Laboratory sessions in the Archäologisch-Zoologische Arbeitsgruppe (AZA) Schleswig, Germany • 2000 – 2012
Presentation of Roman bone working at the Museum Augusta Raurica, Switzerland with lathe turner Astrid Dingeldey • 8/2009, 8/2011
Presentation of Roman bone working at the Archäologischer Park Xanten (APX) with lathe turner Astrid Dingeldey • 5-8/2008, 5-6/2010, 6/2011, 8-9/2012
Member of the Gesellschaft für Archäozoologie und Prähistorische Anthropologie (GAPA) since 4/2010; participation in the conferences in Schleswig 2008 and Berlin 2010
Contribution to set-up and maintainance of the website of the ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group (WBRG) since 2007
Revision of the archaeological archive of the Focke-Museum Bremen, Germany • 2-4/1998, 5-7/2002, 1-2/2003, 7/2006
Laboratory session in the Institute of Anatomy, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Austria • 12/2004
Member of the Association for Environmental Archaeology (AEA) since 2/2004
Participation in a mass dissection of seals at the Alterra Institute for Coastal Research, Texel, The Netherlands • 2/2003
Member of the International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ) since 4/2001; participation in the conferences in Durham 2002 and Paris 2010; member of the International Comittee (IC) and Executive Comittee (EC) since 8/2010
Member of the archaeological network „Archae – Arbeitskreis für angewandte Archäologie“ since 4/2000
Contribution to the Schichtenerfassungsprogramm (SEP) des Niedersächsischen Landesamtes für Bodenforschung [Stratigraphic Monitoring Programme of the Federal Government of Niedersachsen] • 11/1998