Welt der Steine
[World of Stones]
4.-5. March 2023
Kulturhaus Walle Brodelpott Bremen
The Association for the support of the Geosciences Collection of the University of Bremen (FGSUB) invites to a special exhibition in the Kulturhauses Walle Brodelpott: Interesting objects from the world of minerals and fossils will be presented. The Geosciences Collection of the University of Bremen shows assorted objects of their collection. The collection exists since more than 200 years now and is continually enlarged. The first objects were collected by Bremen merchants and seafarers und built the stock of the Überseemuseum Bremen. 1994 the collection moved to the Faculty of Geosciences at the University of Bremen. At present the collection consists of ca. 300.000 items. At one stand several million years old inclusions in amber can be discovered. The exhibitor “Knochenarbeit” shows objects of bone. Several private collectors will present interesting showpieces.
29. February – 1. March 2020
Kulturhaus Walle Brodelpott Bremen
Poster (pdf 4,4 MB)
Welt der Steine
[World of Stones]
4.-5. March 2023
Kulturhaus Walle Brodelpott Bremen
The Association for the support of the Geosciences Collection of the University of Bremen (FGSUB) invites to a special exhibition in the Kulturhauses Walle Brodelpott: Interesting objects from the world of minerals and fossils will be presented. The Geosciences Collection of the University of Bremen shows assorted objects of their collection. The collection exists since more than 200 years now and is continually enlarged. The first objects were collected by Bremen merchants and seafarers und built the stock of the Überseemuseum Bremen. 1994 the collection moved to the Faculty of Geosciences at the University of Bremen. At present the collection consists of ca. 300.000 items. At one stand several million years old inclusions in amber can be discovered. The exhibitor “Knochenarbeit” shows objects of bone. Several private collectors will present interesting showpieces.
29. February – 1. March 2020
Kulturhaus Walle Brodelpott Bremen
Poster (pdf 4,4 MB)