
Veranstaltungen und Termine mit Bezug zu Archäozoologie und Taphonomie. Terminhinweise erwünscht.

Heutige Veranstaltung(en):

Datum Veranstaltung
14/05/2024 - 28/08/2024 „Was da kreucht und fleucht. Tierdarstellungen in mittelalterlichen Handschriften“ • exhibition

Staats und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen (SuUB)
e-mail: oeffentlichkeitsarbeit@suub.uni-bremen.de
web: www.suub.uni-bremen.de

Zukünftige Veranstaltungen:

Datum Veranstaltung
14/05/2024 - 28/08/2024 „Was da kreucht und fleucht. Tierdarstellungen in mittelalterlichen Handschriften“ • exhibition

Staats und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen (SuUB)
e-mail: oeffentlichkeitsarbeit@suub.uni-bremen.de
web: www.suub.uni-bremen.de

12/08/2024 - 17/08/2024 22nd Meeting of the ICAZ Fish Remains Working Group • conference

Toronto, Ontario, Canada
mail: frwg.toronto@utoronto.ca
internet: uoft.me/frwg-2024alexandriaarchive.org/icaz/workfish

28/08/2024 - 31/08/2024 30th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) • conference

Roma, Italy
e-mail: helpdesk@e-a-a.org
internet: www.e-a-a.org/EAA2024/Home/EAA2024

Archaeozoology related sessions:
• Fish * Forms * Functions: The Importance and Societal Role of Aquatic Resources in Prehistoric Societies (session 18)
• Zoochanges: Animals as Proxies during Periods of Transition and Change (session 104)
• The Beasts Among Us: A Closer Look at Synanthropic Human-Animal Relations in the Past (session 151)
• Resilient Past, Sustainable Future: Agropastoral Societies, Food Systems, and Climate Adaptations through (Ethno)Archaeological Perspectives (session 159)
• Archaeology of Foodways: Towards a Cross-Cultural Comparative Perspective (session 184)
• (session 248)
• Animals in Bronze Age Europe: New Perspectives (session 369)
• What Do Animal Bones Have to Offer? Zooarchaeology and Taphonomy during the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic Transition in Southern Europe (session 398)
• Animals mediating the real and imaginary: In Search for New Understandings of Human-Animal Relationships (session 493)
• Food Storage and Security in Prehistoric Europe (session 497)
• Tracing Ovicaprine Lives: Bioarchaeological Perspectives on Sheep and Goat Husbandry (session 699)
• The Horse in Archaeology: An Interdisciplinary Approach for Uncovering Relations between Horse and Humans in the Past (session 835)
• Zooarchaeology in Transition(s): Subsistence Patterns, Cultural Changes and Continuity in European Prehistory through Old and New Tools (session 849)
• Insects for Archaeology, Archaeology for Insects: Environmental Storytellings for the Past, Present, and Future (session 861)
• From Fragments to Fusion: Reimagining mortuary Practices in Western Asia through the integration of Human and Faunal remains (session 869)
• Archaeology of Wilderness: Humans, Animals and Landscapes throughout the Holocene (session 902)
• Advanced Methodologies for Life History Reconstruction in Bioarchaeology (session 1000)
• How to Hunt? How to Herd? New Approaches to Old Questions on Human-Nonhuman/Animal Entanglements (session 1027)
• Appreciating the Archaeological Value of Preserved Faeces Using Multifaceted Methods (session 1061)
• Human environment interactions in the Eurasian steppes from prehistory to the early historical periods (session 1120)
• The Exploitation, Uses, and Representations of Marine Invertebrates (Molluscs, Crustaceans, Echinoderms) in the Roman Empire (session 1179)

02/09/2024 - 06/09/2024 97th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalian Biology (DGS) • conference

Paläontologisches Museum München, Germany
e-mail: dgs2024@palmuc.org
web: www.geobio-center.uni-muenchen.de/agenda/upcoming-events/97th-annual-meeting/index.html

04/09/2024 - 06/09/2024 „Current Perspectives on Zooarchaeology and its Interdisciplinarity“ • conference session

Session 37 at the 15th Jornadas de Jóvenes en Investigación Arqueológica (JIA 2024)
Madrid, Spain
e-mail: s37zooarchaeology@gmail.com
web: arqueologiaagraria.wordpress.com/2024/02/27/xv-jornadas-de-jovenes-en-investigacion-arqueologica-madrid-2024

09/09/2024 - 13/09/2024 5th Meeting of the ICAZ MicroVertebrate Working Group (MVWG) • conference

Warsaw, Poland
e-mail: mvwg2024warsaw@gmail.com
internet: mvwg2024.eu

16/09/2024 - 18/09/2024 „The History of the British Fauna: wild and domestic vertebrates“ • workshop

Short course
University of Sheffield, UK
e-mail: zooarch-shortcourse@sheffield.ac.uk
internet: www.sheffield.ac.uk/archaeology/short-courses/zooarchaeology#-wild-and-domestic-vertebrates

30/09/2024 - 04/10/2024 14th Meeting of the Gesellschaft für Archäozoologie und Prähistorische Anthropologie (GAPA) • conference

Universität Köln, Germany
e-mail: gapa-vorstand@gmx.de
internet: www.gapa-kn.de/tagungen.html

02/10/2024 - 06/10/2024 2nd Medieval Period Working Group (MWG) Meeting • conference

Sofia, Bulgaria
e-mail: Stella Nikolova
internet: mwgsofia2024.weebly.comalexandriaarchive.org/icaz/workmedieval

04/11/2024 - 08/11/2024 „Animals in Symbolic and Ritual Items across the Neolithic World“ • conference session

Session G20 at the World Neolithic Congress 2024
Şanlıurfa, Turkey
e-mail: Abu B. Siddiq
web: worldneolithiccongress.org/sessions.aspx

04/11/2024 - 08/11/2024 Animals in symbolic and ritual items across the Neolithic world • conference session

Session at the World Neolithic Congress (WNC)
Sanliurfa, Turkey
e-mail: Abu B. Siddiq
internet: worldneolithiccongress.org/sessions.aspx

18/11/2024 - 20/11/2024 5th Meeting of the ICAZ Neotropical Zooarchaeology Working Group (NZWG) • conference

Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Santiago de Chile
web: alexandriaarchive.org/icaz/workneotropical
1st circular

19/11/2024 - 21/11/2024 Integrating ZooMS and Zooarchaeology (IZAZ) • workshop

Collège de France, Paris, France
e-mail: izaz2024@sciencesconf.org
web: izaz2024.sciencesconf.org

20/11/2024 - 23/11/2024 „Archaeology of Religion in the Levant during the Second and First Millennia BCE: Human–Animal Relations“ • conference session

Session at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Overseas Research (ASOR)
Boston & Virtual
e-mail: Lidar Sapir-Hen & Ido Koch
web: www.asor.org/am/2024/approved-sessions-2024#archreligion

27/11/2024 - 01/12/2024 11th Meeting of the Association of Italian ArchaeoZoology (AIAZ) • conference

MUSE – Museum of Sciences, Trento, Italy
e-mail: aiaz2024@muse.it
web: www.aiaz.it/2024/02/21/xi-convegno-archeozoologia

12/12/2024 - 14/12/2024 „Past Environments for Emerging Worlds“ • 44th conference of the Association for Environmental Archaeology (AEA) •

University of Oxford, UK
e-mail: aea.conference@arch.ox.ac.uk
web: www.oxfordarchaeology.com/aea44/home

23/04/2025 - 27/04/2025 90th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology (SAA) • conference

Denver, Colorado, USA
e-mail: info@saa.org
web: www.saa.org/annual-meeting

Archaeozoology related sessions:
• Animal Matters: Ethics in Zooarchaeology from Discovery to Display

24/04/2025 - 27/04/2025 6th Nordic Zooarchaeology Meeting • conference

Moesgaard Museum, Aarhus, Denmark
e-mail: Kennth Ritchie & Jacob Kveiborg

15/05/2025 - 17/05/2025 „Food Economies in Iron Age Europe: Production and Consumption from the Mountains to the Coast“ • 49th Colloquium of the Association Française pour l’Étude de l’Âge du Fer (AFEAF) • conference

Universitat de Lleida, Spain
e-mail: Ariadna Nieto
web: fundacio.udl.cat/en/project/49e-colloque-international-de-lafeaf

02/06/2025 - 07/06/2025 „Farming and its Societal Impacts during the Bronze and Iron Ages in Southwest Asia“ • Conference session

Session at the 14th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (ICAANE)
Lyon, France
e-mail: Shyama Vermeersch
web: 14icaane.inviteo.fr/inscriptions/en/nbspnbsp/4


„Rentierjäger – Rentierzüchter“
Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landesmuseum, Schloß Gottorf, Schleswig, Germany
tel.: +49-462-813 35 35
e-mail: info@schloss-gottorf.de

„Wale in Schleswig-Holstein“
Zoologisches Museum, Universität Kiel, Germany
tel.: +49-431-880-5170
e-mail: zoolmuseum@email.uni-kiel.de
internet: www.uni-kiel.de/zoologisches-museum