[Home Port – 10 Years Überseestadt]
10. August – 16. November 2010
Hafenmuseum Speicher XI Bremen
The exhibition casts an artistic view on the urban development project “Überseestadt” in Bremen. 24 photoprahers and authors looked from different angles at life, work and city development in the Überseestadt.
For this project, Christian Beneker made a written and photographic portrait of me and my lab in the Schuppen 3 (shed 3), one of the large former harbour buildings. His portrait became part of the exhibition and is printed as a chapter in the exhibition catalogue.
Beneker, Christian (2010): Knochenarbeit. in: Zimmermann, Imke & Müller, Christina (Hrsg.): Heimathafen, 176-179, Bremen
Link zum Ausstellungskatatlog.
[Home Port – 10 Years Überseestadt]
10. August – 16. November 2010
Hafenmuseum Speicher XI Bremen
The exhibition casts an artistic view on the urban development project “Überseestadt” in Bremen. 24 photoprahers and authors looked from different angles at life, work and city development in the Überseestadt.
For this project, Christian Beneker made a written and photographic portrait of me and my lab in the Schuppen 3 (shed 3), one of the large former harbour buildings. His portrait became part of the exhibition and is printed as a chapter in the exhibition catalogue.
Beneker, Christian (2010): Knochenarbeit. in: Zimmermann, Imke & Müller, Christina (Hrsg.): Heimathafen, 176-179, Bremen
Link zum Ausstellungskatatlog.