Publications & Manuscripts

Tierfunde Oldenburg-Markthalle

Küchelmann, Hans Christian (2001): Die Tierfunde aus der archäologischen Ausgrabung Oldenburg-Markthalle 1989/90. Datenerhebung, Bericht an die Bezirksarchäologie Oldenburg, Bremen

[Animal Finds from the archaeological Excavation Oldenburg-Markthalle 1989/90. Primary Data Recording]
Report submitted to the Bezirksarchäologie Oldenburg

During a rescue excavation in the area of the medieval and early modern (15th to 18 century) city center of Oldenburg, Lower Saxony, Germany, a middle-sized assemblage of faunal remains (n = 1534) was recovered and analysed. This report contains the results of the data recording. The assemblage is noteworthy because of a large amount of cat and domestic fowl bones, several species of game animals and a large amount of oyster shells.

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