
Dies ist eine Auswahl von Knochen-Arbeiten, vorwiegend aus den Bereichen Archäozoologie und Taphonomie.

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O'Connell, James F. / Hawkes, Kristen / Blurton Jones, Nicholas (1988): Hadza Scavenging: Implications for Plio/Pleistocene Hominid Subsistence. – Current Anthropology 29(2), 356-363

O'Connell, Tamsin C. / Hedges, Robert E. M. / van Klinken, G. J. (1997): An Improved Method for Measuring Racemisation of Amino Acids from Archaeological Bone collagen. – Ancient Biomolecules 1, 215-230

O'Connor, Sonia (2016): The Cowisht Project: Enhancing the Identification of Artefact Raw Materials. – Cuadernos del Instituto Nacional de Antropología y Pensamiento Latinoamericano – Series Especiales 3(2), 4-22

O'Connor, Sonia / Solazzo, Caroline / Collins, Matthew James (2015): Advances in identifying archaeological traces of horn and other keratinous hard tissues. – Studies in Conservation 60(6), 393-417

O'Connor, Sonia (2013): Exotic Materials Used in the Construction of Iron Age Sword Handles from South Cave, UK. in: Choyke, Alice M. & O'Connor, Sonia (eds.): From These Bare Bones: Raw Materials and the Study of Worked Osseous Objects, 188-200, Oxford

O'Connor, Sonia / Edwards, Howell G. M. / Ali, Esam (2011): An Interim Investigation of the Potential of Vibrational Spectroscopy for the Dating of Cultural Objects in Ivory. – ArchéoSciences 35, 159-165, pl. 9

O'Connor, Sonia (1999): The Preservation, Identification and Conservation of the Finds. in: MacGregor, Arthur G. / Mainman, Ailsa J. / Rogers, Nicola S. H. (eds.): Craft, Industry and Everyday Life: Bone, Antler, Ivory and Horn from Anglo-Scandinavian and Medieval York, The Archaeology of York 17/12, 1898-1901, York

O'Connor, Sonia (1987): The Identification of osseous and keratinaceous materials at York. in: Starling, Katherine & Watkinson, David (eds.): Archaeological Bone, Antler and Ivory, UKIC Occasional Papers 5, 9-21, London

O'Connor, Sue / Ono, Rintaro / Clarkson, Chris (2011): Pelagic Fishing at 42,000 Years Before the Present and the Maritime Skills of Modern Humans. – Science 334, 1117-1121

O'Connor, Terry P. (2017): Wetlands: freshwater and slum communities. in: Allen, Michael J. (ed.): Molluscs in Archaeology. Methods, approaches and applications, Studying Scientific Archaeology 3, 127-141, Oxford

O'Connor, Terry P. & Sykes, Naomi (2010): Extinctions and Invasions: A Social History of British Fauna, Oxford

O'Connor, Terry P. (2010): Livestock and deadstock in early medieval Europe from the North Sea to the Baltic. – Environmental Archaeology 15(1), 1-15

O'Connor, Terry P. (2010): The British Fauna in a Changing World. in: O'Connor, Terry P. & Sykes, Naomi (eds.): Extinctions and Invasions: A Social History of British Fauna, 1-9, Oxford

O'Connor, Terry P. (2010): The House Mouse. in: O'Connor, Terry P. & Sykes, Naomi (eds.): Extinctions and Invasions: A Social History of British Fauna, 127-133, Oxford

O'Connor, Terry P. (2008): On the differential diagnosis of arthropathy in bovids. in: Grupe, Gisela / McGlynn, George / Peters, Joris (eds.): Limping together through the ages. Joint afflictions and bone infections, Documenta Archaeobiologiae 6, 165-186, Rahden

O'Connor, Terry P. (2007): Wild or Domestic? Biometric Variation in the Cat Felis silvestris Schreber. – International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 17, 581-595

O'Connor, Terry P. (2006): Vertebrate Demography by Numbers: Age, Sex, and Zooarchaeological Practice. in: Ruscillo, Deborah (ed.): Recent Advances in Ageing and Sexing Animal Bones, Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Council for Archaeozoology, Durham, August 2002, 1-8, Oxford

O'Connor, Terry P. (2005): Biosphere to Lithosphere – New studies on vertebrate taphonomy, Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Council for Archaeozoology, Durham, August 2002, Oxford

O'Connor, Terry P. (2005): Biosphere to Lithosphere: an introduction. in: O'Connor, Terry P. (ed.): Biosphere to Lithosphere – New studies on vertebrate taphonomy, Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Council of Archaeozoology, Durham, August 2002, 1-3, Oxford

O'Connor, Terry P. & O'Connor, Sonia (2005): Digitising and image-processing radiographs to enhance interpretation in avian palaeopathology. in: Grupe, Gisela & Peters, Joris (eds.): Feathers, grit and symbolism – Birds and humans in the ancient Old and New Worlds, Documenta Archaeobiologiae 3, 69-82, Rahden

O'Connor, Terry P. (2003): The Analysis of Urban Animal Bone Assemblages. A Handbook for Archaeologists, The Archaeology of York 19/2, York

O'Connor, Terry P. (2001): Animal Bone Quantifications. in: Brothwell, Don R. & Pollard, A. M. (eds.): Handbook of Archaeological Sciences, 703-710, New York

O'Connor, Terry P. (2000): the archaeology of animal bones, Stroud, Gloucestershire

O'Connor, Terry P. (1998): On the Difficulty of Detecting Seasonal Slaughtering of Sheep. – Environmental Archaeology 3, 5-11

O'Connor, Terry P. (1993): Birds and the Scavenger Niche. – Archaeofauna 2, 155-162

O'Connor, Terry P. (1993): Bone assemblages from monastic sites: many questions but few data. in: Gilchrist, Roberta & Mytum, Harold C. (eds.): Advances in monastic archaeology, British Archaeological Reports British Series 227, 107-111, Oxford

O'Connor, Terry P. (1993): Process and Terminology in Mammal Carcass Reduction. – International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 3, 63-67

O'Connor, Terry P. (1987): On the structure, chemistry and decay of bone, antler and ivory. in: Starling, Katherine & Watkinson, David (eds.): Archaeological Bone, Antler and Ivory, UKIC Occasional Papers 5, 6-8, London

O'Leary, Maureen A. (2010): An Anatomical and Phylogenetic Study of the Osteology of the Petrosal of Extant and Extinct Artiodactylans (Mammalia) and Relatives. – Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 335, 1-206

O'Meara, Don (2013): Scant evidence of great surplus: research at the rural Cistercian monastery of Holme Cultram, Northwest England. in: Groot, Maaike / Lentjes, Daphne / Zeiler, Jørn T. (eds.): Barely Surviving or More than Enough? The environmental archaeology of subsistence, specialisation and surplus food production, 279-296, Leiden

Oakley, Kenneth P. (1981): Emergence of higher thought 3.0–0.2 Ma B.P.. – Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 292, 205-211

Oakley, Kenneth P. (1978): Animal Fossils as Charms. in: Porter, Joshua Roy & Russell, William Moy S. (eds.): Animals in Folklore, 208-240, 276-281, Cambridge

Oakley, Kenneth P. (1965): Folklore of Fossils Part I. – Antiquity 39(153), 9-16, pl. I-II

Oakley, Kenneth P. (1965): Folklore of Fossils Part II. – Antiquity 39(154), 117-125, pl. 21-26

Oates, David / Oates, Joan / McDonald, Helen (2001): Excavations at Tell Brak. Vol. 2: Nagar in the third millennium BC, McDonald Institute Monograph, Oxford

Oates, David W. / Krings, Lisa M. / Ditz, Karen L. (1993): Field Manual for the Identification of Selected North American Freshwater Fish by Fillets and Scales, Other Publications in Wildlife Management 13, Lincoln, Nebraska

Oberdorfer, Friedrich (1959): Die Hunde des Latène-Oppidums von Manching 7, München

Obermaier, Henriette (2013): Faunenreste aus dem archaischen Tempel des Panionion und aus der Siedlung Melia im Mykale Gebirge, Westtürkei. in: Grupe, Gisela / McGlynn, George / Peters, Joris (eds.): Current discoveries from outside and within. Field explorations and critical comments from the lab, Documenta Archaeobiologiae 10, 207-231, Rahden

Obermaier, Henriette (2006): Tierknochenfunde aus Horom, Armenien, von der frühen Bronzezeit bis in späturartäische Zeit. – Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan 38, 141-195

Obermaier, Sabine (2018): Falconry in the medieval German Tristan romances. in: Gersmann, Karl-Heinz & Grimm, Oliver (eds.): Raptor and human – falconry and bird symbolism throughout the millennia on a global scale, volume 4, Advanced studies on the archaeology and history of hunting 1, 1507-1517, Neumünster

Obmann, Jürgen (1998): Zur Kline im Grabbrauch und ihrem archäologschen Nachweis in Gräbern der römischen Nordwestprovinzen. – Xantener Berichte 7, 419-429

Obmann, Jürgen (1997): Die römischen Funde aus Bein von Nida-Heddernheim, Schriften des Archäologischen Museums Frankfurt 13, Bonn

Obst, Fritz Jürgen (1985): Die Welt der Schildkröten, Zürich

Ochsenschlager, E. L. (1993): Sheep: Ethnoarchaeology at Al-Hiba. – Bulletin on Sumerian Agriculture 7, 33-42

Odenweller, Michael (2017): Anmerkungen zur christlichen Deutung von Tiermotiven auf merowingerzeitlichen Grabbeigaben am Beispiel der Vogelfibeln. in: Brieske, Vera / Dickers, Aurelie / Rind, Michael M. (eds.): Tiere und Tierdarstellungen in der Archäologie, Veröffentlichungen der Altertumskommission für Westfalen 22, 307-314, Münster

Odgaard, Ulla / Grønnow, Bjarne / Pasda, Kerstin (2013): Grönländische Familien auf Karibujagd. – Archäologie in Deutschland 3/2013, 34-37

Oehlmann, Barbara (1989): Zur Bestimmung hochmittelalterlicher Tierknochen-Fundkomplexe unterschiedlicher Herkunft in Braunschweig. – Nachrichten aus Niedersachsens Urgeschichte 58, 273-278

Oehrl, Sigmund (2018): An overview of falconry in Northern Germanic and insular iconography, 6th/7th centuries AD to c. 1100 AD. in: Gersmann, Karl-Heinz & Grimm, Oliver (eds.): Raptor and human – falconry and bird symbolism throughout the millennia on a global scale, volume 2, Advanced studies on the archaeology and history of hunting 1, 841-860, Neumünster

Oehrl, Sigmund (2013): Bear hunting and its ideological context (as a background for the interpretation of bear claws and other remains of bears in Germanic graves of the 1st millennium AD). in: Grimm, Oliver & Schmölcke, Ulrich (eds.): Hunting in northern Europe until 1500 AD. Old traditions and regional developments, continental sources and continental influences, Schriften des Archäologischen Landesmuseums Ergänzungsreihe 7, 29--332, Neumünster

Oehrl, Sigmund (2013): Can pictures lie? Hunting the red deer with raptors – According to visual representations from the viking Age. in: Grimm, Oliver & Schmölcke, Ulrich (eds.): Hunting in northern Europe until 1500 AD. Old traditions and regional developments, continental sources and continental influences, Schriften des Archäologischen Landesmuseums Ergänzungsreihe 7, 515-530, Neumünster

Oehrl, Sigmund (2013): Hunting in the West Norwegian Gulathing Law (Gulapingslog/Gulapingsbók). in: Grimm, Oliver & Schmölcke, Ulrich (eds.): Hunting in northern Europe until 1500 AD. Old traditions and regional developments, continental sources and continental influences, Schriften des Archäologischen Landesmuseums Ergänzungsreihe 7, 505-514, Neumünster

Oesau, Wanda (1955): Hamburgs Grönlandfahrt auf Walfischfang und Robbenschlag vom 17.–19. Jahrhundert, Glückstadt

Oesau, Wanda (1937): Schleswig-Holsteins Grönlandfahrt auf Walfischfang und Robbenschlag vom 17.–19. Jahrhundert, Glückstadt

Offele, Daniel / Harbeck, Michaela / Dobberstein, Reimer C. / von Wurmb-Schwark, Nicole / Ritz-Timme, Stefanie (2007): Soft tissue removal by maceration and feeding of Dermestes sp.: impact on morphological and biomolecular analyses of dental tissues in forensic medicine. – International Journal of Legal Medicine 121, 341-348

Ohnesorge, Gerd & Scheiba, Bernd (2012): Tierspuren und Fährten erkennen und bestimmen, München

Oleniuc, Florentina Carmen & Bejenaru, Luminita (2011): Preliminary Data Concerning the Manufacturing of Animal Raw Materials in the Chalcolithic Cucuteni B Settlement of Poduri-Dealul Ghindaru, Romania. in: Baron, Justyna & Kufel-Diakowska, Bernadeta (eds.): Written in Bones. Studies on technological and social contexts of past faunal skeletal remains, 263-271, Wroclaw

Oliver, Peter (1975): Der Kosmos-Muschelführer, Stuttgart

Oller, Joan / Nebot, Jordi / Güell, Assumpta (1999): Consumo y Utilización de Malacología Marina y Fluvial. in: Aubet, Maria Eugenia / Carmona, Pilar / Curia, Elisenda / Delgado, Ana / Cantos, Antonie Fernández / Párraga, Mercedes (eds.): Cerro del Villar – I. El asentamiento fenicio en la desmbocadura del río Guadalhorce y su interacción con el hinterland, 325-333, Sevilla

Olmos de León, Ricardo Manuel (2018): The care of hunting birds in the late Middle Ages and Renaissance according to the Spanish falconry treatises (1250–1565). in: Gersmann, Karl-Heinz & Grimm, Oliver (eds.): Raptor and human – falconry and bird symbolism throughout the millennia on a global scale, volume 2, Advanced studies on the archaeology and history of hunting 1, 539-555, Neumünster

Olsen, Bjørnar / Urbańczyk , Przemyslaw / Amundsen, Colin P. (2011): Hybrid Spaces. Medieval Finnmark and the Archaeology of Multi-Room Houses, Oslo

Olsen, Olaf / Skautrup, Peter / Skyum-Nielsen, Niels / Steensberg, Axel (1974): Kulturhistorisk Leksikon for Nordisk Middealder fra vikingetid til reformationstid, Band 18: Sätesgårdsnamn - Trygor, Viborg

Olsen, Ole Mikal (2004): Medieval Fishing Tackle from Bergen. in: Øye, Ingvild (ed.): Medieval Fishing Tackle from Bergen and Borgund, Bryggen Papers Main Series 5, 7-106, Bergen

Olsen, Sandra L. (2007): Bone Artifacts and their Importance to Archaeology. in: Gates St-Pierre, Christian & Walker, Renee B. (eds.): Bones as Tools: Current Methods and Interpretations in Worked Bone Studies, British Archaeological Reports International Series 1622, 175-182, Oxford

Olsen, Sandra L. / Grant, S. / Choyke, Alice M. / Bartosiewicz, László (2006): Horse and Humans: The Evolution of Human – Equine Relationships, British Archaeological Reports International Series 1560, Oxford

Olsen, Sandra L. (2001): The Importance of Thong-Smoothers at Botai, Kazakhstan. in: Choyke, Alice M. & Bartosiewicz, László (eds.): Crafting Bone: Skeletal Technologies through Time and Space – Proceedings of the 2nd meeting of the (ICAZ) Worked Bone Research Group Budapest, 31 August – 5 September 1999, British Archaeological Reports International Series 937, 197-206, Oxford

Olsen, Sandra L. (1989): On Distinguishing Natural from Cultural Damage on Archaeological Antler. – Journal of Archaeological Science 16, 125-135

Olsen, Sandra L. (1988): Scanning Electron Microscopy in Archaeology, British Archaeological Reports International Series 452, Oxford

Olsen, Stanley John (1993): Evidence of early domestication of the water buffalo in China. in: Clason, Anneke T. / Payne, Sebastian / Uerpmann, Hans-Peter (eds.): Skeletons in her Cupboard - Festschrift for Juliet Clutton-Brock, Oxbow Monograph 34, 151-157, Oxford

Olsen, Stanley John (1988): The Camel in Ancient China and an Osteology of the Camel. – Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 140(1), 18-58

Olsen, Stanley John (1982): An Osteology of Some Maya Mammals, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Olsen, Stanley John (1960): Post-cranial skeletal Characters of Bison and Bos. – Papers of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology 35(4), 1-61

Olson, Carina (2008): Neolithic Fisheries. Osteoarchaeology of Fish Remains in the Baltic Sea Region, Theses and Papers in Osteoarchaeology 5, Stockholm

Olson, Carina & Walther, Yvonne (2007): Neolithic cod (Gadus morhua) and herring (Clupea harengus) fisheries in the Baltic Sea, in the light of fine-mesh sieving: a comparative study of subfossil fishbone from the late Stone Age sites at Ajvide, Gotland, Sweden and Jettböle, Åland, Finland. – Environmental Archaeology 12(2), 175-185

Olson, Everett C. (1980): Taphonomy: Its History and Role in Community Evolution. in: Behrensmeyer, Anna Kay & Hill, Andrew P. (eds.): Fossils in the Making – Vertebrate Taphonomy and Paleoecology, 5-19, Chicago

Oltmanns, Emmo (1952): Zur Morphologie der Zähne rezenter Amphibien. – Anatomischer Anzeiger 21/24, 369-389

Omar, Lubna (2017): Animal exploitation at Tell Bderi (Syria) during the Early Bronze period. in: Mashkour, Marjan & Beech, Mark J. (eds.): Archaeozoology of the Near East 9 Volume 1, 183-196, Oxford

Onar, Vedat (2013): Animal Skeletal Remains discovered at the Metro and Marmary Excavations. in: Kiziltan, Zeynep & Celik, Gülbahar Baran (eds.): Stories from the Hidden Harbor: Shipwrecks of Yenikapı, 139-143, Istanbul

Ono, Akira (2005): Fracture Patterns of Bones in Archaeological Contexts: Significance of the Capser Site Materials. – Wyoming Archaeologist 49(2), 15-48

Oomen, H. C. J. (1968): Zwei römische Blasinstrumente im Rijksmuseum Kam in Nijmegen und ihre zoologische Interpretation. – Oudheidkundige Mededelingen uit het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden 49, 57-60, pl. IV

Opitz, Gotthard (1958): Die Schweine des Latène-Oppidums Manching, Studien an vor- und frühgeschichtlichen Tierresten Bayerns 3, München

Orbányi, Iván (1973): Geschichte der Rassenausbildung von askanischen feinwolligen Schafen unter Berücksichtigung der Hämoglobin-Typen. in: Matolcsi, János (ed.): Domestikationsforschung und Geschichte der Haustiere, 349-353, Budapest

Orlowska, Justyna & Cyrek, Krzysztof (2023): Rediscovery of the Palaeolithic antler hammer from Biśnik Cave, Poland: New insights into its chronology, raw material, technology of production and function. – Quaternary International 665-666, 48-64

Orlowska, Justyna (2016): Reading osseous artefacts – an application of micro-wear analysis to experimentally worked bone materials. in: Vitezović, Selena (ed.): Close to the bone: current studies in bone technologies, 236-247, Beograd

Orten Lie, Ragnar (2018): Falconry, falcon-catching and the role of birds of prey in trade and as alliance gifts in Norway (800-1800 AD) with an emphasis on Norwegian and later foreign participants in falcon-catching. in: Gersmann, Karl-Heinz & Grimm, Oliver (eds.): Raptor and human – falconry and bird symbolism throughout the millennia on a global scale, volume 2, Advanced studies on the archaeology and history of hunting 1, 727-786, Neumünster

Orthmann, Winfried / Klein, H. / Kühne, C. / Novak, M. / Pruß, A. / Vila, Emmanuelle / Weicken, H.-M. / Wener, A. (1995): Ausgrabungen in Tell Chuera in Nordost-Syrien I. Vorbericht über die Grabungskampagnen 1986 bis 1992

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Orton, David Clive / Rannamäe, Eve / Lougas, Lembi / Makowiecki, Daniel / Hamilton-Dyer, Sheila / Pluskowski, Aleksander G. / O'Connell, Tamsin C. / Barrett, James H. (2019): The Teutonic Order’s Role in the Development of a Medieval Eastern Baltic Cod Fishery: Evidence from Fish Bone Isotopes. in: Pluskowski, Aleksander G. (ed.): Ecologies of Crusading, Colonization, and Religious Conversion in the Medieval Baltic, 223-240, Turnhout

Orton, David Clive / Morris, James / Pipe, Alan (2017): Catch Per Unit Research Effort: Sampling Intensity, Chronological Uncertainty, and the Onset of Marine Fish Consumption in Historic London. – Open Quaternary 3(1), 1-20

Orton, David Clive (2016): Archaeology as a Tool for Understanding Past Marine Resource Use and Its Impact. in: Schwerdtner Máñez, Kathleen & Poulsen, Bo (eds.): Perspectives on Oceans Past. A Handbook of Marine Environmental History, 47-69, Heidelberg

Orton, David Clive / Gaastra, Jane Sanford / van der Linden, Marc (2016): Between the Danube and the Deep Blue Sea: Zooarchaeological Meta-Analysis Reveals Variability in the Spread and Development of Neolithic Farming across the Western Balkans. – Open Quaternary 2(6), 1-26

Orton, David Clive / Locker, Alison Mary / Morris, James / Barrett, James H. (2016): Fish for London. in: Barrett, James H. & Orton, David Clive (eds.): Cod & Herring. The Archaeology & History of Medieval Sea Fishing, 205-214, Oxford

Orton, David Clive (2014): Biometry in Zooarchaeology. in: Smith, Claire (ed.): Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, 902-910, Heidelberg

Orton, David Clive / Morris, James / Locker, Alison Mary / Barrett, James H. (2014): Fish for the city: meta-analysis of archaeological cod remains and the growth of London's northern trade. – Antiquity 88, 516-530

Orton, David Clive (2014): Secondary Products and the "Secondary Products Revolution". in: Smith, Claire (ed.): Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, 6541-6547, Heidelberg

Orton, David Clive (2012): Herding, Settlement, and Chronology in the Balkan Neolithic. – European Journal of Archaeology 15(1), 5-40

Orton, David Clive / Makowiecki, Daniel / de Roo, Tessa / Johnstone, Cluny / Harland, Jennifer F. / Jonsson, Leif / Heinrich, Dirk / Enghoff, Inge Bødker / Lougas, Lembi / van Neer, Wim / Ervynck, Anton / Hufthammer, Anne Karin / Amundsen, Colin P. / Jones, Andrew K. G. / Locker, Alison Mary / Hamilton-Dyer, Sheila / Pope, Peter Edward / MacKenzie, Brian R. / Richards, Michael P. / O'Connell, Tamsin C. / Barrett, James H. (2011): Stable Isotope Evidence for Late Medieval (14th–15th C) Origins of the Eastern Baltic Cod (Gadus morhua) Fishery. – Public Library of Science one 6(11), e27568

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Orton, David Clive (2008): Beyond Hunting and Herding: Humans, animals, and the political economy of the Vinča period, PhD-thesis University of Cambridge, Cambridge

Orton, David Clive (2004): Mortality Profiling for the Cattle Mandibles from the West Yorkshire Chariot Burial, unpublished MSc-thesis, York

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Osipowicz, Grzegorz / Orlowska, Justyna / Zagorska, Ilga (2023): Towards understanding the influence of Neolithisation for communities using the Zvejnieki cemetery, Latvia: A technological and functional analysis of the osseous artefacts discovered in the Late Mesolithic burial no 57 and Neolithic burial no 164. – Quaternary International 665-666, 65-81

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Osipowicz, Grzegorz / Witas, Henryk / Lisowska-Gaczorek, Aleksandra / Reitsema, Laurie / Szostek, Krzysztof / Ploszaj, Tomasz / Kuriga, Justyna / Makowiecki, Daniel / Jedrychowska-Danska, Krystyna / Cienkosz-Stepanczak, Beata (2017): Origin of the ornamented bâton percé from the Golębiewo site 47 as a trigger of discussion on long-distance exchange among Early Mesolithic communities of Central Poland and Northern Europe. – Public Library of Science one 12(10)

Osipowicz, Grzegorz (2016): Technical approach of two mesolithic bone harpoon heads from Wiele 33, central Poland. in: Vitezović, Selena (ed.): Close to the bone: current studies in bone technologies, 248-256, Beograd

Ossian, Clair R. (1970): Preparation of disarticulated Skeletons using Enzyme-based Laundry "Pre-Soakers". – Copeia 1, 199-200

Osterwalder, Christin & André, Robert (1990): Fundort Schweiz. Band 1: Von den Eiszeitjägern zu den ersten Bauern, 4. Auflage

Ostritz, Sven (2022): Studien zu den Fundkomplexen Oßmannstedt, Eischleben und Herpf, Das Frühmittelalter in Thüringen 2, Langenweissbach

Ots, Mirja (2010): Animal figurines in the Middle Neolithic double burial of Valma. – Muinasaja teadus 21, 11-22

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Ottoni, Claudio / van Neer, Wim / de Cupere, Bea / Daligault, Julien / Guimaraes, Silvia / Peters, Joris / Spassov, Nikolai / Prendergast, Mary E. / Boivin, Nicole / Morales Muñiz, Arturo / Bălășescu, Adrian / Becker, Cornelia / Benecke, Norbert / Boronenant, Adina / Buitenhuis, Hijlke / Chahoud, Jwana / Crowther, Alison / Llorente, Laura / Manaseryan, Nina H. / Monchot, Hervé / Onar, Vedat / Osypinska, Marta / Putelat, Oliver / Studer, Jaqueline / Wierer, Ursula / Decorte, Ronny / Grange, Thierry / Geigl, Eva-Maria (2016): Of cats and men: the paleogenetic history of the dispersal of cats in the ancient world, online publication

Ottoni, Claudio / Girdland Flink, Linus / Evin, Allowen / Geörg, Christina / de Cupere, Bea / van Neer, Wim / Bartosiewicz, László / Linderholm, Anna / Barnett, Ross / Peters, Joris / Decorte, Ronny / Waelkens, Marc / Vanderheyden, Nancy / Ricaut, Francois-Xavier / Cakirlar, Canan / Cevik, Özlem / Hoelzel, A. Rus / Mashkour, Marjan / Mohaseb, Fatemeh Azadeh / Seno, Shiva Sheiki / Daujat, Julie / Brock, Fiona / Pinhasi, Ron / Hongo, Hitomi / Perez-Enciso, Miguel / Rasmussen, Morten / Frantz, Laurent A. F. / Megens, Hendrik-Jan / Crooijmans, Richard / Groenen, Martien A. M. / Arbuckle, Benjamin Stanley / Benecke, Norbert / Vidarsdottir, Una Strand / Burger, Joachim / Cucchi, Thomas / Dobney, Keith / Larson, Greger (2012): Pig Domestication and Human-Mediated Dispersal in Western Eurasia Revealed through Ancient DNA and Geometric Morphometrics. – Molecular Biology and Evolution 30(4), 824-832

Oueslati, Tarek / Millereux-Le Béchennec, Josabeth / Lelarge, Samuel (2022): Giving fish a dignified funeral? Fish remains uncovered among Late Roman tomb offerings in Northern France, poster presented at the 21st ICAZ Fish Remains Working Group Meeting, Vienna

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