Reports Nolde & Pleuger

Tierknochenfunde der Grabung “Radio Bremen”

Nolde, Nadine (2013): Die Tierknochenfunde aus der Grabung “Radio Bremen”. Fundstelle Bremen 217-Altstadt, Bericht an die Landesarchäologie Bremen, Bremen

[The Animal Bone Finds from the Excavation “Radio Bremen”. Site Bremen 217-Altstadt]
report submitted to the Landesarchäologie Bremen

During the construction works for the new building of the broadcasting corporation Radio Bremen in the years 2004-2005 an archaeological excavation was conducted in the quarter Stephanitor, part of the medieval city center of Bremen. On the estate the cellars of late medieval to early modern buildings were found as well as latrines and wells. Apart from ceramics and metal finds a large amount of animal remains was recovered (NISP 4.427). The assemblage contains a large variety of species. Apart from the expected domestic mammals (cattle, sheep, goat, pig, horse, dog, cat) and birds (chicken, goose, duck) a substantial number of wild mammals, wild birds, marine and freshwater fish has been identified. This species spectrum is unusual for an urban quarter and points towards wealthy inhabitants with a socially high status.

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Results from this report are mentioned in:
Bischop, Dieter (2014): Die Ausgrabungen im Bremer Stephaniviertel beim Neubau von “Radio Bremen” 2004 bis 2005. in: Kimminus-Schneider, Claudia & Rieger, Dirk (eds.): Lübeck und der Hanseraum. Beiträge zu Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte. Festschrift für Manfred Gläser, 245-255, Lübeck