Küchelmann, Hans Christian (2009): Taphonomische Spuren an Knochenfunden – ein Überblick am Beispiel von Funden aus der bronzezeitlichen Stadt Hirbet ez-Zeraqon (Jordanien). in: de Beauclair, Roland / Münzel, Susanne C. / Napierala, Hannes (eds.): Knochen pflastern ihren Weg. Festschrift für Margarethe und Hans-Peter Uerpmann, BioArchaeologica 5, 143-159, Rahden
[Taphonomic Traces on Bone Finds – an Overview using the Example of Finds from the Bronze Age Town of Hirbet ez-Zeraqõn (Jordan)]
This paper shall give an overview of different types of traces on bone finds, their diagnostic features and possibilities of misinterpretation. A focus is set on markings due to animal impact such as bite, claw or digestive traces.
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Küchelmann, Hans Christian (2009): Taphonomische Spuren an Knochenfunden – ein Überblick am Beispiel von Funden aus der bronzezeitlichen Stadt Hirbet ez-Zeraqon (Jordanien). in: de Beauclair, Roland / Münzel, Susanne C. / Napierala, Hannes (eds.): Knochen pflastern ihren Weg. Festschrift für Margarethe und Hans-Peter Uerpmann, BioArchaeologica 5, 143-159, Rahden
[Taphonomic Traces on Bone Finds – an Overview using the Example of Finds from the Bronze Age Town of Hirbet ez-Zeraqõn (Jordan)]
This paper shall give an overview of different types of traces on bone finds, their diagnostic features and possibilities of misinterpretation. A focus is set on markings due to animal impact such as bite, claw or digestive traces.
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