from the Cave Pecina na Brehu (Istria, Croatia). – Abhandlungen der Naturhistorischen Gesellschaft zu Nürnberg 45, 143-154

James-Lee, Tiffany (2014): Subsistence activities at 19th-century shore whaling station sites in New Zealand and Australia: a zooarchaeological perspective. – Anthropozoologica 49(1), 79-98

James, Emma C. & Thompson, Jessica C. (2015): On bad terms: Problems and solutions within zooarchaeological bone surface modification studies. – Environmental Archaeology 20, 89-103

James, Steven R. (2001): Prehistoric Hohocam Bone Artifacts from Southern Arizona: Craft Specialization Status and Gender. in: Choyke, Alice M. & Bartosiewicz, László (eds.): Crafting Bone: Skeletal Technologies through Time and Space – Proceedings of the 2nd meeting of the (ICAZ) Worked Bone Research Group Budapest, 31 August – 5 September 1999, British Archaeological Reports International Series 937, 331-341, Oxford

Jandzik, David & Bartik, Ivan (2004): Differences in morphology of the atlas-axis complex in Natrix natrix and N. tessellata (Serpentes: Colubridae). – Biologia (Bratislava) 59/Suppl. 15, 219-229

Jánossy, Dénes (1983): Humeri of Central European Smaller Passeriformes. – Fragmenta Mineralogica et Palaeontologica 11, 85-112

Jánossy, Dénes (1977): Subfossil Bird Remains from the Kermanshah Valley Sites. in: Bökönyi, Sándor (ed.): Animal Remains from the Kermanshah Valley, Iran, British Archaeological Reports Supplemantary Series 34, 119-132, Oxford

Jans, M. M. E. / Nielsen-Marsh, C. M. / Smith, Colin I. / Collins, Matthew James / Kars, Henk (2004): Characterisation of microbial attack on archaeological bone. – Journal of Archaeological Science 31, 87-95

Janßen-Kempka, S. (2020): Wasser für Aquae Granni. – Archäologie in Deutschland 4/2020, 58

Janßen-Kim, Melanie (2007): Lebende Buddhas – Mumien in Japan. in: Wieczorek, Alfried / Tellenbach, Michael / Rosendahl, Wilfried (eds.): Mumien – Der Traum vom ewigen Leben, Publikationen der Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen 24, 140-143, Mainz

Janssen, A. W. & de Vogel, E. F. (1965): Zoetwatermollusken van Nederland, Den Haag

Janssen, Albrecht (1937): Tausend Jahre deutscher Walfang, Leipzig

Janssen, H. L. (1983): Van Bos tot Stad. Opgravingen in 's-Hertogenbosch, s'Hertogenbosch

Janssen, Marianne (1997): Höhlenmalerei – Die Anfänge der Kunst, Informationsblatt zur Ausstellung, Oldenburg

Janssens, Paul A. (1970): Palaeopathology – Diseases and injuries of prehistoric man, London

Janus, Horst (1962): Unsere Schnecken und Muscheln, Stuttgart

Japha, Arnold (1908): Zusammenstellung der in der Ostsee bisher beobachteten Wale. – Schriften der Physikalisch-ökonomischen Gesellschaft zu Königsberg in Preussen 49, 119-189

Jarecki, Helge / Teegen, Wolf-Rüdiger / Döhle, Hans-Jürgen (1999): Überlegungen zu eisenzeitlichen Säuglingsbestattungen anhand eines Befundes aus Wetzen, Ldkr. Burgenlandkreis. – Jahresschrift für mitteldeutsche Vorgeschichte 81, 165-215

Jarman, Michael R. (1996): Human Influence in the Development of the Cretan Mammalian Fauna. in: Reese, David S. (ed.): Pleistocene and Holocene Fauna of Crete and Its First Settlers, Monographs in World Archaeology 28, 211-229, Madison, Wisconsin

Jarman, Michael R. (1973): Preliminary Report on the Animal Bones. in: Coldstream, J. N. (ed.): Knossos. The Sanctuary of Demeter, British School at Athens Supplementary Volume 8, 177-179, London

Jarman, Michael R. (1972): The Fauna. in: Warren, Peter (ed.): Myrtos. An Early Bronze Age Settlement in Crete, British School at Athens Supplementary Volume 7, 318-320, London

Jarman, Michael R. & Jarman, H. N. (1968): The Fauna and Economy of Early Neolithic Knossos. – Annual of the British School at Athens 63, 241-262

Jastrow, Holger (2004): Vokabular der makroskopischen Anatomie, Mainz

Jastrzebski, Andrzej (2004): Wybrane Aspekty Zycia Codziennego w Sredniowiecznym Wroclawiu na Podstawie Wyrobow Koscianych i Rogowich. – Wratislavia Antiqua 6, 245-268

Jastrzebski, Andrzej (1999): Produkcja Rogownicza na Wroclawskim Rynku W 2 Pol. XII i W XIV Wieku. – Mediaevalia Archaeologica 1, 89-99

Jawad, Laith / Hansen, Tom Johnny / Meier, Sonnich / Skjæraasen, Jon Egil / Fjelldal, Per Gunnar (2018): Vertebral column deformity in adult wild haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus). – Journal of Fish Diseases 41, 1909-1915

Jawad, Laith / Thorsen, Anders / Otterå, Håkon / Fjelldal, Per Gunnar (2015): Pug-headedness in the farmed triploid Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua Linnaeus, 1758 (Actinopterygii: Gadiformes: Gadidae) in Norway. – Acta Adriatica 56(2), 291-296

Jaworski, Krzysztof (1990): Wyroby z kosci i poroza w kulturze weczesnosredniowiecznego Ostrowa Tumskiego we Wroclawiu, Wroclaw

Jefferson, Thomas A. / Webber, Marc A. / Pitman, Robert L. (2008): Marine Mammals of the World: A Comprehensive Guide to their Identification, London

Jehle, Hiltrud (2015): Dem Zahn auf den Nerv gefühlt. Eine Revision zur Morphologie des Elefantenstoßzahns. – Beiträge zur Erhaltung von Kunst- und Kulturgut 1/2015, 65-73

Jehle, Hiltrud (1995): Elfenbein - Überlegungen zum Material und zu seiner Verarbeitung. – Zeitschrift für Kunsttechnologie und Konservierung 9(2), 337-347

Jelu, Inge / Wouters, Wim / van Neer, Wim (2021): The use of vertebral measurements for body length and weight reconstruction of pike (Esox lucius) from archaeological sites. – Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 13

Jend, Hans-Holger (no date): AO-Klassifikation der Frakturen

Jenkins, Geraint (1974): Fish Weirs and Traps. – Folk Life 12, 5-9

Jenkinson, Rogan D. S. & Sutherland, S. A. (1984): Changes in European Geese and Duck Migration Patterns during the Quaternary. in: Jenkinson, Rogan D. S. & Gilbertson, D. D. (eds.): In the Shadow of Extinction: a Quaternary Archaeology and Palaeoecology of the Lake, Fissures and Smaller Caves at Cresswell Crags SSSI, 101-109, Nottingham

Jenkinson, Rogan D. S. & Gilbertson, D. D. (1984): In the Shadow of Extinction: a Quaternary Archaeology and Palaeoecology of the Lake, Fissures and Smaller Caves at Cresswell Crags SSSI, Nottingham

Jennbert, Kristina (2010): Animal Mouthpieces for human Properties and Identity – a Scandinavian Perspective. in: Pluskowski, Aleksander G. / Kunst, Günther Karl / Kucera, Matthias / Bietak, Manfred / Hein, Irmgard (eds.): Bestial Mirrors – Using Animals to construct human Identities in medieval Europe, Animals as Material Culture in the Middle Ages 3, 39-45, Wien

Jennbert, Kristina (2006): The heroized dead – People, animals, and materiality in Scandinavian death rituals AD 200–1000. in: Andrén, Anders / Jennbert, Kristina / Raudvere, Catharina (eds.): Old Norse religion in long-term perspectives: origin, changes and interactions, Vägar till Midgård 8, 135-140, Lund

Jennbert, Kristina (2003): Ambigous Truths? – People and Animals in Pre-Christian Scandinavia. in: Bergstøl, Jostein (ed.): Scandinavian Archaeological Practice - in Theory, Proceedings from the 6th Nordic TAG, Oslo 2001, Oslo Archaeological Series 1, 212-230, Oslo

Jennbert, Kristina (2003): Animal Graves – Dog, Horse and Bear. – Current Swedish Archaeology 11, 139-152

Jenner, Bartosz / Bochenski, Zbigniew M. / Tomek, Teresa (2001): Relative differentiation of skeletal elements in European corvids. – Journal of Ornithology 142, 30-33

Jenrich, Joachim / Löhr, Paul-Walter / Müller, Franz / Vierhaus, Henning (2016): Mittel- und Großsäuger. Bildbestimmungsschlüssel anhand von Schädelmerkmalen, Beiträge zur Naturkunde in Osthessen 53 Supplement 1, Petersberg

Jenrich, Joachim / Löhr, Paul-Walter / Müller, Franz / Vierhaus, Henning (2012): Fledermäuse. Bildbestimmungsschlüssel anhand von Schädelmerkmalen, Beiträge zur Naturkunde in Osthessen 48 Supplement 1, Petersberg

Jenrich, Joachim / Löhr, Paul-Walter / Müller, Franz (2010): Bildbestimmungsschlüssel für Kleinsäugerschädel aus Gewöllen, Beiträge zur Naturkunde in Osthessen 47 Supplement 2, Fulda

Jensen, Gitte (2001): Macro Wear Patterns on Danish Late Mesolithic Antler Axes. in: Choyke, Alice M. & Bartosiewicz, László (eds.): Crafting Bone: Skeletal Technologies through Time and Space – Proceedings of the 2nd meeting of the (ICAZ) Worked Bone Research Group Budapest, 31 August – 5 September 1999, British Archaeological Reports International Series 937, 165-170, Oxford

Jensen, Gitte (1991): Ubrugelige økser? Forsøg med Kongemose- og Ertebøllekulturens økser af hjortetak [Unusable Axes? An Experiment with Antler Axes of the Kongemose and Ertebølle Cultures]. – Eksperimentel Arkæologi 1, 9-21

Jensen, Jasper Tae (2024): Spanien: altsteinzeitliche Kunst. Mehr als 100 Felsbilder in der Cova Dones. – Archäologie in Deutschland 2/2024, 4-5

Jensen, Stig (1991): Ribe zur Wikingerzeit, Ribe

Jentgens, G. (2016): Schönes Bein. – Archäologie in Deutschland 5/2016, 52

Jeon, Ho-tae (2018): Falconry in ancient Korea. in: Gersmann, Karl-Heinz & Grimm, Oliver (eds.): Raptor and human – falconry and bird symbolism throughout the millennia on a global scale, volume 4, Advanced studies on the archaeology and history of hunting 1, 1891-1918, Neumünster

Jéquier, Camille / Romandini, Matteo / Peresani, Marco (2013): Osseous Retouchers from the Final Mousterian and Uluzzian Levels at the Fumane Cave (Verona, Italy). in: Choyke, Alice M. & O'Connor, Sonia (eds.): From These Bare Bones: Raw Materials and the Study of Worked Osseous Objects, 14-20, Oxford

Jerem, Erszébet / Mester, Zs. / Benczes, R. (2006): Archaeological and Cultural heritage Preservation within the Light of new Technologies, Selected Papers from the joint Archaeolingua-EPOCH workshop, 27 September – 2 October 2004, Százhalombatta, Hungary, Budapest

Jerem, Erszébet & Poroszlai, Ildikó (1999): Archaeology of the Bronze and Iron Age. Experimental Archaeology, Environmental Archaeology, Archaeological Parks. Proceedings of the International Archaeological Conference Százhalombatta, 3–7 October 1996, Budapest

Jernej, Renate & Gugl, Christian (2004): Virunum. Das römische Amphitheater. Die Grabungen 1998-2001, Archäologie Alpen Adria 4, Klagenfurt

Jerolmack, Colin (2007): Animal archeology: Domestic pigeons and the nature-culture dialectic. – Qualitative Sociology Review 3(1), 74-95

Jestrzemski, Dagmar (2000): Altonas Blütezeit und ihr jähes Ende. Die Reederei Hinrich Dultz 1756-1807, Hamburg

Jestrzemski, Dagmar (1987): Eine verzierte mesolithische Geweihaxt aus der Trave bei Lübeck-Travemünde. – Offa 44, 53-71

Jettmar, Philipp & Kunst, Günther Karl (2017): Die Tierknochenfunde aus der spätmittelalterlich-frühneuzeitlichen Feste Grafendorf in Stockerau, Niederösterreich. in: Salzer, Ronald Kurt (ed.): Burg Grafendorf. Archäologie und Geschichte einer spätmittelalterlichen Niederungsburg in Stockerau, Archäologische Forschungen in Niederösterreich 15, 452-500, St. Pölten

Jettmar, Philipp (2013): Animal Remains from the Late Medieval and Early Modern Age Castle of Grafendorf, Lower Austria. A preliminary Report. – Archeometriai Mühely 10(3), 193-200

Jewell, Peter A. (1993): "Natural history and experiment in archaeology" revisited. in: Clason, Anneke T. / Payne, Sebastian / Uerpmann, Hans-Peter (eds.): Skeletons in her Cupboard - Festschrift for Juliet Clutton-Brock, Oxbow Monograph 34, 109-116, Oxford

Jewell, Peter A. (1969): Wild mammals and their potential for new domestication. in: Ucko, Peter J. & Dimbleby, Geoffrey William (eds.): The domestication and exploitation of plants and animals, 101-109, London

Jilek, Sonja (2000): "Med ana schwoazzn Dintn ..." (H. C. Artmann) - Zum Gebrauch von Feder und Tinte im römischen Alltag. – Forum Archaeologiae 14(3)

Jiménez Cano, Nayeli G. & Masson, Marilyn A. (2016): Estimation of fish size from archaeological bones of hardhead catfishes (Ariopsis felis): Assessing pre-Hispanic fish acquisition of two Mayan sites. – Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 8, 116-120

Jiménez Cano, Nayeli G. & Sierrra Sosa, Thelma (2016): Fishing in the northern Maya lowlands AD 250–750: preliminary analysis of fish remains from Xcambo, Yucatan, Mexico. – Environmental Archaeology 21(2), 172-181

Jimenéz-Manchón, Sergio / Valenzuela-Lamas, Sílvia / Cáceres, Isabel / Orengo, Hector / Gardeisen, Armelle / López, Daniel / Rivals, Florent (2019): Reconstruction of Caprine Management and Landscape Use Through Dental Microwear Analysis: The Case of the Iron Age Site of El Turó de la Font de la Canya (Barcelona, Spain). – Environmental Archaeology 24(3), 306-316

Jimenez, Israel Jesus / Sanz, Montserrat / Daura, Joan / De Gaspar, Ignacio (2019): Ontogenetic dental patterns in Pleistocene hyenas (Crocuta crocuta Erxleben, 1777) and their palaeobiological implications. – International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 29(5), 808-821

Jin, Jennie J. H. & Shipman, Pat (2010): Documenting natural wear on antlers: A first step in identifying use-wear on purported antler tools. – Quaternary International 211, 91-102

Joannes, Francis (2006): Les porcs dans la documentation néo-babylonienne. in: Lion, Brigitte & Michel, Cécile (eds.): De la domestication au tabou – Le cas des suidés au Proche-Orient ancien, 131-134, Paris

Jobst, Werner / Erdal, Behcet / Gurtner, Christian (1997): Istanbul - The great Palace Mosaic, Wien

Jochim, Michael & Kind, Claus-Joachim (2008): Eine spätpaläolithische Harpune aus Bad Buchau-Kappel am Federsee, Kreis Biberach. – Archäologische Ausgrabungen in Baden-Württemberg 2007, 32-35

Jochim, Michael & Kind, Claus-Joachim (2008): Mudden, Steine und eine Harpune. – Archäologie in Deutschland 1/2008, 40

Joensen, Jóan Pauli (2009): Fishing in the 'Traditional' Society of the Faroe Islands. in: Starkey, David J. / Thór, Jon Th. / Heidbrink, Ingo (eds.): A History of the North Atlantic Fisheries. Volume 1: From Early Times to the Mid-Nineteenth Century, Deutsche Maritime Studien 6, 312-322, Bremen

Joensen, Jóan Pauli (1996): The Fisheries of the Faroe Islands. An Overview. in: Holm, Poul / Starkey, David J. / Thór, Jon Th. (eds.): The North Atlantic Fisheries, 1100–1976. National Perspectives on a Common Resource, Studia Atlantica 1, 24-47, Esbjerg

Joest, Wilhelm (1893): Zoologisch-ethnographische Curiosität aus Surinam. – Verhandlungen der Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte 1893, 157-158

Joger, Ulrich (2010): Lebensweise und Ökologie moderner Elefanten: Sind Rückschlüsse auf den Waldelefenten und seine Umwelt möglich?. in: Meller, Harald (ed.): Elefantenreich – Eine Fossilwelt in Europa, 315-321, Halle

Joger, Ulrich (2007): Natürliche Tiermumien aus dem Staatlichen Naturhistorischen Museum Braunschweig. in: Wieczorek, Alfried / Tellenbach, Michael / Rosendahl, Wilfried (eds.): Mumien – Der Traum vom ewigen Leben, Publikationen der Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen 24, 287-288, Mainz

Joger, Ulrich (2005): Die "Mammutsteppe" – ein untergegangenes Ökosystem. in: Joger, Ulrich & Kamcke, Claudia (eds.): Mammut. Elefanten der Eiszeit, 56-66, Braunschweig

Joger, Ulrich (2005): Die Evolution der Mammuts. in: Joger, Ulrich & Kamcke, Claudia (eds.): Mammut. Elefanten der Eiszeit, 25-29, Braunschweig

Joger, Ulrich & Pohl, Gerhard (2005): Eine kurze Geschichte der Mammutfunde. in: Joger, Ulrich & Kamcke, Claudia (eds.): Mammut. Elefanten der Eiszeit, 9-24, Braunschweig

Joger, Ulrich (2005): Mammut-Gene, Mammut-Klone. in: Joger, Ulrich & Kamcke, Claudia (eds.): Mammut. Elefanten der Eiszeit, 30-32, Braunschweig

Joger, Ulrich & Kamcke, Claudia (2005): Mammut. Elefanten der Eiszeit, Braunschweig

Joger, Ulrich (2005): Mammutsuche auf der Wrangel-Insel. in: Joger, Ulrich & Kamcke, Claudia (eds.): Mammut. Elefanten der Eiszeit, 67-68, Braunschweig

Johannsen, Niels Nørkjaer (2006): Draught cattle and the South Scandinavian economies of the 4th millennium BC. – Environmental Archaeology 11(1), 35-48

Johannsen, Niels Nørkjaer (2005): Palaeopathology and Neolithic cattle traction: methodological issues and archaeological perspectives. in: Davies, Jessica J. / Fabis, Marian / Mainland, Ingrid / Richards, Michael P. / Thomas, Richard M. (eds.): Diet and Health in Past Animal Populations. Current Research and Future Directions, Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Council for Archaeozoology, Durham, August 2002, 39-51, Oxford

Johansson, Friederike & Hüster, Heidemarie (1987): Untersuchungen an Skelettresten von Katzen aus Haithabu (Ausgrabung 1966–1969), Berichte über die Ausgrabungen in Haithabu 24, Neumünster

Johansson, Friederike (1987): Zoologische und kulturgeschichtliche Untersuchungen an den Tierresten aus der römischen Palastvilla in Bad Kreuznach, Schriften aus der Archäologisch-Zoologischen Arbeitsgruppe Schleswig-Kiel 11, Kiel

Johansson, Friederike (1982): Untersuchungen an Skelettresten von Rindern aus Haithabu (Ausgrabung 1966-1969), Berichte über die Ausgrabungen in Haithabu 17, Neumünster

Johansson, Friederike & Johansson, Lars (1982): Zur archäologischen Auswertung der Tierknochenfunde vom neolithischen Wohnplatz Bistoft LA 11 (Kreis Schleswig-Flensburg). – Schriften aus der Archäologisch-Zoologischen Arbeitsgruppe Schleswig-Kiel 6, 33-61

Johansson, Friederike & Reichstein, Hans (1979): Einige Angaben zu Tierknochenfunden aus der Altstadt von Kiel. – Offa 36, 152-162

Johnen, N. (2008): Bauern und Jäger in der City. – Archäologie in Deutschland 1/2008, 55

Johnson, Clifford Ray (1973): Behaviour of the Australian crocodiles, Crocodylus johnstoni and C. porosus. – Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 52, 315-336

Johnson, Eileen / Arroyo-Cabrales, Joaquin / Morett, Luis (2012): Mammoth Bone Technology at Tocuila in the Basin of Mexico. in: Seetah, Krish & Gravina, Brad (eds.): Bones for tools - tools for bones: The interplay between objects and objectives, 97-113, Oxford

Johnson, Emily V. (2016): A skeletal comparison of selected small mammals, Exeter

Johnson, Emily V. (2015): A skeletal comparison of Domestic Dog (canis familiaris), Red Fox (vulpes vulpes), Badger (meles meles) and Domestic Cat (felis catus), Exeter

Johnson, P. (1995): Underwater Archaeology. Proceedings from the Society for Historical Archaeology Conference 1995, Washington, D. C.

Johnstone, Cluny (2006): Those elusive mules: investigating osteometric methods for their identification. in: Mashkour, Marjan (ed.): Equids in Time and Space, Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Council for Archaeozoology, Durham, August 2002, 183-191, Oxford

Jolly, Clifford (1995): prehistoric humans, The Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia 7.0, Novato (California)

Jones O'Day, Sharon / van Neer, Wim / Ervynck, Anton (2003): Behaviour Behind Bones, Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Council for Archaeozoology, Durham, August 2002 1, Oxford

Jones O'Day, Sharon (2003): Past and present perspectives on secular ritual: food and the fisherwoman of the Lau Islands, Fiji. in: Jones O'Day, Sharon / van Neer, Wim / Ervynck, Anton (eds.): Behaviour Behind Bones, Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Council for Archaeozoology, Durham, August 2002 1, 153-161, Oxford

Jones, A. M. & Baxter, J. M. (1987): Molluscs: Caudofoveata, Solenogastres, Polyplacophora and Scaphopoda, Synopses of the British Fauna (New Series) 37

Jones, Andrew K. G. & O'Connor, Terry P. (2001): Vertebrate Resources. in: Brothwell, Don R. & Pollard, A. M. (eds.): Handbook of Archaeological Sciences, 415-425, New York

Jones, Andrew K. G. (1999): Walking the cod: an investigation into the relative robustness of cod, Gadus morhua, skeletal elements. – Internet Archaeology 7

Jones, Andrew K. G. (1992): Experiments with Fish Bones and Otoliths: Implications for the Reconstruction of Past Diet and Economy. in: Carver, Martin / Heal, V. / Sutcliffe, R. (eds.): Maritime Studies, Ports and Ships. Pre-printed Papers Volume 2, 94-97, York

Jones, Andrew K. G. (1991): Preliminary observations on fish remains from a late Norse settlement in Caithness. – Acta Archaeologica 61, 220-227

Jones, Andrew K. G. (1986): Fish Bone Survival in the digestive Systems of the Pig, Dog and Man: some Experiments. in: Brinkhuizen, Dick Constantijne & Clason, Anneke T. (eds.): Fish and Archaeology. Studies in osteometry, taphonomy, seasonality and fishing methods, British Archaeological Reports International Series 294, 53-59, Oxford

Jones, Andrew K. G. (1984): Some Effects of the Mammalian Digestive System on Fish Bones. in: Desse-Berset, Nathalie (ed.): 2nd Fish Osteoarchaeology Meeting. Table Ronde Sophia Antipolis - Valbonne 14 - 16 octobre 1983, Centre de Recherches Archéologiques Notes et Monographies Techniques 16, 61-65, Paris

Jones, Andrew K. G. (1978): A Note on the Fish bones. in: Bird, J. / Graham, A. H. / Sheldon, H. / Townsend, P. (eds.): Southwark excavations 1972–74 joint publication no. 1, 601, London

Jones, Andrew K. G. (1978): The Fish Remains. in: Bird, J. / Graham, A. H. / Sheldon, H. / Townsend, P. (eds.): Southwark excavations 1972–74 joint publication no. 1, 414-415, London

Jones, Brian D. & Mangartz, Fritz (1991): Neue Ergebnisse zur Entstehung des modernen Menschen. – Archäologische Informationen 14/2, 176-194

Jones, David M. (2002): Environmental Archaeology – A guide to the theory and practice of methods, from sampling and recovery to post-excavation, Centre for Archaeology Guidelines, Swindon

Jones, Evan T. (2004): Charting the World of English Fishermen in Early Modern Iceland. – Mariner's Mirror 90(4), 398-409

Jones, Evan T. (2000): England's Icelandic Fishery in the Early Modern Period. in: Starkey, David J. / Reid, Chris / Ashcroft, Neil (eds.): England's Sea Fisheries. The Commercial Sea Fisheries of England and Wales since 1300, 105-110, London

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