Reports Nolde & Pleuger

Tierknochen aus Verden-Scharnhorst

Nolde, Nadine (2016): Ergebnisse der Tierknochenanalyse aus Verden-Scharnhorst (Fundstelle 90), Bericht an die Kreisarchäologie Verden, Bremen

[Results of the Analysis of the Animal Bones from Verden-Scharnhorst (site 90)],
report submitted to the Archaeology Department of the County Verden

The settlement Scharnhorst consists of several phases. The oldest settlement phase was in the late Bronze to Early Iron Age (7th-5th century BC). The younger settlement is medieval with at least two different phases, an early medieval (ca. 700-1000 AD) and a high to late medieval phase (14th-15th century AD). From early medieval contexts more than 3000 faunal remains were recovered, the results of the analysis of which are presented in this report. Apart from domestic animals, the assemblage consists of a large amount of bivalve shell fragments, mainly from freshwater mussels.

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