General Publications & Manuscripts

Kriegsgefangenenfriedhof an der Reitbrake

Küchelmann, Hans Christian (2022): Sprengbombenopfer auf dem ehemaligen Kriegsgefangenenfriedhof an der Reitbrake, Poster zum Tag des offenen Denkmals 11. 9. 2022, Bremen

[Explosive Bomb Victims at the former Prisoner of War Cemetary at the Reitbrake]

The poster presents archaeological, anthropological and historical data of a grave found at a former prisoners of war cemetery in Bremen, in which air raid victims are buried.

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The poster is also available on the website of the Bremen Archaeology Department and on the Transparency Portal of the city of Bremen.

On the 27th of June 2024 the poster was presented by Kristina Scheelen-Nováček at the workshop „Biological and Forensic Anthropology: It’s in our bones“, organised by the Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte (BGAEU) and the Gesellschaft für Anthropologie (GfA) in the Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte Berlin.