Dies ist eine Auswahl von Knochen-Arbeiten, vorwiegend aus den Bereichen Archäozoologie und Taphonomie.
Die Datenbank enthält: 9240 Titel
Anzahl angezeigter Titel: 48
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(1997): A stable isotope study of fossil mammal remains from the Paglicci cave, Southern Italy. N and C as palaeoenvironmental indicators. – Earth and Planetary Science Letters 148, 349-357
(2011): Identifying fish scales: The influence of allometry on scale shape and classification. – Fisheries Research 109, 54-60
(2003): The Genus Obelus Hartmann, 1842 (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Helicoidea) and its Phylogenetic Relationships. – Zoologischer Anzeiger 242, 157-167
(2007): El Material Faunístico. in: (eds.): L’établissement protohistorique de La Fonteta, Collection de la Casa de Velázquez 96, 353-372, Madrid
(2005): El Material Faunistico. in: (eds.): Lixus-2 Ladera Sur, Saguntum extra 6, 229-239, Valencia
(2007): Hoch zu Ross im Jenseits – Pferdegräber im Samland. – Archäologie in Deutschland 3/2007, 40-41
(2013): Barbed points through time – A hunting weapon between ethno-archaeological argumentation and functional analysis. in: (eds.): Hunting in northern Europe until 1500 AD. Old traditions and regional developments, continental sources and continental influences, Schriften des Archäologischen Landesmuseums Ergänzungsreihe 7, 113-145, Neumünster
(2001): Modèles et séries dans l'ivoire: art, artisanat, et industrie d'un matériau précieux à partir des collections du Chateau-Musée de Dieppe. in: (eds.): le bois, l'os, la corne, l'ivoire, la nacre. Aspects de la Tabletterie en France, 19-28, Amiens
(2018): De kat in het bot vinden. – Jaarverslagen van de Vereniging voor Terpenonderzoek 99, 169-172
(1987): The animal remains. in: (eds.): Farm Life in a Carolingian Village, Studies in Prae- en Protohistorie 1, 39-50, Assen
(1986): The Animal Remains from Deventer (8th–19th Centuries AD). – Berichten van de Rijksdienst voor het Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek 36, 405-443
(1978): Summary of the Palaeozoological Results from Selenkahiye, Syria. – Annales Archéologiques Arabes Syriennes 27-28, 173
(2004): Wretchedly poor, but amazingly practical: Archaeological and experimental evidence on the bone arrowheads of the Fenni. – Acta Borealia 21(1), 3-20
(2003): Typhonic bones: a ritual deposit from Saqqara?. in: (eds.): Behaviour Behind Bones, Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Council for Archaeozoology, Durham, August 2002 1, 41-46, Oxford
(2009): Prechodnijat period ot kamenno-mednata kăm bronsovata epocha po materiali ot centralna severna Bălgarija [The Transitional Period between the Eneolithic and the Bronze Age using Materials from the Central-North Bulgaria], Veliko Tărnovo
(2001): Animal Bones. in: (eds.): A Ship Cast Away About Alderney. Investigations of an Elizabethan shipwreck, 151, Alderney
(2009): Zu den domestizierten Tieren aus dem neolithischen Mezraa-Teleilat (Südosttürkei). in: (eds.): Knochen pflastern ihren Weg. Festschrift für Margarethe und Hans-Peter Uerpmann, BioArchaeologica 5, 123-132, Rahden
(2008): The Domestication Process in Southeastern Turkey: The Evidence of Mezraa-Teleilat, Tübingen
(1993): Illerup Ådal 3. Die Gürtel. Bestandteile und Zubehör, Jutland Archaeological Society Publications 25, Copenhagen
(2020): Stockfish Production, Cultural and Culinary Values. – Food Ethics 5, 1-40
(2015): Exploitation of outfield resources – Joint Research at the University Museums of Norway, Bergen
(2013): 'Industrial' reindeer hunting in the south Norwegian mountains in the Viking Age and Early Middle Ages. in: (eds.): Hunting in northern Europe until 1500 AD. Old traditions and regional developments, continental sources and continental influences, Schriften des Archäologischen Landesmuseums Ergänzungsreihe 7, 55-74, Neumünster
(2013): Wer jagte auf der Hardangervidda?. – Archäologie in Deutschland 3/2013, 30-33
(1999): Zufall und Wahrscheinlichkeit – einst ganz getrennt, jetzt eng verbunden. – Elemente der Mathematik 54, 1-14
(1996): Würfel und Wahrscheinlichkeit, Heidelberg
(1984): Time, social relationships and the exploitation of animals: anthropological reflections on prehistory. in: (eds.): Animals and Archaeology: 3. Early Herders and their Flocks, British Archaeological Reports International Series 202, 3-12, Oxford
(2021): Traceological evaluation of bone instruments as an indirect indicator: Rebuilding textile technology during the Ceramic period on Mocha Island (Chile). in: (eds.): Bones at a Crossroads. Integrating Worked Bone Research with Archaeometry and Social Zooarchaeology, 151-169, Leiden
(2005): A preliminary Study of the Animal Husbandry from Late Neolithic Dispilio, Northern Greece. in: (eds.): Archaeozoology of the Near East VI, Archaeological Research and Consultancy Publicatie 123, 77-84, Groningen
(2003): Taphonomy of Animal Bones: Species, Sex, Age and Breed Variability of Sheep, Cattle and Pig Bone Density. – Journal of Archaeological Science 30, 355-365
(in print): Bone Astragali from the Ashlar Building. in: (ed.): Kerkenes Final Reports 2: Excavations at the Palatial Complex, 313-314, Chicago
(2016): Multidisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Stone Age Weaponry, Heidelberg
(2002): Bildkompendium Historisk Osteologi, University of Lund Department of Archaeology and Ancient History Report 85, Lund
(1975): Age-dependent changes in the lower extremities of the elk (Alces alces) in Central Sweden. in: (ed.): Archaeozoological studies, 367-380, Amsterdam
(1972): Ein großbürgerlicher Kölner Haushalt am Ende des 14. Jahrhunderts. in: (eds.): Festschrift Matthias Zender. Studien zu Volkskultur, Sprache und Landesgeschichte, Zweiter Band, 635-668, Bonn
(1994): Problems in the identification of fish domestication. Evidence from the site of Nicopolis ad Istrum, Bulgaria. – Offa 51, 374-378
(1978): The Food-sharing Behaviour of Protohuman Hominids. – Scientific American 238(4), 90-108
(2006): Ploughing with Cows: Knossos and the Secondary Products Revolution. in: (eds.): Animals in the Neolithic of Britain and Europe, Neolithic Studies Group Seminar Papers 7, 95-112, Oxford
(2006): Ploughing with Cows: Knossos and the Secondary Products Revolution. in: (eds.): Animals in the Neolithic of Britain and Europe, Neolithic Studies Group Seminar Papers 7, 96-112, Oxford
(1979): Proucvanija na zivotinskite kostni ostat'ci. in: (eds.): Ezero. Rannobronzovoto seliste [Ezero. Eine Siedlung aus der Frühbronzezeit], 425-490, Sofia
(1975): Proucvanija na zivotinskija kosten material ot praistoriceskata selistna mogila pri Goljamo Delcevo [Untersuchungen des Tierknochenmaterials aus dem prähistorischen Tell bei Goljamo Delcevo]. – Razkopki i proucvanija 5, 245-302
(1959): Domašnite i divite životni v bita na naselenieto ot Jasatepe v Plovdiv [Les animaux sauvages et domestiques dans la vie quotidienne de la population de Yassa-Tepe a Plovdiv]. – Godišnik na Narodnija Archeologičeski Muzej Plovdiv 3, 81-86
(2018): Pioneer farming in southeast Europe during the early sixth millennium BC: Climate-related adaptations in the exploitation of plants and animals. – Public Library of Science one 13(5)
(1994): Fish remains from archaeological sites of the northern part of the Black Sea region (Olvia, Berezan). – Offa 51, 278-283
(1995): Tattenhoe and Westbury. Two Deserted Medieval Settlements in Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire Archaeological Society Monograph 8, Aylesbury
(2013): The name of the game! The changing role of hunting on royal land in Norway during the Middle Ages. in: (eds.): Hunting in northern Europe until 1500 AD. Old traditions and regional developments, continental sources and continental influences, Schriften des Archäologischen Landesmuseums Ergänzungsreihe 7, 465-484, Neumünster
(2015): The molluscs of Bestansur, Iraqi Kurdistan: A case study of Early Holocene Helix salomonica exploitation in the Zagros. – Environmental Archaeology 20(3), 239-250
(2005): Viborg Søndersø 1018-1030. Arkæologi og naturvidenskab i et værkstedsområde fra vikingetid, Jysk Arkaeologisk Selskabs Skrifter 52, Copenhagen
(2013): Changed into Tools. Camelid Bones from the Southern Calchaquí Valleys (Formative Period, Northwestern Argentina). in: (eds.): From These Bare Bones: Raw Materials and the Study of Worked Osseous Objects, 50-58, Oxford