Reports Nolde & Pleuger

Neuzeitliche Rinderskelette aus Bremerhaven-Geestemünde

Nolde, Nadine (2014): Neuzeitliche Rinderskelette aus Bremerhaven-Geestemünde (Grabung Krippe Ellhornstraße), Bericht an die Landesarchäologie Bremen, Bremen

[Early Modern Cattle Skeletons from Bremerhaven-Geestemünde (Excavation Day Nursery Ellhornstraße)]
report submitted to the Landesarchäologie Bremen

During excavations in summer 2013 in Bremerhaven-Geestemünde 675 early modern animal bones (16th-18th century AD) were recovered and analyzed. Apart from single bones of sheep / goat, pig, horse, dog and roe deer, one pit contained two articulated cattle skeletons, one of which was a 10-12 years old cow the other a three months old calve. The report contains the archaeozoological and taphonomical results of the feature.

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