Küchelmann, Hans Christian (2022): Von Meisen und Mäusen, Kämmen und Zugtieren. Tierknochen aus einem mittelalterlichen Handwerkerviertel in Jever. – Bremer Archäologische Blätter Neue Folge 8, 208-223
[Of Tits and Mice, Combs and Traction Animals. Animal Bones from a medieval Artisans Quarter in Jever]
The report comprises the analysis of an animal bone assemblage from the medieval town center of Jever (9th-16th century AD). Evident are exclusively the usual medieval domestic species (cattle, pig, sheep, horse, dog, cat, domestic fowl). The only exception is the working waste of a bone worker, who also used red deer antler. Complete bone artifacts found are needles, a comb and a gaming piece. The pattern of this assemblage from an artisan quarter deviates significantly from an animal bones found in the castle, the only other assemblage from Jever analysed archaeozoologically so far.
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Küchelmann, Hans Christian (2022): Von Meisen und Mäusen, Kämmen und Zugtieren. Tierknochen aus einem mittelalterlichen Handwerkerviertel in Jever. – Bremer Archäologische Blätter Neue Folge 8, 208-223
[Of Tits and Mice, Combs and Traction Animals. Animal Bones from a medieval Artisans Quarter in Jever]
The report comprises the analysis of an animal bone assemblage from the medieval town center of Jever (9th-16th century AD). Evident are exclusively the usual medieval domestic species (cattle, pig, sheep, horse, dog, cat, domestic fowl). The only exception is the working waste of a bone worker, who also used red deer antler. Complete bone artifacts found are needles, a comb and a gaming piece. The pattern of this assemblage from an artisan quarter deviates significantly from an animal bones found in the castle, the only other assemblage from Jever analysed archaeozoologically so far.
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