
Dies ist eine Auswahl von Knochen-Arbeiten, vorwiegend aus den Bereichen Archäozoologie und Taphonomie.

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Ma, Xiaolin & Hou, Yanfeng (2014): Proceedings of the 9th Meeting of the (ICAZ) Worked Bone Research Group, Zhengzhou, China, 2013, Zooarchaeology 2, Beijing

Ma, Xiaolin (2011): Cattle Bones and Hairpins, poster presented at hte 8th conference of the Worked Bone Research Group, Salzburg

Maarleveld, Thijs J. (2020): Beam Trawls and Bones: A Reflection on Dutch Fisheries. in: Bailey, Geoff N. / Galanidou, Nena / Peeters, Hans / Jöns, Hauke / Mennenga, Moritz (eds.): The Archaeology of Europe's Drowned Landscapes, 521-535, Heidelberg

Maarleveld, Thijs J. (2010): Fish and “Chips of Knowledge”: Some Thoughts on the Biases of the Archaeological Record. in: Bekker-Nielsen, Tønnes & Bernal Casasola, Darío (eds.): Ancient Nets and Fishing Gear. Proceedings of the International Workshop on "Nets and Fishing Gear in Classical Antiquity", Monographs of the SAGENA Project 2, 257-271, Cadiz

Maarleveld, Thijs J. (1993): Project Scheurrak SO1. Tussentijdse Rapportage 10, Alphen aan den Rijn

Maarleveld, Thijs J. & Pieper, Peter (1983): Merkwardige prehistorische Beenfragmenten nogmaals bekeken. – Oudheidkundige Mededelingen uit het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden 64, 229-243

Macdonald, Janet (2004): Feeding Nelson’s Navy. The True Story of Food at Sea in the Georgian Era, London

MacGregor, Arthur G. & Mainman, Ailsa J. (2001): The Bone and Antler Industry in Anglo-Scandinavian York: the Evidence from Coppergate. in: Choyke, Alice M. & Bartosiewicz, László (eds.): Crafting Bone: Skeletal Technologies through Time and Space – Proceedings of the 2nd meeting of the (ICAZ) Worked Bone Research Group Budapest, 31 August – 5 September 1999, British Archaeological Reports International Series 937, 343-354, Oxford

MacGregor, Arthur G. & Mainman, Ailsa J. (1999): Comb making evidence. in: MacGregor, Arthur G. / Mainman, Ailsa J. / Rogers, Nicola S. H. (eds.): Craft, Industry and Everyday Life: Bone, Antler, Ivory and Horn from Anglo-Scandinavian and Medieval York, The Archaeology of York 17/12, 1917-1941, York

MacGregor, Arthur G. / Mainman, Ailsa J. / Rogers, Nicola S. H. (1999): Craft, Industry and Everyday Life: Bone, Antler, Ivory and Horn from Anglo-Scandinavian and Medieval York, The Archaeology of York 17/12, York

MacGregor, Arthur G. (1985): Bone, Antler, Ivory and Horn – The Technology of Skeletal Materials Since the Roman Period, London

MacGregor, Arthur G. & Currey, John D. (1983): Mechanical Properties as Conditioning Factors in the Bone and Antler Industry of the 3rd to the 13th Century AD. – Journal of Archaeological Science 10, 71-77

MacGregor, Arthur G. (1976): Bone skates: A Review of the Evidence. – Archaeological Journal 133, 57-74

MacGregor, Neil (2012): Die Lewis-Schachfiguren. in: MacGregor, Neil (ed.): Eine Geschichte der Welt in 100 Objekten, 463-467, München

MacGregor, Neil (2012): Eine Geschichte der Welt in 100 Objekten, 4. Auflage, München

MacGregor, Neil (2012): Schwimmende Rentiere. in: MacGregor, Neil (ed.): Eine Geschichte der Welt in 100 Objekten, 50-56, München

Macheridis, Stella / Hansson, Maria C. / Foley, Brendan P. (2020): Fish in a barrel: Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus) from the Baltic Sea wreck of the royal Danish flagship Gribshunden (1495). – Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 33

Macholán, Milos / Baird, Stuart J. E. / Munclinger, Pavel / Piálek, Jaroslav (2012): Evolution of the House Mouse, Cambridge

MacKenzie, Brian R. & Ojaveer, Henn O. (2018): Evidence from the past: exploitation as cause of commercial extinction of autumn-spawning herring in the Gulf of Riga, Baltic Sea. – International Council for the Exploration of the Sea Journal of Marine Science 75(7), 2476-2487

MacKenzie, Brian R. / Alheit, Jürgen / Conley, Daniel J. / Holm, Poul / Kinze, Carl Christian (2002): Ecological hypotheses for a historical reconstruction of upper trophic level biomass in the Baltic Sea and Skagerrak. – Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 59, 173-190

MacKinnon, Michael (2011): Animals Use at Hellenistic Pergamon: Evidence from Zooarchaeological Analyses. in: Pirson, Felix: Pergamon – Bericht über die Arbeiten in der Kampagne 2010. – Archäologischer Anzeiger 2011/2, 188-199

MacKinnon, Michael (2006): Bones, Text and Art in Roman Italy. in: Maltby, J. Mark (ed.): Integrating Zooarchaeology, Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Council of Archaeozoology, Durham, August 2002, 51-58, Oxford

MacKinnon, Michael & Belanger, Kyle (2006): In Sickness and Health: Care for an Arthritic Maltese Dog from the Roman Cemetary of Yasmina, Carthage, Tunisia. in: Snyder, Lynn M. & Moore, Elizabeth A. (eds.): Dogs and People in Social, Working, Economic or Symbolic Interaction, Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Council for Archaeozoology, Durham, August 2002, 38-43, Oxford

MacNeill, M. A. & Campana, Steven E. (2003): Comparison of Whole and Sectioned Vertebrae for Determining the Age of Young Blue Shark (Prionace glauca). – Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science 30, 77-82

Madea, Burkhard / Preuss, Johanna / Musshoff, Frank (2007): Vom blühenden Leben zu Staub – der natürliche Kreislauf von Werden und Vergehen. in: Wieczorek, Alfried / Tellenbach, Michael / Rosendahl, Wilfried (eds.): Mumien – Der Traum vom ewigen Leben, Publikationen der Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen 24, 6-22, Mainz

Madgwick, Richard / Mulville, Jacqueline A. / Stevens, Rhiannon E. (2012): Diversity in foddering strategy and herd management in late Bronze Age Britain: An isotopic investigation of pigs and other fauna from two midden sites. – Environmental Archaeology 17(2), 126-140

Madgwick, Richard & Mulville, Jacqueline A. (2012): Investigating Variation in the Prevalence of Weathering in Faunal Assemblages in the UK: A Multivariate Statistical Approach. – International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 22, 509-522

Maeder, Felicitas (2004): Einleitung. Annäherung an einen Mythos. in: Maeder, Felicitas / Hänggi, Ambros / Wunderlin, Dominik (eds.): Muschelseide. Goldene Fäden vom Meeresgrund, 8-27, Basel

Maeder, Felicitas / Hänggi, Ambros / Wunderlin, Dominik (2004): Muschelseide. Goldene Fäden vom Meeresgrund, Basel

Maeir, Aren M. / Greenfield, Haskel J. / Lev-Tov, Justin S. E. / Horwitz, Liora Kolska (2009): Macro- and Microscopic Aspects of Bone Tool Manufacture and Technology in the Levantine Iron Age: A 9th Century BCE Workshop from Tell es-Safi/Gath, Israel. in: Rosen, Steven A. & Roux, Valentine (eds.): Techniques and People. Anthropological Perspectives on Technology in the Archaeology of the proto-historic and early historic Periods in the Southern Levant, Mémoires et Travaux du Centre de Recherche Français à Jérusalem 9, 41-68, Paris

Magnell, Ola (2006): Tooth Wear in Wild Boar. in: Ruscillo, Deborah (ed.): Recent Advances in Ageing and Sexing Animal Bones, Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Council for Archaeozoology, Durham, August 2002, 189-203, Oxford

Magnell, Ola (2006): Tracking Taphonomy. analysis of Skeletal Remains from Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) and Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) from mesolithic Sites in Scania, Southern Sweden. in: Engelmark, Roger & Linderholm, Johan (eds.): Proceedings from the 8th Nordic Conference on the application of Scientific Methods in Archaeology Umeå 2001, Archaeology and Environment 20, Umeå

Magnell, Ola (2006): Tracking Wild Boar and Hunters. Osteology of Wild Boar in Mesolithic South Scandinavia, Acta Archaeologica Lundensia Series in 8° 51, Lund

Magnell, Ola (2005): Harvesting Wild Boar – a study of prey choice by hunters during the Mesolithic in South Scandinavia by analysis of age and sex structures in faunal remains. – Archaeofauna 14, 27-41

Magnell, Ola (2004): The Body Size of Wild Boar during the Mesolithic in South Scandinavia. – Acta Theriologica 49, 113-130

Magnell, Ola (2003): Butchering of Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) in the Mesolithic. in: Larsson, Lars / Kindgren, H. / Knutsson, K. / Loeffler, D. / Åkerlund, A. (eds.): Mesolithic on the Move. Papers presented at the Sixth International Conference on the Mesolithic in Europe, Stockholm 2000, 671-679, Oxford

Magnus, Olaus / Balzamo, Elena / Kaiser, Reinhard (1555/2006): Die Wunder des Nordens, Frankfurt am Main

Magnus, Olaus / Fisher, Peter / Higgens, Humphrey / Foote, Peter (1555/1996): Historia de Gentibus Septentrionalibus. Description of the Northern Peoples. Volume 1, London

Magnus, Olaus / Fisher, Peter / Higgens, Humphrey / Foote, Peter (1555/1998): Historia de Gentibus Septentrionalibus. Description of the Northern Peoples. Volume 2, London

Magnus, Olaus / Fisher, Peter / Higgens, Humphrey / Foote, Peter (1555/1998): Historia de Gentibus Septentrionalibus. Description of the Northern Peoples. Volume 3, London

Magnus, Olaus (1555): Historia de Gentibvs Septentrionalibvs, Roma

Magnusson, Magnus (1980): The Vikings

Magnússon, Thór (1987): Isländische Kulturschätze aus archäologischer Sicht, Reykjavík

Magra, Christopher Paul (2006): The New England Cod Fishing Industry and Maritime Dimensions of the American Revolution, PhD-thesis University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh

Maguire, Judy M. / Pemberton, D. / Collett, M. H. (1980): The Makapansgat Limeworks Grey Breccia: Hominids, Hyaenas, Hystricids or Hillwash?. – Palaeontologia Africana 23, 75-98

Mahlitz-Frey, Katja (2006): Die Tierknochenfunde der archäologischen Ausgrabung der Burg Vechta 2005/2006, unveröffentlichter Bericht an das Museum Vechta, Vechta

Maier, Rudolf Albert (1969): Zur Nutzung und Wertschätzung von Tierknochen, Horn und Geweih in der Ur- und Frühgeschichte Europas. in: Boessneck, Joachim (ed.): Archäologisch-biologische Zusammenarbeit in der Vor- und Frühgeschichtsforschung. Münchener Kolloquium 1967, Forschungsberichte 15, 61-69, Wiesbaden

Maier, Rudolf Albert (1962): Neolithische Tierknochen-Idole und Tierknochen-Anhänger Europas. – Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission 42, 171-305, Tafel 36-54, Berlin

Maigrot, Yolaine & Provenzano, Noëlle (2014): Use-wear Analysis of Transversely Broken Bone Tools. Studies of Experimental, Ethnological and Archaeological Cases. in: Ma, Xiaolin & Hou, Yanfeng (eds.): Proceedings of the 9th Meeting of the (ICAZ) Worked Bone Research Group, Zhengzhou, China, 2013, Zooarchaeology 2, 14-23, pl. 6-9, Beijing

Maigrot, Yolaine (2005): Ivory, bone and antler tools production systems at Chalain 4 (Jura, France): late Neolothic site, 3rd millennium. in: Luik, Heidi / Choyke, Alice M. / Batey, Colleen / Lougas, Lembi (eds.): From Hooves to Horns, from Mollusc to Mammoth – Manufacture and Use of Bone Artefacts from Prehistoric Times to the Present – Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of the ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group at Tallinn, 26th–31st of August 2003, Muinasaja teadus 15, 113-126, Tallinn

Maik, Jerzy (1997): Skuddenwolle in den archäologischen Textilien aus Elblag (Elbing). – Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Nordwestdeutschland Beiheft 18, 131-139, Experimentelle Archäologie in Deutschland Bilanz 1996

Mainland, Ingrid & Halstead, Paul (2005): The diet and management of domestic sheep and goats at Neoltihic Makriyalos. in: Davies, Jessica J. / Fabis, Marian / Mainland, Ingrid / Richards, Michael P. / Thomas, Richard M. (eds.): Diet and Health in Past Animal Populations. Current Research and Future Directions, Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Council for Archaeozoology, Durham, August 2002, 104-112, Oxford

Mainman, Ailsa J. & Rogers, Nicola S. H. (1999): The Range of the Evidence. in: MacGregor, Arthur G. / Mainman, Ailsa J. / Rogers, Nicola S. H. (eds.): Craft, Industry and Everyday Life: Bone, Antler, Ivory and Horn from Anglo-Scandinavian and Medieval York, The Archaeology of York 17/12, 1903-1905, York

Maire, Jean (2001): Le travail artisanal de l'os au XVe siècle à Strasbourg. in: Fournier, Bertrand / Frichet-Colzy, Hélène / Plouvier, Martine (eds.): le bois, l'os, la corne, l'ivoire, la nacre. Aspects de la Tabletterie en France, 11-18, Amiens

Maise, Christian (2007): Luxuskarossen – Pferdewagen bei Kelten und Römern. – Archäologie in Deutschland 3/2007, 32-35

Makarewicz, Cheryl A. & Horwitz, Liora Kolska (2016): Local adoption of animal husbandry in the southern Levant: An isotopic perspective from the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B funerary site of Kfar HaHoresh. – Environmental Archaeology 21(3), 199-213, Aberdeen

Makarewicz, Cheryl A. (2005): Pastoral Production in a Corporate System: the Early Bronze Age at Khirbet El-Minsahlat, Jordan. in: Buitenhuis, Hijlke / Choyke, Alice M. / Martin, Louise / Bartosiewicz, László / Mashkour, Marjan (eds.): Archaeozoology of the Near East VI, Archaeological Research and Consultancy Publicatie 123, 163-177, Groningen

Makowiecki, Daniel (2023): Archaeozoology on Animals in Social Space of Medieval Poznań. in: Benecke, Norbert (ed.): Leben in der mittelalterlichen Stadt. Neue archäobiologische Forschungen, Archäometrische Studien 2, 75-90, Berlin

Makowiecki, Daniel & Makowiecka, Marzena (2017): Kręgi, paciorki, wisiorki, talizmany, czyli przyczynek do poznania pozautylitarnego znaczenia ryb u ludów prahistorycznych i wczesnohistorycznych na ziemiach polskich [Vertebrae, Beads, Pendants, Talismans, or a Contribution to the Study on Non-Utilitarian Significance of Fish among Prehistoric and Early Historical People on Polish Lands]. in: Rozanskiego, Artura (ed.): Gemma Gemmarum. Studia dedykowane Profesor Hannie Kocce-Krenz, 343-363, Poznan

Makowiecki, Daniel / Orton, David Clive / Barrett, James H. (2016): Cod and Herring in Medieval Poland. in: Barrett, James H. & Orton, David Clive (eds.): Cod & Herring. The Archaeology & History of Medieval Sea Fishing, 117-132, Oxford

Makowiecki, Daniel / Tomek, Teresa / Bochenski, Zbigniew M. (2014): Birds in Early Medieval Greater Poland: Consumption and Hawking. – International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 24(3), 358-364

Makowiecki, Daniel / Hamilton-Dyer, Sheila / Riddler, Ian D. / Trzaska-Nartowski, Nicola I. A. / Makohonienko, Miroslaw (2009): Fishes – Culture – Environment. Through Archaeoichthyology, Ethnography and History. The 15th Meeting of the ICAZ Fish Remains Working Group (FRWG), Environment and Culture 7, Poznán

Makowiecki, Daniel / Ablamowicz, Renata / Ablamowicz, Dominik / Smiarowski, Konrad / Makohonienko, Miroslaw (2008): Archaeozoological research in Poland and Middle-East Europe. Data - methods - interpretation, Katowice

Makowiecki, Daniel (2001): Some Remarks on Medieval Fishing in Poland. in: Buitenhuis, Hijlke & Prummel, Wietske (eds.): Animals and Man in the Past – Essays in honour of Dr. A.T. Clason emeritus professor of archaeozoology Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, the Netherlands, Archaeological Research and Consultancy Publicatie 41, 236-241, Groningen

Makowiecki, Daniel (2001): Zur Evolution der Fische im Polnischen Tiefland im Holozän. – Beiträge zur Archäozoologie und Prähistorischen Anthropologie 3, 16-24

Makowiecki, Daniel (1998): About the history of fishing and its development in prehistoric and mediaeval times in Poland. – Beiträge zum Oder-Projekt 5, 113-127

Maldre, Liina / Tomek, Teresa / Peets, Jüri (2018): Birds of prey from Vendel Age ship burials of Salme (c. 750 AD) and in Estonian archaeological material. in: Gersmann, Karl-Heinz & Grimm, Oliver (eds.): Raptor and human – falconry and bird symbolism throughout the millennia on a global scale, volume 3, Advanced studies on the archaeology and history of hunting 1, 1229-1250, Neumünster

Maldre, Liina (2009): Gaming Pieces from Salme Boat-Grave, poster presented at the 7th Meeting of the ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group, Wroclaw, Poland, September 2009, Tallinn

Maldre, Liina (2007): Faunal Remains from the Settlement Site of Pada. – Estonian Journal of Archaeology (Eesti Arheoloogia Ajakiri) 11(1), 59-79

Maldre, Liina (2006): What did Bronze Age Dogs Eat? Coprolithic Analyses. in: Snyder, Lynn M. & Moore, Elizabeth A. (eds.): Dogs and People in Social, Working, Economic or Symbolic Interaction, Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Council for Archaeozoology, Durham, August 2002, 44-48, Oxford

Maldre, Liina (2001): Bone and Antler Artefacts from Otepää Hill-fort. in: Choyke, Alice M. & Bartosiewicz, László (eds.): Crafting Bone: Skeletal Technologies through Time and Space – Proceedings of the 2nd meeting of the (ICAZ) Worked Bone Research Group Budapest, 31 August – 5 September 1999, British Archaeological Reports International Series 937, 19-30, Oxford

Malerba, Giancarla & Giacobini, Giacomo (2002): Fiche éclats diaphysaires avec marques transversales d'utilisation. in: Patou-Mathis, Marylène (ed.): Retouchoirs, compresseurs, percuteurs... Os à impressions et éraillures, Fiches de la Commission de nomenclature sur l'industrie de l'os préhistorique 10, 29-37, Paris

Malesky, S. M. / Horne, A. K. / Pendergraft, J. S. (2009): Technical note: Evaluation of Two Degreasing Techniques used in Preserving an Equine Skeletal System. – Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 29(5), 477-478

Malgras, Jean (1974): Elfenbeinkunst. Eine Auswahl und Dokumentation kostbarer Elfenbeinkunst aus aller Welt durch sieben Jahrhunderte, Wiesbaden

Mallet, Christophe / Cornette, Raphaël / Guadelli, Jean-Luc (2019): Morphometrical distinction between sheep (Ovis aries) and goat (Capra hircus) using the petrosal bone. Application on French Protohistoric sites. – International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 29(4), 525-537

Mallet, Christophe & Guadelli, Jean-Luc (2013): Distinctive features of Ovis aries and Capra hircus petrosal parts of temporal bone: Applications of the features to the distinction of some other Caprinae (Capra ibex, Rupicapra rupicapra). – Paleo Revue d'archéologie préhistorique 24, 171-193

Malt, Dick (1994): Recording and excavation of skeletons and coffins. in: Denny of Diptwich, Melissa (ed.): Archaeological Site Manual, 3.5, London

Maltby, J. Mark & Hamilton-Dyer, Sheila (2012): Big fish and great auks: Exploitation of birds and fish on the Isle of Portland, Dorset, during the Romano-British period. – Environmental Archaeology 17(2), 168-176

Maltby, J. Mark (2006): Integrating Zooarchaeology, Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Council for Archaeozoology, Durham, August 2002, Oxford

Maltby, J. Mark (2006): Integrating Zooarchaeology: Introduction. in: Maltby, J. Mark (ed.): Integrating Zooarchaeology, Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Council of Archaeozoology, Durham, August 2002, 1-4, Oxford

Maltby, J. Mark (2006): Salt and Animal Products: linking Production an Use in Iron Age Britain. in: Maltby, J. Mark (ed.): Integrating Zooarchaeology, Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Council of Archaeozoology, Durham, August 2002, 117-122, Oxford

Maltby, J. Mark (1984): Animal Bones and the Romano-British Economy. in: Grigson, Caroline & Clutton-Brock, Juliet (eds.): Animals and Archaeology: 4. Husbandry in Europe, British Archaeological Reports International Series 227, 125-138, Oxford

Maltby, J. Mark (1982): The variability of faunal samples and their effects on ageing data. in: Wilson, Bob / Grigson, Caroline / Payne, Sebastian (eds.): Ageing and Sexing Animal Bones from Archaeological Sites, British Archaeological Reports British Series 109, 81-90, Oxford

Maltin, Emma (2020): Identity expressed through fish consumption. Fish in the cuisine at Nya Lödöse. in: Linaa, Jette (ed.): Urban Diaspora. The Rise and Fall of Diaspora Communities in Early Modern Denmark and Sweden. Archaeology – History – Science, 447-471, Højbjerg

Maltin, Emma & Jonsson, Leif (2018): Cod Heads, stockfish, and Dried spurdog: Unexpected Commodities in Nya Lödöse (1473–1624), Sweden. – International Journal of Historical Archaeology 22, 343-363

Manaseryan, Nina H. (2017): Carnivora mammals of the Holocene in Armenia. in: Mashkour, Marjan & Beech, Mark J. (eds.): Archaeozoology of the Near East 9 Volume 1, 76-87, Oxford

Manaseryan, Nina H. (2016): Bringing to Light the Animal Bone Assemblages from the Ancient Burials of Armenia. in: Marom, Nimrod / Yeshurun, Reuven / Weissbrod, Lior / Bar-Oz, Guy (eds.): Bones and Identity. Zooarchaeological Approaches to Reconstructing Social and Cultural Landscapes in Southwest Asia, 265-271, Oxford

Manaseryan, Nina H. (2003): Hunting tackle, animals and objects in rock engravings from Armenia. – Archaeofauna 12, 193-201

Manaseryan, Nina H. (2003): The Fishes of the Ancient Armenia. in: Anonymus, Anonyma (ed.): Proceedings of the 12th Conference of the ICAZ Fish Remains Working Group, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, 101-105, Guadalajara

Manaseryan, Nina H. & Antonian, Louisa A. (2000): Dogs of Armenia. in: Crockford, Susan Janet (ed.): Dogs Through time: An Archaeological Perspective, Proceedings of the 1st ICAZ Symposium on the History of the Domestic Dog, Eighth Congress of the International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ98) August 23-29, 1998, Victoria, B.C., Canada, British Archaeological Reports International Series 889, 227-235, Oxford

Manaseryan, Nina H. (1997): Remains of Pigs from Bronze Age Graves of Armenia. – Anthropozoologica 25-26, 145-147

Manaseryan, Nina H. (1997): Wild and Domestic Animals in Medieval Armenia. – Anthropozoologica 25-26, 793-794

Manca, Laura (2014): The individuation of a new type of shell tools during early chalcolithic in sardinia: the bevelled tools on oyster valves. an experimental approach to reconstruct the operational sequences. in: Mărgărit, Monica / Le Dosseur, Gaëlle / Averbouh, Aline (eds.): An Overview of the Exploitation of hard Animal Materials during the Neolithic and Chalcolithic. Prodeedings of the GDRE PREHISTOS Work-Session in Targoviste, Romania, November 2013, Prehistoric Exploitation of Hard Animal Materials, 155-182, Targoviste

Manconi, Filippo (2006): The Use of Cattle in Prehistoric Sardinia from the Evidence of Bronze Statuettes. in: Maltby, J. Mark (ed.): Integrating Zooarchaeology, Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Council of Archaeozoology, Durham, August 2002, 59-63, Oxford

Mandl, Franz (1999): Schwaigenzeit ist Almenzeit. Über die Viehhaltung auf Almen des Dachsteins und Toten Gebirges im Mittelalter und in der Neuzeit. – Beiträge zur Mittelalterarchäologie in Österreich 15, 83-98

Manen, Claire / Perrin, Thomas / Guilaine, Jean (2014): La transition néolithique en Méditerranée, Toulouse

Manhart, Henriette / von den Driesch, Angela / Maurer, Petra / Pohl, Ernst (2001): Tierdeponierungen in Garab-Dzong/Nepal, Mittelalter bis frühe Neuzeit. Interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit von Archäologie, Archäozoologie und Tibetologie (Ethnologie). – Beiträge zur Archäozoologie und Prähistorischen Anthropologie 3, 128-137

Manhart, Henriette (1998): Die vorgeschichtliche Tierwelt von Koprivec und Durankulak und anderen prähistorischen Fundplätzen in Bulgarien aufgrund von Knochenfunden aus archäologischen Ausgrabungen. – Documenta naturae 116, 1-353

Mania, Dietrich (2010): Der Fossilbericht von den Waldelefanten im Seebecken von Neumark-Nord. in: Meller, Harald (ed.): Elefantenreich – Eine Fossilwelt in Europa, 200-218, Halle

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Mania, Dietrich / Mania, Ursula / Thomae, Matthias (no date): Im Wildparadies des Geiseltales vor 200 000 Jahren, Mücheln

Mania, Ursula (1988): Ein mittelpaläolithisches Knochengerät von Neumark-Nord (Geiseltal). – Ausgrabungen und Funde 33(4), 179-181

Mannermaa, Kristiina / Gerasimov, Dimitri / Girya, Evgeny / Sablin, Mikhail V. (2019): Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) Teeth from a Female Burial in Yuzhniy Oleniy Ostrov, Northwestern Russia (c. 6200 cal BC) – Local Rarities or Transported Goods?. – Environmental Archaeology 24(1), 79-90

Mannermaa, Kristiina (2018): Humans and raptors in northern Europe and northwestern Russia before falconry. in: Gersmann, Karl-Heinz & Grimm, Oliver (eds.): Raptor and human – falconry and bird symbolism throughout the millennia on a global scale, volume 1, Advanced studies on the archaeology and history of hunting 1, 257-275, Neumünster

Mannermaa, Kristiina (2016): Fish bones from the Old Town of Helsinki(Finland) sixteenth–seventeenth century. – Environmental Archaeology 21(4), 369-380

Mannermaa, Kristiina & Rainio, Riitta (2013): Tubular Bone Artefacts in Burial Context at Ajvide, Gotland c 2500 cal BC. Are they Musical Instruments?. in: Choyke, Alice M. & O'Connor, Sonia (eds.): From These Bare Bones: Raw Materials and the Study of Worked Osseous Objects, 140-153, Oxford

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