Dies ist eine Auswahl von Knochen-Arbeiten, vorwiegend aus den Bereichen Archäozoologie und Taphonomie.
Die Datenbank enthält: 9240 Titel
Anzahl angezeigter Titel: 1171
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(2018): Bienenwachs als Klebstoff der späten Altsteinzeit in Westfalen. in: (eds.): Bewegte Zeiten. Archäologie in Deutschland, 402, Petersberg
(2017): Hafting with beeswax in the Final Palaeolithic: a barbed point from Bergkamen. – Antiquity 91(359), 1155-1170
(2012): Mesolithischer Hirschbraten am Hellweg. – Archäologie in Deutschland 4/2012, 47
(1992): Überreste von Hunden aus der Ahrensburger Kultur am Kartstein, Nordeifel. – Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 22, 461-471
(1989): Das Schneehuhn – ein begehrtes Jagdtier im Pleistozän?. – Archäologische Informationen 12(2), 195-202
(1977): Opgravingen in Amsterdam – 20 jaar stadskernonderzoek, Amsterdam
(1889): Die Islandfahrt der Deutschen, namentlich der Hamburger, vom 15. bis 17. Jahrhundert, Forschungen zur hamburgischen Handelsgeschichte 1, Hamburg
(1976): Vergleichend morphometrische Untersuchungen rezenter Rotfüchse (Vulpes vulpes) und Haushunde (Canis lupus f. familiaris), Examensarbeit Universität Kiel, Kiel
(1997): Endangered migratory sturgeons of the lower Danube River and its delta. – Environmental Biology of Fishes 48, 201-207
(2003): Tell Kutan. in: (eds.): The Origins of North Mesopotamien Civilization: Ninivite 5 Chronology, Economy, Society, Subartu 9, 153-191, Turnhout
(1967): Vergleichend morphologische Untersuchungen an Einzelknochen des postkranialen Skeletts in Mitteleuropa vorkommender Schwäne und Gänse, Dissertation Universität München, München
(1987): Schiffahrt, Handel, Häfen. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Schiffahrt auf Weser und Mittellandkanal, Minden
(1962): Schädelreste des Rindes aus dem keltischen Oppidum von Manching, Studien an vor- und frühgeschichtlichen Tierresten Bayerns 14, München
(2004): Die Flöte vom Grubgraben. in: (ed.): Schwanenflügelknochen-Flöte – Vor 35 000 Jahren erfinden Eiszeitjäger die Musik, 32-33, Stuttgart
(2012): Criteria for identifying bone modification by termites in the fossil record. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 337-338, 72-87
(2016): Southeast Europe and Anatolia in prehistory. Essays in honor of Vassil Nikolov on his 65th anniversary, Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie 293, Bonn
(1989): Amino acid racemization in bone and the boiling of the German Emperor Lothar I. – Applied Geochemistry 4, 325-327
(1984): Accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon ages of amino acid extracts from Californian palaeoindian skeletons. – Nature 312, 442-444
(1997): Horom 1995 – Bericht über die amerikanisch-armenisch-deutsche archäologische Expedition in Armenien. – Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan 29, 191-227
(1984): Holocene faunal Material from India with special Reference to domesticated Animals. in: (eds.): Animals and Archaeology: 3. Early Herders and their Flocks, British Archaeological Reports International Series 202, 339-353, Oxford
(2024): What is an adequate sample size?. – International Council for Archaeozoology Newsletter 24(2), 53-54
(2019): The Fauna from Lion Island, a Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Chinese Community in British Columbia, Canada. – Zooarchaeology 3, 46-58, pl. 16
(2015): Intensive hunting during the Iron Age of Southern Africa. – Environmental Archaeology 20, 41-51
(2012): Cause and Effect: the Impact of Animal Variables on Experimentally Produced Bone Lesions. in: (eds.): Bones for tools - tools for bones: The interplay between objects and objectives, 65-71, Oxford
(2009): An ethnographic and historical overview of hide processing in southern Africa. – Annals of the Transvaal Museum 46, 37-43
(1980): Paleoecology of Middle Siwalik Sediments and Faunas, Northern Pakistan. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 30, 133-155
(2013): On a Bed of Bones. An early imperial burial from Vindonissa. in: (ed.): The Sound of Bones. Proceedings of the 8th Meeting of the ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group in Salzburg 2011, Archaeo Plus. Schriften zur Archäologie und Archäometrie der Paris Lodron-Universität Salzburg 5, 41-55, Salzburg
(1974): The Ageing of Fish, Old Woking
(1976): Proceedings of the IVth Annual Symposium on Archaeological Research in Iran, Tehran
(2001): Guide pour l'interprétation des écailles et l'estimation de l'âge chez les Aloses (Alosa spp.) de la facade Atlantique-Est et de la Méditerranée-Quest. – Bulletin Francais de la Peche et de la Pisciculture 357/360, 485-531
(1987): Caractéristiques scalimétriques des principales espèces de poissons d'eau douce de France. – Bulletin français de la pêche et de la pisciculture 306, 1-39
(1984): Preneolithic Control of Animals in Western Europe: The faunal Evidence. in: (eds.): Animals and Archaeology: 4. Husbandry in Europe, British Archaeological Reports International Series 227, 27-34, Oxford
(1968): Fall! Fall! Fall! öwerall. Berichte über den schleswig-holsteinischen Walfang am Beispiele der Stadt Elmshorn 1817 – 1872, Hamburg
(2013): Forensics: Bitemark Analysis. in: (ed.): Animal Abuse: Helping Animals and People, 185-191, Wallingford, Oxfordshire
(2008): Living Well Together? Settlement and Materiality in the Neolithic of South-East and Central Europe, Oxford
(2005): (Un)settling the Neolithic, Oxford
(2020): The Archaeology of Europe's Drowned Landscapes, Heidelberg
(2008): Historical Ecology of the North Sea Basin: An archaeological Perspective and some Problems of Methodology. in: (eds.): Human impacts on ancient marine ecosystems: A global perspective, 215-242, Berkeley
(1999): Différenciation ostéologique des anoures (amphibia, anura) de France, Fiches d'Ostéologie Animale pour l'Archéologie Série C: Varia 1, Antibes
(1994): Preliminary Report on the Third (1993) Season of Excavations at Tell esh-Shuna North. – Levant 26, 111-133
(1992): Bronzezeitliche Geweihknebel in Südpolen. – Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 22, 201-208
(2020): Identification Guide for Ivory and Ivory Substitutes, 4th edition, Washington
(1984): The Study of Animal Diseases with Regard to agricultural Practices and Man's Attitude to his Animals. in: (eds.): Animals and Archaeology: 4. Husbandry in Europe, British Archaeological Reports International Series 227, 253-257, Oxford
(1980): Animal Diseases in Archaeology, Studies in Archaeological Science, London
(2014): Deer and People, Oxford
(2020): Creating Access to Reference Collections. A preview of work on a photographic atlas of perinatal animal bones, online publication
(2014): Animal Bones and Archaeology: Guidelines for Best Practice, Swindon
(2010): Procurement, presentation and consumption of domestic and wildfowl at Windsor Castle, England in the 12th-14th c. in: (eds.): Birds in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 6th Meeting of the ICAZ Bird Working Group in Groningen (23.8. - 27.8.2008), Groningen Archaeological Studies 12, 57-69, Groningen
(2008): Economy, Environment and Society at Kilise Tepe, Southern Central Turkey – Faunal Remains from the 1994-1998 Excavations. in: (eds.): Archaeozoology of the Near East VIII Tome II, Travaux de la Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée 49, 407-430, Paris
(2003): On Preparing Animal Skeletons – a simple and effective Method. – International Council for Archaeozoology Newsletter 4(1), 4, 15
(2015): On an ichthyo-archaeological method to trace Jewish urban households. A study of fish remains from Post-Medieval Amsterdam and Medieval Cologne, poster presented at the 18th Meeting of the ICAZ Fish Remains Working Group in Lisboa
(2014): About the Possibility to trace Jewish Urban Households by Means of an ichtyo-archaeological Investigation. A Study on archaeological Fish Remains from Post-Medieval Amsterdam and Medieval Cologne, MSc thesis Leiden University, Leiden
(2017): The Upper Palaeolithic fauna From Kalavan 1 (Armenia): preliminary results. in: (eds.): Archaeozoology of the Near East 9 Volume 1, 88-97, Oxford
(2014): Camels in Romania. – Anthropozoologica 49(2), 253-264
(2014): Domestic versus wild during the Neolithic in the Teleorman Valley. in: (eds.): An Overview of the Exploitation of hard Animal Materials during the Neolithic and Chalcolithic. Prodeedings of the GDRE PREHISTOS Work-Session in Targoviste, Romania, November 2013, Prehistoric Exploitation of Hard Animal Materials, 71-90, Targoviste
(2009): Observatii privind utilizarea omoplatilor crestati din cultura noua, pe baza materialului de la Rotbav, jud. Brasov. – Analele Banatului 17, 33-46
(2005): Matériaux ostéologiques du site énéolithique (niveau Boian, phase Vidra) de Vlădiceasca–Valea Argovei, dép. Călăraşi. – Studii de Preistorie 2, 115-133
(2005): Omul si mediul animal între mileniile VII-IV î.e.n. la Dunarea de Jos, Seria Cercetãri Pluridisciplinare 11
(2005): The Paleoeconomy of Gumelnita Communities on the Territory of Romania. – Cultura si Civilisatie la Dunarea de Jos 22, 167-206
(2004): Omul si animalele. Strategii si resurse la comunitatile Hamangia si Boian, Seria Cercetãri Pluridisciplinare 9, Bucuresti
(2003): Archéozoologie en Roumanie. Corpus de Données, Seria Cercetãri Pluridisciplinare 5, Bucuresti
(2003): L'étude de la faune des mammifères découverts à Luncavita. – Peuce 14, 453-468
(2003): Mammal fauna from Bordusani - Popina. in: (ed.): Archaeological Pluridisciplinary Researches at Bordusani-Popina, National Museum Library Pluridisciplinary Researches Series, 103-139, pl. 1-9, Bucharest
(2003): Paleoeconomia animaliera a comunitatilor Bolintineanu. – Cultura si Civilisatie la Dunarea de Jos 20, 73-87
(2003): Studiul arheozoologic preliminar al materialului faunistic de la Cheia (Jud. Constanta). Campania 2001. – Pontica 25-26, 25-32
(2003): Studiul materialului faunistic descoperit în tell-ul de la Vitanesti (Jud. Teleorman): nivelul Gumelnita B1. – Cercetari Arheologice 12, 363-383, pl. 1-3
(2002): Culesul, pescuitul şi vânătoarea în cultura Boian pe teritoriul României. – Studii de Preistorie 1, 73-94
(2002): Studiu arheozoologic preliminar al faunei de mamifere descoperite pe Valea Teleormanului. – Studii de Preistorie 1, 59-70
(1998): Consideratii preliminare asupra faunei eneolitice. – Buletinul Muzeului Teohari Antonescu 2-4, 99-102
(2017): Investigating the scale of herding in Chalcolithic pastoral communities settled along the Danube River in the 5th millennium BC: A case study at Bordusani-Popina and Hârsova-tell (Romania). – Quaternary International 436, 29-40
(2014): Cattle and Sheep Herding at Cheia, Romania, at the Turn of the Fifth Millennium cal BC. A View from Stable Isotope Analysis. – Proceedings of the British Academy 198, 115-142
(2014): Isotopic Studies of Husbandry Practices. in: (ed.): Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, 4120-4128, Heidelberg
(2013): Early herding at Magura-Boldul lui Mos Ivanus (early sixth millennium BC, Romania): environments and seasonality from stable isotope analysis. – European Journal of Archaeology 16(2), 221-246
(2012): Stable isotope insights (δ18O, δ13C) into cattle and sheep husbandry at Bercy (Paris, France, 4th millennium BC): birth seasonality and winter leaf foddering. – Environmental Archaeology 17(1), 29-44
(2009): Subscribed Content Stable isotope evidence for seasonal consumption of marine seaweed by modern and archaeological sheep in the Orkney archipelago (Scotland). – Environmental Archaeology 14(1), 1-14
(2005): Distinguishing sheep and goats using dental morphology and stable carbon isotopes in C4 grassland environments. – Journal of Archaeological Science 32, 691-702
(1974): Sea Bird Fowling in Scotland and Faroe. – Folk Life 12, 60-130
(2011): Dakovo – Franjevac • Late Eneolithic Settlement, Catalogues and Monographs of the Archeological Museum in Zagreb 7, Zagreb
(1973): About the Origin of the "Tsakel" and some other Bulgarian Sheep Breeds. in: (ed.): Domestikationsforschung und Geschichte der Haustiere, 341-348, Budapest
(1991): Arrangement of Collections and Data. in: (eds.): Guide to the Curation of Archaeozoological collections: Proceedings of the Curation Workshop: Held at the Smithsonian Institution Washington D.C., 80-82, Florida
(2015): Metaaltijden 2. Bijdragen in de studie van de metaaltijden, Leiden
(1995): Origin and domestication of the wild carp, Cyprinus carpio: from Roman gourmets to the swimming flowers. – Aquaculture 129, 3-48
(1995): The common carp, Cyprinus carpio: its wild origin, domestication in aquaculture, and selection as colored nishikigoi. – Guelph Ichthyology Reviews 3, 1-55
(1976): International Union of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, 9. Congrès Thèmes spécialisés, Nice
(1997): In vitro Decomposition of Bone Collagen by Soil Bacteria: the Implications for stable Isotope Analysis in Archaeometry. – Archaeometry 39(2), 415-429
(1991): Zoogeography of Fresh Waters, Volume 2: Distribution and Dispersal of Freshwater Animals in North America and Eurasia, Wiesbaden
(2012): Naturwissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Elfenbein von Sidi Harraz / Cap Sim und Mogador (Essaouira, Marokko). – Madrider Mitteilungen 52, 87-112
(2011): Elfenbein und Archäologie. INCENTIVS-Tagungsbeiträge 2004-2007, Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Tagungen 7, Mainz
(2011): Untersuchungen von Archäologischem Elfenbein. in: (eds.): Elfenbein und Archäologie. INCENTIVS-Tagungsbeiträge 2004-2007, Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Tagungen 7, 1-18, Mainz
(2008): Distinction between African and Asian Ivory. in: (eds.): Ivory and Species Conservation. Proceedings of INCENTIVS – Meetings (2004 - 2007), Bundesamt für Naturschutz Skripten 228, 37-49, Bonn
(2008): Investigation of quality of commercial mammoth ivory by means of X-ray Powder Diffraction (Rietveld method) and FTIR Spectroscopy. in: (eds.): Ivory and Species Conservation. Proceedings of INCENTIVS – Meetings (2004 - 2007), Bundesamt für Naturschutz Skripten 228, 51-63, Bonn
(2008): Non-destructive investigation of Netsuke, Japanese miniature sculptures, by Micro Raman spectroscopy. in: (eds.): Ivory and Species Conservation. Proceedings of INCENTIVS – Meetings (2004 - 2007), Bundesamt für Naturschutz Skripten 228, 65-71, Bonn
(2013): Prehistoric reindeer hunting in south-west Norway with emphasis on the period 1000 BC to AD 1000 – Overview, retrospect and perspectives. in: (eds.): Hunting in northern Europe until 1500 AD. Old traditions and regional developments, continental sources and continental influences, Schriften des Archäologischen Landesmuseums Ergänzungsreihe 7, 41-54, Neumünster
(2016): Die Grabdenkmäler in der Kirche. in: (ed.): St. Magdalena in Sickingen, 39-54, Oberderdingen
(1979): A House-Burning in Serbia – What do burned remains tell an archaeologist?. – Archaeology 32(5), 8-14
(1974): Besiedlung und Befestigung des Burghügels (Várdomb). in: (eds.): Mittelbronzezeitliche Tell-Siedlung bei Békés, 9-132, Budapest
(1974): Mittelbronzezeitliche Tell-Siedlung bei Békés, Budapest
(2019): Technical Note: Taxonomic identification of petrosal bone morphology. – Bioarchaeology of the Near East 13
(2010): Out on the Tiles. Animal Footprints from the Roman Site of Kefar ‘Othnay (Legio), Israel. – Near Eastern Archaeology 73(4), 244-247
(2005): Fragments of information: preliminary taphonomic results from the Middle Palaeolithic breccia layers of Misliya Cave, Mount Carmel, Israel. in: (ed.): Biosphere to Lithosphere – New studies on vertebrate taphonomy, Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Council of Archaeozoology, Durham, August 2002, 126-134, Oxford
(2005): Archaeomalacology: Molluscs in Former Environments of Human Behaviour, Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Council for Archaeozoology, Durham, August 2002, Oxford
(2005): Pelecypod Beds Revisited: Glycimeris in Bronze Age Sites. – Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society 35, 45-52
(1997): Neolithic Shell Bead Production in Sinai. – Journal of Archaeological Science 24, 97-111
(2016): Changes in "demand and supply" for mass killings of gazelles during the Holocene. in: (eds.): Bones and Identity. Zooarchaeological Approaches to Reconstructing Social and Cultural Landscapes in Southwest Asia, 113-124, Oxford
(2016): Multiple Origins of Agriculture in Eurasia and Africa. in: (eds.): On Human Nature. Biology, Psychology, Ethics, Politics, and Religion, 297-331, London
(1984): Seasonality among Neolithic Hunter-Gatherers in Southern Sinai. in: (eds.): Animals and Archaeology: 3. Early Herders and their Flocks, British Archaeological Reports International Series 202, 145-160, Oxford
(2012): Osteometric Traits of the selected Skeleton Elements of Domestic Cat (Felis silvestris f. catus) from archaeological Sites Wolin-Town and Szczecin-Vegetable Market. – Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Zootechnica 11(1), 3-24
(2018): “Babos” (Spotted) Pigs in Zalavár/Mosaburg, SW Hungary: Possible Causes of a Tusk Pathology. in: (eds.): Care or Neglect? Evidence of Animal Disease in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 6th meeting of the Animal Palaeopathology Working Group of the International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ), Budapest, Hungary, 2016, 230-239, Oxford
(2015): Kutyaleletek az Árpád-korból [ Dog finds from the Árpád Period (10th-13th century)]. in: (eds.): Hungarian Grey, Racka, Mangalitsa. Papers presented at the international conference honouring János Matolcsi, 25–26 November 2013, 177-200, Budapest
(2015): Heritages and Memories from the Sea, Évora
(2008): La Peche à travers le ages. – Histoire Antique 17, 30-33
(2008): Healing Following Cranial Trauma. – Journal of Forensic Sciences 53(2), 263-268
(2016): L'artisanat de l'os à l'epoque Gallo-Romaine. De l'ostéologie à l'archéologie expérimentale, Oxford
(1991): European Waders Identification Key on the Basis of the cranial Morphology. – Ardeola 38(2), 249-263
(1990): Identification Key of Iberian Waders (Chraradriiformes) based on the Os quadratum. – Miscel·lània zoològica 14, 181-185
(2012): Art du jeu. Jeu dans l'art de Babylone à l' occident médiéval, Paris
(2010): A Guide to Otoliths from Fishes of the Gulf of Mexico, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Technical Memorandum National Marine Fisheries Service SEFSC-599, Panama City
(2008): Der Hund aus dem Klei. – Archäologie in Niedersachsen 11, 45-47
(2008): Wolthusen FStNr. 2609/2:17-2, Stadt Emden, Dorfwurt Wolthusen. – Emder Jahrbuch 2007, 230-231, Fundchronik Ostfriesland
(2007): Mittelalterliches Fensterglas und besondere Kleinfunde vom ehemaligen Dominikanerkloster in Norden, Ostfriesland. – Nachrichten aus Niedersachsens Urgeschichte 76, 171-197
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(1916): Die Kugelmuschel (Sphaerium scopoli) als Futtermittel. – Die Heimat 26(9), 206-207
(1992): Batons perces, baguettes, Fiches typologiques de l'industrie osseuse prehistorique V, Treignes
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(2013): Analysis of Fish Bones from the Tantura F Shipwreck, Israel. – Archaeofauna 22, 189-199
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(2009): The Offshore and Distant-Water Fisheries of the Spanish Basques, c. 1500-1650. in: (eds.): A History of the North Atlantic Fisheries. Volume 1: From Early Times to the Mid-Nineteenth Century, Deutsche Maritime Studien 6, 229-249, Bremen
(2000): DNA-based Identification of Goose Species from Two Archaeological Sites in Lincolnshire. – Journal of Archaeological Science 27, 91-100
(2018): Four Equestrian Burials from the Avar Cemetery at Vienna Csokorgasse, Austria: The Health of Horses and Dogs. in: (eds.): Care or Neglect? Evidence of Animal Disease in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 6th meeting of the Animal Palaeopathology Working Group of the International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ), Budapest, Hungary, 2016, 116-133, Oxford
(2018): From Arthrosis to Necrosis: Many, Many Pathological Chickens from the Avar Cemetery at Vienna Csokorgasse, Austria. in: (eds.): Care or Neglect? Evidence of Animal Disease in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 6th meeting of the Animal Palaeopathology Working Group of the International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ), Budapest, Hungary, 2016, 208-229, Oxford
(2023): Bone, antler, and tooth objects from the late bronze/early Iron Age urnfields in south-western Poland. – Quaternary International 665-666, 82-92
(2018): Tools make tools: changes in bone and antler manufacture at Late Bronze and Early Iron Age Polish sites. – Antiquity • Project Gallery 92(363)
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(2017): Neolithic and Bronze Age ungulate footprint-tracks of the Severn Estuary: Species, age, identification and the interpretation of husbandry practices. – Environmental Archaeology 22(1), 1-14
(2022): Walruses on the Dnieper: new evidence for the intercontinental trade of Greenlandic ivory in the Middle Ages. – Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 289(1972), 1-9
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(2019): An environmental (pre)history of European fishing: past and future archaeological contributions to sustainable fisheries. – Journal of Fish Biology 94(6), 1033-1044
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(2012): Being an Islander: Production and Identity at Quoygrew, Orkney, AD 900-1600, McDonald Institute Monograph, Oxford
(2012): Ecofact Recovery and Patterns of Deposition. in: (ed.): Being an Islander: Production and Identity at Quoygrew, Orkney, AD 900-1600, McDonald Institute Monograph, 97-101, Oxford
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