Küchelmann, Hans Christian (1997): Bißspuren von Säugetieren an rezenten und subfossilen Knochen – ein Beitrag zur Taphonomie, Diplomarbeit Universität Oldenburg
[Mammal Gnawing Marks on recent and subfossil Bones – A Contribution to Taphonomy]
diploma thesis, Universität Oldenburg
A taphonomical analysis has been undertaken on bones from the early Bronze age settlement at Hirbet ez-Zeraqõn, North Jordan. Out of a large assemblage of more than 13.700 bones a set of 55 bones was chosen, which exhibited traces possibly resulting out of activities of animals or humans. The paper gives an overview of different types of traces on bone finds, like weathering, abrasion, soil corrosion, plant root etching, animal traces, tool marks, burning and trampling as well as observed fracture patterns. Their diagnostic features and possibilities of misinterpretation are presented. A focus is set on markings due to animal impact such as bite marks or digestive traces.
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Summary published in
• Küchelmann, Hans Christian (2009): Taphonomische Spuren an Knochenfunden – ein Überblick am Beispiel von Funden aus der bronzezeitlichen Stadt Hirbet ez-Zeraqon (Jordanien). in: de Beauclair, Roland / Münzel, Susanne C. / Napierala, Hannes (eds.): Knochen pflastern ihren Weg. Festschrift für Margarethe und Hans-Peter Uerpmann, BioArchaeologica 5, 143-159, Rahden
Küchelmann, Hans Christian (1997): Bißspuren von Säugetieren an rezenten und subfossilen Knochen – ein Beitrag zur Taphonomie, Diplomarbeit Universität Oldenburg
[Mammal Gnawing Marks on recent and subfossil Bones – A Contribution to Taphonomy]
diploma thesis, Universität Oldenburg
A taphonomical analysis has been undertaken on bones from the early Bronze age settlement at Hirbet ez-Zeraqõn, North Jordan. Out of a large assemblage of more than 13.700 bones a set of 55 bones was chosen, which exhibited traces possibly resulting out of activities of animals or humans. The paper gives an overview of different types of traces on bone finds, like weathering, abrasion, soil corrosion, plant root etching, animal traces, tool marks, burning and trampling as well as observed fracture patterns. Their diagnostic features and possibilities of misinterpretation are presented. A focus is set on markings due to animal impact such as bite marks or digestive traces.
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Summary published in
• Küchelmann, Hans Christian (2009): Taphonomische Spuren an Knochenfunden – ein Überblick am Beispiel von Funden aus der bronzezeitlichen Stadt Hirbet ez-Zeraqon (Jordanien). in: de Beauclair, Roland / Münzel, Susanne C. / Napierala, Hannes (eds.): Knochen pflastern ihren Weg. Festschrift für Margarethe und Hans-Peter Uerpmann, BioArchaeologica 5, 143-159, Rahden