General Publications & Manuscripts

Tierknochen Bremen, Martinistraße

Pleuger, Sarah & Küchelmann, Hans Christian (2023): Die Tierknochenfunde der Fundstelle 313/Altstadt (August-Kühne-Haus) in Bremen, Bericht für denkmal3d, Bremen

[Animal Bone Finds of the Site 313/Altstadt (August-Kühne-Haus) in Bremen]

With this paper the archäozoological analysis of the faunal remains found 2017-2018 in an excavation alongside the banks of the river Weser in the medieval town center of Bremen is presented. The small assemblage (n = 505, 10,4 kg) covers the time period from the 13th-20th century. Not unexpected, the majority of the remains stem from the domestic taxa cattle, pig, sheep / goat and poultry. Horse, dog, hare, brown rat, bivalves, cod and flatfish are represented with few finds. A couple of bones display pathologies and bone working.

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Report published as
Pleuger-Dreibrodt, Sarah & Küchelmann, Hans Christian (2024): Die Knochen von Brücke 1. Das Tierknocheninventar der Fundstelle 313/Altstadt in Bremen. – Bremer Archäologische Blätter Neue Folge 9, 268-294