
This is a website about archaeozoology, taphonomy and worked bone. You will find a diary, links and literature concerned with these subjects. The bone workshop features worked bone objects and the artisans who produce them. The dead man’s chest contains a couple of curiosities.

My own scientific work is presented at manuscripts & publications. I am concerned with the identification of vertebrate bones and the analysis of taphonomic agents. You can find some more personal data in qualifications.

The shop provides profiles of contemporary bone workers and their work, which can be purchased online.

I am grateful for job offers, comments and contributions. Drop me a line.
If you are interested in supporting this website take a look here.

And a final note: although most facts presented here are “dry as a bone” I am no friend of science locked in the ivory tower. Archaeological research results and related subjects need to be communicated publically in an understandable and interesting manner. In this spirit…

Look for the bear necessities of life!