Publications & Manuscripts

Schafe, Löwen und Napfschnecken – Tierreste aus dem phönizischen Mogador

Becker, Cornelia & Küchelmann, Hans Christian (2010): Schafe, Löwen und Napfschnecken – Ein erster Blick auf die Tierreste aus dem phönizischen Mogador. in: Marzoli, Dirce / El Khayari, Abdelaziz: Vorbericht Mogador (Marokko) 2008. – Madrider Mitteilungen 51, 81-94

[Sheeps, Lions and Limpets – A first View on the Animal Remains from the Phoenician Mogador]

During the 2007 excavation campaign at the Phenician site (7th-5th century BC) on the Île de Mogador, southern Morocco, a large amount of faunal remains was recovered, consisting of mammals, birds, fish and molluscs as well as single reptiles, crustaceans and sea urchins. The article gives a preliminary overview about the faunal material.

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