
Dies ist eine Auswahl von Knochen-Arbeiten, vorwiegend aus den Bereichen Archäozoologie und Taphonomie.

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Cabala, Jerzy / Rozmus, Dariusz / Kłys, Grzegorz / Misz-Kennan, Magdalena (2022): Lead in the Bones of Cows from a Medieval Pb-Ag Metallurgical Settlement: Bone Mineralization by Metalliferous Minerals. – Environmental Archaeology 27(3), 192-305

Cabrera Taravillo, Cristina / Bize Font, Ignacio / Liesau von Lettow-Vorbeck, Corina / Morales Muñiz, Arturo (2023): Molluscs in El Argar culture: An interpretative proposal of their role in domestic and funerary-symbolic contexts. in: Pöllath, Nadja / Battermann, Nora / Emra, Stephanie / Goebel, Veronika / Paxinos, Ptolemaios Dimitrios / Schwarzenberger, Martina / Trixl, Simon / Zimmermann, Michaela Isabell (eds.): Animals and Humans through Time and Space: Investigating Diverse Relationships, Documenta Archaeobiologiae 16, 93-105, Rahden

Cáceres, Isabel / Canyelles, Josep / Esteban Nadal, Montserrat / Girait, Santiago / González, Francisco / Huguet, Rosa / Ibañez, Nuria / Lorenzo, Carlos / Mata, Marta / Pinto, Ana / Revilla, Alfredo / Roseli, Jordi / Santiago, Antonio / Segura, Elisenda / Vailverdu, Josep / Zaragoza, Josep (1993): Estudi d'un Exemplar de Panthera pardus i un de Panthera leo spelaea localitzats a l'Abric Romani (Capellades, Anoia) i Anàlisi de la Problemàtica dels Carnivors en aquest Jaciment. – Igualada 6, 31-41

Cachel, Susan (2000): Subsistence among Arctic peoples and the reconstruction of scial organization from prehistoric human diet. in: Rowley-Conwy, Peter (ed.): Animal Bones, Human Societies, 39-48, Oxford

Cacho Quesada, Carmen & del la Torre Sáinz, Ignacio (2005): Les harpons magdaléniens sur le versant méditerranéen espagnol. in: Dujardin, Véronique (ed.): Industrie osseuse et parures du Solutréen au Magdalénien en Europe. Table ronde sur le paléolithique supérieur récent, Angouleme (Charente) 28-30 Mars 2003, Mémoire de la Société Préhistorique Francaise 39, 257-266, Paris

Cadée, Gerhard C. (2011): Hydrobia as "Jonah in the Whale": Shell Repair after Passing through the digestive Tract of Shelducks alive. – Palaios 26, 245-249

Cadigan, Sean T. & Hutchings, Jeffrey A. (2002): Nineteenth-Century Expansion of the Newfoundland Fishery for Atlantic Cod: An Exploration of the Underlying Causes. in: Holm, Poul / Smith, Tim D. / Starkey, David J. (eds.): The Exploited Seas: New Directions for Marine Environmental History, Research in Maritime History 21, 31-65, St. John's

Cailliet, Gregor M. / Love, Milton S. / Ebeling, Alfred W. (1986): Fishes: A Field and Laboratory Manual on Their Structure, Identification and Natural History, Long Grove, Illinois

Cakirlar, Canan / van den Hurk, Youri / van der Jagt, Inge M. M. / van Amerongen, Yvonne / Bakker, Jan K. / Breider, Rianne / van Dijk, Joyce / Esser, Kinie / Groot, Maaike / de Jong, Theo P. J. / Kootker, Lisette M. / Steenhuisen, Frits / Zeiler, Jørn T. / van Kolfschoten, Thijs / Prummel, Wietske / Lauwerier, Roel C. G. M. (2019): Animals and People in the Netherlands’ Past: >50 Years of Archaeozoology in the Netherlands. – Open Quaternary 5:13, 1-30

Cakirlar, Canan & Atici, Levent (2017): Patterns of animal exploitation in western Turkey: from Palaeolithic molluscs to Byzantine elephants. in: Albarella, Umberto / Rizzetto, Mauro / Russ, Hannah / Vickers, Kim / Viner-Daniels, Sarah (eds.): The Oxford Handbook of Zooarchaeology, Oxford Handbooks, Oxford

Cakirlar, Canan (2016): Early Bronze Age Foodways in the Aegean: Social Archaeozoology on the Eastern Side. in: Pernicka, Ernst / Ünlüsoy, Sinan / Blum, Stephan W. E. (eds.): Early Bronze Age Troy: Chronology, Cultural Development and Interregional Contacts, Studia Troica Monographien 8, 291-303, Bonn

Cakirlar, Canan / Ikram, Salima / Gates, M.-H. (2016): New Evidence for Fish Processing in the Ancient Eastern Mediterranean: Formalised Epinephelus Butchery in Fifth Century BC Kinet Höyük, Turkey. – International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 26(1), 3-16

Cakirlar, Canan & Berthon, Rémi (2014): Caravans, camel wrestling and cowrie shells: towards a social zooarchaeology of camel hybridization in Anatolia and adjacent regions. – Anthropozoologica 49(2), 237-252

Cakirlar, Canan (2014): Molluscs (Invertebrates): Analysis in Environmental Archaeology. in: Smith, Claire (ed.): Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, 5005-5010, Heidelberg

Cakirlar, Canan / Gourichon, Lionel / Pilaar Birch, Suzanne E. / Berthon, Rémi / Akar, Murat / Yener, K. Aslihan (2014): Provisioning an Urban Center under Foreign Occupation: Zooarchaeological Insights into the Hittite Presence in Late Fourteenth-Century BCE Alalakh. – Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 2(4), 259-276

Cakirlar, Canan & Sesen, Ridvan (2013): Reading between the lines: δ18O and δ13C isotopes of Unio elongatulus shell increments as proxies for local palaeoenvironments in mid-Holocene northern Syria. – Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences

Cakirlar, Canan (2013): Rethinking Neolithic subsistence at the gateway to Europe with new archaeozoological evidence from Istanbul. in: Groot, Maaike / Lentjes, Daphne / Zeiler, Jørn T. (eds.): Barely Surviving or More than Enough? The environmental archaeology of subsistence, specialisation and surplus food production, 59-79, Leiden

Cakirlar, Canan (2013): Zooarchaeology of Neolithic Ulucak, open context data table, DOI:

Cakirlar, Canan (2012): A Plea for sustainable Education and Practice in Archaeozoology in Turkey. – International Council for Archaeozoology Newsletter 13(2), 1, 17

Cakirlar, Canan (2012): Neolithic Dairy Technology at the European-Anatolian Frontier: Implications of Archaeozoological Evidence from Ulucak Höyük, İzmir, Turkey, ca. 7000-5700 cal. BC. – Anthropozoologica 47(2), 77-98

Cakirlar, Canan (2012): The evolution of animal husbandry in Neolithic central­west Anatolia: the zooarchaeological record from Ulucak Höyük (c. 7040–5660 cal. BC, Izmir, Turkey). – Anatolian Studies 62, 1-33

Cakirlar, Canan (2009): Mollusk Shells in Troia, Yenibademli and Ulucak: An Archaeomalacological Approach to Environment and Economy in the Aegean, British Archaeological Reports International Series 2051, Oxford

Cakirlar, Canan (2009): Problems in derterminining the chain of production in shell"objects" – Observations on shell assemblages from coastal sites in the Eastern Mediterranean. in: de Beauclair, Roland / Münzel, Susanne C. / Napierala, Hannes (eds.): Knochen pflastern ihren Weg. Festschrift für Margarethe und Hans-Peter Uerpmann, BioArchaeologica 5, 45-49, Rahden

Cakirlar, Canan (2007): Mollusk Shells in Troia, Yenibademli, and Ulucak: An Archaeomalacological Approach to Environment and Economy in the Aegean, PhD-thesis University of Tübingen, Tübingen

Calderón, Teresa / DeMiguel, Daniel / Arnold, Walter / Stalder, Gabrielle / Köhler, Meike (2019): Calibration of life history traits with epiphyseal closure, dental eruption and bone histology in captive and wild red deer. – Journal of Anatomy 235(2), 205-216

Calderon, W. Frank (1975): Animal Painting and Anatomy, reprint, New York

Caldwell, David H. / Hall, Mark A. / Wilkinson, Caroline M. (2014): The Lewis Chessmen: Unmasked, reprint, Edinburgh

Caldwell, David H. & Hall, Mark A. (2014): The Lewis Chessmen. New Perspectives, Edinburgh

Caldwell, David H. / Hall, Mark A. / Wilkinson, Caroline M. (2009): The Lewis Hoard of Gaming Pieces. A Re-examination of their Context, Meanings, Discovery and Manufacture. – Medieval Archaeology 53, 155-203

Calkin, Veniamin Iosifovič (1970): Drevneijšie domašnie životnye Vostočnoj Evropy, Materialy i issledovaniya po arheologii SSSR 161, Moskva

Calkin, Veniamin Iosifovič (1967): Fauna iz raskopok poselenij kul’tury Gumel’nicy v SSSR. – Kratkie soobščenija instituta archeologii 111, 43-49

Calkin, Veniamin Iosifovič (1964): Nekotorye itogi izučenija kostnych ostatkov životnych iz raskopok archeologičeskich pamjatnikov pozdnego bronzovogo veka [Einige Ergebnisse der Erforschung der Tierknochenreste aus den Ausgrabungen der archäologischen Stätten der späten Bronzezeit]. – Kratkie soobščenija instituta archeologii 101, 24-30

Callaghan, P. J. & Jones, Glynis (1978): KRS 1976: Excavations at a Shrine of Glaukos, Knossos. – Annual of the British School at Athens 73, 1-30, pl. 1-9

Callegarin, Laurent / Kbiri Alaoui, Mohamed / Ichkhakh, Abdelfattah / Roux, Jean-claude (2016): Rirha: site antique et médiéval du Maroc. I Cadre historique et géographique général, Collection de la Casa de Velázquez 150, Madrid

Callou, Cécile (1997): Diagnose différentielle des principaux éléments squelettiques du lapin (genre oryctolagus) et du lièvre (genre lepus) en Europe occidentale, Fiches d'Ostéologie Animale pour l'Archéologie Série B: Mammiferes, Antibes

Callow, Chris & Evans, Charles (2016): The mystery of plague in medieval Iceland. – Journal of Medieval History 42(2), 254-284

Calmeyer, Peter (1985): Zur Genese altiranischer Motive. IX. Die Verbreitung des westiranischen Zaumzeugs im Archaimenidenreich. – Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan 18, 125-144, T. 38-50

Caloi, Lucia / Compagnoni, Bruno / Tosi, Maurizio (1978): Preliminary Remarks on the Faunal Remains from Shar-i Shokhta. in: Meadow, Richard Henry & Zeder, Melinda Ann (eds.): Approaches to Faunal Analysis in the Middle East, Peabody Museum Bulletin 2, 87-90, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Camarós, Edgard & Estévez, Jordi (2010): Los restos arqueozoológicos de mamiferos: gestión y explotación del recurso animal en los niveles del siglo VII a.C. de Plaza de la Catedral (Ceuta). in: Villada Paredes, Fernando / Torres, Joan Ramon / Suárez Padilla, José (eds.): El Asentamiento protohistórico de Ceuta. Indígenas y Fenicios en la Orilla Norteafricana del Estrecho de Gibraltar, 383-405, Ceuta

Cameron, R. A. D. (1978): Interpreting buried Land-Snail Assemblages from archaeological Sites – Problems and Progress. in: Brothwell, Don R. / Thomas, K. D. / Clutton-Brock, Juliet (eds.): Research Problems in Zooarchaeology, Institute of Archaeology Occasional Publication 3, 19-23, London

Cammann, Schuyler (1954): Carvings in Walrus Ivory. – Museum Bulletin 18(3), 2-31

Campana, Douglas V. & Crabtree, Pam Jean (2014): Worked Bone Objects from the Iron Age Site of Kyzyltepa, Uzbekistan. in: Ma, Xiaolin & Hou, Yanfeng (eds.): Proceedings of the 9th Meeting of the (ICAZ) Worked Bone Research Group, Zhengzhou, China, 2013, Zooarchaeology 2, 57-62, pl. 18-20, Beijing

Campana, Douglas V. / Crabtree, Pam Jean / deFrance, Susan D. / Lev-Tov, Justin S. E. / Choyke, Alice M. (2010): Anthropological Approaches to Zooarchaeology. Complexity, Colonialism, and Animal Transformations, Oxford

Campana, Douglas V. & Crabtree, Pam Jean (2006): The Diet of Washington's Soldiers at Valley Forge during the Winter of 1777–78. in: Maltby, J. Mark (ed.): Integrating Zooarchaeology, Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Council of Archaeozoology, Durham, August 2002, 27-32, Oxford

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Campana, Steven E. (2003): Ageing Sharks, online-publication

Campbell, Gill / Moffett, Lisa / Straker, Vanessa (2011): Environmental Archaeology – A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Methods, from Sampling and Recovery to Post-excavation, Centre for Archaeology Guidelines, 2nd edition, Swindon

Campbell, Gordon Lindsay (2014): The Oxford Handbook of Animals in Classical Thought and Life, Oxford Handbooks, Oxford

Campbell, Greg (2017): The collection, processing and curation of archaeological marine shells. in: Allen, Michael J. (ed.): Molluscs in Archaeology. Methods, approaches and applications, Studying Scientific Archaeology 3, 273-288, Oxford

Campbell, Greg (2008): Beyond means to meaning: using distributions of shell shapes to reconstruct past collecting strategies. – Environmental Archaeology 13(2), 111-121

Campbell, Sheila (in print): Excavations of the Cistercian Monstery at Zaraka, Corinthia

Campbell, Stuart & Carter, Elizabeth (2011): Domuztepe Animal Bones, open context data table

Camphuysen, Kees C. J. / Henderson, Peter A. / Velilla, Estefania / Kühn, Suse / Somes, Robin (2017): North Sea fish and their remains, den Burg, Texel

Campmas, Emilie / Stoetzel, E. / Denys, Christiane (2018): African carnivores as taphonomic agents: Contribution of modern coprogenic sample analysis to their identification. – International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 28(3), 237-263

Campmas, Emilie / Laroulandie, Véronique / Michel, Patrick / Amani, Fethi / Nespoulet, Roland / El Hajraoui Mohammed, Abdeljallil (2010): A great auk (Pinguinus impennis) in North Africa: discovery of a bone remain in a Neolithic layer of El Harhoura 2 Cave (Temara, Morocco). in: Prummel, Wietske / Zeiler, Jørn T. / Brinkhuizen, Dick Constantijne (eds.): Birds in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 6th Meeting of the ICAZ Bird Working Group in Groningen (23.8. - 27.8.2008), Groningen Archaeological Studies 12, 233-240, Groningen

Campo Arqueologico de Mértola, (2006): Al-ândalus – Espaço de mudança – Balanço de 25 Anos de História e Arqueologia Medievais, Mertola

Campos-Martínez, Miriam Selene & Pérez Roldán, Gilberto (2016): Worked human bone from Teotihuacan, Mexico (1st-6th centuries A.D.). in: Vitezović, Selena (ed.): Close to the bone: current studies in bone technologies, 98-103, Beograd

Camps-Fabrer, Henriette (2001): Fiche objets anciformes. in: Ramseyer, Denis (ed.): Objets méconnus, Fiches de la Commission de nomenclature sur l'industrie de l'os préhistorique 9, 23-25, Paris

Camps-Fabrer, Henriette (2001): Fiche plaques bosselées. in: Ramseyer, Denis (ed.): Objets méconnus, Fiches de la Commission de nomenclature sur l'industrie de l'os préhistorique 9, 27-36, Paris

Camps-Fabrer, Henriette & Ramseyer, Denis (1992): Fiches baguette simple en bois de cerf. in: Barge-Mahieu, Hélène / Camps-Fabrer, Henriette / Feruglio, Valérie / Peltier, Aurélia / Ramseyer, Denis (eds.): Batons perces, baguettes, Fiches typologiques de l'industrie osseuse prehistorique V, 85-93, Treignes

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Candea, Claudia & Heinrich, Dirk (1981): Knochenfunde von Futterkamp. in: Ericsson, Ingolf (ed.): Futterkamp. Untersuchungen mittelalterlicher befestigter Siedlungen im Kreis Plön, Holstein. I. Funde, 180-207, Neumünster

Candow, James E. (2009): Migrants and Residents: The Interplay between European and Domestic Fisheries in Northeast North America, 1502-1854. in: Starkey, David J. / Thór, Jon Th. / Heidbrink, Ingo (eds.): A History of the North Atlantic Fisheries. Volume 1: From Early Times to the Mid-Nineteenth Century, Deutsche Maritime Studien 6, 416-452, Bremen

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Cannon, Aubrey & Burchell, Megan (2009): Clam growth-stage profiles as a measure of harvest intensity and resource management on the central coast of British Columbia. – Journal of Archaeological Science 36, 1050-1060

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Cantarino, Carlos Martin & Alcaraz, Luis Rico (2007): La Malacofauna. in: Rouillard, Pierre / Gailledrat, Eric / Selles, Feliciana Sala (eds.): L’établissement protohistorique de La Fonteta, Collection de la Casa de Velázquez 96, 398-405, Madrid

Cap, Henri / Martin, Raphael / Vigourt, Renaud (2017): Das Skelett von A bis Z, Hildesheim

Capasso, Luigi / Capelli, Arnaldo / Frati, Luigi (1992): Notes on the Palaeopathology of the Mummy from Hauslabjoch/Val Senales (Southern Tyrol, Italy). in: Höpfel, Frank / Platzer, Werner / Spindler, Konrad (eds.): Der Mann im Eis – Bericht über das Internationale Symposium in Innsbruck, 209-213, Innsbruck

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