
Dies ist eine Auswahl von Knochen-Arbeiten, vorwiegend aus den Bereichen Archäozoologie und Taphonomie.

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Aalbersberg, Gerard / Boersma, Siebe / Schepers, Mans (2017): Paleo-Palfenier met Rita van Egypte tot Ezinge, Groningen

Aaris-Sørensen, Kim (1999): The Holocene history of the Scandinavian aurochs (Bos primigenius BOJANUS, 1827). in: Weniger, Gerd-Christian (ed.): Archäologie und Biologie des Auerochsen, Wissenschaftliche Schriften des Neanderthal Museums 1, 49-57, Mettmann

Aaris-Sørensen, Kim (1984): Om en uroksetyr fra Prejlerup - og dens sammenstød med Maglemosekulturen. – Nationalmuseets Arbejdsmark 1984, 165-173

Aaris-Sørensen, Kim (1981): A Classification Code and Computerized Data-Analysis for Faunal Materials from Archaeological Sites. – Ossa 8, 3-29

Abe, Yoshiko & Marean, Curtis W. (2003): Image-Analysis Software is the Future of Zooarchaeological Methodology. – International Council for Archaeozoology Newsletter 4(1), 3

Abel, Herbert (1970): Vom Raritätenkabinett zum Bremer Überseemuseum – Die Geschichte einer hanseatischen Sammlung aus Übersee anläßlich ihres 75jährigen Bestehens, Bremen

Abel, Wilhelm (1962): Rinderhaltung in Grünlandgebieten im Mittelalter. – Zeitschrift für Tierzüchtung und Züchtungsbiologie 76, 89-100

Ablamowicz, Renata (2001): Ausgewählte erkenntnistheoretische Aspekte der Tierreste aus den Gräberfeldern der Bevölkerung der sog. Lausitzer Kultur im Weichsel-, Oder- und Elbegebiet. – Beiträge zur Archäozoologie und Prähistorischen Anthropologie 3, 66-71

Aboe, Gemma (2013): Once in a whale, online publication, Oxford

Abrahami, Philippe (2006): Le cochon dans les collections d'oracles de la Mésopotamie. in: Lion, Brigitte & Michel, Cécile (eds.): De la domestication au tabou – Le cas des suidés au Proche-Orient ancien, 267-282, Paris

Achilli, Alessandro / Olivieri, Anna / Lancioni, Hovirag / Hooshiar Kashani, Baharak / Perego, Ugo A. / Nergadze, Solomon G. / Carossa, Valeria / Santagostini, Marco / Capomaccio, Stefano / Felicetti, Michela / Al-Achkar, Walid / Penedo, M. Cecilia T. / Verini-Supplizi, Andrea / Houshmand, Massoud / Woodward, Scott R. / Semino, Ornella / Silvestrelli, Maurizio / Giulotto, Elena / Pereira, Luisa / Bandelt, Hans-Jürgen / Torroni, Antonio (2012): Mitochondrial genomes from modern horses reveal the major haplogroups that underwent domestication. – Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109(7), 2449-2454

Ackermann, Jennifer (1998): Dinosaurs Take Wing – The Origin of Birds. – National Geographic Magazine 194(1), 74-99

Acosta, Alejandro A. / Loponte, Daniel / Schuenemann, Verena / Gascue, Andrés / Pfrengle, Saskia / Guedes Milheira, Rafael / Bortolotto, Noelia (2018): Pre-Columbian Domestic Dogs (Canis familiaris) at the Southern Extreme of South America, poster presented at the 13th ICAZ conference in Ankara

Acosta, Alejandro A. & Buc, Natacha (2010): Linking Evidences: from Carcass Processing to Bone Technology. The Case of the Lower Paraná Wetlands (Late Holocene, Argentina). in: Legrand-Pineau, Alexandra / Sidéra, Isabelle / Buc, Natacha / David, Éva / Scheinsohn, Vivian (eds.): Ancient and Modern Bone Artefacts from America to Russia. Cultural, technological and functional signature, British Archaeological Reports International Series 2136, 303-314, Oxford

Adam, Angelika & Kunst, Günther Karl (1999): Aspekte der Tierknochenauswertung in einem urbanen Millieu am Beispiel der Grabung Wien / Alte Aula. – Beiträge zur Mittelalterarchäologie in Österreich 15, 157-175

Adams, J. Crawford (1978): Outline of Fractures, 7th edition, Edinburgh

Adán, Gema E. / Álvarez-Lao, Diego / Turrero, Pablo / Arbizu, Miguel / García-Vázquez, Eva (2009): Fish as diet resource in North Spain during the Upper Paleolithic. – Journal of Archaeological Science 36, 895-899

Adler, Claus-Peter (1983): Knochenkrankheiten – Diagnostik makroskopischer, histologischer und radiologischer Strukturveränderungen des Skeletts, 2. Auflage, Heidelberg

Adler, Horst (2000): Fundort Kloster – Archäologie im Klösterreich, Fundberichte aus Österreich Materialhefte A 8, Wien

Adolfs, F. (1988): Kattendiep deurgraven. Historisch-archeologisch onderzoek aan de noordzijde van het Gedempte Kattendiep te Groningen, Groningen

Aegisson, Sigurdur (2015): Icelandic Trade with Gyrfalcons from Medieval Times to the Modern Era, Siglufjördur

Affani, Giorgio (2008): Astragalus bone in Ancient Near East: Ritual depositions in Iron Age I in Tell Afis. in: Córdoba, Joaquín M. / Molist, Míquel / Pérez, Maria Carmen / Rubio, Isabel / Martínez, Sergio (eds.): Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, 77-92, Madrid

Aguirre, Emiliano (2006): La industria ósea primitiva de Torralba. – Munibe (Antropologia - Arkeologia) 57/2, 19-52

Aharoni, Yohanan (1975): Investigations at Lachish. The Sanctuary and the Residency (Lachish V), Tel Aviv

Ahlers, Bernhard (1911): Die arktische Fischerei wie sie von der Weser aus betrieben wurde, Nachdruck 1988, Bremen

Ahmed, F. A. / Semieka, M. A. / Misk, N. A. (2003): Radiographic Studies on the Development of some secondary Ossification Centres in Camels (Camelus dromearius). – Journal of Camel Practice and Research 10(1), 23-31

Ahola, Joonas / Frog, Dr. / Laakso, Ville (2018): The roles and perceptions of raptors in Iron Age and medieval Finno-Karelian cultures through c. AD 1500. in: Gersmann, Karl-Heinz & Grimm, Oliver (eds.): Raptor and human – falconry and bird symbolism throughout the millennia on a global scale, volume 2, Advanced studies on the archaeology and history of hunting 1, 887-934, Neumünster

Ahrland, Åsa (2018): Imagery of birds of prey and falconry in the High and Late Middle Ages (1150–1500) in the Nordic countries – reflections of actual hunting practices or symbols of power?. in: Gersmann, Karl-Heinz & Grimm, Oliver (eds.): Raptor and human – falconry and bird symbolism throughout the millennia on a global scale, volume 2, Advanced studies on the archaeology and history of hunting 1, 861-885, Neumünster

Ahrland, Åsa (2013): Vert and venison – High status hunting and parks in medieval Sweden. in: Grimm, Oliver & Schmölcke, Ulrich (eds.): Hunting in northern Europe until 1500 AD. Old traditions and regional developments, continental sources and continental influences, Schriften des Archäologischen Landesmuseums Ergänzungsreihe 7, 439-464, Neumünster

Aiello, Leslie / Bennike, Pia / Nogge, Gunther (1996): 4 Millionen Jahre Mensch, Hellerup

Aikio, Pekka (1989): The changing role of reindeer in the life of the Sámi. in: Clutton-Brock, Juliet (ed.): The Walking Larder: Patterns of Domestication, Pastoralism, and Predation, One World Archaeology 2, 169-184, Oxford

Akasoy, Anna (2018): Falconry in Arabic literature: from its beginnings to the mid- 9th century. in: Gersmann, Karl-Heinz & Grimm, Oliver (eds.): Raptor and human – falconry and bird symbolism throughout the millennia on a global scale, volume 4, Advanced studies on the archaeology and history of hunting 1, 1769-1791, Neumünster

Akhmetgaleeva, Natalia (2010): Technology and Use-wear Analysis of the Non-utilitarian Bones Objects from the Russian Upper Paleolithic Site of Byki-7(I). in: Legrand-Pineau, Alexandra / Sidéra, Isabelle / Buc, Natacha / David, Éva / Scheinsohn, Vivian (eds.): Ancient and Modern Bone Artefacts from America to Russia. Cultural, technological and functional signature, British Archaeological Reports International Series 2136, 211-216, Oxford

Akkermans, P. A. / Boerma, A. K. / Clason, Anneke T. / Hill, S. G. / Lohof, E. / Meiklejohn, C. / le Miere, M. / Molgat, G. M. F. / Roodenberg, Jacob J. / Waterbolk-van Roven, W. / van Zeist, Willem (1983): Bouqras Revisited: Preliminary Report on a Project in Eastern Syria. – Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 49, 335-372

Akkermans, Peter M. M. G. (1996): Tell Sabi Abyad. The Neolithic Settlement, Istanbul

al-Shiyab, Abdel Halim (1997): Animal Remains from 'Ain Rahub. in: Gebel, Hans Georg K. / Kafafi, Zeidan A. / Rollefson, Gary O. (eds.): The Prehistory of Jordan, II. Perspectives from 1997, Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence, and Environment 4, 593-599, Berlin

Al-Zawahra, Muhammed (2017): The animal bone remains from Mar Nicola, a Byzantine-Islamic site at Beit Jala, Palestine. in: Mashkour, Marjan & Beech, Mark J. (eds.): Archaeozoology of the Near East 9 Volume 2, 431-442, Oxford

Al-Zawahra, Muhammed (2008): The Faunal Remains from Tell El-Mafjer, a Chalcolithic Site in the Lower Jordan Valley, Palestine. in: Vila, Emmanuelle / Gourichon, Lionel / Choyke, Alice M. / Buitenhuis, Hijlke (eds.): Archaeozoology of the Near East VIII Tome II, Travaux de la Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée 49, 431-449, Paris

Alaica, Aleksa & Bélisle, Véronique (2023): Bone and antler artifact use in the 1st millennium CE of Cusco, Peru: Insights on textile production and food processing from the site of Ak'awillay. – Quaternary International 665-666, 176-186

Albarella, Umberto / Baker, Polydora / Browaeysq, Evelyne / Corbino, Chiara Assunta / Mulville, Jacqueline A. / Poland, James Gerard / Worley, Fay (2020): The Archaeology of Human-Bird Interactions: Essays in Honour of Dale Serjeantson. Volume 1. – Quaternary International 543, 1-7

Albarella, Umberto (2018): Concluding Remarks. in: Giovas, Christina M. & LeFebvre, Michelle (eds.): Zooarchaeology in Practice. Case Studies in Methodology and Interpretation in Archaeofaunal Analysis, 309-319, Heidelberg

Albarella, Umberto (2017): I suini del Nuraghe Arrubiu. Nota sulla biometra e sulle età. in: Lo Schiave, Fulvia & Perra, Mauro (eds.): Il nurraghe arrubiu di orroli. volume 1. La Torre centrale il cortile B: il cuore del gigante rosso, 115-118, Cagliari

Albarella, Umberto / Rizzetto, Mauro / Russ, Hannah / Vickers, Kim / Viner-Daniels, Sarah (2017): The Oxford Handbook of Zooarchaeology, Oxford Handbooks, Oxford

Albarella, Umberto (2017): Zooarchaeology in the twenty-first century: where we come from, where we are now, and where we are going. in: Albarella, Umberto / Rizzetto, Mauro / Russ, Hannah / Vickers, Kim / Viner-Daniels, Sarah (eds.): The Oxford Handbook of Zooarchaeology, Oxford Handbooks, Oxford

Albarella, Umberto (2016): Defining bone movement in archaeological stratigraphy: a plea for clarity. – Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 8, 353-358

Albarella, Umberto / Manconi, Filippo / Trentacoste, Angela (2011): A week on the plateau: Pig husbandry, mobility and resource exploitation in central Sardinia. in: Albarella, Umberto & Trentacoste, Angela (eds.): Ethnozooarchaeology. The present and past of human-animal relationships, 143-159, Oxford

Albarella, Umberto & Trentacoste, Angela (2011): Ethnozooarchaeology. The present and past of human-animal relationships, Oxford

Albarella, Umberto (2010): The Wild Boar. in: O'Connor, Terry P. & Sykes, Naomi (eds.): Extinctions and Invasions: A Social History of British Fauna, 59-67, Oxford

Albarella, Umberto / Beech, Mark J. / Curl, Julie / Locker, Alison Mary / Moreno-García, Marta / Mulville, Jacqueline A. (2009): Norwich Castle: Excavations and Historical Survey, 1987–98 Part III: A Zooarchaeological Study, East Anglian Archaeology Occasional Papers 22

Albarella, Umberto / Dobney, Keith / Rowley-Conwy, Peter (2009): Size and shape of the Eurasian wild boar (Sus scrofa), with a view to the reconstruction of its Holocene history. – Environmental Archaeology 14(2), 103-136

Albarella, Umberto / Dobney, Keith / Ervynck, Anton (2008): Pigs and Humans: 10.000 Years of Interaction, Oxford

Albarella, Umberto & Payne, Sebastian (2005): Neolithic pigs from Durrington Walls, Wiltshire, England: a biometrical database. – Journal of Archaeological Science 32, 589-599

Albarella, Umberto / Davis, Simon J. M. / Detry, Cleia / Rowley-Conwy, Peter (2005): Pigs of the “Far West”: the biometry of Sus from archaeological sites in Portugal. – Anthropozoologica 40(2), 27-54

Albarella, Umberto (2005): The role of domestic ducks and geese from Roman to Medieval times in Britain. in: Grupe, Gisela & Peters, Joris (eds.): Feathers, grit and symbolism – Birds and humans in the ancient Old and New Worlds, Documenta Archaeobiologiae 3, 249-258, Rahden

Albarella, Umberto (2002): 'Size matters': how and why biometry is still important in zooarchaeology. in: Dobney, Keith & O'Connor, Terry P. (eds.): Bones and the Man. Studies in honour of Don Brothwell, 51-62, Oxford

Albarella, Umberto & Thomas, Richard M. (2002): They dined on crane: bird consumption, wild fowling and status in medieval England. – Acta zoologica cracoviensia 45 (special issue), 23-28

Albarella, Umberto (1997): Crane and Vulture at an Italian Bronze Age Site. – International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 7, 346-349

Albarella, Umberto (1997): Shape variation of cattle metapodials: age, sex or breed? Some examples from mediaeval and postmediaeval sites. – Anthropozoologica 25-26, 37-48

Albarella, Umberto (1997): Size, power, wool and veal: zooarchaeological evidence for late medieval innovations. in: de Boe, Guy & Verhaege, Frans (eds.): Environment and Subsistence in Medieval Europe, Papers of the 'Medieval Europe Brugge 1997' Conference, Instituut voor het Archeologisch Patrimonium Rapporten 9, 19-30, Zellik

Albarella, Umberto & Davis, Simon J. M. (1996): Mammals and Birds from Launceston Castle, Cornwall: decline in status and the rise of agriculture. – Circaea 12(1), 1-156

Albarella, Umberto & Davis, Simon J. M. (1994): The Saxon and Medieval Animal Bones Excavated 1985-1989 from West Cotton, Northamptonshire, Ancient Monuments Laboratory Report 17/94, Portsmouth

Albers, Johann Abraham (1818): Icones ad illustrandam anatomen comparatam, Leipzig

Albrecht, Gerd (1983): Die Jäger der späten Eiszeit. in: Müller-Beck, Hansjürgen (ed.): Urgeschichte in Baden-Württemberg, 331-353, Stuttgart

Alen, An & Ervynck, Anton (2005): The large scale and specialised late medieval urban craft of marrow extraction: archaeological and historical evidence from Malines (Belgium), confronted with experimental work. in: Mulville, Jacqueline A. & Outram, Alan K. (eds.): The Zooarchaeology of Fats, Oils, Milk and Dairying, Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Council for Archaeozoology, Durham, August 2002, 193-200, Oxford

Alexander, Karen E. / Leavenworth, William B. / Courname, Jamie / Cooper, Andrew B. / Claesson, Stefan / Brennan, Stephen / Smith, Gwynna / Rains, Lesley / Magness, Katherine / Dunn, Reneé / Law, Tristan K. / Gee, Robert / Bolster, W. Jeffrey / Rosenberg, Andrew A. (2009): Gulf of Maine cod in 1861: historical analysis of fishery logbooks, with ecosystem implications. – Fish and Fisheries 10, 428-449

Alf, Axel / Brenzinger, Bastian / Haszprunar, Gerhard / Schrödl, Michael / Schwabe, Enrico (2020): A Guide to Marine Molluscs of Europe, Hackenheim

Alizadeh, Abbas (2006): The Origins of State Organizations in Prehistoric Highland Fars, Southern Iran. Excavations at Tall-e Bakun, Oriental Institute Publications 128, Chicago

Allaire, Bernard & Holm, Poul (2022): The Price of Fish in French Supply Contracts (1538-1751): A Quantitative Approach to the Early Modern French Fish Market. – Food and History 20(1), 41-66

Allen, Durward L. & Mech, L. David (1963): Wolves Versus Moose on Isle Royale. – National Geographic Magazine 23(2), 200-219

Allen, J. / Golson, J. / Jones, R. (1977): Sunda and Sahul: Prehistoric studies in Southeast Asia, New York

Allen, Martyn G. (2009): The re-identification of great bustard (Otis tarda) from Fishbourne Roman Palace, Chichester, West Sussex, as common crane (Grus grus). – Environmental Archaeology 14(2), 184-190

Allen, Melinda S. (2017): Spatial Variability and Human Ecodynamics in Central East Polynesian Fisheries. in: Albarella, Umberto / Rizzetto, Mauro / Russ, Hannah / Vickers, Kim / Viner-Daniels, Sarah (eds.): The Oxford Handbook of Zooarchaeology, Oxford Handbooks, 739-756, Oxford

Allen, Melinda S. (2014): The Historical Role of Bonefishes (Albula spp.) in Polynesian Fisheries. – Hawaiian Archaeology Special Publication 4, 51-72

Allen, Michael J. & Eastabrook, Bria (2017): (Some thoughts on) using molluscs for landscape reconstruction and ecology in Malta. in: Allen, Michael J. (ed.): Molluscs in Archaeology. Methods, approaches and applications, Studying Scientific Archaeology 3, 165-178, Oxford

Allen, Michael J. (2017): Land snails in archaeology. in: Allen, Michael J. (ed.): Molluscs in Archaeology. Methods, approaches and applications, Studying Scientific Archaeology 3, 6-29, Oxford

Allen, Michael J. & Payne, Sebastian (2017): Molluscs in archaeology: an introduction. in: Allen, Michael J. (ed.): Molluscs in Archaeology. Methods, approaches and applications, Studying Scientific Archaeology 3, 1-4, Oxford

Allen, Michael J. (2017): Molluscs in Archaeology. Methods, approaches and applications, Studying Scientific Archaeology 3, Oxford

Allen, Michael J. (2017): The southern English chalklands: molluscan evidence for the nature of the post-glacial woodland cover. in: Allen, Michael J. (ed.): Molluscs in Archaeology. Methods, approaches and applications, Studying Scientific Archaeology 3, 144-164, Oxford

Allen, Michael J. & Robinson, Mark (2005): Insects. in: Gardiner, Julie & Allen, Michael J. (eds.): Before the Mast. Life and Death Aboard the Mary Rose, The Archaeology of the Mary Rose 4, 615-617, Portsmouth

Allen, Michael J. / Coy, Jenny P. / Hamilton-Dyer, Sheila / Oxley, Ian / Smith, Wendy / Green, F. J. / Tomlinson, P. / Dodd, P. / Gardiner, Julie (2005): Provisions for Board and Lodging: the Animal and Plant Remains. in: Gardiner, Julie & Allen, Michael J. (eds.): Before the Mast. Life and Death Aboard the Mary Rose, The Archaeology of the Mary Rose 4, 564-612, Portsmouth

Allentuck, Adam & Greenfield, Haskel J. (2010): The Organization of Animal Production in an Early Urban Center: The Zooarchaeological Evidence from Early Bronze Age Titris Höyük, Southeast Turkey. in: Campana, Douglas V. / Crabtree, Pam Jean / deFrance, Susan D. / Lev-Tov, Justin S. E. / Choyke, Alice M. (eds.): Anthropological Approaches to Zooarchaeology. Complexity, Colonialism, and Animal Transformations, 12-29, Oxford

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Allison, Peter A. (1986): Soft-bodied animals in the fossil record: The role of decay in fragmentation during transport. – Geology 14, 979-981

Almathen, Faisal / Charruau, Pauline / Mohandesan, Elmira / Mwacharo, Joram M. / Orozco-terWengel, Pablo / Pitt, Daniel / Abdussamad, Abdussamad M. / Uerpmann, Margarethe / Uerpmann, Hans-Peter / de Cupere, Bea / Magee, Peter / Alnaqeeb, Majed A. / Salim, Bashir / Raziq, Abdul / Dessie, Tadelle / Abdelhadi, Omer M. / Banabazi, Mohammad H. / Al-Eknah, Marzook / Walzer, Chris / Faye, Bernard / Hofreiter, Michael / Peters, Joris / Hanotte, Olivier / Burger, Pamela (2016): Ancient and modern DNA reveal dynamics of domestication and cross-continental dispersal of the dromedary. – Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Almeida Évora, Marina (2013): Raw Material Used in the Manufacture of Osseous Artefacts during the Upper Palaeolithic in Portugal. in: Choyke, Alice M. & O'Connor, Sonia (eds.): From These Bare Bones: Raw Materials and the Study of Worked Osseous Objects, 21-27, Oxford

Almgren, Bertil (1980): Lebendige Vorzeit – Felsbilder der Bronzezeit aus Schweden, Oldenburg

Almond, Richard (2018): Hunting from the fist: looking at hawking and falconry in late medieval England (1000–1500) through art history. in: Gersmann, Karl-Heinz & Grimm, Oliver (eds.): Raptor and human – falconry and bird symbolism throughout the millennia on a global scale, volume 3, Advanced studies on the archaeology and history of hunting 1, 1117-1148, Neumünster

Alonso, Émilie (2008): Travail et décor des médaillons en bois de cerf. Analyse et essai typologique. in: Bertrand, Isabelle (ed.): Le travail de l'os, du bois de cerf et de la corne à l'époque romaine: un artisanat en marge? Actes de la table ronde instrumentum, Chauvigny (Vienne), 8-9 décembre 2005, Monographies instrumentum 34, 275-281, Montagnac

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Altamirano Garcia, Manuel (2019): Maintenance, Inheritance and Memory. V-perforated Ivory Buttons from the Los Castillejos Chalcolithic site in Las Peñas de los Gitanos (Granada, Spain). – Zooarchaeology 3, 29-40, pl. 12-15

Altamirano Garcia, Manuel & Luciañez Triviño, Miriam (2016): La industria en hueso del Tholos de Montelirio. in: Fernández Flores, Álvaro / García Sanjuán, Leonardo / Dáz-Zorita Bonilla, Marta (eds.): Montelirio. Un gran monumento megalítico de la Edad del Cobre, Monografias, 273-283, Sevilla

Altamirano Garcia, Manuel (2014): Hueso, asta y marfil: manufactura de artefactos durante el III milenio a.C. en el poblado de Los Castillejos (Montefrío, Granada). – Saguntum 46, 21-40

Altamirano Garcia, Manuel (2014): Not only Bones. Hard Animal Tissues as a Source of Raw Material in 3rd Millennium BC South-Eastern Iberia. – Revista de Prehistoria de Andalucía 5, 43-47

Altamirano Garcia, Manuel (2014): Osseous and Shell Ornaments from the Bronze Age Argaric Site of Cerro de la Encina (Monachil, Granada, Spain). in: Ma, Xiaolin & Hou, Yanfeng (eds.): Proceedings of the 9th Meeting of the (ICAZ) Worked Bone Research Group, Zhengzhou, China, 2013, Zooarchaeology 2, 37-48, pl. 13-14, Beijing

Altamirano Garcia, Manuel (2013): Bronze Age Bone and Antler Working: the Osseous Assemblage from Motilla del Azuer (Daimiel, Ciudad Real, Spain). – Revista de Prehistoria de Andalucía 4, 173-185

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