Bringing the Strands Together: Forging Consensus on the Study of Worked Hard Osseous Materials
10. August 2023
14th International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ) Conference
Cairns, Australia
Vortrag von Alice Choyke & Hans Christian Küchelmann
within the session
„Where Have We Been and Where are We Going? Papers Celebrating 50 Years of Archaeozoology“
Bringing the Strands Together: Forging Consensus on the Study of Worked Hard Osseous Materials
10. August 2023
14th International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ) Conference
Cairns, Australia
Vortrag von Alice Choyke & Hans Christian Küchelmann
within the session
„Where Have We Been and Where are We Going? Papers Celebrating 50 Years of Archaeozoology“