Publikationen & Manuskripte

The Beast in the Feast

Bartosiewicz, László / Gyetvai, Alexandra / Küchelmann, Hans Christian (2010): The Beast in the Feast. in: Pluskowski, Aleksander G. / Kunst, Günther Karl / Kucera, Matthias / Bietak, Manfred / Hein, Irmgard (eds.): Bestial Mirrors – Using Animals to construct human Identities in medieval Europe, Animals as Material Culture in the Middle Ages 3, 85-99, Wien

Archaeozoological evidence is instrumental in reconstructing mundane diets. On the other hand, comprehensive information on high-status food is available in Early Modern Age cookbooks. This paper is the zoological identification of wild mammals in a cookbook published in Hungarian at the end of the 17th century in Transylvania. Game animals listed in this work are compared to their representation in the archaeological record. Correspondences are striking in the case of common game. However, exotica (marine animals and other creatures originating from high status import) have not yet been found at archaeological sites in Hungary.

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