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Finding the woolly sheep: meta-analyses of archaeozoological data

Becker, Cornelia / Benecke, Norbert / Küchelmann, Hans Christian / Suhrbier, Stefan (2020): Finding the woolly sheep: meta-analyses of archaeozoological data from south-western Asia and south-eastern Europe. in: Schier, Wolfram & Pollock, Susan (eds.): The Competition of Fibres. Early Textile Procuction in Western Asia, South-East and Central Europe (10,000-500 BC). International workshop Berlin, 8-10 March 2017, Ancient Textiles Series 36, 83-93, Oxford

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The export of gyrfalcons from Iceland during the 16th century

Mehler, Natascha / Küchelmann, Hans Christian / Holterman, Bart (2018): The export of gyrfalcons from Iceland during the 16th century: a boundless business in a proto-globalized world. in: Gersmann, Karl-Heinz & Grimm, Oliver (eds.): Raptor and human – falconry and bird symbolism throughout the millennia on a global scale, volume 3, Advanced studies on the archaeology and history of hunting 1, 995-1019, Neumünster

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Von der Küche in den Graben – Bremens Stadtgraben und die Essgewohnheiten seiner Anwohner

Bischop, Dieter & Küchelmann, Hans Christian (2018): Von der Küche in den Graben – Bremens Stadtgraben und die Essgewohnheiten seiner Anwohner an der Wende zur Frühen Neuzeit. in: Melzer, Walter (ed.): Lebensmittel im Mittelalter und in der frühen Neuzeit. Erzeugung, Verarbeitung, Versorgung. Beiträge des 16. Kolloquiums des Arbeitskreises zur archäologischen Erforschung des mittelalterlichen Handwerks, Soester Beiträge zur Archäologie 15, 137-151, Soest

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The Textile Revolution. Research into the Origin and Spread of Wool Production between the Near East and Central Europe

Becker, Cornelia / Benecke, Norbert / Grabundžija, Ana / Küchelmann, Hans Christian / Pollock, Susan / Schier, Wolfram / Schoch, Chiara / Schrakamp, Ingo / Schütt, Britta / Schumacher, Martin (2016): The Textile Revolution. Research into the Origin and Spread of Wool Production between the Near East and Central Europe. – eTopoi Journal for Ancient Studies Special Volume 6, 102-145

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The textile revolution. Research into the origin and spread of wool production between the Near East and Central Europe

Becker, Cornelia / Benecke, Norbert / Grabundžija, Ana / Küchelmann, Hans Christian / Pollock, Susan / Schier, Wolfram / Schoch, Chiara / Schrakamp, Ingo / Schütt, Britta / Schumacher, Martin (2014): The textile revolution. Research into the origin and spread of wool production between the Near East and Central Europe. in: Topoi Research Group Reports

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Mogador, eine Handelsstation am westlichen Rand der phönizischen und römischen Welt – die Tierreste

Becker, Cornelia / von den Driesch, Angela / Küchelmann, Hans Christian (2013): Mogador, eine Handelsstation am westlichen Rand der phönizischen und römischen Welt – die Tierreste. in: Grupe, Gisela / McGlynn, George / Peters, Joris (eds.): Current discoveries from outside and within. Field explorations and critical comments from the lab, Documenta Archaeobiologiae 10, 11-159, Rahden

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Noble Meals instead of Abstinence? A faunal Assemblage from the Dominican Monastery of Norden

Küchelmann, Hans Christian (2012): Noble Meals instead of Abstinence? A faunal Assemblage from the Dominican Monastery of Norden, Northern Germany. in: Lefèvre, Christine (ed.): Proceedings of the General Session of the 11th International Council for Archaeozoology Conference (Paris, 23-28 August 2010), British Archaeological Reports International Series 2354, 87-97, Oxford

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The Beast in the Feast

Bartosiewicz, László / Gyetvai, Alexandra / Küchelmann, Hans Christian (2010): The Beast in the Feast. in: Pluskowski, Aleksander G. / Kunst, Günther Karl / Kucera, Matthias / Bietak, Manfred / Hein, Irmgard (eds.): Bestial Mirrors – Using Animals to construct human Identities in medieval Europe, Animals as Material Culture in the Middle Ages 3, 85-99, Wien

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Highland Tunes in the Lowlands: a Medieval Vulture Bone Flute from Northern Germany

Küchelmann, Hans Christian (2010): Highland Tunes in the Lowlands: a Medieval Vulture Bone Flute from Northern Germany. in: Legrand-Pineau, Alexandra / Sidéra, Isabelle / Buc, Natacha / David, Eva / Scheinsohn, Vivian (eds.): Ancient and Modern Bone Artefacts from America to Russia. Cultural, technological and functional signature, British Archaeological Reports International Series 2136, 171-182, Oxford

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Taphonomische Spuren an Knochenfunden

Küchelmann, Hans Christian (2009): Taphonomische Spuren an Knochenfunden – ein Überblick am Beispiel von Funden aus der bronzezeitlichen Stadt Hirbet ez-Zeraqon (Jordanien). in: de Beauclair, Roland / Münzel, Susanne C. / Napierala, Hannes (eds.): Knochen pflastern ihren Weg. Festschrift für Margarethe und Hans-Peter Uerpmann, BioArchaeologica 5, 143-159, Rahden

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Let’s skate together! Skating on Bones in the Past and Today

Küchelmann, Hans Christian & Zidarov, Petar (2005): Let’s skate together! Skating on Bones in the Past and Today. in: Luik, Heidi / Choyke, Alice M. / Batey, Colleen / Lougas, Lembi (eds.): From Hooves to Horns, from Mollusc to Mammoth – Manufacture and Use of Bone Artefacts from Prehistoric Times to the Present – Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of the ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group at Tallinn, 26th–31st of August 2003, Muinasaja teadus 15, 425-445, Tallinn

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Tierreste Langwedel-Daverden

Küchelmann, Hans Christian (eingereicht): Fast alles verbrannt. Tierische Überreste aus der bronze- bis eisenzeitlichen Siedlung Daverden, Fundstelle 9. in: Precht, Jutta (Hrsg.): Daverden – Eine bronze- bis früheisenzeitliche Siedlung im Landkreis Verden, Studien zur Landschafts- und Siedlungsgeschichte im südlichen Nordseegebiet, Wilhelmshaven