- 6. 10. 2012
“The zoological Profile of a Trade Post at the End of the World. Conclusions from the faunal Remains of Phoenician Mogador, Morocco”
Presentation at the ICAZ-Symposium “World Archaeozoology Today: International Approaches to Common Problems” in Istanbul, Turkey - 18. 9. 2012
“Napfschnecken, Turbane und Gemeine Seeohren. Der Abfallberg der phönizischen Purpurinsel”
[Limpets, Turbans and Ear Shells. The waste mound of the Phoenician Purple Island]
Presentation at the 9th conference of the Gesellschaft für Archäozoologie und Prähistorische Anthropologie (GAPA) in Vienna, Austria - 18. – 19. 8. 2012
Presentation of archaeozoology and bone working at the annual celebration of the Neanderthal Museum Mettmann - 19. 6. 2012
“Everything counts in large Amounts: Making a good Deal of Phoenician Shells from Mogador, Morocco”
Presentation at the 7th Meeting of the ICAZ Archaeomalacology Working Group (AMWG) in Cairns, Australien - 23. 2. 2012
“Biotopkartierung mit Zeitmaschine? Eine Einführung in die Methoden der Archäozoologie”
[Biotope Survey with a Time Machine? An Introduction into the Methods of Archaeozoology]
Presentation at the BUND Wesermarsch in the Umweltstation Iffens - 12. 1. 2012
“Des Pudels Kern etwas näher kommen”
[Getting closer to the Core of the Matter]
Presentation in the Historisches Seminar of the University of Hannover - 23. 9. 2011
Presentation of bone working at the Dinklager Kult(o)ur - 6. 9. 2011
“Walknochen als landschaftliche und architektonische Elemente in und um Bremen”
[Whale Bones as Landscape and architectural Elements in and around Bremen]
Presentation within the festival of the 800th anniversary year of Arsten - 9. 8. 2011
“Mit Knochen gepflastert – Zum Treiben auf dem Bremer Marktplatz um 1300”
[Paved with Bones – To the Things going on at the Market Place of Bremen around 1300]
Presentation at the Focke-Museum Bremen - 8. 7. 2011
“Weitreichende Beziehungen – einflussreiche Kreise. Einige Aspekte archäozoologischer Forschung am Beispiel zweier besonderer Funde aus der mittelalterlichen Burg Vechta”
[Far reaching Relations – influential Circles. Some Aspects of archaeozoological Research by the Example of two extraordinary Finds from the early medieval Castle of Vechta]
Presentation at the Institut für Mittelalter- und Frühneuzeitforschung of the University of Bremen - 12.2.2011
“Neue Ergebnisse archäozoologischer Untersuchungen an Knochenfunden aus der kaiserzeitlichen Siedlung Bentumersiel”
[New Results of archaeozoological Research on Bone Finds from the Roman Time Settlement of Bentumersiel]
Presentation at the Marschenratskolloqium 2011 in Aurich - 27.8.2010
“Noble meals instead of abstinence? A faunal assemblage from the Dominican abbey of Norden, Northern Germany”
Presentation at the 11th International Conference of the International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ) Paris, France - 10.9.2009
“Whale Bones as architectural Elements in and around Bremen, Germany”
Presentation at the 7th Meeting of the ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group (WBRG) in Wroclaw, Poland - 12. 2. 2009
“Auf den Spuren der phönizischen Purpurhändler”
[Tracing the Phoenician purple traders]
Presentation at the Geosciences Working Group of the University of Bremen
6. 12. 2008
“Der Wal vom Teerhof”
[The whale from the Teerhof]
Presentation at the Haus der Wissenschaft Bremen - 4. – 26. 10. 2008
“Vom Knochen zur Kunst – Skelette als Werkstoff”
[From Bone to Art – Skeletons as Raw Material]
Exhibition at the Museum im Zeughaus Vechta - 2. – 3. 8. 2008
“Vom Knochen zum Kunstwerk – Skelette als Werkstoff”
[From Bone to Artwork – Skeletons as Raw Material]
Presentation at the Zoo am Meer Bremerhaven - 12. 6. 2008
“Spuren an Knochenfunden” [Traces on Bones]
Presentation at the Geosciences Working Group of the University of Bremen - 27. 6. – 25. 10. 2007
Participation in the exhibition “Der Neandertaler und Joachim Neander” [The Neandertals and Joachim Neander] in the Haus der Wissenschaft Bremen, Germany - 20. 9. 2007
“Einführung in die Archäozoologie” [Introduction into Archaeozoology]
Presentation during the Aramus excavation at the Yerevan State University Guest House, Armenia - 15. 9. 2007
“Knochen erzählen – Was man an Knochenfunden erkennen kann”
[talking bones – things is visible on bone finds]
presentation at the “Wissensmeile 2007” in the Haus der Wissenschaft Bremen - 30.8.2007
“Highland tunes in the flatlands? A bone flute from the medieval castle of Vechta”
Presentation at the 6th Meeting of the ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group (WBRG) in Paris, France - 21. – 22. 7. 2007
“Vom Knochen zum Kunstwerk – Skelette als Werkstoff”
[From Bone to Artwork – Skeletons as Raw Material]
Presentation at the Zoo am Meer Bremerhaven - 7. 7. 2007
“Flötentöne und lahme Hunde – zwei außergewöhnliche Funde aus der mittelalterlichen Burg Vechta”
[Flute Tunes and lame Dogs – two exceptional Finds from the medieval Castle Vechta]
Presentation at the Archaeozoological Research Colloquium for Prof. Dr. Dirk Heinrich, Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel - 6. 7. 2007 & 25. 5. 2007
Workshops for children for the BUND Bremen - 6. 12. 2006
“To be or not to be or about being a free lance archaeozoologist”
Presentation at the Lorand Eötvös University Budapest, Hungary - 29. – 30. 7. 2006
“Vom Knochen zum Kunstwerk – Skelette als Werkstoff”
[From Bone to Artwork – Skeletons as Raw Material]
Presentation at the Zoo am Meer Bremerhaven - summer term 2006
“Einführung in die Archäozoologie”
[Introduction into Archaeozoology]
Seminar at the University of Innsbruck, Austria - 23. 6. 2006
“Werkzeugspuren an Knochen – Untersuchungen im Grenzbereich von Archäologie und Gerichtsmedizin”
[Tool-Marks on Bones – Investigations on the border between Archaeology and Forensic Science]
Presentation at the University of Innsbruck, Austria - 20. 5. 2006
“Wird Elfenbein aus Elfen gemacht?”
[Is Ivory made from Elves?]
Presentation within the “Childrens University” at the Hochschule Bremerhaven, Germany - 9. 5. 2006
“Werkzeugspuren an Knochen”
[Tool Marks on Bones]
Presentation at the Smposium “Werkzeug- und sonstige Formspuren” {Tool Marks and other Traces] of the Landeskriminalamt Bremen, Germany - 29. 3. 2006
“Oberflächenveränderungen an Knochen durch taphonomische Prozesse”
[Surface Modifications on Bones due to taphonomic Processes]
Presentation at the 45th International Meeting of the Verband Deutscher Präparatoren (VDP) in Aachen, Germany - 28. 2. 2006
“Mögliche Daten zur Todesursachenermittlung an aufgefundenem Knochenmaterial”
[Data for the Death Cause Investigation from found Bone Remains]
Seminar within a course about death cause investigation at the Hochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung Bremen, Germany - 23. 10. 2005
” Archäozoologie im Zoo am Meer – Was in den Knochen steckt…”
[Archaeozoologie in the Zoo]
Presentation within the program of the „City of Science 2005 Bremen Bremerhaven” at the Zoo am Meer Bremerhaven, Germany - 30. 9. 2005
“Die Tierknochenfunde der Grabung Aramus 2004”
[Animal Bone Finds of the Aramus Excavation 2004]
Presentation at the Yerevan State University Guest House, Armenia - 30. 8. 2005
“Why 7 – Rules and Exceptions in the Numbering of Dice”
Presentation at the 5th Meeting of the ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group (WBRG) in Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria - 4. – 7. 4. 2005
“Archae-Netzwerk und Archae e. V.”
Poster-Presentation at the 5. Deutscher Archäologenkongress in Frankfurt (Oder), Germany - 7. 11. 2004
“Echte Knochenarbeit – Forschung an Knochenfunden”
[Real Bone Work – Research on Bone Finds]
Presentation at the Stiftsmuseum Aschaffenburg, Germany - 28. 10. 2004
“Aussagefähigkeit von aufgefundenem Knochenmaterial”
[Capable Conclusions from found Skeletal Remains]
Presentation at a Conference of the Kriminalistische Studiengemeinschaft Bremen, Germany - 5. 6. 2004
“Mit dem Bruchzeugs kann man doch sowieso nix mehr anfangen – Eine kleine Einführung in die Archäozoologie”
[These Fragments are useless – A short Introduction into Archaeozoology]
Presentation at a seminar of the Institut für Alte Geschichte und Altorientalistik of the University of Innsbruck in Kühtai, Austria - 6. 3. and 27. 3. 2004
“Herstellung von mittelalterlichen Knochenkämmen und Geräten aus Geweih”
[Manufacture of Medieval Bone Combs and Implements from Antler]
Presentation at the Focke-Museum Bremen, Germany - 16. 2. 2004
“Let’s skate together! Skating on bones in the past and today”
Presentation at the Archaeological Department, Helsinki University, Finland - 30. 8. 2003
“Let’s skate together: Skating on bones in the past and today”
Presentation at the 4th International Meeting of the ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group (WBRG) in the Institute of History Tallinn, Estonia - 9.–16. 8. 2003
“Knochenarbeit im Mittelalter”
[Bone Working in the Middle Ages]
Workshops in medieval bone handicraft within a holiday program for children in Bremen, Germany - 14.–16. 6. 2002
Exhibition and presentation of medieval bone handicraft at the Archae-Market in Dörverden-Westen, Germany - 8. 9. 2001
“Report about three excavations in Germany: Kemnitz (Brandenburg), Daverden and Cloppenburg (Niedersachsen)”
Presentation at the 3rd International Meeting of the ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group (WBRG) in Basel, Switzerland - 7. 3. – 14. 5. 2000
Presentation of archaeozoological results in the exhibition “Siedler, Söldner und Piraten – Chauken und Sachsen im Bremer Raum”
[Settler, Soldiers and Pirates – Chauci and Saxons in the Region of Bremen]
in the Focke-Museum Bremen, Germany - 3. 2. 1999
“Die Tierknochenfunde der Grabung Kirschnersheck, Mörfelden”
[Animal Bone Finds of the Excavation Kirschnersheck, Mörfelden]
Paper presented at the Museum Mörfelden, Germany - 1995 – 1996
Exhibition of research results on bowfins (Amia calva, Cyclurus kehreri) in the Faculty of Geosciences of the University of Bremen, Germany