Verschleppt. Versklavt. Vergessen? Zwangsarbeit in Bremen 1939-1945
[Displaced. Enslaved. Forgotten? Forced Labour in Bremen 1939-1945]
21. January – 30. June 2023
Focke-Museum Bremen
Forced labour was one of the most visible and quotidian crimes in National Socialism. In Bremen and Bremerhaven there was a dense net of camps as well. Both cities were among the most important armament production locations of the “Third Empire” and tried to counteract the shortage of manpower with prisoners of war and forced labour. With examples of locations and biographies of sufferers the exhibition gives insights into the reality of forced labour in Bremen and Bremerhaven during World War II.
In the exhibition parts of my poster for the day of the open monument at the 11. September 2022 were used:
• Küchelmann, Hans Christian (2022): Sprengbombenopfer auf dem ehemaligen Kriegsgefangenenfriedhof an der Reitbrake
Verschleppt. Versklavt. Vergessen? Zwangsarbeit in Bremen 1939-1945
[Displaced. Enslaved. Forgotten? Forced Labour in Bremen 1939-1945]
21. January – 30. June 2023
Focke-Museum Bremen
Forced labour was one of the most visible and quotidian crimes in National Socialism. In Bremen and Bremerhaven there was a dense net of camps as well. Both cities were among the most important armament production locations of the “Third Empire” and tried to counteract the shortage of manpower with prisoners of war and forced labour. With examples of locations and biographies of sufferers the exhibition gives insights into the reality of forced labour in Bremen and Bremerhaven during World War II.
In the exhibition parts of my poster for the day of the open monument at the 11. September 2022 were used:
• Küchelmann, Hans Christian (2022): Sprengbombenopfer auf dem ehemaligen Kriegsgefangenenfriedhof an der Reitbrake