Raum für Vermutungen – Vom Finden und Erfinden – Von Archäologie und Literatur
[Space for Assumtions – About Finding and Inventing – About Archaeology and Literature]
15. October 2021 – 18. April 2022
Deutsches Schifffahrtsmuseum Bremerhaven
- 9. December 2021
“Literatur trifft Wissenschaft: De Kickkogel” [Literature meets Science: the kick ball]
Reading with Michael Augustin and Hans Christian Küchelmann
- 25. March 2022
“De Kickkogel oder der Walschultergelenkkopf” [Kick Ball or Whale Shoulder Articulation Head]
Guided tour with Anne Schweisfurth and Hans Christian Küchelmann
26. March – 26. September 2021
Schiffahrtsmuseum Unterweser Brake
14. June – 29. November 2020
Hafenmuseum Speicher XI Bremen
Eleven mysterious finds related to the river Weser and to seafaring inspired eleven authors to write stories which are related to the objects. Where does the object come from? How did the it get here? Who used it? A range of subjective and fictive texts have been created from an etymological study over poems up to a fairy tale.
But assumptions are also part of the of a scientific analysis of research about an unknown, object often forming the first step of a cognitive process. Short interviews with related scientists give insights in scientific processes. Among the objects are strange archaeozoological finds, bone artefacts and items from biological collections. The find locations are presented in panoramic views.
press release Hafenmuseum (pdf 500 kb)
press release Deutsches Schifffahrtsmuseum
exhibition flyer (pdf 1,5 MB)
poster (pdf 0,5 MB)
Exhibition catalogue:
• Schweisfurth, Anne & Weber, Rainer (2020): Raum für Vermutungen – Vom Finden und Erfinden – Von Literatur und Archäologie, Bremen
The catalogue contains two articles related to archaeozoology:
• Küchelmann, Hans Christian: Walschulterkugelgelenk, vermutlich eines Nordkaperwals, 10, 13
• Bischop, Dieter: Geweihhacke aus dem Wesersand, 34, 37
Raum für Vermutungen – Vom Finden und Erfinden – Von Archäologie und Literatur
[Space for Assumtions – About Finding and Inventing – About Archaeology and Literature]
15. October 2021 – 18. April 2022
Deutsches Schifffahrtsmuseum Bremerhaven
“Literatur trifft Wissenschaft: De Kickkogel” [Literature meets Science: the kick ball]
Reading with Michael Augustin and Hans Christian Küchelmann
“De Kickkogel oder der Walschultergelenkkopf” [Kick Ball or Whale Shoulder Articulation Head]
Guided tour with Anne Schweisfurth and Hans Christian Küchelmann
26. March – 26. September 2021
Schiffahrtsmuseum Unterweser Brake
14. June – 29. November 2020
Hafenmuseum Speicher XI Bremen
Eleven mysterious finds related to the river Weser and to seafaring inspired eleven authors to write stories which are related to the objects. Where does the object come from? How did the it get here? Who used it? A range of subjective and fictive texts have been created from an etymological study over poems up to a fairy tale.
But assumptions are also part of the of a scientific analysis of research about an unknown, object often forming the first step of a cognitive process. Short interviews with related scientists give insights in scientific processes. Among the objects are strange archaeozoological finds, bone artefacts and items from biological collections. The find locations are presented in panoramic views.
press release Hafenmuseum (pdf 500 kb)
press release Deutsches Schifffahrtsmuseum
exhibition flyer (pdf 1,5 MB)
poster (pdf 0,5 MB)
Exhibition catalogue:
• Schweisfurth, Anne & Weber, Rainer (2020): Raum für Vermutungen – Vom Finden und Erfinden – Von Literatur und Archäologie, Bremen
The catalogue contains two articles related to archaeozoology:
• Küchelmann, Hans Christian: Walschulterkugelgelenk, vermutlich eines Nordkaperwals, 10, 13
• Bischop, Dieter: Geweihhacke aus dem Wesersand, 34, 37