
Dies ist eine Auswahl von Knochen-Arbeiten, vorwiegend aus den Bereichen Archäozoologie und Taphonomie.

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Gaál, István (1931): A háziasítás legkezdetlegesebb fokának bizonyítékai a Tisza-parti ásatásokbol 7(1-2), 232-235

Gaál, István (1931): A Hódmezövásárhelyi neolitkori Telep Gerinces Maradványai. Knochenreste der neolithischen Ansiedlung von Hódmezövásárhely. – Annales historico-naurales Musei nationalis hungarici 27, 259-277

Gaastra, Jane Sanford / de Vareilles, A. / van der Linden, Marc (2022): Bones and Seeds: An Integrated Approach to Understanding the Spread of Farming across the Western Balkans. – Environmental Archaeology 27(1), 44-60

Gaastra, Jane Sanford / Greenfield, Haskel J. / van der Linden, Marc (2018): Gaining traction on cattle exploitation: zooarchaeological evidence from the Neolithic Western Balkans. – Antiquity 92(366), 1462-1477

Gaastra, Jane Sanford / Cristiani, Emanuela / Barbaric, Vedran (2014): Herding and Hillforts in the Bronze and Iron Age Eastern Adriatic: Results of the 2007-2010 Excavations at Gradina Rat. – Vjesnik za arheologiju i historiju dalmatinsku 107, 9-30

Gaastra, Jane Sanford (2014): Shipping Sheep or Creating Cattle: Domesticate Size Changes with Greek Colonsation in Magna Graecia. – Journal of Archaeological Science 52

Gabel, Hans Helmut (1955): Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Biologie des Speckkäfers Dermestes vulpinus F. – Zeitschrift für angewandte Entomologie 37, 153-191

Gaborit-Chopin, Danielle (1992): Arbeiten aus Walroßelfenbein der romanischen Epoche. in: Roesdahl, Else (ed.): Wikinger Waräger Normannen – Die Skandinavier und Europa 800–1200, 204-205, Berlin

Gaborit-Chopin, Danielle (1978): Elfenbeinkunst im Mittelalter, Berlin

Gabriel, Ingo (1991): Christentum und Heidentum. in: Müller-Wille, Michael (ed.): Starigard/Oldenburg. Ein slawischer Herrschersitz des frühen Mittelalters in Ostholstein, 279-297, Neumünster

Gabriel, Ingo (1991): Handel und Fernverbindungen. in: Müller-Wille, Michael (ed.): Starigard/Oldenburg. Ein slawischer Herrschersitz des frühen Mittelalters in Ostholstein, 251-278, Neumünster

Gabriel, Ingo (1991): Hofkultur, Heerwesen, Burghandwerk, Hauswirtschaft. in: Müller-Wille, Michael (ed.): Starigard/Oldenburg. Ein slawischer Herrschersitz des frühen Mittelalters in Ostholstein, 181-250, Neumünster

Gaffrey, Jürgen (2008): Rätselhafte Grabbeigabe aus Hirschgeweih. in: Bérenger, Daniel & Grünewald, Christoph (eds.): Westfalen in der Bronzezeit, 99, Münster

Gagel, C. (1925): Eine Elfenbeinspeerspitze aus dem westfälischen Diluvium. – Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 1/2, 77-81

Gál, Erika / Rácz, Piroska / Bondár, Mária (2024): A cattle mandible thong-smoother from a grave: Strap production and cattle traction in the Late Copper Age in Hungary. – International Journal of Osteoarchaeology e3290, 1-13

Gál, Erika / Bartosiewicz, László / Kiss, Viktória (2022): A fifth–sixth century CE lynx (Lynx lynx L., 1758) skeleton from Hungary: Cranial morphology and zoological interpretations. – International Journal of Osteoarchaeology

Gál, Erika & Bondár, Mária (2022): Drilled Dog Canine Ornaments from a special Late Copper Age Grave. – Archeometriai Mühely 19(1), 43-56

Gál, Erika (2022): The arrow bolt plane from the medieval archepiscopal residence at Esztergom (North Hungary). – Quaternary International 665-666, 126-131

Gál, Erika / Daróczi-Szabó, László / Daróczi-Szabó, Márta (2020): Bird Bone Remains from two Medieval Settlements in Debrecen (Eastern Hungary). – Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 71, 199-218

Gál, Erika (2020): Remains of small domestic and game birds from medieval sites in Hungary. – Quaternary International 543, 99-107

Gál, Erika (2019): Animal Bones. in: Schrettle, Bernhard (ed.): Neue Forschungen im römischen Heiligtum auf dem Frauenberg bei Leibnitz. Grabungsergebnisse 2013 bis 2016, Studien zur Archäologie der Steiermark 11, 205-, Wien

Gál, Erika (2019): Bird Bone Double Pipe from the 7th Century Avar Cemetery of Szegvár-Szölökalja (South East Hungary). – Zooarchaeology 3, 14-20

Gál, Erika & Kunst, Günther Karl (2018): Pathological Observations on Mammalian Remains from the Roman Sanctuary at Carnuntum-Mühläcker (Austria). in: Bartosiewicz, László & Gál, Erika (eds.): Care or Neglect? Evidence of Animal Disease in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 6th meeting of the Animal Palaeopathology Working Group of the International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ), Budapest, Hungary, 2016, 45-60, Oxford

Gál, Erika (2018): Preliminary results concerning the Middle Bronze Age (Vatya culture) bone tools from Kakucs-Turján, Central Hungary. in: Jaeger, Mateusz / Kulcsár, Gabriella / Taylor, Nicole / Staniuk, Robert (eds.): Kakucs-Turján, a Middle Bronze Age multi-layered fortified settlement in Central Hungary, Studien zur Archäologie in Ostmitteleuropa, 119-136, Bonn

Gál, Erika (2017): Animals at the Dawn of Metallurgy in South-Western Hungary. Relationships between People and Animals in Southern Transdanubia during the Late Copper to Middle Bronze Ages, Budapest

Gál, Erika (2017): Thong smoothers from Early Bronze Age sites in South South-western Hungary, poster presented at the 12th meeting of the ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group in Granada, 23. – 27. 5. 2017, Budapest

Gál, Erika (2016): Late Copper Age and Early Bronze Age bone tools from the site of Paks-Gyapa (South-Eastern Transdanubia, Hungary). in: Vitezović, Selena (ed.): Close to the bone: current studies in bone technologies, 121-127, Beograd

Gál, Erika (2016): Objects made from bone, antler, and tusk from the Ottoman-Turkish fort at Barcs. in: Kovács, Gyöngyi & Zatyko, C. (eds.): "per sylvam et per lacus nimios" The Medieval and Ottoman Period in Southern Transdanubia, Southwest Hungary: the Contribution of the Natural Sciences, Budapest

Gál, Erika (2015): Pathological conditions identified on animal bones from the Early Bronze Age sites of Kaposújlak-Várdomb and Paks-Gyapa (South Western Hungary). in: Körösi, Andrea & Szotyori-Nagy, Ágnes (eds.): Hungarian Grey, Racka, Mangalitsa. Papers presented at the international conference honouring János Matolcsi, 25–26 November 2013, 215-221, Budapest

Gál, Erika (2013): Two Bone Artefacts from the Sanctuary of Iuppiter Heliopolitanus in Carnuntum (Lower Austria). in: Lang, Felix (ed.): The Sound of Bones. Proceedings of the 8th Meeting of the ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group in Salzburg 2011, Archaeo Plus. Schriften zur Archäologie und Archäometrie der Paris Lodron-Universität Salzburg 5, 107-115, Salzburg

Gál, Erika & Bartosiewicz, László (2012): A radiocarbon-dated bone anvil from the chora of Metaponto, southern Italy. – Antiquity • Project Gallery 85(331)

Gál, Erika (2012): Bird remains from Körös culture sites in Hungary. in: Anders, Alexandra & Siklósi, Zsuzsanna (eds.): The First Neolithic Sites in Central/South-East European Transect Volume III. The Körös Culture in Eastern Hungary, British Archaeological Reports International Series 2334, 213-218, Oxford

Gál, Erika (2012): Possible evidence for hawking from a 16th century Styrian Castle (Bajcsa, Hungary). in: Raemaekers, Daan C. M. / Esser, Kinie / Lauwerier, Roel C. G. M. / Zeiler, Jørn T. (eds.): A bouquet of archaeozoological studies. Essays in honour of Wietske Prummel, Groningen Archaeological Studies 21, 172-179, Groningen

Gál, Erika (2012): The First Cock Crow: On the Occurrence and Spreading of Domestic Hen (Gallus domesticus LINNAEUS 1758) in Hungary. in: Anreiter, Peter / Bánffy, Eszter / Bartosiewicz, László / Meid, Wolfgang / Metzner-Nebelsiek, Carola (eds.): Archaeological, Cultural and Linguistic Heritage. Festschrift for Erzsébet Jerem in Honour of her 70th Birthday, 207-214, Budapest

Gál, Erika & Kovács, Gyöngyi (2011): A walrus-tusk belt plaque from an Ottoman-Turkish castle at Barcs, Hungary. – Antiquity • Project Gallery 85(329)

Gál, Erika (2011): Prehistoric antler- and bone tools from Kaposujlak-Vardomb (South-Western Hungary) with special regard to the Early Bronze Age implements. in: Baron, Justyna & Kufel-Diakowska, Bernadeta (eds.): Written in Bones. Studies on technological and social contexts of past faunal skeletal remains, 137-164, Wroclaw

Gál, Erika / Stanc, Simina Margareta / Bejenaru, Luminita (2010): Bird remains from the 10th-11th century settlement of Oltina (Dobruja, Romania). in: Prummel, Wietske / Zeiler, Jørn T. / Brinkhuizen, Dick Constantijne (eds.): Birds in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 6th Meeting of the ICAZ Bird Working Group in Groningen (23.8. - 27.8.2008), Groningen Archaeological Studies 12, 37-44, Groningen

Gál, Erika (2010): Bone Artefacts from the Neolithic and Medieval Site of Karancsság – Alsó-rét (Northern Hungary). in: Legrand-Pineau, Alexandra / Sidéra, Isabelle / Buc, Natacha / David, Éva / Scheinsohn, Vivian (eds.): Ancient and Modern Bone Artefacts from America to Russia. Cultural, technological and functional signature, British Archaeological Reports International Series 2136, 41-47, Oxford

Gál, Erika / Csippán, Péter / Daróczi-Szabó, László / Daróczi-Szabó, Márta (2010): Evidence of the crested form of domestic hen (Gallus gallus f. domestica) from three post-medieval sites in Hungary. – Journal of Archaeological Science 37, 1065-1072

Gál, Erika / Kovács, Zsófia Eszter / Kováts, István / Zimboran, Gabor (2010): Kora középkori csontüllők Magyarországról: egy újabb példa az állatcsontok hasznosítására / Early Medieval (10th–13th century) Bone Anvils from Hungary: another example for the use of animal bones. in: Gömöri, János & Körösi, Andrea (eds.): Csont és bőr. Az állati eredetű nyersanyagok feldolgozásának története, régészete és néprajza / Bone and Leather. History, Archaeology and Ethnography of Crafts Utilizing Raw Materials from Animals, 117-126, Budapest

Gál, Erika (2010): The Fowl in the Feast. in: Pluskowski, Aleksander G. / Kunst, Günther Karl / Kucera, Matthias / Bietak, Manfred / Hein, Irmgard (eds.): Bestial Mirrors – Using Animals to construct human Identities in medieval Europe, Animals as Material Culture in the Middle Ages 3, 100-109, Wien

Gál, Erika (2009): "I Hunt Chickens, Men Hunt Me." The Biostratinomy of a Shot Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes L.) - A Case Study. – Journal of Taphonomy 7, 147-153

Gál, Erika (2009): Relationships between People and Animals during the Early Bronze Age: preliminary Results on the Animal Bone Remains from Kaposújlak-Várdomb) South Transdanubia, Hungary). – Momoe 6, 47-63

Gál, Erika (2007): Bird Remains. in: Whittle, Alasdair (ed.): The Early Neolithic on the Great Hungarian Plain. Investigations of the Körös culture site of Ecsegfalva 23, County Békés. Volume I, Varia Archaeologica Hungarica 21, 361-376, Budapest

Gál, Erika (2007): Fowling in Lowlands. Neolithic and Chalcolithic Bird Exploitation in South-East Romania and the Great Hungarian Plain, Budapest

Gál, Erika (2007): Sliding on horse bones: evidence for two runners from the Middle Ages Transylvania (Central Romania), poster presented at the Worked Bone Research Group Meeting Paris 2007, Paris

Gál, Erika (2006): The Role of Archaeo-Ornithology in environmental and Animal History Studies. in: Jerem, Erszébet / Mester, Zs. / Benczes, R. (eds.): Archaeological and Cultural heritage Preservation within the Light of new Technologies, 49-61, Budapest

Gál, Erika (2005): New data on bird bone artefacts from Hungary and Romania. in: Luik, Heidi / Choyke, Alice M. / Batey, Colleen / Lougas, Lembi (eds.): From Hooves to Horns, from Mollusc to Mammoth – Manufacture and Use of Bone Artefacts from Prehistoric Times to the Present – Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of the ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group at Tallinn, 26th–31st of August 2003, Muinasaja teadus 15, 325-338, Tallinn

Gál, Erika (2005): New evidence of fowling and poultry keeping in Pannonia, Dacia and Moesia during the Period of the Roman Empire. in: Grupe, Gisela & Peters, Joris (eds.): Feathers, grit and symbolism – Birds and humans in the ancient Old and New Worlds, Documenta Archaeobiologiae 3, 303-318, Rahden

Gál, Erika & Kessler, Eugen (2003): Eneolithic bird remains from the tell site of Bordusani - Popina. in: Popovici, Dragomir Nicolae (ed.): Archaeological Pluridisciplinary Researches at Bordusani-Popina, National Museum Library Pluridisciplinary Researches Series, 141-154, Bucharest

Gál, Erika & Kessler, Eugen (2003): La Tène bird remains from the tell site of Bordusani - Popina. in: Popovici, Dragomir Nicolae (ed.): Archaeological Pluridisciplinary Researches at Bordusani-Popina, National Museum Library Pluridisciplinary Researches Series, 155-157, Bucharest

Gál, Erika (in print): "Fine feathers make fine birds": the exploitation of wild birds in medieval Hungary, Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the International Council for Archaeozoology, Mexico City 2006

Gala, Monica & Tagliacozzo, Antonio (2010): The avifauna from Late Glacial archaeological sites in Italy: a tentative synthesis. in: Prummel, Wietske / Zeiler, Jørn T. / Brinkhuizen, Dick Constantijne (eds.): Birds in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 6th Meeting of the ICAZ Bird Working Group in Groningen (23.8. - 27.8.2008), Groningen Archaeological Studies 12, 205-218, Groningen

Gala, Monica / Raynal, Jean-Paul / Tagliacozzo, Antonio (2005): Bird remains from the Mousterian levels of Baume-Vallée (Haute-Loire. France): preliminary results. in: Grupe, Gisela & Peters, Joris (eds.): Feathers, grit and symbolism – Birds and humans in the ancient Old and New Worlds, Documenta Archaeobiologiae 3, 141-145, Rahden

Galant, Philippe & Holvoet, Jean-Pierre (2001): Contribution à l'étude de la grotte d'Aldène. – Spelunca 81, 23-35

Galatius, Anders / Rindom Andersen, Mai-Britt Elin / Haugan, Birgitte / Langhoff, Heidi Elisabeth / Jespersen, Åse (2006): Timing of epiphyseal development in the flipper skeleton of the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) as an indicator of paedomorphosis. – Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 87, 77-82

Galatius, Anders & Kinze, Carl Christian (2003): Ankylosis patterns in the postcranial skeleton and hyoid bones of the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in the Baltic and North Sea. – Canadian Journal of Zoology 81, 1851-1861

Galaty, John G. (1989): Cattle and cognition: aspects of Maasai practical reasoning. in: Clutton-Brock, Juliet (ed.): The Walking Larder: Patterns of Domestication, Pastoralism, and Predation, One World Archaeology 2, 215-230, Oxford

Galdikas, Biruté M. F. (1978): Orangutan Death and Scavenging by Pigs. – Science 200(4337), 68-70

Galik, Alfred / Emra, Stephanie / Schwall, Christoph / Horejs, Barbara (2023): The archaeozoological remains from Late Chalcolithic Çukuriçi Höyük, on the western Anatolian coast. in: Pöllath, Nadja / Battermann, Nora / Emra, Stephanie / Goebel, Veronika / Paxinos, Ptolemaios Dimitrios / Schwarzenberger, Martina / Trixl, Simon / Zimmermann, Michaela Isabell (eds.): Animals and Humans through Time and Space: Investigating Diverse Relationships, Documenta Archaeobiologiae 16, 139-148, Rahden

Galik, Alfred / Nikolaidou, Dafni / Emra, Stephanie (2022): Tierreste. in: Hinker, Christoph (ed.): Ein provinzialrömischer Kultplatz auf der Gradišče bei Sankt Egyden in Unterkärnten, Sonderschriften des Österreichischen Archäologischen Instituts 62, 116-145, Wien

Galik, Alfred / Emra, Stephanie / Pacher, Martina (2019): Die tierischen Überreste aus der frühbronzezeitlichen Siedlung bei Drasenhofen. in: Fiebig, Kurt & Csaplaros, Andrea (eds.): Trassenarchäologie 3, ArchaeoProtect Sonderheft 1, 58-69, Pöttelsdorf

Galik, Alfred / Schludermann, Manuela M. / Forstenpointner, Gerhard (2018): Osteologische Unterscheidungsmerkmale am Skelett der Vorderextremität von Goldschakal (Canis aureus Linné, 1758) und Rotfuchs (Vulpes vulpes Linné, 1758). – Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien A 120, 398-414

Galik, Alfred / Mohandesan, Elmira / Forstenpointner, Gerhard / Scholz, Ute Maria / Ruiz, Emily / Krenn, Martin / Burger, Pamela (2015): A Sunken Ship of the Desert at the River Danube in Tulln, Austria. – Public Library of Science one

Galik, Alfred (2015): Archäozoologische Untersuchungen zu den Gurina-Funden. in: Gamper, Peter (ed.): Gurina. Die römische Stadt aus der Zeit der Eroberung des Noricums. Teil II 83/II, 370-439, Klagenfurt

Galik, Alfred / Haidvogl, Gertrud / Bartosiewicz, László / Guti, Gabor / Jungwirth, Mathias (2015): Fish remains as a source to reconstruct long-term changes of fish communities in the Austrian and Hungarian Danube. – Aquatic Sciences 77(3), 337-354

Galik, Alfred (2014): Fischknochen – ein Fenster in die Vergangenheit. in: Jungwirth, Mathias / Haidvogl, Gertrud / Hohensinner, Severin / Waidbacher, Herwig / Zauner, Gerald (eds.): Österreichs Donau. Landschaft – Fisch – Geschichte, 183-218, Wien

Galik, Alfred (2013): Barçın Höyük Zooarchaeology Data, open context data table, DOI:

Galik, Alfred (2013): Die frühkaiserzeitlichen Fischreste von der Keplerwiese in Linz. – Linzer Archäologische Forschungen 43, 79-81

Galik, Alfred / Forstenpointner, Gerhard / Weissengruber, Gerald E. (2012): Archäozoologische Befunde zur Jagd und Viehwirtschaft in Limyra. in: Seyer, Martin (ed.): 40 Jahre Grabung Limyra. Akten des interntionalen Symposions Wien, 3.–5. Dezember 2009, 163-168, Wien

Galik, Alfred / Horejs, Barbara / Nessel, Bianka (2012): Der nächtliche Jäger als Beute. Studien zur prähistorischen Leopardenjagd. – Praehistorische Zeitschrift 87(2), 261-307

Galik, Alfred & Horejs, Barbara (2011): Çukuriçi Höyük – Various Aspects of its Earliest Settlement Phase. in: Krauß, Raiko (ed.): Beginnings - New Research in the Appearance of the Neolithic between Northwest Anatolia and the Carpathian Basin, Menschen – Kulturen – Traditionen 1, 83-94, Rahden

Galik, Alfred / Schneider, Marie-Theres / Forstenpointner, Gerhard (2011): Die tierischen Überreste aus einer spätmittelalterlichen Latrine im Augustiner Chorherrenstift in St. Pölten. in: Risy, Ronald (ed.): Da steh i drauf. St. Pölten Domplatz 2010, 91-103, St. Pölten

Galik, Alfred / Forstenpointner, Gerhard / Weissengruber, Gerald E. / Zohmann, Stefan (2010): Archäozoologischer Befund: Die hellenistischen und spätantiken bis frühbyzantinischen tierischen Abfallvergesellschaftungen aus den Grabungen im Bereich des sog. Lukasgrabes. in: Pülz, Andreas (ed.): Das sog. Lukasgrab in Ephesos. Eine Fallstudie zur Adaption antiker Monumente in byzantinischer Zeit, Forschungen in Ephesos IV/4, 359-391, Wien

Galik, Alfred / Forstenpointner, Gerhard / Zohmann, Stefan / Weissengruber, Gerald E. (2010): Die Tierreste aus dem Schachtbrunnen und der Nische des Präfurniums. in: Pfeiffer-Tas, Sule (ed.): Funde und Befunde aus dem Schachtbrunnen im Hamam III in Ayasuluk/Ephesos. Eine schamanistische Bestattung des 15. Jahrhunderts, Denkschriften der philosophisch-historischen Klasse 389, 77-126, Wien

Galik, Alfred / Zohmann, Stefan / Forstenpointner, Gerhard / Weissengruber, Gerald E. / Gauss, Walter (2010): Subsistence and more in Middle Bronze Age Aegina Kolonna: Exploitation of Marine Resources. in: Philippa-Touchais, Anna / Touchais, Gilles / Voutsaki, Sofia / Wright, James (eds.): Mesohelladika. The Greek Mainland in the Middle Bronze Age, Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique Supplément 52, 743-751, Athens

Galik, Alfred / Forstenpointner, Gerhard / Weissengruber, Gerald E. (2010): The Expression of Demand for Particular Fish food implied by Aquatic Facilities in Living Areas of Noble Housholds. in: Ladstätter, Sabine & Scheibelreiter, Veronika (eds.): Städtisches Wohnen im östlichen Mittelmeerraum 4. Jh. v. Chr.–1. Jh. n. Chr., Denkschriften der philosophisch-historischen Klasse 397, 667-674, Wien

Galik, Alfred (2009): Die Bedeutung des Fischfangs in der Horgener Seeufersiedlung Wallhausen-Ziegelhütte am Überlinger See. – Hemmenhofener Skripte 8, 138-144

Galik, Alfred / Kunst, Günther Karl / Radbauer, Silvia (2009): Fish remains from a stratigraphic sequence from the Roman civil town of Carnuntum (Lower Austria). in: Makowiecki, Daniel / Hamilton-Dyer, Sheila / Riddler, Ian D. / Trzaska-Nartowski, Nicola I. A. / Makohonienko, Miroslaw (eds.): Fishes – Culture – Environment. Through Archaeoichthyology, Ethnography and History. The 15th Meeting of the ICAZ Fish Remains Working Group (FRWG), Environment and Culture 7, 103-107, Poznán

Galik, Alfred & Küchelmann, Hans Christian (2008): Fischreste aus der mittelalterlichen Bremer Altstadt. – Bremer Archäologische Blätter Neue Folge 7, 215-231

Galik, Alfred (2005): Archäozoologie. in: Bundesdenkmalamt, (ed.): Zeitschienen. Vom Tullnerfeld ins Traisental. Archäologische Funde aus 20.000 Jahren, Fundberichte aus Österreich Materialhefte A Sonderheft 2, 46-51, Wien

Galik, Alfred (2004): Archäozoologische und kulturhistorische Aspekte der Tierknochenvergesellschaftungen aus dem Amphitheater von Virunum. in: Jernej, Renate & Gugl, Christian (eds.): Virunum. Das römische Amphitheater. Die Grabungen 1998-2001, Archäologie Alpen Adria 4, 395-494, Klagenfurt

Galik, Alfred (2004): Mittelalterliche Tierknochen und Nachweise von Knochenverarbeitung und Gerberei aus Hainburg, Niederösterreich. – Beiträge zur Mittelalterarchäologie in Österreich 20, 59-72

Galik, Alfred (2003): An Iron Age bone assemblage from Durezza Cave, Carinthia, Austria: detecting ritual behaviour through archaeozoological and taphonomical analysis. in: Jones O'Day, Sharon / van Neer, Wim / Ervynck, Anton (eds.): Behaviour Behind Bones, Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Council for Archaeozoology, Durham, August 2002 1, 54-61, Oxford

Galik, Alfred & Kunst, Günther Karl (2003): Dietary habits of a monastic community as indicated by animal bone remains from Early Modern Age in Austria. in: Jones O'Day, Sharon / van Neer, Wim / Ervynck, Anton (eds.): Behaviour Behind Bones, Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Council for Archaeozoology, Durham, August 2002 1, 224-232, Oxford

Galik, Alfred & Kunst, Günther Karl (2000): Weitere Tierknochenuntersuchungen in der Kartause Mauerbach. – Fundberichte aus Österreich 38, 409-412

Galik, Alfred (1999): Fischreste aus mittelalterlichen bis neuzeitlichen Fundstellen: Bedeutung und Aussagekraft dieser kleinen archäozoologischen Funde. – Beiträge zur Mittelalterarchäologie in Österreich 15, 197-206

Galik, Alfred & Kunst, Günther Karl (1999): Tierreste aus der Kartause Mauerbach als Zeugnisse einstiger Ernährungsgewohnheiten. – Österreichische Zeitschrift für Kunst und Denkmalpflege 53, 671-681

Galili, Ehud / Yaroshevich, Alla / Rosen, Baruch / Getzov, Nimrod / Milevski, Ianir / Orelle, Estelle / Horwitz, Liora Kolska (2016): Figurative Representations from Neveh Yam and Other Sites in Israel: Markers of the Late Neolithic/Early Chalcolithic South Levant Cultures. – Israel Exploration Journal 66, 129-150

Galili, Ehud / Zemer, Avshalom / Rosen, Baruch (2013): Ancient Fishing Gear and Associated Artifacts from Underwater Explorations in Israel - A Comparative Study. – Archaeofauna 22, 145-166

Galindo-Pellicena, Maria Ángeles / Carretero, José Miguel / Arsuaga, Juan Luis (2014): Primary or Secondary Products?: The nature of Capra and Ovis exploitation within the Chalcolithic and Bronze Age levels at Portalón site (Atapuerca Hill, Burgos, Spain). in: Greenfield, Haskel J. (ed.): Animal Secondary Products: Domestic Animal Exploitation in Prehistoric Europe, the Near East and the Far East, 103-128, Oxford

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Galli, Assuntina / Focardi, Stefano / Iseppi, Monica / Piasentier, Edi (2008): Age determination in fallow deer Dama dama neonates. – Wildlife Biology 14(3), 386-390

Galsterer, Brigitte & Schneider, Beate (1999): Inschriften auf Knochen aus der Sammlung Wollmann im Römisch-Germanischen Museum Köln. – Kölner Jahrbuch 32, 503-517

Gamauf, Anita (2018): Palaearctic birds of prey from a biological point of view. in: Gersmann, Karl-Heinz & Grimm, Oliver (eds.): Raptor and human – falconry and bird symbolism throughout the millennia on a global scale, volume 1, Advanced studies on the archaeology and history of hunting 1, 233-252, Neumünster

Gambash, Gil / Bar-Oz, Guy / Lev, Efraim / Jeremias, Uri (2019): Bygone Fish. Rediscovering the Red-Sea Parrotfish as a Delicacy of Byzantine Negev Cuisine. – Near Eastern Archaeology 82(4), 216-225

Gamble, Clive S. (1985): Formation processes and the animal bones from the Sanctuary at Phylakopi. in: Renfrew, Colin (ed.): The Archaeology of Cult. The Sanctuary at Phylakopi, 479-483, London

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