Bone Skates Database

This database contains information gathered for the bone skate project by Hans Christian Küchelmann and Petar Zidarov for the 4th Meeting of the ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group (WBRG) at Tallinn, Estonia, August 2003.
The database will be updated as new evidence evolves. Anybody who likes to contribute information about bone skate finds not listed here is welcome. Please contact

The majority of the examples found show the following orientation of the skate in relation to the bone:
cranial / dorsal side of bone = gliding side of skate
caudal / palmar / plantar side of bone = standing side of skate
distal end of bone = front of skate
proximal end of bone = rear of skate
Known exceptions are noted in the remarks column.
1 distal end shaped to a pointed tip bone skate 1
2 distal end dorsal / cranial bevelled bone skate 2
3 proximal end dorsal / cranial bevelled bone skate 3
4 chopping of lateral and medial side distal bone skate 4
5 chopping of lateral and medial side proximal bone skate 5
6 chopping of caudal / plantar / palmar side distal bone skate 6
7 chopping of caudal / plantar / palmar side proximal bone skate 7
8 drilled transverse hole distal bone skate 8
9 drilled transverse hole proximal bone skate 9
10 drilled axial hole in the proximal articulation surface bone skate 10
11 two oblique holes distal bone skate 11
12 two oblique holes proximal bone skate 12
13 other holes (see remarks column)
14 iron loop in distal articulation surface
15 iron loop in proximal articulation surface bone skate 15
16 other fastening device (see remarks column)
17 roughening of the caudal / palmar / plantar side by blows with coarse tool bone skate 17
18 flattening of the cranial / dorsal side evident by visible grinding or chopping marks
19 upper half of the caudal / palmar / plantar side of the bone removed, medullar cavity exposed bone skate 19
The following modifications are not mentioned since they are part of the functional
definition of bone skates:
• Removing of protruding parts of the later gliding surface
• A plane, polished gliding surface with predominantly axial striations resulting from use
Cattle = Bos taurus
Donkey = Equus asinus
Horse = Equus caballus
Red deer = Cervus elaphus
Sheep = Ovis aries
Wolf = Canis lupus
BC = before Christ, AD = Anno Domini, cent. = century
References quoted in table (pdf-file, 240 kB)
Skate-ID LocationCountryDatingbs_chronosCultureNSpeciesSkeletal
Illustration 1
AlbertfalvaHungaryca. 2500 BC100Bell Beaker1HorseRadius9Choyke et al. 2003, 183, 185; Choyke & Bartosiewicz 2005, 318, fig. 2-3
AlbertfalvaHungaryca. 2500 BC100Bell Beaker3HorseRadiusChoyke et al. 2003, 183, 185; Choyke & Bartosiewicz 2005, 318
PremyslemiCzech Republic100Knoviz1horseSchranil 1928, 169
South West SlovakiaSlovakia100Madarovce???Tocik 1959
Ivanovice na Hané 3Czech Republic3001cattleradiusproximal fragmentParma et al. 2011, fig. 7.3A14437
MistrinCzech Republic3002cattleradiusParma et al. 2011, fig. 6.1-279101
Szazhalom- batta-FöldvarHungary1800 - 1500 BC300Vatya1CattleRadiusChoyke et al. 2003, 183, 185, 187; Choyke & Bartosiewicz 2005, 318-319
Szazhalom- batta-FöldvarHungary1800 - 1500 BC300Vatya1CattleRadius3Choyke et al. 2003, 183, 185, 187, fig. 15; Choyke & Bartosiewicz 2005, 318-319, fig. 5
Szazhalom- batta-FöldvarHungary1800 - 1500 BC300Vatya1CattleRadiusChoyke et al. 2003, 183, 185, 187, fig. 15; Choyke & Bartosiewicz 2005, 318-319
GyorHungary1200 - 1000 BC400Tumulus Culture2?MetapodiumChoyke, e-mail 15.5.2004; Choyke & Bartosiewicz 2005, 320
Ivanovice na Hané 7Czech Republic400Urnfield1cattleradius8, 12fragmentedParma et al. 2011, fig. 7.1-2A40793
Ivanovice na Hané 7Czech Republic400Urnfield1cattleradius8fragmentedParma et al. 2011, fig. 6.3A40793
Ivanovice na Hané 6Czech Republic400Urnfield1horsemetatarsus1, 2, 5, 7Parma et al. 2011, fig. 5.3A37732
Ivanovice na Hané 7Czech Republic400Urnfield2horsemetatarsus1, 2, 8, 12found as pair, one with two holes distalParma et al. 2011, fig. 5.1-2A42756, A 42757
Lébény-Kaszás- dombHungary4001??Choyke & Bartosiewicz 2005, 321
Lébény-Kaszás- domb, feature 145Hungary4001HorseMetacarpusChoyke & Bartosiewicz 2005, 320-321
Lébény-Kaszás- domb, feature 100Hungary4001HorseMetapodium13cross-shaped hole on palmar side, distal end palmar upsweptChoyke & Bartosiewicz 2005, 320exhibition Hanság Museum Mosonmag- yaróvár
NovakievkaUkrainia400Sabatynivka1HorseMetapodium11Gerskovic 1999, pl. 34.6
NovakievkaUkrainia400Sabatinovka1HorseMetapodiumGerskovic 1999, pl. 34.5
NovakievkaUkrainia400Sabatynivka1HorseMetapodium1, 2Gerskovic 1999, pl. 34.4
SabatynivkaUkrainia400SabatynivkaHorseMetatarsusPankovskiy, Abstracts WBRG Paris 2007
SabatynivkaUkrainia400SabatynivkaCattleRadiusPankovskiy, Abstracts WBRG Paris 2007
TörökbálintHungary4002HorseMetacarpus1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 133rd transversal holes through proximal half of the bone; vertical holes into 3rd transversal holesChoyke, e-mails 16.10. -1.11.2003; ; Choyke & Bartosiewicz 2005, 320; Choyke & Schibler 2007, 58-59, fig. 11
Zlatopol'Ukrainia400Sabatynivka1HorseMetapodium1, 2, 8unfinished?Gerskovic 1999, pl. 10.1
HöngedaGermany5502horseradiusSellmann 1911, 69-70, pl. IX.6-7201, 204
Lake SettlementsSwitzerland550???Tschumi 1949, 621
VerebélyHungary5502HorseMetapodiumdating doubtful!Herman 1902, 222, pl. V.4
Donja DolinaBosnia5th - 3rd cent. BC600Late Hallstatt1horse?8 or 9, 11 or 12Truhelka 1904, 154-155, Fig. 107; Curcic 1912, 535
Mühlhausen, ThüringenGermany1st cent. BC600Latène1horsemetacarpus1, 2Sellmann 1911, 68-70, pl. IX.5125
Prellenkirchen, Leitha-MarschAustria600Late Laténe1horsemetatarsus2, 4, 5Adam, in prep.; Kunst, e-mail 26.6.2003 + 9.7.2009
EzingeNetherlands100 - 300 AD7001cattleMetatarsus2worn down til medullary cavityPrummel et al. 2014, 213, 215, 227-229, 237, fig. 7, bijlage 4Noordelijk Archeologisch Depot Nuis1189
EzingeNetherlands100 - 300 AD7001cattleMetatarsus2semi-finished skatePrummel et al. 2014, 213, 215, 227-229, 237, fig. 7, bijlage 4Noordelijk Archeologisch Depot Nuis1368
Feddersen WierdeGermany1st cent. BC - 4th cent. AD700Germanic1horsemetacarpus2Reichstein 1991a, 307; 1991b, pl. 61.1
Feddersen WierdeGermany1st cent. BC - 4th cent. AD700Germanic1cattlemetatarsus2Reichstein 1991a, 307; 1991b, pl. 59.2
Feddersen WierdeGermany1st cent. BC - 4th cent. AD700Germanic1cattlemetatarsus2, 3Haarnagel 1979, 341, pl. 56.3; Reichstein 1991a 304, 307; 1991b, pl. 59.1
Gera-TinzGermany7001HorseMetacarpus2, 4, 7Barthel 1969, 217; Dusek 1999, 187Museum WeimarMW 742/65
Gerasdorf am SteinfeldAustria1st cent AD700Roman1cattleradiusKunst, pers. com. 9.3.2005, 9.7.2009
Gyoma 133Hungary700Sarmatian1HorseMetatarsus2Choyke 1996, 307-310, 317
Gyoma 133Hungary700Sarmatian2HorseMetacarpusChoyke 1996, 307-310, 316-317
Gyoma 133Hungary700Sarmatian3HorseMetacarpus2Choyke 1996, 307-310, 315-316
Gyoma 133, A 10Hungary700Sarmatian1HorseMetatarsus2, 18Choyke 1996, 307-310, 315, 318, fig. 1
Gyoma 133, B 13Hungary700Sarmatian1CattleMetacarpus6, 7, 18Choyke 1996, 307-310, 316
Gyoma 133, C 3Hungary700Sarmatian1HorseMetacarpus3, 4, 5, 6, 7Choyke 1996, 307-310, 316
Gyoma 133, D 6Hungary700Sarmatian1HorseMetacarpus4, 5Choyke 1996, 307-310, 316
Gyoma 133, pit 17Hungary700Sarmatian1HorseMetacarpusChoyke 1996, 307-310
Gyoma 133, pit 40Hungary700Sarmatian2HorseMetacarpus2, 6, 7Choyke 1996, 307-310, 319, fig. 2
Gyoma 133, pit 41Hungary700Sarmatian2HorseMetacarpus2, 3, 6, 18Choyke 1996, 307-311, 319, fig. 2
Gyoma 133, pit 41Hungary700Sarmatian2HorseMetacarpusChoyke 1996, 307-311
Gyoma 133, pit 41Hungary700Sarmatian2HorseMetacarpus2Choyke 1996, 307-311
Gyoma 133, pit 45Hungary700Sarmatian1HorseMetacarpus2Choyke 1996, 307-311, 318, fig. 1
Gyoma 133, pit 45Hungary700Sarmatian1HorseMetacarpus18Choyke 1996, 307-311
Gyoma 133, pit 46Hungary700Sarmatian2HorseMetacarpusChoyke 1996, 307-311
Gyoma 133, pit 48Hungary700Sarmatian1HorseMetacarpus2, 3, 7Choyke 1996, 307-310, 312
Gyoma 133, pit 51Hungary700Sarmatian1HorseMetacarpus4, 5Choyke 1996, 307-310, 312, 319, fig. 2
Gyoma 133, pit 51Hungary700Sarmatian1HorseMetacarpus2, 3, 5Choyke 1996, 307-310, 312, 319, fig. 2
Gyoma 133, pit 64Hungary700Sarmatian1HorseMetacarpusChoyke 1996, 307-310, 312
Gyoma 133, pit 65Hungary700Sarmatian1HorseMetacarpusChoyke 1996, 307-310, 312
Gyoma 133, pit 88Hungary700Sarmatian1HorseMetacarpus7Choyke 1996, 307-310, 312, 319, fig. 2
Gyoma 133, pit 120Hungary700Sarmatian1HorseMetacarpusChoyke 1996, 307-310, 312, 318, fig. 1
Gyoma 133, pit 124Hungary700Sarmatian1HorseMetacarpusChoyke 1996, 307-310, 312
Gyoma 133, pit 143Hungary700Sarmatian1HorseMetacarpusChoyke 1996, 307-310, 313
Gyoma 133, pit 166Hungary700Sarmatian1HorseMetacarpusChoyke 1996, 307-310, 313, 319, fig. 2
Gyoma 133, pit 180Hungary700Sarmatian1HorseMetacarpusChoyke 1996, 307-310, 313
Gyoma 133, pit 182Hungary700Sarmatian1HorseMetacarpus2, 3, 18Choyke 1996, 307-310, 313, 319, fig. 2
Gyoma 133, pit 199Hungary700Sarmatian1CattleMetatarsusChoyke 1996, 307-310, 313, 318, fig. 1
Gyoma 133, pit 202Hungary700Sarmatian1HorseMetatarsus18Choyke 1996, 307-310, 313, 318, fig. 1
Gyoma 133, pit 202Hungary700Sarmatian1HorseMetacarpus2Choyke 1996, 307-310, 313
Gyoma 133, pit 214Hungary700Sarmatian1HorseMetacarpusChoyke 1996, 307-310, 314
Gyoma 133, pit 259Hungary700Sarmatian1HorseMetatarsusChoyke 1996, 307-310, 314, 318, fig. 1
Gyoma 133, pit 266Hungary700Sarmatian1HorseMetacarpus18Choyke 1996, 307-310, 314, 318, fig. 1
Gyoma 133, pit 277Hungary700Sarmatian1CattleMetatarsusChoyke 1996, 307-310, 314, 318, fig. 1
Gyoma 133, pit 296Hungary700Sarmatian1HorseMetacarpusChoyke 1996, 307-310, 314
Gyoma 133, pit 319Hungary700Sarmatian1HorseMetacarpus2, 6, 7Choyke 1996, 307-310, 315
Gyoma 133, pit 327Hungary700Sarmatian1HorseMetacarpusChoyke 1996, 307-310, 315
Gyoma 133, pit 352Hungary700Sarmatian1HorseMetacarpus2Choyke 1996, 307-310, 315
Gyoma 133, pit 379Hungary700Sarmatian1HorseMetapodiumChoyke 1996, 307-310, 315
Kliestow bei Frankfurt (Oder)Germany2nd - 4th cent.700Germanic1artiodactylaTibiafragmentMarschalleck 1940, 302Haus 4
Kliestow bei Frankfurt (Oder)Germany2nd - 4th cent.700Germanic1??fragmentMarschalleck 1940, 302Haus 6
Köln, Flottenlager AltenburgGermany0-300 AD700Roman1wolfradius3, 4, 6, 7proxmal and distal end sawn offBerke 2004
London, Tokenhouse YardGreat Britain7001HorseMetapodium1, 2, 8, 15found with Samian PotteryMacGregor 1976, 59-60, fig. 1CBritish Museum London
Mautern, Vicus OstAustria100–140 AD700Roman1cattleradius4Groh & Sedlmayer 2006, 909; Kunst 2006, 725826/55, Parz. 800, PQ 94
OberdorlaGermany7001HorseMetacarpus2, 4, 7, 17Barthel 1969, 211-212, 223-224, pl. 34.1Museum WeimarMW 306/64/15
OberdorlaGermany7001HorseMetatarsus2, 4, 6, 7, 17,Barthel 1969, 211-212, 223, pl. 32.2Museum WeimarMW III/56/40
OberdorlaGermany7001HorseMetatarsus2, 10hole Ø 17 mmBarthel 1969, 211-212, 223, pl. 32.1Museum WeimarMW 12/60
OberdorlaGermany7001HorseMetacarpus1, 2Barthel 1969, 211-212, 222, pl. 34.2Museum WeimarMW 127/62
Polwica, distr. OlawskiPoland7001horsemetacarpusexhibition Archaeological Museum Wroclaw 9/2009
Polwica, distr. OlawskiPoland7001horsemetacarpusexhibition Archaeological Museum Wroclaw 9/20095/1702
Wroclaw, MagnicePoland7001horsemetpodium2exhibition Archaeological House Wroclaw 9/2009
ZwingendorfAustria4th cent.7001horsemetacarpus17, 18not used, interpretation not certainKunst 2002, 264-269, 280, pl. 4aZW 10/96
ZwingendorfAustria4th cent.7001horsemetacarpus5, 7, 18proximal fragmentKunst 2002, 264-269, 279, pl. 3dZW 95/96
ZwingendorfAustria4th cent.7001horsemetacarpus2, 6Kunst 2002, 264-269, 279, pl. 3a-cZW 252
ZwingendorfAustria4th cent.7001horsemetatarsus1, 2, 17, 18, 19Kunst 2002, 263-269, 278, pl. 2b-cZW 151/96
DongjumNetherlands5th - 6th c. AD8001Prummel 2011, 97-98
Endrõd 170Hungary4th - 5th cent.800Sarmatian1HorseMetacarpus2, 3Bartosiewicz 2003, 116-117, fig. 16; Choyke 1997, 71
Endrõd 170Hungary4th - 5th cent.800Sarmatian2HorseMetacarpus2Bartosiewicz 2003, 116-117, fig. 16; Choyke 1997, 71
Endrõd 170Hungary4th - 5th cent.800Sarmatian1HorseMetacarpusBartosiewicz 2003, 116-117, fig. 16; Choyke 1997, 71
EnglumNetherlands3rd - 5th c. AD8001horsemetacarpusunfinishedPrummel 2011, 97-98
EnglumNetherlands3rd - 5th c. AD8001cattleradius2fragment, not usedPrummel 2008, 129-130, 147-149, fig. 8.15; 2011, 97-98; Prummel et al. 2014, 228
EzingeNetherlands300 - 500 AD8001horseMetacarpus1, 8, 9Prummel et al. 2014, 218, 220, 227-228, 235, fig. 9, bijlage 4Noordelijk Archeologisch Depot Nuis162
EzingeNetherlands300 - 500 AD8001cattleMetatarsus10semi-finished skatePrummel et al. 2014, 217-218, 227-228, 235, fig. 9, bijlage 4Noordelijk Archeologisch Depot Nuis233
Gara BancaRomania4th - 5th cent.800Mures-Cerneahov1cattleMetacarpus2Stanc & Bejenaru, presentation WBRG conference Paris 8/2007
Sorte Muld, BornholmDenmark4th - 5th cent.8001??fragmentKlindt-Jensen 1951, 20; 1955, 858; 1957, 140-141; Stenberger 1955, 1106
Vallhagar, Gotland • building 6Sweden8001HorseRadius4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9Klindt-Jensen 1955, 857; Stenberger 1955, 1080, 1105, 1107, fig. 458.12, 466
VlisseghemBelgium5th - 8th cent.800Frankish1??de Lo‘ 1939, 178
Wijnaldum-TjitsmaNetherlands5th - 6th c. AD8001horsePrummel et al. 2011, 72, 90, 93, tab. 4; 2013; Prummel et al. 2014, 228
Wijnaldum-TjitsmaNetherlands5th - 6th c. AD8001Prummel et al. 2011, 72, 90, 93, tab. 4; 2013; Prummel et al. 2014, 228
Leeuwarden-OldehoofsterkerkhofNetherlands5th - 8th c. AD8501horsemetatarsusPrummel 2011, 97, 99
BajcSlovakia7th - 8th cent.9001horsemetapodium1, 5Miklikova 2005
Baumgarten an der MarchAustria9001horsemetacarpus18semi-finishedKunst 2009, 201Objekt 13
Baumgarten an der MarchAustria9001horsemetacarpusfragment, cranial surface worn down till medullar cavityKunst 2009, 199-201Objekt 67
Baumgarten an der MarchAustria9002horsemetatarsus2Kunst 2009, 198-201, Abb. 1Objekt 13
BayernGermany90010??Schäffer & von den Driesch 1983
BedfordGreat Britain8th cent.9001??exact no. of specimen not givenMacGregor 1985, 144
Berlin-SpandauGermany750 - 830900Slavic1horsemetacarpus4, 5, 17Becker 1993, 96, 98, pl. 2, 3.1SF 105 BW 22/37
Berlin-SpandauGermany940 - 970900Slavic1CattleRadiusBecker 1990, fig. 3f, cat.-no. 3BW15 IF16218
Berlin-SpandauGermany700 - 830900Slavic1CattleMetatarsus18Becker 1990, fig. 1, cat.-no. 9BW14 If17955
Berlin-SpandauGermany970 - 983900Slavic1HorseRadius2, 3, 6, 7Becker 1990, fig. 1, 3c, 4b, cat.-no. 10BW17 If19685
Berlin-SpandauGermany940 - 983900Slavic1roe deerRadius2Becker 1990, fig. 1, 3a, 5b, cat.-no. 12; 2003, 207, fig. 3.5BW14 If18679
Berlin-SpandauGermany970 - 983900Slavic1HorseRadius7, 18Becker 1990, cat.-no. 6BW17 If18780
Berlin-SpandauGermany940 - 983900Slavic1HorseRadius2, 3, 7Becker 1990, cat.-no. 5BW14 If18562
Bernshausen, Burg, Fst. 3Germany9001horseradiusGrote 2003, pl. 70.7
Birka • Black EarthSweden8th - 10th cent.900Viking86cattle?Stenberger 1955, 1106
Birka • Black EarthSweden8th - 10th cent.900Viking26horse?Stenberger 1955, 1106
Birka • Grab 573Sweden8th - 10th cent.900Viking1cattleradius2worn down til medullary cavityArbman 1940, T. 157.7; 1943, 38, 187; Stenberger 1955, 1106
Birka • Grab 780Sweden8th - 10th cent.900Viking1cattlemetatarsus2Arbman 1940, T. 157.6; 1943, 38, 284; Stenberger 1955, 1106
Bremen, Bredenplatz, 231-AltstadtGermany8th - 9th cent.9001cattlemetatarsus2Bishop 2011, 365, 373; Küchelmann, in prep.Landes-archäologie Bremen55 (1); Bf. 124
Bremen, Bredenplatz, 231-AltstadtGermany8th - 9th cent.9001horsemetatarsus5Bishop 2011, 365, 373; Küchelmann, in prep.Landes-archäologie Bremen54; Bf. 121
Bremen, WummensiedeGermany9th - 10th cent.9001HorseMetapodiumFocke-Museum BremenFM 8022
DongjumNetherlands6th - 8th c. AD9001horsemetacarpusPrummel 2011, 97, 99
DorestadNetherlands90065Horse, CattleMetapodium, Radius, TibiaPrummel 1983, 259-260
Dorestad, HoogstraatNetherlands9001CattleMetacarpuspalmar side = gliding sideClason 1980, fig 169.2373.1.8
Dorestad, HoogstraatNetherlands9001Horse or DonkeyMetatarsus3, 8, 9Clason 1980, 243-245, fig. 169.416251
Dorestad, HoogstraatNetherlands9001CattleMetacarpus2, 4, 5, 18not usedClason 1980, 243-245, fig. 169.3378.26
Dorestad, HoogstraatNetherlands9001Horse or DonkeyMetacarpus2, 3Clason 1980, 243-245361.5.2
Dorestad, Hoogstraat INetherlands9001HorseMetatarsus2, 4, 5, 6, 7Clason 1980, fig 169.115771
DurankulakBulgaria9th - 10th cent.9001?RadiusTodorova 1989, pl. 5
DurankulakBulgaria9th - 10th cent.9001HorseMetacarpusTodorova 1989, pl. 5
DurankulakBulgaria9th - 10th cent.9001?RadiusTodorova 1989, pl. 5
EsensGermany7th cent.900Frisian1CattleMetapodium2, 3, 6, 7Bärenfänger 2002, 259, 282, 285, fig. 51.2
Feddersen WierdeGermany900Germanic1horsemetacarpus2, 3, 10Haarnagel 1979, 341, pl. 56.1; Reichstein 1991a, 307
GnieznoPoland7th - 9th cent.900Slavic???Kostrzewski 1949, 289, 350-351
Groß RadenGermany9th - 10th cent.900Slavic1HorseMetapodium1, 2, 18Schuldt 1985, fig. 25
Groß RadenGermany9th - 10th cent.900Slavic3?Radius2Schuldt 1985, fig. 18, 19, 28
Groß RadenGermany9th - 10th cent.900Slavic2HorseMetapodium2, 3Schuldt 1985, fig. 10, 22
Groß RadenGermany9th - 10th cent.900Slavic2HorseMetapodium1, 2Schuldt 1985, fig. 9, 11
Groß RadenGermany9th - 10th cent.900Slavic5CattleMetapodium2, 3Schuldt 1985
Groß RadenGermany9th - 10th cent.900Slavic29??Schuldt 1985
Groß StrömkendorfGermany7th cent.900Slavic1Wietrzichowski 1992a, 162
Groß StrömkendorfGermany7th cent.900Slavic1horsemetatarsus2blankLehmkuhl 1992, 177; Wietrzichowski 1992a, 156, 158, 162, Abb. 4k; 1992b, 49
HessensGermany7th cent.9001horsemetapodium8, 10cranial surface worn down til medullar cavity, with woofen peg in holeSiegmüller 2010, 124-129, fig. 77Nieder-sächsisches Institut für historische Küstenforschung Wilhelmshaven117
HessensGermany7th cent.9001cattlemetacarpus2Siegmüller 2010, 124-129, fig. 80Nieder-sächsisches Institut für historische Küstenforschung Wilhelmshaven131
IgersheimGermany6th - 8th cent.900Merovingian1CattleMetatarsusplantar side = gliding surfaceKokabi et al. 1994, 91, fig. 10
Ihre, Hellvi, GotlandSweden10th cent.900Viking2HorseMetapodium2, 3Stenberger, 1961, 20, 51, fig. 51; Klindt-Jensen 1955, 857; Stenberger 1955, 1106
Ihre, Hellvi, GotlandSweden10th cent.900Viking28, 9Stenberger 1955, 1106
Obertraubling, Kreis RegensburgGermany9003Breinl & Koch 1986, 70
Oost-SouburgNetherlands900 - 9759001CattleRadius2, 12Lauwerier & van Heeringen 1998, fig. 3C
Oost-SouburgNetherlands900 - 9759001HorseRadius2, 7, 11Lauwerier & van Heeringen 1998, fig. 3B
Oost-SouburgNetherlands900 - 9759001HorseRadius2, 3, 6, 7Lauwerier & van Heeringen 1998, fig. 3A
Oost-SouburgNetherlands900 - 9759001CattleMetatarsus2, 13oblique hole in proximal end, ¿ 7 mmLauwerier & van Heeringen 1998, fig. 2C
Oost-SouburgNetherlands900 - 9759001CattleMetatarsus2Lauwerier & van Heeringen 1998, fig. 2B
Oost-SouburgNetherlands900 - 9759001CattleMetacarpus2Lauwerier & van Heeringen 1998, fig. 2A
Oost-SouburgNetherlands900 - 97590012HorseMetapodium2, 6, 7, 13oblique hole in proximal endLauwerier & van Heeringen 1998, fig. 1A
Oost-SouburgNetherlands900 - 9759004HorseMetapodium1, 2, 6, 7Lauwerier & van Heeringen 1998
Oost-SouburgNetherlands900 - 9759007HorseMetapodium2, 6, 7Lauwerier & van Heeringen 1998
Oost-SouburgNetherlands900 - 9759003HorseRadius2, 3, 6, 7Lauwerier & van Heeringen 1998
Oost-SouburgNetherlands900 - 9759002CattleMetatarsus2Lauwerier & van Heeringen 1998
Oost-SouburgNetherlands900 - 9759001CattleRadius2, 12Lauwerier & van Heeringen 1998
Oost-SouburgNetherlands900 - 9759001??Lauwerier & van Heeringen 1998
Oost-SouburgNetherlands900 - 9759001HorseMetatarsus4, 5, 6, 7, 8Lauwerier & van Heeringen 1995, 85-86, fig. 9F; 1998, fig. 1F561
Oost-SouburgNetherlands900 - 9759001HorseMetacarpus2, 6, 7, 11Lauwerier & van Heeringen 1995, 85-86, fig. 9E; 1998, fig. 1E233
Oost-SouburgNetherlands900 - 9759001HorseMetatarsus2, 6, 7, 10, 11,Lauwerier & van Heeringen 1995, 85-86, fig. 9D; 1998, fig. 1D104
Oost-SouburgNetherlands900 - 9759001HorseMetacarpus1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9Lauwerier & van Heeringen 1995, 85-86, fig. 9C; 1998, fig. 1C86
Oost-SouburgNetherlands900 - 9759001HorseMetatarsus12Lauwerier & van Heeringen 1995, 85-86, fig. 9B; 1998, fig. 1B413
Oost-SouburgNetherlands900 - 9759001HorseMetatarsus1, 2, 6, 7, 13oblique hole in proximal endLauwerier & van Heeringen 1995, 85-86, fig. 9A; 1998, fig. 1A565
OxfordGreat Britain9th cent.9001??exact no. of specimen not givenMacGregor 1985, 144
PadaEstonia8th - 10th cent.9005HorseMetapodium14 fragments; 5-7 specimenLuik & Maldre 2005, 264
PadaEstonia8th - 10th cent.9001HorseMetacarpus9Luik 2000, fig. 3.1; Luik & Maldre 2005, 264, fig. 2AI 5082: 851
PadaEstonia8th - 10th cent.9001HorseMetatarsus8Luik 2000, fig. 2; Luik & Maldre 2005, 264, fig. 2AI 5082: 261
PolandPoland900???Lipinska & Zeylandowa 1971, 50; Leciejewicz et al. 1972
ReigateGreat Britain900Saxo-Norman1Red DeerMetatarsusMacGregor 1985, 144
Ribe, DomerhavenDenmark900Viking1CattleMetatarsus2Ambrosiani 1981, 138-139, fig. 88D 6008
Ribe, DomerhavenDenmark900Viking1Cattle or HorseMetapodiumAmbrosiani 1981, 138-1397709
Ribe, DomerhavenDenmark900Viking1Cattle or HorseMetapodiumAmbrosiani 1981, 138-139D 6558
SachsenGermany7th - 9th cent.900Slavic???Jacob 1911, 220
Schagen-WaldervaartNetherlands7th - 8th c. AD9001horseradius13dorso-caudal hole in distal end; proximal fragmentClason & Prummel 1982, 76-77, fig. 2
Schagen-WaldervaartNetherlands7th - 8th c. AD9001horseradiusClason & Prummel 1982, 76-77
Schleswig-HolsteinGermany8th - 10th cent.900Viking2??exhibition Heimatmuseum Nordstrand
Thetford, EnglandGreat Britain9th - 11th cent.900Anglo- Scandinavian3HorseRadiusRogerson & Dallas 1984, 177-179, fig. 195-197
Thetford, EnglandGreat Britain9th - 11th cent.900Anglo- Scandinavian2HorseMetacarpusRogerson & Dallas 1984, 177-179, fig. 195-197
Thetford, EnglandGreat Britain9th - 11th cent.900Anglo- Scandinavian4HorseMetatarsusRogerson & Dallas 1984, 177-179, fig. 195-197
Thetford, EnglandGreat Britain9th - 11th cent.900Anglo- Scandinavian1CattleRadiusRogerson & Dallas 1984, 177-179, fig. 195-197
Thetford, EnglandGreat Britain9th - 11th cent.900Anglo- Scandinavian3CattleMetatarsusRogerson & Dallas 1984, 177-179, fig. 195-197
Thetford, EnglandGreat Britain900Saxo-Norman1HorseTibiaMacGregor 1976, 72
TielNetherlands9th - 11th cent.9003HorseMetapodium2Lauwerier & Villari 1995, 179
TielNetherlands9th - 11th cent.9001HorseMetatarsus2, 4, 5Lauwerier & Villari 1995, 178-179, fig. 3
Wijnaldum-TjitsmaNetherlands6th - 8th c. AD9001cattleradiusPrummel et al. 2011, 72, 90, 93, tab. 4; 2013
Wijnaldum-TjitsmaNetherlands6th - 8th c. AD9001Prummel et al. 2011, 72, 90, 93, tab. 4; 2013
York, CoppergateGreat Britainca. 975900Anglo- Scandinavian1HorseMetacarpus7, 18MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 2023, fig. 943, 945b7136 / sf7893
York, CoppergateGreat Britainca. 930 - 975900Anglo- Scandinavian1HorseMetatarsus1, 2, 6, 7, 17MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 2023, fig. 942, 944c-d7131 / sf10629
York, CoppergateGreat Britain9th - 10th cent.900Anglo- Scandinavian1HorseMetatarsus2, 13oblique hole in distal endMacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 2023, fig. 9427125 / sf14001
York, CoppergateGreat Britainca. 930 - 975900Anglo- Scandinavian1HorseMetatarsus17MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 2023, fig. 9427126 / sf7722
York, CoppergateGreat Britain9th - 10th cent.900Anglo- Scandinavian1CattleRadius2, 8, 9MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20237123 / sf13148
York, CoppergateGreat Britain9th - 10th cent.900Anglo- Scandinavian1HorseMetacarpus2MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20237124 / sf13395
York, CoppergateGreat Britainca. 930 - 975900Anglo- Scandinavian1CattleRadius2MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20237127 / sf7866
York, CoppergateGreat Britainca. 930 - 975900Anglo- Scandinavian1CattleMetatarsus1MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20237128 / sf7867
York, CoppergateGreat Britainca. 930 - 975900Anglo- Scandinavian1HorseMetatarsus1, 2, 10,MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20237129 / sf7906
York, CoppergateGreat Britainca. 930 - 975900Anglo- Scandinavian1CattleMetacarpus2, 3MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20237130 / sf9219
York, CoppergateGreat Britainca. 930 - 975900Anglo- Scandinavian1CattleMetacarpus2, 3MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20237132 / sf14109
York, CoppergateGreat Britainca. 975900Anglo- Scandinavian1HorseMetacarpus10MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20237133 / sf7310
York, CoppergateGreat Britainca. 975900Anglo- Scandinavian1HorseMetacarpus1, 2, 6, 7, 10, 18MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20237134 / sf7343
York, CoppergateGreat Britainca. 975900Anglo- Scandinavian1HorseMetacarpus1, 2, 6, 7, 10MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20237135 / sf7360
York, CoppergateGreat Britainca. 975900Anglo- Scandinavian1CattleMetatarsus2, 5, 7, 18MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20237137 / sf11723
York, CoppergateGreat Britain9th - 10th cent.900Anglo- Scandinavian1HorseMetatarsus1, 2, 6, 7, 10, 17fragment of wooden peg (willow?) in axial holeMacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 2022-2023, fig. 942, 944a-b, 945a7122 / sf12208
York, CoppergateGreat Britain9th - 10th cent.900Anglo- Scandinavian1HorseMetacarpus1, 2, 6, 7, 10MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20227120 / sf8843
York, CoppergateGreat Britain9th - 10th cent.900Anglo- Scandinavian1??MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20227121 / sf10934
York, PiccadillyGreat Britain10th cent.900Anglo- Scandinavian1HorseMetacarpus ?1, 2, 5, 7, 10found with hazel wood pegMacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20497930 / sf697
BajcSlovakia8th - 9th cent.9504horsemetapodium1, 5Miklikova 2005
Böhl-IggelheimGermany8.-9th cent.9501horsemetacarpus1, 2, 6, 7worn down til medullar cavityHaack pers. com. 2.12.2013Landes-archäologie Rheinland-Pfalz, Außenstelle Speyer119/1
Böhl-IggelheimGermany8.-9th cent.9501horsemetacarpus1, 2, 7Haack pers. com. 2.12.2013Landes-archäologie Rheinland-Pfalz, Außenstelle Speyer119/2
Böhl-IggelheimGermany8.-9th cent.9501horsemetacarpus1, 2, 6, 7Haack pers. com. 2.12.2013Landes-archäologie Rheinland-Pfalz, Außenstelle Speyer20/8
BotraSerbia8th - 9th cent.9501horsemetapodium2,8Manojlovic-Nikolic 2010, T. I.1
HessensGermany8th - 9th cent.9501cattlemetacarpus2, 3Siegmüller 2010, 124-129, fig. 80Nieder-sächsisches Institut für historische Küstenforschung Wilhelmshaven130
Iru Hill-fortEstoniauntil 11th cent.9502HorseMetapodiumLuik, e-mail 2.3.2004
Iru Hill-fortEstoniauntil 11th cent.9501HorseMetacarpus ?6, 8Luik 2000, fig. 3.5AI 3428: 750
Leeuwarden-OldehoofsterkerkhofNetherlands8th - 9th c. AD9501horsetibiaPrummel 2011, 97, 99
Leeuwarden-OldehoofsterkerkhofNetherlands8th - 9th c. AD9502horsemetacarpusPrummel 2011, 97, 99
OldorferwarfGermany7th - 10th cent.9501cattleradiusexhibition Küstenmuseum Wilhelmshaven 10/2011
OldorferwarfGermany7th - 10th cent.9501horsemetacarpus2exhibition Küstenmuseum Wilhelmshaven 10/2011
Trelleborg, ZealandDenmark950Viking8??Nørlund 1948, 135; Stenberger 1955, 1106
3WellinghusenGermany7th - 12th cent.9501cattleMetacarpus2 Witt 2002, 281, foto 14
Wijk near DorestadNetherlands8th - 10th cent.9501horsemetapodiumvan Vilsteren 1987, 47-48, fig. 71Rijksmuseum van Oudheden LeidenWD 659
Wijnaldum-TjitsmaNetherlands8th - 9th c. AD9502horsePrummel et al. 2011, 72, 90, tab. 4; 2013
AnjumNetherlands11th cent.10001horsemetacarpus8Prummel & van Gent 2010, 43, fig. 9
AnjumNetherlands11th cent.10001horseradius2, 8, 9, 13transverse hole in middle of shaft; cranial surface worn down till medullar cavityPrummel & van Gent 2010, 43, fig. 8
AntwerpenBelgiumLate 10th cent. - 1225 AD10001Red DeerMetacarpus2, 17Ervynck et al. 2013, 226-227; Ervynck 1998, 19, 49, 55, cat. no. 56A.VDW/O/B56
AntwerpenBelgiumLate 10th cent. - 1225 AD10001CattleRadiusErvynck 1998, 19, 48, 55, cat. no. 53A.VDW/O/B53; ASA/VDW B.18
AntwerpenBelgiumLate 10th cent. - 1225 AD10002HorseRadiusErvynck 1998, 19, 26, 55, tab. 1, cat. no. 86-87ASA/VDW B.11, 14
AntwerpenBelgiumLate 10th cent. - 1225 AD10002HorseMetatarsusErvynck 1998, 19, 26, 55, tab. 1, cat. no. 84-85ASA/VDW B.25, 28
AntwerpenBelgiumLate 10th cent. - 1225 AD10006HorseMetacarpusErvynck 1998, 19, 26, 55, tab. 1, cat. no. 78-83ASA/VDW B.12, 17, 22, 24, 26, 29; A.B. 55.22, B, zak M III
AntwerpenBelgiumLate 10th cent. - 1225 AD10001CattleRadiusErvynck 1998, 19, 26, 55, tab. 1, cat. no. 77ASA/VDW B.13
AntwerpenBelgiumLate 10th cent. - 1225 AD10003CattleMetatarsusErvynck 1998, 19, 26, 55, tab. 1, cat. no. 74-76ASA/VDW B.16, 20, 27; A.B. 56.22, B, K.P.M?, III, zak V; A.B.55, B, K.P. 6
AntwerpenBelgiumLate 10th cent. - 1225 AD10007CattleMetacarpusErvynck 1998, 19, 26, 55, tab. 1, cat. no. 67-73ASA/VDW B.15, 19, 21, 23, 30-32
Antwerpen, BesaenhuisBelgiumLate 10th cent. - 1225 AD10001Red DeerMetatarsus2Ervynck et al. 2013, 226-227; Ervynck 1998, 19, 49, 55, cat. no. 55A.VDW/O/B55; A.B.56.22 V.78
Antwerpen, BesaenhuisBelgiumLate 10th cent. - 1225 AD10001HorseMetacarpus1, 2, 3Ervynck 1998, 19, 51, 55, cat. no. 59A.VDW/B/B59; A.B.55.22 V.89
Antwerpen, BesaenhuisBelgiumLate 10th cent. - 1225 AD10001CattleMetatarsus2, 3Ervynck 1998, 19, 47, 55, cat. no. 52A.VDW/B/B52; A.B.55.22 V.76
Antwerpen, BesaenhuisBelgiumLate 10th cent. - 1225 AD10001CattleMetatarsus2Ervynck 1998, 19, 47, 55, cat. no. 51A.VDW/B/B51; A.B.55.22 V.77
Antwerpen, Sint-WalburgiskerkBelgiumLate 10th cent. - 1225 AD10001HorseMetatarsus1, 2, 17Ervynck 1998, 19, 50, 55, cat. no. 58A.VDW/W/B58; ASA/VDW B2
Antwerpen, Sint-WalburgiskerkBelgiumLate 10th cent. - 1225 AD10001HorseMetacarpus2, 3Ervynck 1998, 19, 50, 55, cat. no. 57A.VDW/W/B57; ASA/VDW B3
Antwerpen, Sint-WalburgiskerkBelgiumLate 10th cent. - 1225 AD10001CattleRadiusErvynck 1998, 19, 48, 55, cat. no. 54A.VDW/W/B54; ASA/VDW B.1
BajcSlovakia9th - 11th cent.10001horsemetapodium1, 5Miklikova 2005
Berlin-SpandauGermany983 - 10301000Slavic1HorseRadius2, 3, 7Becker 1990, fig. 1, cat.-no. 4BW23 If17889
Berlin-SpandauGermany1100 - 11501000Slavic1Red DeerRadius2, 3, 6, 7Becker 1990, fig. 1, 3g, cat.-no. 1BW 20 If17887
Berlin-SpandauGermany1100 - 12001000Slavic1CattleRadius3Becker 1990, fig. 1, 3e, 4a, cat.-no. 2BW 17 IF19683
Berlin-SpandauGermany1100 - 11501000Slavic1HorseRadius3Becker 1990, cat.-no. 8BW17 If18246
Berlin-SpandauGermany1100 - 11501000Slavic1HorseRadius3, 7Becker 1990, cat.-no. 7BW17 If17891
Berlin-SpandauGermany1100 - 11501000Slavic1Horsemetacarpus2, 3semi-finishedBecker 1990, 30, cat.-no. 22BW20 If17880
BirkaSweden8th - 10th cent.1000Viking1cattlemetatarsusexhibition Birka Museum 7/2010
BrabantBelgium12th cent.10003??MacGregor 1976, 64
Bremen, 218 Altstadt, Langenstr. 31-35Germany9th - 10th cent.10001CattleMetacarpus4, 5, 18heavily worn, medullar cavity exposedKüchelmann 2006Landes- archäologie Bremen287
Bremen, 218 Altstadt, Langenstr. 31-35Germany11th - 12th cent.10001HorseMetacarpusfragmentKüchelmann 2006Landes- archäologie Bremen843
Bremen, 223 Altstadt, Langenstr. 10-12Germany12th cent.10001HorseRadius4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9Cranial side worn down till half of medullar cavityBischop & Jager 2008, 195-196Landes- archäologie Bremen2
Bremen, 223 Altstadt, Langenstr. 10-12Germany12th cent.10001CattleRadius2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9Cranial side worn down till half of medullar cavityBischop & Jager 2008, 195-196Landes- archäologie Bremen3
Bremen, 223 Altstadt, Langenstr. 10-12Germany12th cent.10001HorseMetapodium4, 6Cranial side worn down till half of medullar cavityBischop & Jager 2008, 195-196Landes- archäologie Bremen4
Bremen, 223 Altstadt, Langenstr. 10-12Germany12th cent.10001HorseMetapodium4, 6Cranial side worn down till half of medullar cavityBischop & Jager 2008, 195-196Landes- archäologie Bremen5
Bremen, 223 Altstadt, Langenstr. 10-12Germany12th cent.10001HorseMetatarsus5, 6, 7Cranial side worn down till half of medullar cavityBischop & Jager 2008, 195-196Landes- archäologie Bremen6
Bremen, 223 Altstadt, Langenstr. 10-12Germany12th cent.10001HorseMetacarpus1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7Bischop & Jager 2008, 195-196Landes- archäologie Bremen7a
Bremen, 223 Altstadt, Langenstr. 10-12Germany12th cent.10001CattleMetacarpus2, 4, 5, 6, 7Bischop & Jager 2008, 195-196Landes- archäologie Bremen7b
Bremen, 223 Altstadt, Langenstr. 10-12Germany12th cent.10001CattleMetacarpus4, 5Bischop & Jager 2008, 195-196Landes- archäologie Bremen7c
Bremen, 223 Altstadt, Langenstr. 10-12Germany12th cent.10001CattleMetatarsus4, 5Bischop & Jager 2008, 195-196Landes- archäologie Bremen8a
Bremen, 223 Altstadt, Langenstr. 10-12Germany12th cent.10001HorseMetapodium4, 5, 6, 7Bischop & Jager 2008, 195-196Landes- archäologie Bremen8b
Bremen, 223 Altstadt, Langenstr. 10-12Germany12th cent.10001HorseMetapodium5, 6Bischop & Jager 2008, 195-196Landes- archäologie Bremen8c
Bremen, 223 Altstadt, Langenstr. 10-12Germany12th cent.10001CattleRadius2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9Bischop & Jager 2008, 194-196, Abb. 13.3Landes- archäologie Bremen1
Bremen, Carl-Ronning-Straße, 227-AltstadtGermany9th - 10th cent.10001Bischop 2008, 66-67, Abb. 4bLandesarchäologie Bremen
CrvenkaSerbia10th - 12th cent.10001cattlemetatarsusManojlovic-Nikolic 1997, T. I.4; 2010, T. III.8Museum of Vrsac
CrvenkaSerbia10th - 12th cent.10001cattlemetacarpuschild skate?, burnisher?Manojlovic-Nikolic 1997, T. I.3; 2010, T. II.7Museum of Vrsac
CrvenkaSerbia10th - 12th cent.10001cattlemetatarsusManojlovic-Nikolic 1997, T. I.2; 2010, T. II.6Museum of Vrsac
Daugmale Hill-FortLatvia10th - 12th cent.100020Tilko 2005, 146
DublinIreland11th - 12th cent.10001??1, 10MacGregor 1976, 74National Museum of Ireland149
DublinIreland12th cent.10001??1MacGregor 1976, 74National Museum of Ireland48
Emden, PelzerstraßeGermany10 - 11th cent.10001horsemetacarpus1, 8Grimm 2010, 135-137, 206, 226, pl. VII, cat. no. 61Nieder- sächsisches Institut für historische Küstenforschung WilhelmshavenE59 J 3.0/5.0
Emden, RosenstraßeGermany10th cent.10001horseradiusfragmentGrimm 2010, 135-137, 207, 227, pl. VIII, cat. no. 69Nieder- sächsisches Institut für historische Küstenforschung Wilhelmshaven°ER 13/6
Emden, RosenstraßeGermany12th cent.10001cattlemetacarpus1, 4, 8fragmentGrimm 2010, 135-137, 207, 227, pl. VIII, cat. no. 66Nieder- sächsisches Institut für historische Küstenforschung Wilhelmshaven°EN 12/5
Emden, RosenstraßeGermany11th cent.10001horsemetacarpus2Grimm 2010, 135-137, 205, 226, pl. VII, cat. no. 59Nieder- sächsisches Institut für historische Küstenforschung Wilhelmshaven
Emden, RosenstraßeGermany10th cent.10001CattleMetacarpus2, 3, 8, 10, 133 drilled holes in the proximal articulation surfaceGrimm 2010, 135-137, 205, 226, pl. VII, cat. no. 57Nieder- sächsisches Institut für historische Küstenforschung Wilhelmshaven
Emden, RosenstraßeGermany9th-10th cent.10001lost findGrimm 2010, 135, fig. 5-42
Emden, SchulstraßeGermany9th - 10th cent.10001horseradius1, 4fragmentGrimm 2010, 135-137, 207, 227, pl. VIII, cat. no. 67Nieder- sächsisches Institut für historische Küstenforschung Wilhelmshaven°EII R 3/2-256
Emden, SchulstraßeGermany11th cent.10001cattlemetacarpus2, 13distal end drilled hole (Ø 8.4 mm) dorsal-volarGrimm 2010, 135-137, 205, 226, pl. VII, cat. no. 60Nieder- sächsisches Institut für historische Küstenforschung Wilhelmshaven
Emden, SchulstraßeGermany10th-11th cent.10001lost findGrimm 2010, 135, fig. 5-42
Gent, Sint-Veerleplein 11, GravensteenBelgium10th - 12th c. AD10001Red DeerMetacarpus2, 4, 17Ervynck et al. 2013, 223, 226-227, 231, afb. 7, cat. no. 16GG-1-2-12
HaithabuGermany10th - 12th cent.1000Viking1HorseMetapodium2Exhibition Wikingermuseum Haithabu 11/2000
HaithabuGermany10th - 12th cent.1000Viking2HorseMetapodium2, 5Exhibition Wikingermuseum Haithabu 11/2000
HaithabuGermany10th - 12th cent.1000Viking1HorseMetatarsus2, 8Exhibition Wikingermuseum Haithabu 11/2000
HaithabuGermany10th - 12th cent.1000Viking1?RadiusExhibition Wikingermuseum Haithabu 11/2000
HaithabuGermany10th - 12th cent.1000Viking1HorseMetatarsus2, 3Archäologisch-Zoologische Arbeitsgruppe Schleswig (AZA)
Halberstadt, DomburgGermany12th cent.10001horsemetatarsusPrilloff 2006,15612699-12700
Harste, Kr. GöttingenGermany10th-11th cent.10001horseradius2, 3Grote 1991, 179. Tafel 8.1, 9.1
HessensGermany10th - 11th cent.10001horsemetapodium1, 2, 8, 10cranial surface worn down til medullar cavitySiegmüller 2010, 124-129, fig. 77Nieder-sächsisches Institut für historische Küstenforschung Wilhelmshaven116
HessensGermany10th - 11th cent.10001cattlemetatarsus1, 2, 18Siegmüller 2010, 124-129, fig. 78Nieder-sächsisches Institut für historische Küstenforschung Wilhelmshaven120
HessensGermany9th - 10th cent.10001horsemetapodium2, 3Siegmüller 2010, 124-129, fig. 78Nieder-sächsisches Institut für historische Küstenforschung Wilhelmshaven121
HessensGermany9th - 10th cent.10001cattlemetapodium2, 3Siegmüller 2010, 124-129, fig. 78Nieder-sächsisches Institut für historische Küstenforschung Wilhelmshaven122
HessensGermany9th - 10th cent.10001cattlemetapodium2, 10fragment, with wooden peg in holeSiegmüller 2010, 124-129, fig. 78Nieder-sächsisches Institut für historische Küstenforschung Wilhelmshaven123
HessensGermany9th - 10th cent.10001cattlemetapodiumfragmentSiegmüller 2010, 124-129, fig. 79Nieder-sächsisches Institut für historische Küstenforschung Wilhelmshaven125
HessensGermany9th - 10th cent.10001cattlemetapodium2not usedSiegmüller 2010, 124-129, fig. 79Nieder-sächsisches Institut für historische Küstenforschung Wilhelmshaven126
HessensGermany10th - 11th cent.10001cattlemetacarpus2Siegmüller 2010, 124-129, fig. 80Nieder-sächsisches Institut für historische Küstenforschung Wilhelmshaven129
Kasteel LentNetherlands1100-1300 AD10001HorseRadius2, 4, 8fragmentEsser et al. 2016, 971, 973, Fig. 17.15dNld16.2301
Köln - HeumarktGermany1150-140010001cattlemetapodiumdistal fragmentBerke 1997, 412-413, fig. 8.2
Köln - HeumarktGermany1150-140010001horsemetapodiumdistal fragmentBerke 1997, 412-413, fig. 8.1
Leeuwarden-OldehoofsterkerkhofNetherlands9th - 10th c. AD10001horsemetatarsusPrummel 2011, 97, 99
LundSweden11th -12th cent.1000Scandinavian1HorseMetacarpus8, 10Roesdahl 1992, 51, 233KM 66166:1511
LundSweden11th -12th cent.1000Scandinavian1Horsemetapodium1, 2, 8, 10Cinthio 1976, 384, fig. 335KM 66166:1044
LundSweden12th cent.1000Scandinavian1HorseRadius1, 2, 7, 8, 9Cinthio 1976, 383-385, fig. 337KM 66166:582
LundSweden11th - 12th cent.10008horsemetapodiumCinthio 1976, 383-385, fig. 334
LundSweden11th - 12th cent.10002CattleMetapodiumCinthio 1976, 383-385, fig. 334
LundSweden11th -12th cent.1000Scandinavian1HorseMetacarpus2, 10, 11Cinthio 1976, 383-384, fig. 335; Roesdahl 1992, 51, 233KM 66166:1444
LundSweden11th -12th cent.1000Scandinavian1Horsemetapdium1, 2, 8, 10Cinthio 1976, 383-384, fig. 335KM 66166:1625
LundSweden11th -12th cent.1000Scandinavian24horseradiusCinthio 1976, 383-384, fig. 334
LundSweden11th -12th cent.1000Scandinavian1cattleradiusCinthio 1976, 383-384
MenzlinGermany9th - 10th cent.1000Slavic1horsemetapodium2fragment, unfinishedSchoknecht 1977, 99, 126, 192, T. 33.7Fundliste 28.7
MenzlinGermany9th - 10th cent.1000Slavic1cattlemetapodium2fragment, unfinishedSchoknecht 1977, 99, 126, 192, T. 33.6Fundliste 28.6
MenzlinGermany9th - 10th cent.1000Slavic1horseradius2fragment, unfinishedSchoknecht 1977, 99, 126, 192, T. 33.5Fundliste 28.5
MenzlinGermany9th - 10th cent.1000Slavic1cattlemetapodium2unfinishedSchoknecht 1977, 99, 126, 192, T. 33.4Fundliste 28.4
MenzlinGermany9th - 10th cent.1000Slavic1horsemetapodium2Schoknecht 1977, 99, 126, 192, T. 33.3Fundliste 28.3
MenzlinGermany9th - 10th cent.1000Slavic1horsemetapodium2, 3Schoknecht 1977, 99, 126, 192, T. 33.2Fundliste 28.2
MenzlinGermany9th - 10th cent.1000Slavic1horsemetatarsusSchoknecht 1977, 99, 126, 192, T. 33.1Fundliste 28.1
MühlhausenGermany11th - 12th cent.1000Early German1HorseRadius7Barthel 1969, 219, pl. 37.2Museum Weimar
NiederdorlaGermany11th - 12th cent.1000Early German1HorseMetacarpus2, 3Barthel 1969, 220, pl. 35.1Museum WeimarMW 435/65
2OldeboornNetherlands11th - 12th cent.10001horsemetatarsus8, 9Zeiler 1988, fig. 1
Olsborg, Plöner SeeGermany10th - 12th cent.10001cattlemetapodiumKleingärtner 2007, 101, fig. 3
Ostrówek, OpolePoland11th - 12th cent.10001horsemetatarsus4Rozwód 200724/62
Ostrówek, OpolePoland12th cent.10001horsemetacarpus1Rozwód 20071614/52
Ostrówek, OpolePoland12th cent.10001horse4, 18Rozwód 20071052/53
Ostrówek, OpolePoland11th - 12th cent.10001horsemetatarsus1, 2, 17Rozwód 20071243/54
Ostrówek, OpolePoland12th cent.10001horsemetapodium1, 17Rozwód 20071240/53
Ostrówek, OpolePoland11th cent.10001cattlemetatarsus2Rozwód 20071604:52
Ostrówek, OpolePoland11th cent.10001Rozwód 2007217f/63
Ostrówek, OpolePoland11th - 12th cent.10001horseradius1, 2Norska-Gulkowa 1983, fig. 16b875/62
Ostrówek, OpolePoland11th cent.10001horsemetacarpus1, 2, 17, 18not used?Norska-Gulkowa 1983, fig. 16a2657/54
Ostrówek, OpolePoland11th cent.10001horsemetapodium1, 2, 3, 6, 7Norska-Gulkowa 1983, fig. 15e297/68
Ostrówek, OpolePoland11th - 12th cent.10001horsemetapodium1Norska-Gulkowa 1983, fig. 15c310a/56
Podersdorf am SeeAustria12th cent.10001horseradius2, 3Saliari & Bendeguz, e-mails 22.11.2016; 25.7.2017
RibeDenmark10th - 12th cent.1000Viking1HorseMetacarpus2, 4Exhibition Museum Ribes Vikinger 12/20053365
RibeDenmark10th - 12th cent.1000Viking1HorseMetatarsusExhibition Museum Ribes Vikinger 12/20053265 ?
RibeDenmark10th - 12th cent.1000Viking1HorseMetapodium1, 2, 8Exhibition Museum Ribes Vikinger 12/20057744
RibeDenmark10th - 12th cent.1000Viking2HorseMetapodium1, 2, 8Exhibition Museum Ribes Vikinger 12/2005
Schleswig, PlessenstrasseGermany11th cent.10001CattleMetatarsus2, 4Ulbricht 1984, 39, 60, pl. 90.6
Schleswig, PlessenstrasseGermany11th cent.10001CattleMetapodium1, 2, 11Ulbricht 1984, 39, 60, pl. 90.5
Schleswig, PlessenstrasseGermany11th cent.10001CattleMetacarpus1, 2, 10, 11Ulbricht 1984, 39, 60, pl. 90.4
Schleswig, PlessenstrasseGermany11th cent.10001CattleMetacarpus2, 4Ulbricht 1984, 39, 60, pl. 90.3
Schleswig, PlessenstrasseGermany11th cent.10001CattleMetatarsus2, 4Ulbricht 1984, 39, 60, pl. 90.2
Schleswig, PlessenstrasseGermany11th cent.10001HorseMetacarpus1, 2, 3, 8, 10Ulbricht 1984, 39, 60, pl. 90.1
Schleswig, PlessenstrasseGermany11th cent.10001HorseMetapodium2, 18unfinishedUlbricht 1984, 39, 60, pl. 89.4
Schleswig, PlessenstrasseGermany11th cent.10001HorseMetapodium1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8Ulbricht 1984, 39, 60, pl. 89.3
Schleswig, PlessenstrasseGermany11th cent.10001HorseMetapodium1, 2, 8Ulbricht 1984, 39, 60, pl. 89.2
Schleswig, PlessenstrasseGermany11th cent.100040HorseMetapodiumUlbricht 1984, 39, 60
Schleswig, PlessenstrasseGermany11th cent.10001HorseRadiusUlbricht 1984, 39, 60
Schleswig, PlessenstrasseGermany11th cent.100021CattleMetapodiumUlbricht 1984, 39, 60
Schleswig, PlessenstrasseGermany11th cent.10001CattleRadiusUlbricht 1984, 39, 60
Schleswig, PlessenstrasseGermany11th cent.10001??Ulbricht 1984, 39, 60
Schleswig, PlessenstrasseGermany11th cent.10001HorseMetacarpus1, 2, 8, 10, 17wooden peg in axial holeUlbricht 1982, 24-27, fig. 9; 1984, 39, 60, pl. 89.1
Starigard / OldenburgGermany9th cent.1000horse, cattlemetapodium, radius4, 5, 6, 7Gabriel 1991, 247
TeterowGermany11th - 12th cent.10001horse or cattleradius8, 9Schuldt 1960, Abb. 5Museum für Ur- und Frühgeschichte SchwerinKat. Nr. XXXIV b, 875
TielNetherlands11th cent.10001CattleCostaLauwerier & Villari 1995, 178-179, fig. 3
Tulln-MarktplatzAustria13th cent.10001horsemetatarsus2Böhm 2015, 44-45, Abb. 5
Wandignies-Hamage, Dpt. NordFrance8th - 9th c.10001cattlemetacarpusChaoui-Derieux 2010, 67, fig. 7Direction de l'Archeologie préventive de la Communauté dAgglomération du Douaisis
Wijnaldum-TjitsmaNetherlands9th - 10th c. AD10001horsemetatarsus2, 10Prummel et al. 2011, 72, 90-91, 94, fig. 32, tab. 4; 20137536
WiskiautenRussia10th -11th cent.1000Viking1cattleMetatarsus2, 3Ibsen, e-mail 12.2.200728
Wroclaw, Ostrow TumskiPoland11th cent.10001Jaworski 1990, 84-85, tab. 17exhibition Archaeological House Wroclaw 9/200927 c/77
Wroclaw, Ostrow TumskiPoland11th cent.10001Jaworski 1990, 84-85, tab. 17exhibition Archaeological House Wroclaw 9/2009241 b/75
York, 46-54 FishergateGreat Britain1050 - 1150 AD1000Anglo- Scandinavian1horsemetatarsus1, 2, 10Rogers 1993, 1406-1408, fig. 688.5611; MacGregor et al. 1999, 1987Yorkshire Museum York5611
York, 46-54 FishergateGreat Britain1050 - 1150 AD1000Anglo- Scandinavian1horsemetapodium1, 2, 7, 10Rogers 1993, 1406-1408, fig. 688.5610; MacGregor et al. 1999, 1987Yorkshire Museum York5610
York, CoppergateGreat Britain10th - 11th cent.1000Anglo- Scandinavian1CattleTibia10immature individualMacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 2023, fig. 9437139 / sf1936
York, CoppergateGreat Britain10th - 11th cent.1000Anglo- Scandinavian1CattleMetatarsus2, 4, 18MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20237138 / sf432
York, CoppergateGreat Britain10th - 11th cent.1000Anglo- Scandinavian1CattleMetatarsus1, 2MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20237140 / sf2174
York, CoppergateGreat Britain10th - 11th cent.1000Anglo- Scandinavian1HorseRadius3, 6, 7MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20237141 / sf4251
York, CoppergateGreat Britain10th - 11th cent.1000Anglo- Scandinavian1??MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20237142 / sf5813
York, CoppergateGreat Britain10th - 11th cent.1000Anglo- Scandinavian1HorseMetacarpus1, 2, 10MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20237143 / sf6456
York, CoppergateGreat Britain10th - 11th cent.1000Anglo- Scandinavian1HorseMetatarsus1, 2MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20237144 / sf6528
York, CoppergateGreat Britain10th - 11th cent.1000Anglo- Scandinavian1??MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20237145 / sf6745
York, CoppergateGreat Britain10th - 11th cent.1000Anglo- Scandinavian1CattleMetatarsusMacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20237146 / sf9864
York, CoppergateGreat Britain10th - 11th cent.1000Anglo- Scandinavian1HorseMetatarsus1, 10MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20237147 / sf10993
York, CoppergateGreat Britain10th - 11th cent.1000Anglo- Scandinavian1CattleRadius2MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20237148 / sf12720
York, CoppergateGreat Britain11th cent.1000Anglo- Scandinavian1HorseMetacarpus1MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20237149 / sf15557
York, CoppergateGreat Britain11th cent.1000Anglo- Scandinavian1CattleMetacarpus10MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20237150 / sf16042
York, CoppergateGreat Britain11th - 12th cent.1000Anglo- Scandinavian1CattleMetacarpus18MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20237151 / sf1360
York, CoppergateGreat Britain11th - 12th cent.1000Anglo- Scandinavian1HorseMetatarsus1, 2, 6, 7, 10MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20237152 / sf4079
York, PiccadillyGreat Britain10th - 12th cent.1000Anglo- Scandinavian1CattleMetacarpus1, 2very short (153 mm)MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 2049, fig. 9437932 / sf325
York, PiccadillyGreat Britain10th - 12th cent.1000Anglo- Scandinavian1HorseMetatarsus1, 2MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20497931 / sf324
Aizkraukle Hill-fortLatvia10th - 13th cent.10502Tilko 2005, 147
ÅrhusDenmark10th - 13th cent.10501cattlemetacarpus2, 3fragmentAndersen et al. 1971, 141-142CND
ÅrhusDenmark10th - 13th cent.10501horsemetatarsus2fragmentAndersen et al. 1971, 141DKP
ÅrhusDenmark10th - 13th cent.10503??Andersen et al. 1971, 141
Bremen, Langenstr./Fangturm, 209 AltstadtGermany12th - 13th cent.10501HorseMetacarpus1, 4, 5, 6, 7Bischop, pers. com. 25.2.2004Landes- archäologie BremenBf. 6
Bremen, Langenstr./Fangturm, 209 AltstadtGermany12th - 13th cent.10501HorseMetapodium4, 6, 7cranial surface worn down till half of the medullar cavityBischop, pers. com. 25.2.2004Landes- archäologie BremenBf. 6
Jever, St. AnnenstraßeGermany12th - 13th. cent.10501cattleradius7fragment, worn down til medullar cavityKüchelmann 2012, 15, fig. 5dNds. Landesamt f. Denkmalpflege, Stützpunkt Oldenburg190
KuusaluEstonia9th - 13th cent.10501HorseMetatarsus6, 8Luik 2000, fig. 3.4AI 5043: 245
LaukskolaLatvia11th - 13th cent.10501Tilko 2005, 146-147VI 128: 7283
Löhavere Hill-fortEstonia12th - 13th cent.10501HorseMetapodiumunfinishedLuik, e-mail 2-4.3.2004
NovgorodRussia10th - 14th cent.105050Horse, CattleMetapodium, Radius1, 8, 9more than 50 specimen; drilled holes mainly in 13th cent. findsStephen, e-mails 13.-15.8.2003
Oldorf 16, NeuwarfenGermany12th - 13th cent.10501horsemetacarpus1, 2, 8exhibition NIhK 18.8.2010Nieder- sächsisches Institut für historische Küstenforschung Wilhelmshaven (NIhK)
Ostrówek, OpolePoland12th - 13th cent.10501horsemetacarpusRozwód 20071676/52
Ostrówek, OpolePoland10th - 14th cent.10501horsemetacarpus1, 2, 6, 7, 17Rozwód 2007A24
Ostrówek, OpolePoland10th - 14th cent.10501horsemetatarsus7Rozwód 20071835/53
Ostrówek, OpolePoland12th - 13th cent.10501horsemetacarpus2, 3Rozwód 2007213a/58
Ostrówek, OpolePoland12th - 13th cent.10501horsemetapodium2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7Norska-Gulkowa 1983, fig. 17b1711/52
Ostrówek, OpolePoland12th - 13th cent.10501horseradius1, 2, 3, 6, 7Norska-Gulkowa 1983, fig. 16c1678/52
Ostrówek, OpolePoland12th - 13th cent.10501cattlemetacarpus1, 2, 7Norska-Gulkowa 1983, fig. 15d; Rozwód 20071704/52
Ostrówek, OpolePoland10th - 14th cent.10501horsemetapodium1, 2Norska-Gulkowa 1983, fig. 15bA22
1Palanga, Birutė hill settlementLithuania12th - 13th cent.10501horsemetacarpus2Zulkus 1997, 259-260, fig. 165
Schleswig, SchildGermany11th - 14th cent.10501CattleMetapodium2, 4distal end sawnUlbricht 1984, 39, 60, pl. 41.1
Schleswig, SchildGermany11th - 14th cent.10506CattleMetapodiumUlbricht 1984, 39, 60
Schleswig, SchildGermany11th - 14th cent.10501HorseMetatarsus2, 4Heinrich 1995, 151-153; Ulbricht 1984, 39, 60, pl. 41.10
Schleswig, SchildGermany11th - 14th cent.10501HorseMetatarsus1, 2Heinrich 1995, 151-153; Ulbricht 1984, 39, 60, pl. 41.9
Schleswig, SchildGermany11th - 14th cent.10501HorseMetatarsus1, 2unfinishedHeinrich 1995, 151-153; Ulbricht 1984, 39, 60, pl. 41.8
Schleswig, SchildGermany11th - 14th cent.10501HorseMetatarsus4Heinrich 1995, 151-153; Ulbricht 1984, 39, 60, pl. 41.6
Schleswig, SchildGermany11th - 14th cent.10501CattleMetatarsus10, 17Heinrich 1995, 151-153; Ulbricht 1984, 39, 60, pl. 41.5
Schleswig, SchildGermany11th - 14th cent.10501HorseMetatarsus10Heinrich 1995, 151-153; Ulbricht 1984, 39, 60, pl. 41.4
Schleswig, SchildGermany11th - 14th cent.10501HorseMetatarsus10Heinrich 1995, 151-153; Ulbricht 1984, 39, 60, pl. 41.3
Schleswig, SchildGermany11th - 14th cent.10501HorseRadiusHeinrich 1995, 151-153; Ulbricht 1984, 39, 60
Schleswig, SchildGermany11th - 14th cent.10501HorseMetacarpus1, 2Heinrich 1995, 151-153, fig. 13.3; Ulbricht 1984, 39, 60
Schleswig, SchildGermany11th - 14th cent.10501HorseMetatarsus2, 4, 7, 8Heinrich 1995, 151-153, fig. 13.2; Ulbricht 1984, 39, 60, pl. 41.7
Schleswig, SchildGermany11th - 14th cent.10501HorseRadius2, 4, 5Heinrich 1995, 151-153, fig. 13.1; Ulbricht 1984, 39, 60, pl. 41.11
Schleswig, SchildGermany11th - 14th cent.10505HorseMetatarsusproximal fragmentsHeinrich 1995, 151-153
Wroclaw, Lewobrzezny, Nowy TargPoland12th - 13th cent.10501horseradius2,3Kazmierczyk 1970, 512; Konczewska 2011, 309exhibition Archaeological Museum Wroclaw 9/200923
Wroclaw, Ostrow Tumski, ul. Kapitulna 4Poland12th-13th c.10501horsemetapodium1, 2, 8fragmentBykowski et al. 2004, 139, fig. 14bexhibition Archaeological House Wroclaw 9/2009
Wroclaw, Ostrow Tumski, ul. Kapitulna 4Poland12th-13th c.10501horsemetatarsus1, 2, 8, 13oblique hole proximoplantarBykowski et al. 2004, 139, fig. 14aexhibition Archaeological House Wroclaw 9/2009
York, The Bedern FoundryGreat Britain12th - 13th cent.1050Anglo- Scandinavian, English1HorseMetatarsus18MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20517981 / sf1742
Bernshausen, Motte, Fst. 1Germany1300 - 135011001horseradius7Grote 2003, 110, pl. 40.12
Bernshausen, Motte, Fst. 1Germanyca. 130011001horseradius7Grote 2003, 107, pl. 40.13
Borken, Burg BorkenwirtheGermany14th cent.11001??8, 10Bischop, pers. com. 1/2004Exhibition Hamalandmuseum Vreden
Bremen, ArstenGermany13th cent.11001HorseMetacarpus4, 6Brandt 1993, 205-206, fig. 2c; Rech 2004, 392Focke-Museum BremenFM 10133
Bremen, ArstenGermany13th cent.11001HorseMetacarpus4, 6, 7Brandt 1993, 205-206, fig. 2b; Rech 2004, 392Focke-Museum BremenFM 10133
Bremen, Martinistrasse, Fst. 4-AltstadtGermany13th cent.11001HorseMetatarsus2, 8, 10Lehnert 1997, 60-61, V, pl. 3.4, 21.1 Rech 2004, 391-392, fig. 397.2Focke-Museum BremenFM 10039
Bremen, WachtstrasseGermany13th cent.11001HorseRadius2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9Rech 2004, 391-392, fig. 397.1Focke-Museum BremenFM 12131
Crna BaraSerbia14th - 15th cent.11002horsemetapodiumManojlovic-Nikolic 2010, T. I.4, II.5
Crna BaraSerbia14th - 15th cent.11001cattlemetatarsus2Manojlovic-Nikolic 2010, T. I.2
DublinIreland13th cent.11001??1, 8MacGregor 1976, 74National Museum of Ireland147
Emden, Dorfwurt WolthusenGermanyLate Middle Age11001fragmentBärenfänger 2008, 231, fig. 27.2Ostfriesische Landschaft Aurich
Emden, KirchstraßeGermany13th cent.11001CattleMetatarsus2, 8Grimm 2010, 135-137, 205, 226, pl. VII, cat. no. 56Ostfriesische Landschaft AurichEMDK 1629
Emden, SchulstraßeGermany13th cent.11001cattlemetatarsus8fragmentGrimm 2010, 135-137, 206, 227, pl. VIII, cat. no. 65Nieder- sächsisches Institut für historische Küstenforschung Wilhelmshaven°EII K 2/2-185
Emden, SchulstraßeGermany13th cent.11001horsemetacarpus2, 8, 10Grimm 2010, 135-137, 206, 227, pl. VIII, cat. no. 63Nieder- sächsisches Institut für historische Küstenforschung Wilhelmshaven°EII H 50/14-164
Emden, SchulstraßeGermany13th cent.11001horsemetacarpus4, 10Grimm 2010, 135-137, 206, 226, pl. VII, cat. no. 62Nieder- sächsisches Institut für historische Küstenforschung Wilhelmshaven
Hamburg, Kleine BäckerstraßeGermany13th-14th cent.11001horsemetatarsusSchindler 1957, 19-20Exhibition Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte, Hamburg 8/20161965,93
Lau, GotlandSweden13th cent.11001??Stenberger 1955, 1106
LihulaEstonia13th - 14th cent.11001HorseMetacarpus2, 3, 7, 8?Luik, e-mail 2.-4.3.2004AM 942
LihulaEstonia13th - 14th cent.11001CattleRadius2, 3Luik, e-mail 2.-4.3.2004AM 942
LihulaEstonia13th - 14th cent.11001CattleMetacarpus2Luik 2000, fig. 5AI 808: 794
MártinsalaLatvia13th - 14th cent.11002Tilko 2005, 146VI 121: 1054, 1055
MártinsalaLatvia13th - 14th cent.1100113vertical holesTilko 2005, 146VI 121: 2130
Medemblik, KerksteegNetherlands11001HorseRadius1, 2, 3, 5ADC rapport 608MEDK-06-04
Ostrówek, OpolePoland13th - 15th cent.11001horsemetapodium1, 2, 7, 17Rozwód 20079146/49
Ostrówek, OpolePoland13th cent.11001horsemetapodium2Norska-Gulkowa 1983, fig. 17a401/51
PärnuEstonia13th - 15th cent.11001CattleMetapodiumLuik, e-mail 8.3.2004
Riga, 8-10 Lielá Pils StreetLatvia13th - 14th cent.11001HorseMetacarpusTilko 2005, fig. 5.1VI 166: 236
Riga, Army Economical ShopLatvia13th - 16th cent.11001HorseMetatarsus2, 8, 9, 13, 192 holes proximal and distal drilled perpendicular into transverse holes Tilko 2005, fig. 3AEV 162
Riga, Occupation MuseumLatvia13th - 14th cent.11001CattleMetacarpusTilko 2005, fig. 5.2VI 172: 16
SapajaSerbia14th - 15th cent.11001horsemetapodium1, 2Manojlovic-Nikolic 1997, T. I.1; 2010, T. I.3Museum of Vrsac
St. Helvigs, Fole, GotlandSweden14th cent.11004??Bohrn 1942, 68; Stenberger 1955, 1106
Turaida CastleLatvia13th - 16th cent.11001Tilko 2005, 146
TurkuFinland16th cent. or older11001CattleRadius3, 10Katajisto 2002, 13, 16, 25, fig. 8Exhibition Aboa Vetus Museum Turku 2/2004KM 95032: 10963 (LU1668)
TurkuFinland15th cent. or older11001CattleMetatarsus2, 18immature individual, not used, determination as skate not certainKatajisto 2002, 13, 16, 24, fig. 6Aboa Vetus Museum Turku 2/2004KM 95032: 10915 (LU 1203a)
Turku, Åbo AkademieFinland14th - 15th cent.11001HorseMetatarsus2, 13, 17, 19oblique hole through center of distal end, distal two small vertical holesKatajisto 2002, 15-16, fig. 5Turku Provincial Museum21816:LU 68
Turku, Åbo AkademieFinland15th cent.11001CattleRadiusKatajisto 2002, 14, 16Turku Provincial Museum21816:LU 147
Turku, Vanha SuurtoriFinland14th cent.11001CattleMetacarpusKatajisto 2002, 12, 16Turku Provincial Museum20315:1654
Turku, Vanha SuurtoriFinland14th cent.11001CattleMetacarpusKatajisto 2002, 11-12, 16, fig. 4Turku Provincial Museum20315:291
VentspilsLatvia14th - 16th cent.11002Tilko 2005, 146
ViljandiEstonia13th - 14th cent.11001HorseRadius4Luik 2000, fig. 6.2VM 10258: 408
ViljandiEstonia13th - 14th cent.11001HorseRadius3, 7Luik 2000, fig. 6.1VM 10258: 485
Wroclaw, ul. Mikolaja 26Poland14th cent.11001horseradius2, 3Jastrzebski 2004, 257-258, fig. 6a-b278/S M 26/2000
Wroclaw, ul. Mikolaja 26Poland15th - 16th cent.11001horseradius2, 3Jastrzebski 2004, 256-259, fig. 7e-f277/S M 26/2000
York, CoppergateGreat Britain13th cent.1100Anglo- Scandinavian, English1HorseMetacarpus1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 10MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 2024, fig. 943, 944e7154 / sf908
York, CoppergateGreat Britain13th cent.1100Anglo- Scandinavian, English1CattleMetatarsus1MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20247155 / sf1294
York, CoppergateGreat Britain13th cent.1100Anglo- Scandinavian, English1HorseMetatarsus1, 2, 8, 10, 17MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20247156 / sf3404
York, CoppergateGreat Britain13th - 14th cent.1100Anglo- Scandinavian, English1HorseMetatarsus10, 17MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20247157 / sf1074
York, CoppergateGreat Britain13th cent.1100Anglo- Scandinavian, English1HorseMetatarsusMacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20237153 / sf3282
York, The BedernGreat Britain13th cent.1100Anglo- Scandinavian, English1CattleRadiusMacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20558081 / sf788
AalsumNetherlands11501HorseMetacarpusclaimed to be Neolithic, dating wrongHerman 1902, 223-224, fig. 129
BajcSlovakia1150Slavic3horsemetapodium1, 5Miklikova 2005
BergenNorway11504??Grieg 1933, 265; Herteig 1969, 198; Stenberger 2955, 1106
Berlin, Spree, Stralauer Straße 36Germany11502Anonymus 1898aMärkisches Museum BerlinMM.B.IV.1666a-b
BlumenbergGermany11501horsemetatarsus22 fragmentsBerke 1992, fig. 3
BlumenbergGermany11501horsemetatarsus2, 18not usedBerke 1992, fig. 2
Bremen, Bredenplatz, 231-AltstadtGermany11501horseMetacarpus4, 5Bishop 2011, 373; Halle pers. com. 9/2008Landes-archäologie BremenBf. 1
Bremen, Bredenplatz, 231-AltstadtGermany11501cattlemetatarsus4, 5Bishop 2011, 373; Halle pers. com 9/2008Landes-archäologie BremenBf. 1
Bremen, Bredenplatz, 231-AltstadtGermany11501cattleradius2, 4, 5, 8, 9drilling Ø 10-15 mmBishop 2011, 373-374, fig. 18; Küchelmann, in prep.Landes-archäologie Bremen3
Bremen, Bredenplatz, 231-AltstadtGermany11501horsemetapodium4, 5heavily wornBishop 2011, 373-374, fig. 18; Küchelmann, in prep.Landes-archäologie Bremen4; Bf. 83
Bremen, Bredenplatz, 231-AltstadtGermany11502Bishop 2011, 373Landes-archäologie Bremen
Burs church, GotlandSweden11501??Stenberger 1955, 1106
DenmarkDenmark11501horsemetacarpus2Grütter, pers. com. 16.1.1995Bernisches Historisches Museum6634
ElisenhofGermany8th - 13th cent.11501HorseMetatarsus2, 3Reichstein 1994, 109, pl. 9.3-4
ElisenhofGermany8th - 13th cent.11501HorseMetacarpus2, 5Reichstein 1994, 109, pl. 9.2
ElisenhofGermany8th - 13th cent.11501HorseMetacarpus2, 4Reichstein 1994, 109, pl. 9.1
ElisenhofGermany8th - 13th cent.11501CattleRadiusReichstein 1994, 109, pl. 8.3
ElisenhofGermany8th - 13th cent.11501CattleMetatarsus2, 3Reichstein 1994, 109, pl. 8.1
ElisenhofGermany8th - 13th cent.11501CattleMetacarpus2Reichstein 1994, 109, pl. 7.4
ElisenhofGermany8th - 13th cent.11501CattleMetacarpus2Reichstein 1994, 109, pl. 7.3
ElisenhofGermany8th - 13th cent.11501CattleMetacarpus2Reichstein 1994, 109, pl. 7.2
ElisenhofGermany8th - 13th cent.11501HorseMetacarpus2, 8, 9Reichstein 1994, 109
ElisenhofGermany8th - 13th cent.11502CattleMetacarpus2, 8, 9Reichstein 1994, 109
ElisenhofGermany8th - 13th cent.11501CattleMetacarpus2palmar side = gliding sideReichstein 1994, 109
ElisenhofGermany8th - 13th cent.115019CattleMetacarpus2Reichstein 1994, 109
ElisenhofGermany8th - 13th cent.115029CattleMetatarsus2Reichstein 1994, 109
ElisenhofGermany8th - 13th cent.11507CattleRadius2Reichstein 1994, 109
ElisenhofGermany8th - 13th cent.11503HorseRadius2Reichstein 1994, 109
ElisenhofGermany8th - 13th cent.11507HorseMetacarpus2Reichstein 1994, 109
ElisenhofGermany8th - 13th cent.11501HorseMetatarsus2Reichstein 1994, 109
Emden, Große KircheGermany11501horsemetatarsus2Grimm 2010, 135-137, 205, 226, pl. VII, cat. no. 58Niedersächsisches Institut für historische Küstenforschung Wilhelmshaven
EnglandGreat Britain8th - 14th cent.11501HorseMetapodium1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9MacGregor 1976, 60, fig. 1A; 1985, 143, fig. 76aMuseum of London
GrimmersumGermany11501CattleMetacarpusclaimed to be Neolithic, dating wrongHerman 1902, 223, fig. 128
HessensGermany7th - 13th cent.11501cattlemetapodium11Siegmüller 2010, 124-129, fig. 77Nieder-sächsisches Institut für historische Küstenforschung Wilhelmshaven118
HessensGermany7th - 13th cent.11501horsemetapodium1, 2, 10cranial surface worn down til medullar cavitySiegmüller 2010, 124-129, fig. 77Nieder-sächsisches Institut für historische Küstenforschung Wilhelmshaven119
HessensGermany7th - 13th cent.11501cattlemetapodium2, 18Siegmüller 2010, 124-129, fig. 79Nieder-sächsisches Institut für historische Küstenforschung Wilhelmshaven124
HessensGermany7th - 13th cent.11501cattlemetapodium2, 3Siegmüller 2010, 124-129, fig. 79Nieder-sächsisches Institut für historische Küstenforschung Wilhelmshaven127
HessensGermany7th - 13th cent.11501cattlemetacarpus2not usedSiegmüller 2010, 124-129, fig. 79Nieder-sächsisches Institut für historische Küstenforschung Wilhelmshaven128
HessensGermany7th - 13th cent.11502lostSiegmüller 2010, 125-128Nieder-sächsisches Institut für historische Küstenforschung Wilhelmshaven132-133
HessensGermany7th - 13th cent.1150110lost, with woofen pegSiegmüller 2010, 125-128Nieder-sächsisches Institut für historische Küstenforschung Wilhelmshaven134
JeverGermany1150Frisian1HorseMetatarsus8, 9Holz & Hammer 2000, 2
Jever, HohenkirchenGermany11501horsemetacarpus9Schlossmuseum Jever6625
Jever, HohenkirchenGermany11501horsemetacarpus1, 2Schlossmuseum Jever6625
Jever, Kirchplatz 15Germany11501horsemetacarpus1, 2, 8worn down till medullar cavitiySchlossmuseum Jever6626
Kadaň (Kaaden)Czech Republic11501Kinzer 1928, 72
KonstanzGermany11501cattleradius2Planck 1994, 301
KonstanzGermany11501cattlemetapodium1, 2Planck 1994, 301
Krnov (Jägerndorf)Czech Republic11501Kinzer 1926, 39
KuusistoFinland11501??Vilppula 1940, 54, 58KM 2801:58
LondonGreat Britain8th - 14th cent.11501HorseMetapodium2, 6, 7, 11, 12MacGregor 1976, 60, fig. 1D; 1985, 143, fig. 76bMuseum of London
ÖlandSweden11501horsemetapodium13, 193 holes distalexhibition Eketorps Museum 7/2010
ÖlandSweden11502?radius2exhibition Eketorps Museum 7/2010
OpolePoland11501horseradius2, 3, 4, 5exhibition Archaeological Museum Wroclaw 9/200919
OsloNorway1150402??Grieg 1933, 265; Herteig 1969, 198; Stenberger 2955, 1106
OtepääEstonia7th - 14th cent.11501HorseMetacarpus1, 5, 9Luik 2000, fig. 4.1; Maldre 2001, 21, fig. 7bAI 4036: I 954
PoznanPoland11501horsemetacarpus1, 2, 8, 13oblique hole posteriopalmarWiniarska-Kabacinska pers. com. 10.9.2009Poznan Archaeological Museum
PoznanPoland11503030-40 specimenWiniarska-Kabacinska pers. com. 10.9.2009Poznan Archaeological Museum
Riga, 8 Basteja BoulevardLatvia11501CattleMetatarsus8, 9Tilko 2005, fig. 4.1VRVM 173945/5
Riga, St. George ChurchLatvia11501HorseMetatarsus2, 9, 132 dorsoplantar holes distalTilko 2005, fig. 4.2
RussiaRussia11501HorseMetapodium7Semenov 1959, 355, fig. 2.5
RussiaRussia11501HorseMetapodium4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9Semenov 1959, 355, fig. 2.3
RussiaRussia11501HorseMetapodium4, 5, 6, 7, 8Semenov 1959, 355, fig. 2.2
RussiaRussia11501HorseMetapodiumworn down till half of medullar cavitySemenov 1959, 354, fig. 1.5
RussiaRussia11501HorseMetapodiumSemenov 1959, 354, fig. 1.3
RussiaRussia11501HorseMetapodiumSemenov 1959, 354, fig. 1.2
RussiaRussia11501HorseMetapodium8Semenov 1957, fig. 105.4; 1959, 355, fig. 2.4
RussiaRussia11501HorseMetapodium4, 5, 6, 7, 8Semenov 1957, fig. 105.3; 1959, 355, fig. 2.1
RussiaRussia11501HorseMetapodiumSemenov 1957, fig. 105.2; 1959, 354, fig. 1.4
RussiaRussia11501HorseMetapodium18unfinishedSemenov 1957, fig. 105.1; 1959, 354, fig. 1.1
Saint-DenisFrance11501Cattleradius2, 5Unité d'Archéologie Saint-Denis800103,1
Saint-DenisFrance115019MetapodiumUnité d'Archéologie Saint-Denis
St. DenisFrance11501cattleradiusMusée d'Art et d'Histoire
TrondheimNorway115065??Grieg 1933, 264; Long 1975, 25; Stenberger 2955, 1106
Turku, Itäinen rantakatuFinland11501CattleMetacarpus2Katajisto 2002, 6-7, 15, fig. 2; Valonen 1958, 108, fig. 14Turku Provincial Museum14681:740
Turku, Itäinen rantakatuFinland11501HorseRadius6, 7Katajisto 2002, 6, 15, fig. 2Turku Provincial Museum14681:740
Turku, Itäinen rantakatuFinland11501HorseMetatarsus6Katajisto 2002, 6, 15, fig. 2Turku Provincial Museum14681:740
Usedom, Gross Lübbenau, Mecklenburg, Lübeck,CösitzGermany1150Slavic, Viking, German129??Becker 1990, 19
Wirdum, Burg BeningaGermany11501horsemetapodium2, 8distal fragmentPeters 2002, 49, 52, fig. 43.1Ostfriesische Landschaft Aurich
Wroclaw, OsobowicePoland11501horsemetacarpus1, 2, 8, 13oblique hole proximopalmarexhibition Archaeological Museum Wroclaw 9/200925
Wroclaw, OsobowicePoland11501horsemetatarsus1, 2, 5, 13oblique hole proximoplantarexhibition Archaeological Museum Wroclaw 9/200925
Wroclaw, Ostrow TumskiPoland11501cattlemetatarsus2not usedJaworski 1990, 123, pl. Xeexhibition Archaeological House Wroclaw 9/200913 c/77
Wroclaw, Ostrow TumskiPoland11501horseradius2, 3Jaworski 1990, 123, pl. Xdexhibition Archaeological House Wroclaw 9/200911 a/78
Wroclaw, Ostrow TumskiPoland11501cattlemetapodium2, 7Jaworski 1990, 123, pl. Xcexhibition Archaeological House Wroclaw 9/2009166 c/78
Wroclaw, Ostrow TumskiPoland11501horseradius2, 3Jaworski 1990, 123, pl. Xbexhibition Archaeological House Wroclaw 9/200911 a/78
Wroclaw, Ostrow TumskiPoland11501horseradius2Jaworski 1990, 123, pl. Xaexhibition Archaeological House Wroclaw 9/2009165 b/78
Wroclaw, Ostrow TumskiPoland11501horseradius2fragmentJaworski 1990, 122, pl. IXfexhibition Archaeological House Wroclaw 9/2009134 i/78
Wroclaw, Ostrow TumskiPoland11501horsemetapodium2, 3Jaworski 1990, 122, pl. IXeexhibition Archaeological House Wroclaw 9/2009162 c/78
Wroclaw, Ostrow TumskiPoland11501horsemetatarsus1, 2Jaworski 1990, 122, pl. IXdexhibition Archaeological House Wroclaw 9/2009257 c/78
Wroclaw, Ostrow TumskiPoland11501horsemetatarsus1, 2Jaworski 1990, 122, pl. IXcexhibition Archaeological House Wroclaw 9/2009160 a/74
Wroclaw, Ostrow TumskiPoland11501horsemetatarsus1, 2, 8, 13oblique hole proximoplantarJaworski 1990, 122, pl. IXbexhibition Archaeological House Wroclaw 9/200927 c/78
Wroclaw, Ostrow TumskiPoland11501horsemetapodium1, 2, 3Jaworski 1990, 122, pl. IXaexhibition Archaeological House Wroclaw 9/2009162 c/78
Wroclaw, Ostrow TumskiPoland115012horse, cattlemetapodium, radiusJaworski 1990exhibition Archaeological House Wroclaw 9/2009
Wroclaw, Ostrow TumskiPoland11501horsemetatarsus1, 2, 8, 13oblique hole proximoplantarexhibition Archaeological Museum Wroclaw 9/20096
Wroclaw, Ostrow TumskiPoland11505horse, cattlemetapodium, radius, costaexhibition Archaeological House Wroclaw 9/2009
YorkGreat Britain8th - 14th cent.11501CattleMetacarpus1, 2, 13sagittal gap between condyli used for bindingMacGregor 1976, 59-60, fig. 1BSheffield City Museum
York, CoppergateGreat Britain9th - 16th cent.1150Anglo- Scandinavian, English1CattleMetatarsus2, 7, 10, 17, 18MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20487901 / sf49
York, CoppergateGreat Britain9th - 16th cent.1150Anglo- Scandinavian, English1CattleMetatarsus6, 7, 10MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20247159 / sf2378
York, CoppergateGreat Britain9th - 16th cent.1150Anglo- Scandinavian, English1HorseMetatarsus10, 18MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20247160 / sf2694
York, CoppergateGreat Britain9th - 16th cent.1150Anglo- Scandinavian, English1HorseMetacarpus1MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20247161 / sf12264
York, Suffolk, Ipswich, Thetford, Nothampton, WaltGreat Britain8th - 14th cent.1150122HorseMetapodium1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 17, 18various combinations of modifications specified in referenceMacGregor 1976, 58-59, 65, 71-74, tab. 1, pl. IVBritish Museum London, Museum of London, National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland Edinborough, Pitt-Rvers-Museum Oxford, Scarborough Museum, Sheffield City Museum, Yorkshire Museum York and other collections
York, Suffolk, Ipswich, Thetford, Nothampton, WaltGreat Britain8th - 14th cent.115029CattleMetapodium1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 17, 18various combinations of modifications specified in referenceMacGregor 1976, 58-59, 65, 71-74, tab. 1, pl. IVBritish Museum London, Museum of London, National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland Edinborough, Pitt-Rvers-Museum Oxford, Scarborough Museum, Sheffield City Museum, Yorkshire Museum York and other collections
York, Suffolk, Ipswich, Thetford, Nothampton, WaltGreat Britain8th - 14th cent.115010Horse, CattleRadius1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 17, 18various combinations of modifications specified in referenceMacGregor 1976, 58-59, 65, 71-74, tab. 1, pl. IVBritish Museum London, Museum of London, National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland Edinborough, Pitt-Rvers-Museum Oxford, Scarborough Museum, Sheffield City Museum, Yorkshire Museum York and other collections
Bernshausen, Dorf, Fst. 25Germany12th - 16th cent.11751horseradius2, 7Grote 2003, 199, pl. 79.3
Feste Grafendorf, StockerauAustria15th - early 16th cent.11801HorseMetatarsus2 diaphysis fragments, refittedJettmar 2013, 195, fig. 2; Jettmar & Kunst 2017, 480-482, Abb. 21-23; Kunst et al. 2018, 946-948, fig. 8Urgeschichte-museum Niederösterreich432/513
Åland, Kastelholms SlottFinland12002HorseMetapodiumElfwendahl 1991, 152565:2102; 565:2872
AlúksneLatvia16th - 17th cent.12001Tilko 2005, 146
CsontkorcsolyaHungary16th cent.12001HorseRadius2, 3, 4, 5Exhibition Museum of Hungarian Agriculture 12/200688
CsontkorcsolyaHungary16th cent.12001HorseRadiusExhibition Museum of Hungarian Agriculture 12/2006
HaapsaluEstonia16th cent.12001CattleMetatarsus2, 7Russow 2002, 131, fig. 11HM 8850: 55
Wroclaw, ul. Wierzbowa 3/4Poland16th - 18th cent.12002Jastrzebski 2004, 257
York, CoppergateGreat Britain16th cent.1200English1HorseMetatarsus1MacGregor et al. 1999, 1984-1989, 20247158 / sf2601
ArchipelagoFinlandca. 185013002HorseMetatarsus2, 11, 12, 13, 19oblique hole through center of distal end; one specimen with two additional holes proximal; called downhill skates"" by donator"Turku Provincial Museum15053:3
BerlinGermany19th cent.?13001SheepMandibulawith wooden footholdAnonymus 1898b, 176; Friedel 1898, 325; Herman 1902, 226, fig. 134Museum für deutsche Volkstrachten Berlin
Csongád- MindszentHungary19th cent.13005HorseMetapodium1Herman 1902, pl. V.5-7
DobrudschaHungary19th cent.13005HorseMetapodium1, 2, 8, 9Herman 1902, pl. V.9-13
DobrudschaHungary19th cent.13001HorseMetapodium2, 4, 5Herman 1902, 225, fig. 133
East PolandPolandca. 188013002CattleCosta13two transverse holes through Corpus costaekunst & antiek Revue 1 / 1985, 13
HungaryHungary19th cent.13002HorseMetapodium13hole not specifiedHerman 1902, pl. V.8
IcelandIceland187813002??Allen 1896, 33-34
IlmajokiFinland19th cent.?13001HorseMetapodium2, 4, 5, 11, 12, 19Vilppula 1940, fig. 1Ilmajoen Museo1498
Kezdi-Szt.-LélekHungary19th cent.13002HorseMetapodiumHerman 1902, pl. V.2-3
KokemäkiFinland19th cent.?13001HorseMetapodium19Vilppula 1940, fig. 3Kansallismuseon2031:24:00
KorpooFinland19th cent.?13001HorseMetapodium19Vilppula 1940, fig. 3KansallismuseonD 172
NauvoFinland19th cent. ?13002HorseMetatarsus2, 11, 12, 17, 19Turku Provincial Museum2093
NauvoFinland19th cent. ?13001HorseMetacarpus2, 11, 12, 17, 19Turku Provincial Museum2095
OsmussaarEstonia19th cent.13001CattleMetatarsus2Luik 2000, fig. 13ERM A 493: 38
OsmussaarEstonia19th cent.13001HorseMetapodium2Luik 2000, fig. 12ERM A 493: 78A
OsmussaarEstonia19th cent.13001HorseMetapodium2, 8, 13transverse hole in the middle of skateLuik 2000, fig. 12ERM A 493: 78B
PühalepaEstonia19th cent.13002HorseMetapodium2, 19Luik 2000, fig. 10ERM A 492:59
ReykjavikIceland19th cent.13002??McGovern, e-mail 2.7.2003Exhibition National Museum of Iceland
SkogarIceland197213001CattleMetatarsus4, 5, 8, 9in use until 1972McGovern, e-mail 2.7.2003; Short, e-mail 28.2.2006; visit Skogar Museum 21.10.2017Exhibition Skogar Folkmuseum
SkogarIceland197213001CattleMetacarpus4, 5, 8, 9in use until 1972McGovern, e-mail 2.7.2003; Short, e-mail 28.2.2006; visit Skogar Museum 21.10.2017Exhibition Skogar Folkmuseum
Suur-PakriEstonia19th cent.13002HorseMetapodium8, 9, 17Luik 2000, fig. 11ERM A 333:1,2
TurkuFinlandbefore 174313001HorseMetatarsus2, 13, 19oblique hole through center of distal endKatajisto 2002, 13, 16Aboa Vetus Museum Turku 2/2004KM 95032: 10922 (LU 1478)
Vätö socken, UpplandSweden188013001horsemetapodium2, 11, 12, 19Berg 1943, 87, bild 15
VihterpaluEstonia19th cent.13001HorseRadius2, 6, 7Luik 2000, fig. 14HMK 624
Aberdeen, ScotlandGreat Britainno date14001HorseMetapodium2, 3MacGregor 1985, 144
AbingdonGreat Britainno date14001??MacGregor 1985, 144
AmsterdamNetherlandsno date14001HorseMetacarpusde Vegt, Bremen, Germany77
Arctic IslandsCanada500 BC - 1000 AD1400Dorset3bone and ivorySutherland & McGhee 1998, 8exhibition Übersee-Museum Bremen 3/1999
BjörkoFinlandno date14002HorseMetacarpus2, 13, 19one specimen with vertical hole at proximal endExhibition National Museum of Finland Helsinki 2/2004784
Bremen, StromGermanyno date14002HorseMetapodiumFocke-Museum BremenFM 9929
Bremen, StromGermanyno date14001HorseRadius2, 3, 6, 7Focke-Museum BremenFM 9929
Bremen, StromGermanyno date14001?RadiusFocke-Museum BremenFM 9929
Bremen, WeserGermanyno date14001HorseMetacarpus8Focke-Museum Bremen
Bromberg, BurgGermanyno date14001horsemetacarpusAnonymus 1898b, 175-176; Nehring 1897
Burg im Spreewald, Kreis Lübben, SchlossbergGermanyno date1400?Anonymus 1898b, 177
By, DalarnaSwedenno date14001horsemetapodium2, 19Berg 1943, 87, bild 7Nordiska Museet Stockholm79,992
Czech RepublikCzech Republicno date140093??Hruby 1957; 1965
DeventerNetherlandsno date14002CattleMetapodium8th - 19th cent.Ijzereff & Laarmann 1986, 413-414, fig. 8
DeventerNetherlandsno date14001HorseRadius8th - 19th cent.Ijzereff & Laarmann 1986, 413-414, fig. 8
Domaslaw, district WroclawPoland14005exhibition Archaeological House Wroclaw 9/2009
DurhamGreat Britainno date14001??Exhibition Durham Archaeological Museum 8/20021984:06:14
EzingeNetherlandsno date14001horseMetacarpusPrummel et al. 2014, 221, 236, bijlage 4Noordelijk Archeologisch Depot Nuis593
EzingeNetherlandsno date14001cattleMetacarpusPrummel et al. 2014, 221, 227, 237, bijlage 4Noordelijk Archeologisch Depot NuisE30
FrauenhofenAustriano date14001horsemetatarsus19Vohnicky 1933Heimatmuseum Tulln
GisperslebenGermanyno date14001HorseMetatarsus2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 17Barthel 1969, 216-217, pl. 33.2Museum WeimarMW 266/62
GroningenNetherlandsno date140015??Groningen Instituut voor Archeologie
HindelopenNetherlandsno date14001??2, 4, 58, 9Nieuwenbourg-Bron 1996?, 11
HindelopenNetherlandsno date14001CattleMetapodium1Nieuwenbourg-Bron 1996?, 11
Holt under EyjafjöllumIcelandno date14001CattleMetatarsus2visit Skogar Museum 21.10.2017Exhibition Skogar Folkmuseum
Iffens, BeckmannsfeldGermanyno date14001horsemetapodiumMeiners, pers. com. 23.2.2012Nieder-sächsisches Institut für historische Küstenforschung Wilhelmshaven
Ketzin, BurgwallGermanyno date14001horsemetacarpusAnonymus 1898b, 175; Nehring 1897Museum für Völkerkunde Berlin
Ketzin, BurgwallGermanyno date14001horsemetatarsusAnonymus 1898b, 175; Nehring 1897Museum für Völkerkunde Berlin
Ketzin, BurgwallGermanyno date14001cattlemetacarpusAnonymus 1898b, 175; Nehring 1897Museum für Völkerkunde Berlin
Ketzin, BurgwallGermanyno date14001cattleradiusAnonymus 1898b, 175; Nehring 1897Museum für Völkerkunde Berlin
Konstanz, WessenbergstraßeGermany14001cattleGummel 1923, 19; von Trölsch 1902, 101, 104, 163
LehmjaEstoniano date14001HorseMetatarsus91000 BC - 1100 ADLuik 2000, fig. 3.3AI 5310: 228
LehmjaEstoniano date14001HorseMetacarpus2, 81000 BC - 1100 ADLuik 2000, fig. 3.2AI 5310: III 141
LondonGreat Britainno date14007??MacGregor 1985, 144
LondonGreat Britainno date14002??Herman 1902, 224-225; Munro 1897
London, MoorfieldsGreat Britainno date14001horsemetapodium1, 2, 8, 10falsely described as tibiaSmith 1848
Lund, MårtenstorgetSwedenno date14001horsemetapodium2, 8Berg 1943, 87, bild 9Nordiska Museet Stockholm189,123
MälarseeSwedenno date1400300??Herman 1902, 226
MerseburgGermanyno date14001HorseMetacarpus2, 3, 6, 8, 9holes ¿ 7 mmBarthel 1969, 225Landesmuseum HalleMH 4156
MiculciceCzech Republicno date14001?TibiaKratochvil & Sterba 1970, 452
MiculciceCzech Republicno date1400155?Metapodium, RadiusKratochvil & Sterba 1970
Middelstum BoerdamsterwegNetherlandsno date14001horsemetacarpus 2, 8worn down til medullary cavity; connection of magazine find to excavation not certainScheele, e-mail 18.8.2015Groningen Instituut voor ArcheologieGIA-1971.VII-II
Moosseedorf, Kanton BernSwitzerlandno date14001horsemetatarsus2Anonymus 1898b, 177; Grütter, pers. com. 16.1.1995; Gummel 1923, 19; Hampe 2010, 46; von Trölsch 1902, 101Bernisches Historisches Museum1186
near BerlinGermanyno date14001HorseRadiussledge runner?Herman 1902, 223, fig. 127
NetherlandsNetherlandsno date14001?Radius2, 5, 5, 8, 9Nieuwenbourg-Bron 1996?, 10
NetherlandsNetherlandsno date14001CattleMetapodium2, 3Nieuwenbourg-Bron 1996?, 10
NetherlandsNetherlandsno date14001?Metapodium2, 4, 10, 11Broere 1988, 6Broere
Niemcza, district DzierzoniowPoland14008exhibition Archaeological House Wroclaw 9/2009
Noarootsi, Sutlep village, Seffers farmEstoniano date14001horsemetapodium2, 5, 6Tulev, e-mail 28.8.2016; 9.10.2017
NorddeutschlandGermanyno date14001HorseMetapodium2Lindenschmit 1864, pl. 1.1; Herman 1902, 224, fig. 130Museum Hannover
North East BulgariaBulgariano date14005??Vázarova 1986
ÖlandSwedenno date14001horsemetapodium2, 5, 7, 8, 9Berg 1943, 87, bild 10Nordiska Museet Stockholm136,223
Olomouc (Olmütz)Czech Republic14001horsemetacarpusJeitteles 1871
OosterbeintumNetherlands600 BC - 1500 AD14001horseradius1, 8, 9fragment, worn down til medullary cavityKramer & Prummel 2000, 108-11028bis-273
OosterbeintumNetherlands600 BC - 1500 AD14001horsemetacarpus2, 3, 8, 9Kramer & Prummel 2000, 108-10928bis-16
OosterbeintumNetherlands600 BC - 1500 AD14001horsemetacarpus2, 8, 13unfinished 2nd hole above distal holeKramer & Prummel 2000, 108-10928bis-97
OosterendNetherlandsno date14001HorseMetatarsus2, 11Lindenschmit 1864, pl.1.3-4a; Anonymus 1898b, 177; Herman 1902, 224, fig. 131Rijksmuseum van Oudheden Leiden
OxfordUnited Kingdomno date14001HorseRadiusMuseum of Oxford
Potzlow, Kreis TemplinGermanyno date14005Anonymus 1898aMärkisches Museum BerlinMM.B.II.9192-9197
PrinzendorfAustriano date14001red deertibiaVohnicky 1933, 86Landesmuseum Niederösterreich St. Pölten660
Remsthal, SchwabenGermanyno date14001horsevon Trölsch 1902, 101
Rings, Hejnum, GotlandSweden140018, 9Klindt-Jensen 1955, 857; Stenberger 1955, 1105
SchwaikheimGermanyno date14001Speiser 2006Heimatverein Schwaikheim
Slánská HoraCzech Republikno date14001humanfemur1, 8Schmidt 1895National Museum Prague16.321
Spandau, StresowGermanyno date14001HorseMetacarpusclaimed to be Bronze Age, dating doubtfulHerman 1902, 223; Anonymus 1898aMärkisches Museum BerlinMM.B.II.11805
St. Peter of ArchesGreat Britainno date14001HorseMetapodium1, 8Herman 1902, 225, fig. 132; Munro 1897, 296
SudweyheGermany14001horsemetapodiumRentrop 2005, 58Kreismuseum Syke
ToornwerdNetherlandsno date14001CattleMetacarpus2600 BC - 1900 ADMiedema 2002, fig. 158.61946/V 69
Toppenwerder bei Alt-RuppinGermanyno date14002Anonymus 1898aMärkisches Museum BerlinMM.B.II.10448-10449
Turku, BrahenkatuFinlandno date14001HorseMetatarsusKatajisto 2002, 7, 16Turku Provincial Museum17015:65
Turku, CastleFinlandno date14001CattleRadiusKatajisto 2002, 8, 16Turku Provincial Museum18331:113
Turku, CastleFinlandno date14001HorseMetatarsus2, 1914th cent. onwardsKatajisto 2002, 5-6, 15Turku Provincial Museum13275:11.117
Turku, HovioikeudenkatuFinlandno date14001CattleMetatarsusKatajisto 2002, 8, 16Turku Provincial Museum17017:88
Turku, Itäinen rantakatuFinlandno date14001HorseMetatarsusKatajisto 2002, 8, 16Turku Provincial Museum17361:71e
Turku, MätäjerviFinlandno date14001HorseMetacarpusKatajisto 2002, 10, 16Turku Provincial Museum18831:72
Turku, NunnakatuFinland14001HorseMetatarsus2, 19Katajisto 2002, 7, 16; Valonen 1958, 108Turku Provincial Museum14681:2000
Turku, UudenmaankatuFinlandno date14001CattleMetatarsusKatajisto 2002, 11, 16Turku Provincial Museum18703:21
Turku, Vanha SuurtoriFinlandno date14001CattleMetacarpusKatajisto 2002, 9, 16, fig. 3Turku Provincial Museum18618:25
unbekanntGermanyno date14004horse, cattleradius8Feldhaus 1965, 965, Abb. 630Museum für Völkerkunde Leipzig
UppsalaSwedenno date14001horsemetapodium2, 19Berg 1943, 87, bild 8Nordiska Museet Stockholm8,727
Urshult socken, SmålandSwedenno date14001horsemetapodium2, 19Berg 1943, 87, bild 16Nordiska Museet Stockholm71,244
ViborgDenmarkno date14001??carved with human faceNielsen 1968, 38
West-FivelingoNetherlandsno date14006Horse, CattleMetapodium2, 3600 BC - 1900 ADMiedema 2002
West-FivelingoNetherlandsno date14006Horse, CattleMetapodium600 BC - 1900 ADMiedema 2002
WesteremdenNetherlandsno date14001HorseMetapodiumall surfaces polished, secondary use?; 600 BC - 1900 ADMiedema 2002, fig. 158.71921/I 19
WesteremdenNetherlandsno date14001CattleMetacarpus2600 BC - 1900 ADMiedema 2002, fig. 158.31909/I 180
WesteremdenNetherlandsno date14001HorseMetacarpus600 BC - 1900 ADMiedema 2002, fig. 158.21921/I 18
WesterwijtwerdNetherlands600 BC - 1900 AD, no date14001CattleMetacarpus2, 3, 8, 9600 BC - 1900 ADMiedema 2002, fig. 159.21900/I 395
WesterwijtwerdNetherlandsno date14001HorseRadius2, 4, 5, 10figure inconsistant with description claiming only metapodiae were used; 600 BC - 1900 ADMiedema 2002, fig. 159.11962/II 32
WesterwijtwerdNetherlandsno date14001HorseMetapodium2, 4, 5, 8, 9600 BC - 1900 ADMiedema 2002, fig. 158.51900/I 392
WesterwijtwerdNetherlandsno date14001HorseMetapodium1, 2, 8, 9, 13transverse hole in the middle of skate; 600 BC - 1900 ADMiedema 2002, fig. 158.41900/VI 17
WesterwijtwerdNetherlandsno date14001CattleMetacarpus2, 3, 10, 18not used; 600 BC - 1900 ADMiedema 2002, fig. 158.11900/I 392