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Viel Butter bei wenig Fisch

Küchelmann, Hans Christian (2021): Viel Butter bei wenig Fisch. Zwei Fischknochenkomplexe des 12. bis 13. Jahrhunderts aus der Bremer Altstadt. in: Kahlow, Simone / Schachtmann, Judith / Hähn, Cathrin (eds.): Grenzen überwinden. Archäologie zwischen Disziplin und Disziplinen. Festschrift für Uta Halle zum 65. Geburtstag, Internationale Archäologie Studia Honoraria 40, 413-426, Rahden

[Much Butter with few Fish. Two 12th-13th Century Fish Bone Assemblages from the Old Town of Bremen]

Two small but diverse assemblages of fish remains found in the medieval town center of Bremen are presented and interpreted in their archaeozoological, historical and biological context. The fish bones allow detailed conclusions about the medieval fish trade in Bremen, even predating local historical evidence for long distance trade of cod and herring. They do inform also about former distributions of presently endangered fish species.

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