Publications & Manuscripts

Tierknochenfunde Börnicke

Küchelmann, Hans Christian & Wenthe, Till (2004): Die Tierknochenfunde der archäologischen Ausgrabung Börnicke, Kreis Havelland 1999, Bericht an das Archäologiebüro Nordholz, Bremen

[The Animal Bone Finds of the Archaeological Excavation Börnicke, County Havelland 1999]
Report submitted to the Archäologiebüro Nordholz

During archaeological construction supervision in Börnicke, County Havelland, Brandenburg, early medieval slavic settlement features were recorded. From several pits a small assemblage of animal bones was recovered, the majority of which probably belonged to a single sheep. The animal exhibited some uncommon pathologies at the vertebral column and one foot.

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