Dies ist eine Auswahl von Knochen-Arbeiten, vorwiegend aus den Bereichen Archäozoologie und Taphonomie.
Die Datenbank enthält: 9243 Titel
Anzahl angezeigter Titel: 356
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(1999): Pannonia and Beyond, Antaeus Communicationes ex Instituto Archaeologico Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 24, Budapest
(1996): Cultural and Landscape Changes in South-East Hungary II – Prehistoric, Roman Barbarian and Late Avar Settlement at Gyoma 133 (Békés county Microregion), Budapest
(2013): Arabia Felix – das Land der Königin von Saba' im Spiegel von Tierknochen aus archäologischen Ausgrabungen in Jemen. in: (eds.): Beiträge zur Anthropologie und Paläoanatomie, Documenta Archaeobiologiae 11, 163-262, Rahden
(2020): Climate stability and societal decline on the margins of the Byzantine empire in the Negev Desert. – Scientific Reports 10:1512, 1-13
(2013): Towards a distinction between digested and undigested glume bases in the archaeobotanical record from Neolithic northern Greece: A preliminary experimental investigation. – Environmental Archaeology 18(1), 31-42
(1987): Upper Palaeolithic boomerang made of a mammoth tusk in south Poland. – Nature 329, 436-438
(1977): Weights and Measurements of Iranian Wild Sheep and Wild Goats. – Journal of Wildlife Management 41(3), 592-594
(2002): Fiche extrémités distales d'humérus de grands Ongulés. in: (ed.): Retouchoirs, compresseurs, percuteurs... Os à impressions et éraillures, Fiches de la Commission de nomenclature sur l'industrie de l'os préhistorique 10, 75-85, Paris
(2002): Fiche phalanges d'Ongulés. in: (ed.): Retouchoirs, compresseurs, percuteurs... Os à impressions et éraillures, Fiches de la Commission de nomenclature sur l'industrie de l'os préhistorique 10, 87-97, Paris
(2022): Southern Portugal Animal Exploitation Systems: Trends and Changes from Neolithic to Bronze Age. A Follow-up Overview. – Environmental Archaeology 27(1), 31-43
(2014): Zooarchaeology in the Neolithic and Chalcolithic of Southern Portugal. – Environmental Archaeology 19(3), 226-240
(1951): Mikrobotanische Untersuchungen bei den Ausgrabungen in Alt-Hamburg 1948. – Hammaburg 2, 19-23
(2017): Animal Husbandry across the Western Roman Empire: Changes and Continuities. – European Journal of Archaeology 20(3), 402-415
(2022): Caprine Mobility on the Balearic Islands During the Middle and Late Bronze Age (ca. 1600–850 BC): First Results Based on Strontium Isotopes (87Sr/86Sr). – Environmental Archaeology 27(5), 484-495
(1958): Turun viemärikaivantolöydöistä. – Turun kaupungin historiallinen museo Vuosijulkaisu 20-21
(1880): Ostéographie des Cétacés vivants et fossiles, Paris
(2004): De Hollandse haringvisserij tijdens de vroegmoderne tijd. – Tijdschrift voor sociale en economische geschiedenis 1, 3-27
(1974): Tooth wear as an indication of age in Badgers (Meles meles L.) and Red Foxes (Vulpes vulpes L.). – Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde 39, 243-248
(1968): Über "verzierte" Walroßschädel. – Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde 33, 312-315
(1966): Skull Dimensions and the Length/Weight Relation of the Baculum as Age Indications in the Common Otter. – Danish Review of Game Biology 4(3), 98-104
(1980): Community Evolution in East Africa during the Late Cenozoic. in: (eds.): Fossils in the Making – Vertebrate Taphonomy and Paleoecology, 272-298, Chicago
(2009): Fish for Feast and Fast: Fish Consumption in the Netherlands in the Late Middle Ages. in: (eds.): Beyond the Catch, Fisheries of the North Atlantic, the North Sea and the Baltic, 900-1850, 309-336, Leiden
(1988): Medieval Ferrets and Rabbits in the Castle of Laarne (East-Flanders, Belgium): a Contribution to the History of a Predator and its Prey. – Helinium 28(2), 278-284
(1993): Sheep and goat herding according to the old Babylonian texts from Ur. – Bulletin on Sumerian Agriculture 7, 161-182
(2018): “On the dunghill”: The dead hawk in medieval Latin and French moralising literature. in: (eds.): Raptor and human – falconry and bird symbolism throughout the millennia on a global scale, volume 2, Advanced studies on the archaeology and history of hunting 1, 523-537, Neumünster
(2018): Falconry in Old French literature. in: (eds.): Raptor and human – falconry and bird symbolism throughout the millennia on a global scale, volume 4, Advanced studies on the archaeology and history of hunting 1, 1519-1541, Neumünster
(2018): Medieval Latin and vernacular treatises on falconry (11th–16th c.): tradition, contents, and historical interest. in: (eds.): Raptor and human – falconry and bird symbolism throughout the millennia on a global scale, volume 3, Advanced studies on the archaeology and history of hunting 1, 1271-1288, Neumünster
(2021): Judging a reindeer by its teeth: A user-friendly tooth wear and eruption pattern recording scheme to estimate age-at-death in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus). – International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 31(3), 417-428
(2018): An assessment of the mammal bones from Advent City, Spitsbergen, student tutorial Groningen Instituut voor Archeologie, Groningen
(1988): Kärlich. Das Alter eines Fundplatzes ist nicht sicher vor Überraschungen. – Archäologie in Deutschland 3/1988, 13-18
(1957): Die Säugetiere Europas, Berlin
(2023): The prelude to industrial whaling: identifying the targets of ancient European whaling using zooarchaeology and collagen mass-peptide fingerprinting. – Royal Society Open Science 10(9)
(2022): Medieval Whalers in the Netherlands and Flanders: Zooarchaeological Analysis of Medieval Cetacean Remains. – Environmental Archaeology 27(3), 243-257
(2020): On the Hunt for Medieval Whales: Zooarchaeological, Historical and Societal Perspectives on Cetacean Exploitation in Medieval Northern and Western Europe, British Archaeological Reports International Series 2998, Oxford
(no date): The zooarchaeological reference collection of the Groningen Institute of Archaeology (University of Groningen, Netherlands): The Fish, Groningen
(2017): Wat uitgestorven mammoeten en neushoorns ons leren over aangeboren afwijkingen. – Cranium 34(2), 31-33
(1990): Oog in oog – 5000 jaar dobbelsteen en dobbelspel, Naarden
(2012): An insight into animal exchange in Early Medieval Oegstgeest: a combined archaeozoological and isotopic approach. in: (eds.): A bouquet of archaeozoological studies. Essays in honour of Wietske Prummel, Groningen Archaeological Studies 21, 140-151, Groningen
(2010): Utrechtse muizenissen. Ongediertebestrijding op het middeleeuwse boerenerf in Leidsche Rijn. – Westerheem 5, 229-242
(2006): Wonen aan het water (deel 1). Archeologisch onderzoek van een twaalfde-eeuwse nederzetting langs de Oude Rijn, Basisrapportage archeologie 14, Utrecht
(2010): Biostratigraphy - "Large Mammals". in: (ed.): Elefantenreich – Eine Fossilwelt in Europa, 83-92, Halle
(2010): Giant deer. in: (ed.): Elefantenreich – Eine Fossilwelt in Europa, 406-412, Halle
(2010): Megafauna extinctions in the wake of human dispersal. in: (ed.): Elefantenreich – Eine Fossilwelt in Europa, 593-606, Halle
(2010): The evolution of the elephants and their relatives in the context of a changing climate and geography. in: (ed.): Elefantenreich – Eine Fossilwelt in Europa, 340-360, Halle
(2010): The rhinoceroses from Neumark-Nord and their nutrition. in: (ed.): Elefantenreich – Eine Fossilwelt in Europa, 373-394, Halle
(1979): vogels in friesland, Leeuwarden
(2008): De archeologie van de Drentse bever. – Nieuwe Drentse Volksalmanak 2008, 227-243
(2002): Het prepareren van schedel- en skeletmateriaal, unpublished study project, Tilburg
(2016): Iron Age animal husbandry in the wetlands of the western Netherlands. – Environmental Archaeology 21(1), 45-58
(2012): The first archaeological find of a guinea pig in the Netherlands. in: (eds.): A bouquet of archaeozoological studies. Essays in honour of Wietske Prummel, Groningen Archaeological Studies 21, 190-196, Groningen
(2014): Zooarchaeology by Mass Spectrometry (ZooMS). in: (ed.): Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, 7998-8000, Heidelberg
(1993): Neo-Babylonian sheep and goats. – Bulletin on Sumerian Agriculture 7, 219-258
(1996): Een vondst van reuzenhert bij Delfzijl (Gr.). – Paleo-Aktueel 8, 9-10
(2018): Dierritueel in de Frankische nederzettin bij Wijster (Dr.). – Jaarverslagen van de Vereniging voor Terpenonderzoek 99, 95-106
(1999): In Discussion with the Past, Amersfoort
(1967): Wijster. A native Village beyond the imperial Border 150–425 A.D., Groningen
(1990): Animal Bones from a pre-Roman Iron Age coastal Marsh Site near Middelstum (Province of Groningen, The Netherlands). – Palaeohistoria 30, 123-144
(1979): Dierresten uit de bouwput van de parkeergarage aan de Raamstraat in Groningen. – Groningse Volksalmanak 1976-1977, 183-201
(1979): Faunal Remains from Dokkum. – Palaeohistoria 21, 109-126
(no date): Cleaning Skulls and Skeletons by Maceration, online-publication
(1963): Het bouwoffer uit de oudste hoeve te Ezinge (Gr.). – Helinium 3, 246-253
(2014): Explaining and Exploring Diversity in Agricultural Technology, Early Agricultural Remnants and Technical Heritage 2, Oxford
(2007): The Use of Bone and Antler Tools: Two Examples from the Late Mesolithic in the Dutch Coastal Zone. in: (eds.): Bones as Tools: Current Methods and Interpretations in Worked Bone Studies, British Archaeological Reports International Series 1622, 81-92, Oxford
(2005): A functional analysis of some late Mesolithic bone and antler implements from the Dutch coastal zone. in: (eds.): From Hooves to Horns, from Mollusc to Mammoth – Manufacture and Use of Bone Artefacts from Prehistoric Times to the Present – Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of the ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group at Tallinn, 26th–31st of August 2003, Muinasaja teadus 15, 47-66, Tallinn
(2015): History of the extant museum specimens of the Faroese white-speckled raven. – Archives of Natural History 42(1), 23-38
(2014): Some black-and-white facts about the Faeroese white-speckled Common Raven Corvus corax varius. – Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 134(1), 4-13
(1989): Spätmittelalterliche und frühneuzeitliche Pflanzenreste aus der Grabung in der Hundestr. 9–17 in Lübeck. – Lübecker Schriften zur Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte 16, 271-290
(2024): The luxurious lives of lords and ladies . Animal remains and their spatial distribution at Huis ter Kleef (c.1250-1573 AD), Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 82, Amersfoort
(2012): Zwaar gehavend wrak voor de kust van Kuinre. Definitief onderzoek van scheepswrak op kavel R 4 in de Noordoostpolder, Grondsporen 13, Groningen
(1981): Early European Exploitation of the Northern Atlantic 800-1700, Groningen
(1980): Spitsbergen Symposium November 1978, Groningen
(2012): Butchered large bovids (Bos primigenius and Bison priscus) from the Palaeolithic throwing spear site of Schöningen 13 II-4 (Germany). in: (eds.): A bouquet of archaeozoological studies. Essays in honour of Wietske Prummel, Groningen Archaeological Studies 21, 33-45, Groningen
(1988): Die Mäuseuhr. – Archäologie in Deutschland 3/1988, 18-19
(2006): Pigs in Lower Mesopotamia during the Old Babylonian Period (2000-1600 BC). in: (eds.): De la domestication au tabou – Le cas des suidés au Proche-Orient ancien, 181-194, Paris
(2000): Tell Beydar. Environmental and Technical Studies, Subartu 6, Turnhout
(1975): Studies in Ancient Civilization: Korucutepe 1, Amsterdam
(2023): Bronze Age subsistence along the southern coast of Yemen: The example of al-Uriyash. in: (eds.): Animals and Humans through Time and Space: Investigating Diverse Relationships, Documenta Archaeobiologiae 16, 389-406, Rahden
(2017): More animal burials from the Predynastic elite cemetery of Hierakonpolis (Upper Egypt): the 2008 season. in: (eds.): Archaeozoology of the Near East 9 Volume 2, 388-402, Oxford
(2016): The Rise of Sea-Fish Consumption in Inland Flanders, Belgium. in: (eds.): Cod & Herring. The Archaeology & History of Medieval Sea Fishing, 156-171, Oxford
(2013): Hunting, gathering, fishing and herding: Animal exploitation in Sandy Flanders (NW Belgium) during the second half of the fifth millennium BC. – Environmental Archaeology 18(2), 87-101
(2012): Identification of a 19th century sturgeon from North-East Friesland. in: (eds.): A bouquet of archaeozoological studies. Essays in honour of Wietske Prummel, Groningen Archaeological Studies 21, 197-203, Groningen
(2010): Defining ‘natural’ fish communities for fishery management purposes: biological, historical and archaeological approaches. in: (ed.): Ecologies and Economies in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Studies in Environmental History for Richard C. Hoffmann, 193-223, Leiden
(2009): Fish Remains from the Bir Messaouda Excavations 2000/2001 and other Carthaginian Settlement Contexts. in: (ed.): Carthage Studies 3, 65-74, Gent
(2004): Seasonality only Works in Certain Parts of the Year: the Reconstruction of Fishing Seasons through Otolith Analysis. – International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 14, 457-474
(2003): Remains of traded fish in archaeological sites: indicators of status, or bulk food?. in: (eds.): Behaviour Behind Bones, Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Council for Archaeozoology, Durham, August 2002 1, 203-214, Oxford
(2002): Fish Otoliths and their Relevance to Archaeology: An Analysis of Medieval, Post-Medieval, and Recent Material of Plaice, Cod and Haddock from the North Sea. – Environmental Archaeology 7, 61-76
(2000): Faunal Remains from an Akkadian Grave in Tell Beydar. in: (eds.): Tell Beydar. Environmental and Technical Studies, Subartu 6, 61-64, Turnhout
(2000): Faunal Remains from Tell Beydar (excavation seasons 1992-1996 and 1997 partim). in: (eds.): Tell Beydar. Environmental and Technical Studies, Subartu 6, 69-115, Turnhout
(1999): Reconstructing Age Distribution, Season of Capture and Growth Rate of Fish from Archaeological Sites Based on Otholiths and Vertebrae. – International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 9, 116-130
(1997): Evidence for Processing of Flatfish at Raversijde, a Late Medieval coastal Site in Belgium. – Anthropozoologica 25-26, 579-586
(1996): Food rules and status: Patterns of fish consumption in a monastic community (Ename, Belgium). – Archaeofauna 5, 155-164
(1994): Fish Exploitation in the Past. Proceedings of the 7th Meeting of the ICAZ Fish Remains Working Group, Annalen Zoologische Wetenschapen 274, Tervuren
(1994): New data on fish remains from Belgian archaeological sites. in: (ed.): Fish Exploitation in the Past. Proceedings of the 7th Meeting of the ICAZ Fish Remains Working Group, Annalen Zoologische Wetenschapen 274, 217-229, Tervuren
(1989): Contribution à l'ostéometrie de la perche du nil Lates niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758), Fiches d'Ostéologie Animale pour l'Archéologie Série A: Poissons 5, Antibes
(1974): Vorstelijke Vliegers en Valkenwaardse Valkeniers sedert de Zeventiende Eeuw, PhD-thesis Katholieke Hogeschool te Tilburg, Tilburg
(2017): Wat eten we vandaag? Een archeologisch overzicht van voedselgebruik aan boord van binnenvaartschepen op de Zuiderzee. in: (eds.): Paleo-Palfenier met Rita van Egypte tot Ezinge, 149-157, Groningen
(2004): Cope's Rule, Hypercarnivory and Extinction in North American Canids. – Science 306, 101-104
(2007): Versunken im Sumpf – zwei Moorleichen aus dem Drents Museum in Assen, Niederlande. in: (eds.): Mumien – Der Traum vom ewigen Leben, Publikationen der Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen 24, 306-308, Mainz
(2004): 100.000 Jahre Sex – Liebe und Erotik in der Geschichte, Stuttgart
(1988): De botte benen botermesjes. – Westerheem 37, 213-220
(1987): Het Benen Tijdperk – Gebruiksvoorwerpen van been, gewei, hoorn en ivoor 10.000 jaar geleden tot heden, Assen
(2010): The eagle owl, Bubo bubo, predator or decoy. in: (eds.): Birds in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 6th Meeting of the ICAZ Bird Working Group in Groningen (23.8. - 27.8.2008), Groningen Archaeological Studies 12, 153-162, Groningen
(2002): Winter in a wetland. The bird remains from a Late Mesolithic camp site at Polderweg, municipality Hardinxveld-Giessendam. – Acta zoologica cracoviensia 45 (special issue), 55-64
(2001): Zoogdieren, vogels, reptilien. in: (eds.): Hardinxveld-Giessendam Polderweg: een mesolithisch jachtkamp in het rivierengebied (5500-5000 v. Chr.), Rapportage Archeologische Monumentenzorg, 181-242, Amersfoort
(2000): Experimental taphonomy. in: (eds.): Taphonomy and Interpretation, Symposia of the Association for Environmental Archaeology 14, 85-89, Oxford
(1987): Zooarchaeological Research at Smeerenburg. – Norsk Polarinstitutt Rapport 38, 55-66
(1984): De dierenresten van Smeerenburg, een poging tot reconstructie van de dierlijke component in de voeding van de 17e eeuwse walvisvaarders. in: (ed.): Smeerenburg. Het verblijf van Nederlandse walvisvaarders op de westkust van Spitsbergen in de zeventiende eeuw, Mededeling van het Arctisch Centrum 9, 279-300, Groningen
(1984): Faunal Analysis and historical Record: Meat Preservation and the faunal Remains at Smeerenburg, Spitsbergen. in: (eds.): Animals and Archaeology: 4. Husbandry in Europe, British Archaeological Reports International Series 227, 195-204, Oxford
(1982): Leeftijdsbepaling aan het skelet van het wilde zwijn Sus scrofa Linnaeus, 1758. – Lutra 25(1), 30-37
(1981): Life and work in Smeerenburg. The bio-archaeological aspects. in: (ed.): Early European Exploitation of the Northern Atlantic 800-1700, 133-151, Groningen
(1981): Mesheften, kaardekammen en glissen. – Bodemonderzoek in Leiden 3, 61-66
(1980): An archaeozoological Study of the Beaker Settlement at Newgrange, Ireland, PhD-thesis University of Groningen, Groningen
(1970): De Otter, Lutra lutra (L.), in Nederland 12(1), 1-82
(2004): Visrecepten in Laat-Middeleeuwse en Vroeg-Moderne Kookboeken. in: (ed.): Vis – Stillevens van Hollandse en Vlaamse meesters 1550-1700, 139-153, Utrecht
(1998): Ernährung und Kochkunst. in: (ed.): Die Hanse – Lebenswirklichkeit und Mythos, 547-553, Lübeck
(1996): Nahrungsmittel in den Niederlanden im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert. in: (eds.): Nahrung und Tischkultur im Hanseraum, Beiträge zur Volkskultur in Nordwestdeutschland 91, 303-318, Münster
(1987): Kochen und Essen im Mittelalter. in: (ed.): Mensch und Umwelt im Mittelalter, 88-100, Stuttgart
(1982): Ernährung im spätmittelalterlichen Hanseraum. – Hefte des Focke-Museums 62, 175-180
(1983): Planten- Vis- en Vogelresten uit vroeghistorisch Leeuwarden, Leeuwarden
(2013): Non destructive and micro destructive investigation of red and black materials on the Xanten bone finds. in: (ed.): Die römischen Beinartefakte aus dem Gebiet der Colonia Ulpia Traiana (Xanten), Xantener Berichte 26, 51-56, Mainz
(2010): Ivory in Bruges – Treasures from Museums, Churches and Monasteries, Museum Bulletin Brugge 2, Brugge
(2010): Integrating Zooarchaeology and Paleoethnobotany: A Consideration of Issues, Methods, and Cases, Heidelberg
(2005): La parure de la Cueva de El Horno (Ramales, Cantabrie, Espagne). in: (ed.): Industrie osseuse et parures du Solutréen au Magdalénien en Europe. Table ronde sur le paléolithique supérieur récent, Angouleme (Charente) 28-30 Mars 2003, Mémoire de la Société Préhistorique Francaise 39, 197-208, Paris
(2010): Post-medieval sheep (Ovis aries) metapodia from southern Britain. – Journal of Archaeological Science 37, 1532-1542
(2008): Recording the Facts: A Generic Recording System for Animal Palaeopathology, PhD-thesis University of Leicester, Leicester
(2006): Humans, Other Animals and Disease: a comparative approach towards the development of a standardised recording protocol for animal palaeopathology. – Internet Archaeology 20
(2009): Subscribed Content Dental microwear study of pigs from the classical site of Sagalassos (SW Turkey) as an aid for the reconstruction of husbandry practices in ancient times. – Environmental Archaeology 14(2), 137-154
(2004): The Central Pomorvlje in Neolithization of South East Europe, Belgrade
(2016): Neutron activation and track analysis of the newly found bones of the southern mammoths and dinosaurs. – Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 310, 953-958
(2008): Instrumental neutron activation analysis of prehistoric and ancient bone remains. – Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 278(2), 287-291
(1999): Some morphological characteristics of Acipenserid fishes: considerations of their variability and utility in taxonomy. – Journal of Applied Ichthyology 15, 32-34
(1985): Investigation on the Fauna from the Settlement Hill Ovcharovo. – Interdisciplinarni izsledvanija 13, 1-199
(1983): Chivotnovadstvoto i lovat v chivota na naselenito ot eneolitho selisce pri c. Ovcarovo. – Razkopki i proucvanija 9, 67-78, [Tierzucht und Jagd im Leben der Einwohner des aeneolithischen Ortes beim Dorf Ovcarovo]
(2023): Subsistence intensification: the molluscs from the Chácara I sector at Ligüiqui (Manabí Province, Ecuador: AD 12th-15th centuries). in: (eds.): Animals and Humans through Time and Space: Investigating Diverse Relationships, Documenta Archaeobiologiae 16, 407-425, Rahden
(2010): Panorama de la Zooarqueologia en la costa norte del Perú (1990-2006). in: (eds.): Estado Actual de la Arqueozoologia Latinoamericana, 57-66, Mexico
(2012): Bone artefacts as archaeological finds. in: (eds.): Aquincumi csonttárgyak / Bone objects in Aquincum, Az Aquincumi Múzeum gyűjteménye / Collections of the Aquincum Museum 2, 25-42, Budapest
(2010): Bone-Working in Roman Dacia. in: (eds.): Ancient and Modern Bone Artefacts from America to Russia. Cultural, technological and functional signature, British Archaeological Reports International Series 2136, 55-63, Oxford
(2006): Questions antrhopologiques autour de l'interdit du porc dans le judaisme et de son élection pa le christianisme. in: (eds.): De la domestication au tabou – Le cas des suidés au Proche-Orient ancien, 227-232, Paris
(2011): Early Mining and Metallurgy on the Western Central Iranian Plateau, Archäologie in Iran und Turan 9, Mainz
(1939): Die Wanderung des knöchernen Gehörganges als Rassemerkmal (Untersuchungen an Rind und Hund). – Zeitschrift für Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte 109, 161-181
(1992): In Search for Arctic Birds, London
(1987): Fossilien in Volksglauben und Alltag. – Schriften des Vereins zur Verbreitung naturwissenschaftlicher Kenntnisse Wien 126, 193-252
(2020): Food for the dead, fuel for the pyre: symbolism and function of plant remains in provincial Roman cremation rituals in the necropolis of Bracara Augusta (NW Iberia). – Quaternary International 593-594, 372-383
(2012): Utilization of animal skeleton elements. in: (eds.): Aquincumi csonttárgyak / Bone objects in Aquincum, Az Aquincumi Múzeum gyűjteménye / Collections of the Aquincum Museum 2, 55-71, Budapest
(2005): Reconstruction and production of copies of a Roman doll and Gepid period comb. in: (eds.): From Hooves to Horns, from Mollusc to Mammoth – Manufacture and Use of Bone Artefacts from Prehistoric Times to the Present – Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of the ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group at Tallinn, 26th–31st of August 2003, Muinasaja teadus 15, 405-410, Tallinn
(2004): Kunst im Wandel zwischen Eiszeit und Warmzeit. Bernsteingegenstände früher Waldjäger aus Weitsche, Ldkr. Lüchow-Dannenberg. in: (eds.): Archäologie/Land/Niedersachsen – 400 000 Jahre Geschichte, 352-354, Stuttgart
(1999): Kultur vor dem modernen Menschen? Fragen zu den archäologishen Spuren aus der Zeit des Neandertalers. in: (eds.): EisZeit. Das große Abenteuer der Naturbeherrschung, 137-164, Stuttgart
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(1991): Eine Widerhakenspitze aus Lemförde am Dümmer, Landkreis Diepholz. – Neue Ausgrabungen und Forschungen in Niedersachsen 19, 1-19
(2006): How to Classify Pigs: Old Babylonian and Middle Babylonian Lexical Texts. in: (eds.): De la domestication au tabou – Le cas des suidés au Proche-Orient ancien, 25-29, Paris
(1998): Msecke Zehrovice in Bohemia – Archaeological Background to a Celtic Hero 3rd - 2nd Cent. B.C.
(2011): Rectangular Beads from the Final Gravettian Level of the Abri Pataud: Raw Material Identification and its Archaeological Implications. – ArchéoSciences 35, 259-271, pl. 21-22
(2007): The Importance of the Palaeontological and Taphonomical Analyses for the Study of Bone Industries. in: (eds.): Bones as Tools: Current Methods and Interpretations in Worked Bone Studies, British Archaeological Reports International Series 1622, 23-34, Oxford
(2023): Bärenjagd in Schöningen?. – Archäologie in Deutschland 1/2023, 4
(2004): Forensische Osteologie – Humanspezifität, Liegezeit und Verletzungsspuren. – Rechtsmedizin 5/2004, 417-430
(2004): Makroskopische Befunde zum Aussschluss einer forensisch relevanten Erdliegezeit bei Knochenfunden – eine Literaturauswertung. – Archiv für Kriminologie 213, 1-14
(2003): Verletzungsspuren an Knochenfunden – Analyse und Beurteilung. – Archiv für Kriminologie 212, 41-52
(1990): Zum bandkeramischen Schmuck. in: (eds.): Archäologie in der Region. Untersuchungen zur urgeschichtlichen Siedlungs-, Wirtschafts- und Lebensweise im südlichen Niedersachsen, 62-63, Göttingen
(no date): Gallery of Ancient Dice, Website
(1993): Bruchsichere Aufbewahrung von Kleinsäugerschädeln. – Der Präparator 39(1), 1-2
(2016): Commercial Fishing and the Political Economy of Medieval Iceland. in: (eds.): Cod & Herring. The Archaeology & History of Medieval Sea Fishing, 71-79, Oxford
(2013): Insect invaders, seasonality and transhumant pastoralism in the Icelandic shieling economy. – Environmental Archaeology 18(2), 165-177
(2009): Insects in an abandoned landscape: late Holocene palaeoentomological investigations at Sandhavn, Southern Greenland. – Environmental Archaeology 16(1), 49-57
(2001): La coutellerie de luxe de Nogent – L'exemple du Faconnage des manches de coteaux par les Meilleurs Ovriers de France. in: (eds.): le bois, l'os, la corne, l'ivoire, la nacre. Aspects de la Tabletterie en France, 75-82, Amiens
(2012): Von Kaffeeriechern, Abtrittanbietern und Fischbeinreissern. Berufe aus vergangenen Zeiten, Münchern
(2017): Instability and co-development of the exploitation of early domestic sheep and goats: the example of Shillourokambos (Cyprus, Pre-Pottery Neolithic, 10,400-9,000 cal BP). in: (eds.): Archaeozoology of the Near East 9 Volume 1, 10-22, Oxford
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