Publications & Manuscripts

Verwesungsspuren an fossilen Schlammfischen aus der Grube Messel

Küchelmann, Hans Christian & Schneiderat, Ute (1995): Verwesungsspuren an fossilen Schlammfischen aus der Grube Messel – Postmortale Verdriftung des Schlammfisches Cyclurus kehreri, unveröffentlichte Prüfungsarbeit Universität Oldenburg

[Traces of Putrefaction on fossil Bowfins from the Messel Pit – Post Mortem Damage on the Bowfin Cyclurus kehreri], zoology exam, Universität Oldenburg

Three fossil specimens of the bowfin species Cyclurus kehreri ANDREAE 1893 found in the Messel pit near Darmstadt have been analysed. Based on the distribution of the skeletal elements and traces of putrefaction and transport visible on the individuals and the present day geological situation of the site inferences are drawn on post mortem processes and on the environmental and sedimental conditions in the Eocene (49 million years ago).

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