Publications & Manuscripts

Fischreste aus der mittelalterlichen Bremer Altstadt

Galik, Alfred & Küchelmann, Hans Christian (2008): Fischreste aus der mittelalterlichen Bremer Altstadt. – Bremer Archäologische Blätter Neue Folge 7, 215-231

[Fish Remains from the medieval City Center of Bremen]

In the excavations undertaken in the city of Bremen since the foundation of the Archaeology Department of the federal state of Bremen in 1980 vertebrate animal remains are a regular find category. Fish bones occur regularly within these assemblages, but usually figure a minor role in respect of find numbers and weight, although occasionally, they do appear in larger aggregations. In this report fish bones from ten sites in the Bremen city center, excavated between 1991 and 2006, will be examined closer. We have confined ourselves to medieval contexts from the 6th to the 15ch century AD.

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