Der Zahn der Gezeiten – Maritime Schätze unter der Lupe
[The Tooth of the Tides – Maritime Treasures under the Magnifying Lens]
19. August – 15. December 2018
German Maritime Museum Bremerhaven
In this exhibition selected large exhibits in need of restoration were highlighted, which allow an impression behind the scenery the museum business. It was shown how cultural heritage is saved and researched for future generations. The exhibition addressed questions to the exhibits from various perspectives: from the aspect of historians, preparators, restaurateurs and material scientists.
My small contribution was an exhibit showing changes in bones due to embedding in soil.
Flyer (pdf 0,5 MB)
Poster (pdf 3,0 MB)
Photos: Niels Hollmeier, German Maritime Museum.
Der Zahn der Gezeiten – Maritime Schätze unter der Lupe
[The Tooth of the Tides – Maritime Treasures under the Magnifying Lens]
19. August – 15. December 2018
German Maritime Museum Bremerhaven
In this exhibition selected large exhibits in need of restoration were highlighted, which allow an impression behind the scenery the museum business. It was shown how cultural heritage is saved and researched for future generations. The exhibition addressed questions to the exhibits from various perspectives: from the aspect of historians, preparators, restaurateurs and material scientists.
My small contribution was an exhibit showing changes in bones due to embedding in soil.
Flyer (pdf 0,5 MB)
Poster (pdf 3,0 MB)
Photos: Niels Hollmeier, German Maritime Museum.