Fockes Labor: Tierknochen. Archäologische Funde zuordnen!
[Focke’s Lab: Animal Bones. Assigning Archaeologcal Finds!]
Revised edition since January 2024
Museum educational service offer since 2003
Focke-Museum Bremen
Focke’s Lab is the name of an offer of the Focke Museum’s educational service for children and young people designed by Gerda Engelbracht in 2002-2003. The lab consists of 15 mobile educational stations covering five different topics. Three of the stations are concerned with bones and have been designed by Gerda Engelbracht in collaboration with me. The educational stations contain information about bones, tools like hand lenses and hand drills and original historical objects. The accompanying leaflet contains simple and understandable information about archaeozoology and anatomy of domestic animals, about bone working and historical and archaeological facts from Bremen. The „lab assistants“ can try to identify bones, aided by the informations given, and they can practically work on the material bone.
Since January 2024 the accompanying booklet is available in a second revised edition.
Fockes Labor: Tierknochen. Archäologische Funde zuordnen!
[Focke’s Lab: Animal Bones. Assigning Archaeologcal Finds!]
Second edition January 2024
Fockes Labor: Knochen. Von archäologischen Knochenfunden, mittelalterlichen Kämmen und Brummern
[Focke’s Lab: Bones. Of archaeologcal bone finds, medieval combs and buzz bones]
First edition June 2003
Flyer Fockes Labor (pdf 1,5 MB).
Title page info-brochure (pdf 760 kb).
Fockes Labor: Tierknochen. Archäologische Funde zuordnen!
[Focke’s Lab: Animal Bones. Assigning Archaeologcal Finds!]
Revised edition since January 2024
Museum educational service offer since 2003
Focke-Museum Bremen
Focke’s Lab is the name of an offer of the Focke Museum’s educational service for children and young people designed by Gerda Engelbracht in 2002-2003. The lab consists of 15 mobile educational stations covering five different topics. Three of the stations are concerned with bones and have been designed by Gerda Engelbracht in collaboration with me. The educational stations contain information about bones, tools like hand lenses and hand drills and original historical objects. The accompanying leaflet contains simple and understandable information about archaeozoology and anatomy of domestic animals, about bone working and historical and archaeological facts from Bremen. The „lab assistants“ can try to identify bones, aided by the informations given, and they can practically work on the material bone.
Since January 2024 the accompanying booklet is available in a second revised edition.
Fockes Labor: Tierknochen. Archäologische Funde zuordnen!
[Focke’s Lab: Animal Bones. Assigning Archaeologcal Finds!]
Second edition January 2024
Fockes Labor: Knochen. Von archäologischen Knochenfunden, mittelalterlichen Kämmen und Brummern
[Focke’s Lab: Bones. Of archaeologcal bone finds, medieval combs and buzz bones]
First edition June 2003
Flyer Fockes Labor (pdf 1,5 MB).
Title page info-brochure (pdf 760 kb).