Dies ist eine Auswahl von Knochen-Arbeiten, vorwiegend aus den Bereichen Archäozoologie und Taphonomie.
Die Datenbank enthält: 9240 Titel
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(1989): Cova Negra and Gorham's Cave: evidence of the place of birds in Mousterian communities. in: (ed.): The Walking Larder: Patterns of Domestication, Pastoralism, and Predation, One World Archaeology 2, 350-357, Oxford
(1968): Vergleichend morphologische Untersuchungen an Einzelknochen des postcranialen Skelettes in Mitteleuropa vorkommender mittelgroßer Hühnervögel, Dissertation Universität München, München
(2013): Überraschung im Lehm. Neues vom Löwenmenschen. – Archäologie in Deutschland 6/2013, 4-5
(1975): A Cytoarchitectonic Volumetric Comparison of the Area Gigantopyramidalis in Wild and Domestic Sheep. – Anatomy and Embryology 147, 167-175
(2006): Das Grab eine Reiters der jüngeren Bronzezeit aus Wildeshausen, Ldkr. Oldenburg. in: (ed.): Pferdeopfer – Reiterkrieger. Fahren und Reiten durch die Jahrtausende, Bremer Archäologische Blätter Beiheft 4, 66-70, Bonn
(2004): Grab eines bronzezeitlichen Reiters. – Archäologie in Niedersachsen 7, 70-72
(2004): Ungewöhnlicher Grabfund. – Archäologie in Deutschland 1/2004, 47
(1990): Die Bogenwaffe im Neolithikum. in: (eds.): Archäologie in der Region. Untersuchungen zur urgeschichtlichen Siedlungs-, Wirtschafts- und Lebensweise im südlichen Niedersachsen, 57-61, Göttingen
(2012): Butchery evidence on rodent bones from archaeological sites in the Pampean Region (Argentina). in: (ed.): Proceedings of the General Session of the 11th International Council for Archaeozoology Conference (Paris, 23-28 August 2010), British Archaeological Reports International Series 2354, 227-236, Oxford
(1979): The People of the Pit-Grave Kurgans in Eastern Hungary, Budapest
(2010): Histological analysis of medullary bones from archaeological sites in Japan. in: (eds.): Birds in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 6th Meeting of the ICAZ Bird Working Group in Groningen (23.8. - 27.8.2008), Groningen Archaeological Studies 12, 256-259, Groningen
(2005): Why were so many albatross remains found in northern Japan?. in: (eds.): Feathers, grit and symbolism – Birds and humans in the ancient Old and New Worlds, Documenta Archaeobiologiae 3, 131-140, Rahden
(2016): Bone skates and young people in Birka and Sigtuna. – Fornvännen 111, 7-16
(2015): Isläggar från Birka och Sigtuna. En undersökning av ett vikingatida och medeltida fyndmaterial, Stockholm Archaeological Reports 43, Stockholm
(1820): Observations on the Nature and Extent of the Cod Fishery carried on off the Coasts of the Zetland and Orkney Islands, Edinburgh
(2022): Change in Atlantic cod migrations and adaptability of early land-based fishers to severe climate variation in the North Atlantic. – Quaternary Research 108, 81-91
(2011): Archaeological assessement of selected submerged sites in Vestfirðir. – Archaeologia Islandica 9, 9-28
(2010): The Role of Marine Resources in the Medieval Economy of Vestfirdir, Iceland, PhD-thesis University of New York, New York
(2006): Basque Whaling Around Iceland. Archeological Investigation in Strákatangi, Steingrímsfjörður, report for the Natural History Institute of Vestfirdir, Bolungarvík
(2005): Archaeological Excavations at Vatnsfjörður 2003-04. – Archaeologia Islandica 4, 16-30
(2005): Commercial and Subsistance Fishing in Vestfirdir. A Study in the Role of Fishing in the Icelandic Medieval Economy. – Archaeologia Islandica 4, 51-67
(2004): Coping with Hard Times in NW Iceland: Zooarchaeology, History, and Landscape Archaeology at Finnbogastaðir in the 18th century, Northern Science and Education Center Report 12, New York
(2004): Coping with Hard Times in NW Iceland: Zooarchaeology, History, and Landscape Archaeology at Finnbogastaðir in the 18th Century. – Archaeologia Islandica 3, 20-47
(1982): Pelvic Girdle Criteria for Sex Determination of White-tailed Deer. – Journal of Wildlife Management 46(2), 544-547
(2018): The Evolution of cubic Dice from the Roman through Post-Medieval Period in the Netherlands. – Acta Archaeologica 88(1), 163-173
(2001): The Salvage Excavations at Orman Fidanligi. A Chalcolithic Site in Inland Northwestern Anatolia, Istanbul
(1940): Taphonomy: new branch of paleontology. – Pan-American Geologist 74(2), 81-93
(1985): Agios Petros. A Neolithic Site in the Northern Sporades. Aegean Relationships during the Neolithic of the 5th Millennium, British Archaeological Reports International Series 241, Oxford
(1962): Marv Dasht 2:The Excavation at Tall-e Gap, 1959, Tokyo
(1992): Die Gletschermumie vom Ende der Steinzeit aus den Ötztaler Alpen – Vorbericht. – Jahrbuch des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums Mainz 39
(1992): Zur Ausrüstung des Toten vom Hauslabjoch. in: (eds.): Der Mann im Eis – Bericht über das Internationale Symposium in Innsbruck, 254-272, Innsbruck
(2008): Die Balhorner Kreuzigungsgruppe ist eine der frühesten und qualitätvollsten christlichen Szenen Nordwestdeutschlands. in: (eds.): Eine Welt in Bewegung. Unterwegs zu Zentren des frühen Mittelalters, 222-223, München
(2008): Eine Welt in Bewegung. Unterwegs zu Zentren des frühen Mittelalters, München
(2006): Pferde mit römischer Prachtausstattung bei den Germanen?. in: (ed.): Pferdeopfer – Reiterkrieger. Fahren und Reiten durch die Jahrtausende, Bremer Archäologische Blätter Beiheft 4, 112-114, Bonn
(2022): Linnaloom [Urban Animal], Tallinna Linnamuuseumi toimetised 2, Tallinn
(2002): Der weite Blick des Historikers. Einsichten in Kultur-, Landes- und Stadtgeschichte. Peter Johanek zum 65. Geburtstag, Köln
(2020): Bird exploitation in Viljandi (Estonia) from the Late Iron Age to the early modern period (c. 950–1700). – Quaternary International
(1974): Die Tierknochenfunde aus der neolithischen Station Feldmeilen-Vorderfeld am Zürichsee. I. Die Nichtwiederkäuer, Dissertation Universität München, München
(2010): Mittelalterliche Elfenbeinarbeiten. Ausgewählte Werke aus den Beständen des Bayerischen Nationalmuseums, München
(2005): Itinera Archaeologica. Vom Neolithikum bis in die frühe Neuzeit. Festschrift für Torsten Capelle zum 65. Geburtstag, Internationale Archäologie - Studia honoraria 22, Rahden
(2011): Róum við í selin, rostungs út á melinn. Um rostunga við Íslandsstrendur. in: (eds.): Fjöruskeljar, Reykjavík
(2015): Skeppet Staden Stormakten. Människor och Samhälle under Regalskeppet Kronans Tid, Kalmar
(2020): To the Bones, Bachelor Thesis Weissensee Kunsthochschule Berlin, Berlin
(2011): Handbuch der Oberflächenreinigung, Stuttgart
(2023): Von Fälschern, Päpsten und Spielern. – Archäologie in Deutschland 3/2023, 61
(2006): Discriminating Equus skulls: the Franck's Index and the new Palatal Index. in: (ed.): Equids in Time and Space, Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Council for Archaeozoology, Durham, August 2002, 172-182, Oxford
(1986): Identification and Discrimination of Metapodials of Equids from Pleistocene and Modern Equus, Wild and Domestic. in: (eds.): Equids in the Ancient World, Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients Reihe A Beihefte 19/1, 117-163, Wiesbaden
(1982): Tierärztliche Zahnheilkunde, Berlin
(2006): Knochenarbeit. – Archäologie in Deutschland 4/2006, 48-49
(2005): Spielfreudiger Kleinadel. – Archäologie in Deutschland 2/2005, 46
(1964): Vznik a počátky Slovanů 5, Praha
(2012): Am Ursprung der Gegenwart – Urgeschichte im marokkanischen Rif. – Archäologie in Deutschland 2/2012, 12-17
(2011): The Comparative Osteology of the Petrotympanic Complex (Ear Region) of Extant Baleen Whales (Cetacea: Mysticeti). – Public Library of Science one 6(6) e21311
(1984): Tierknochenfunde von der Heuneburg, einem frühkeltischen Herrensitz bei Hundersingen an der Donau (Grabungen 1966-1979), Dissertation Universität München, München
(2013): Bones, behaviour and belief. The zooarchaeological evidence as a source for ritual practice in ancient Greece and beyond, Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Instututet i Athen, 4° 55, Stockholm
(2014): A Survey on Faunal Remains from Cristian I (Sibiu County). – Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis 13, 23-71
(2012): New Data on Livestock and Hunting in the Settlement Vinca A3-B1 (Level IIb) at Miercurea Sibiului-Petris, Sibiu County. – Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis 11, 33-55
(2011): Analysis of faunal from sublevel IIa (Vinca A2-3) at Miercurea Sibiului-Petris (Sibiu County). – Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis 10, 17-46
(2008): The comparative Analyse of faunal Samples from Sites dated in Starcevo-Körös-Cris Culture - Phases IB-IIA from Transsylvania and Banat. – Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis 7, 91-106
(2007): Archaeozoological Records about domestic Species farmed by Early Neolithic Communities from Banat and Transsilvania. – Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis 6, 25-51
(2005): Cercetari arheozoologice. in: (eds.): Cercetari Arheologice in Pestera Cauce (II), Bibliotheca Septemcastrensis 5, 95-154, Sibiu
(2003): Analogii si diferente între economiile animaliere ale comunitatilor Vinca C si grupul Foeni în asezari din Banat. – Banatica 16, 135-151
(2002): Archaeozoological researches in the eneolithical site from Draganesti-Olt (Slatina Olt county). – Cultura si Civilisatie la Dunarea de Jos 19, 154-158
(2002): Cercetari arheozoologice în asezarea de epoca bronzului de la Carei – "Bobald" (Judetul Satu-Mare). – Thraco-Dacica 23(1-2), 243-265
(2001): Situl de la Foeni-"Cimiturul Ortodox" (Jud. Timis). Fauna din nivelele de epoca bronzului. – Thraco-Dacica 22(1-2), 223-246
(2000): Determinarea resturlor faunistice dintr-o locuinta neolitica timpurie de la Seusa - "La Cararea Morii" (Jud. Alba). – Banatica 15, 49-57
(2000): Studiul resturilor de fauna din asezarea neolitica tarzie de la Sanandrei (Jud. Timis). – Analele Banatului 7-8, 193-204
(1998): Studiu preliminar al resturilor de fauna din asezarea neolitica de la Parta - Tell II (Judetul Timis). – Analele Banatului 6, 129-151
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(1996): A Survey on Animal Husbandry of Turdas Community from Orastie "Dealul Pemilor" (X2) (Hunedoara County). – Sargetia 26(1), 169-177
(1995): Economia animaliera a comunitatilor neo-eneolithice de la Parta (Jud. Timis). – Banatica 13, 23-51
(1995): Raport preliminar asupra materialului faunistic din asezarea neolitica timpurie de la Gura Baciului (Jud. Cluj). – Acta Musei Napocensis 32, 181-189
(1995): The animal Husbandry during the Late Neolithic and Bronze Age in Settlements of Danube Valley (Southern Banat). in: (eds.): Kulturraum mittlere und untere Donau: Traditionen und Perspektiven des Zusammenlebens / Spatiul cultural al Dunarii miljocii si inferioare: traditii si perspective ale convietuirii, 65-72, Resita
(1994): Rapport préliminaire sur le matériel faunique de l'établissement Vatina de Foeni (département Timis). – Analele Banatului 3, 184-190
(1994): Studiul faunei din asezarea neolitica de la Iclod (Jud. Cluj). – Acta Musei Napocensis 26-30 I/1, 187-204
(1993): La faune de l'etablissement énéolithique de Cuptoare "Sfogea" (Dép. Caras-Severin). – Banatica 12, 53-64
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(1987): Economia animaliera a comunitatii vinciene timpurii de la Gornea – Caunita des Sus. – Banatica 9, 43-56
(2010): The Faunal Remains of Broglio di Trebisacce (Southern Italy). – Palaeohistoria 51/52, 425-449
(1991): Kastelholms slott – Arkeologiska undersökningar 1985–1989, Mariehamm
(2004): Ancora sull' "astragalomania" a Locri Epizefiri. La documentazione dalla necropoli in contrada Lucifero. – Orizzonti 5, 77-90
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(1991): Animal footprints on Roman bricks from Newstead. – Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 121, 223-226
(2015): Preliminary ethnoarchaeological research on modern animal husbandry in Bestansur, Iraqi Kurdistan: Integrating animal, plant and environmental data. – Environmental Archaeology 20(3), 283-303
(1993): Mensch und Wal: die Geschichte eines ungleichen Kampfes, München
(1994): Germanischer Runenzauber mit der Darstellung eines römischen Handelsschiffes. in: (eds.): Iconologia sacra. Mythos, Bildkunst und Dichtung in der Religions- und Sozialgeschichte Alteuropas. Festschrift für Karl Hauck, Arbeiten zur Frühmittelalterforschung 23, 124-131, Abb. 46-49, Berlin
(1984): The Earliest Evidence for Skinboats in Late-Palaeolithic Europe. in: (ed.): Aspects of Maritime Archaeology and Ethnography, 41-55, London
(1980): Ein Fellboot-Fragment der Ahrensburger Kultur aus Husum, Schleswig-Holstein?. – Offa 37, 19-24
(2019): Von Lachsgarnen, Tomen und Kumpanen – Die älteste Bremer Fischeramtsrolle. – Bremisches Jahrbuch 98, 13-72
(2007): Die Corveyer Weserfischerei bei Lüssum. Anmerkungen zu einem angeblichen Diplom Ludwigs des Frommen von 832. – Bremisches Jahrbuch 86, 15-52
(1993): Postglacial fossil Great Auk and associated avian fauna from the Biscay Bay. – Munibe (Antropologia - Arkeologia) 45, 179-185
(2001): Middle Neolithic to Early Bronze Age Bone Tools from Sitagroi, Greece. in: (eds.): Crafting Bone: Skeletal Technologies through Time and Space – Proceedings of the 2nd meeting of the (ICAZ) Worked Bone Research Group Budapest, 31 August – 5 September 1999, British Archaeological Reports International Series 937, 355-369, Oxford
(2019): Easier access to “fossil gelatin” and quality check by amino acid racemization. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
(1991): Amino Acid Racemization of Fossil Bone. – Journal of Archaeological Science 18, 605-617
(1990): Age Determination of Fossil Bone by Amino Acid Racemization, unpublished dissertation thesis Weizmann Institute of Science Rehouot, Israel, Rehouot
(2017): The Hanseatic Harbour. Reports from the archaeological investigations of the medieval harbour at Avaldsnes, Karmøy, Stavanger
(2012): Using Animal Remains to Reconstruct Ancient Landscapes and Climate in the Central and Southern Maya Lowlands. in: (ed.): Proceedings of the General Session of the 11th International Council for Archaeozoology Conference (Paris, 23-28 August 2010), British Archaeological Reports International Series 2354, 203-225, Oxford
(2003): Animals from the Maya underworld: reconstructing elite Maya ritual at the Cueva de los Quetzales, Guatemala. in: (eds.): Behaviour Behind Bones, Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Council for Archaeozoology, Durham, August 2002 1, 101-113, Oxford
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(2007): Norwich Greyfriars: pre-Conquest town and medieval friary, East Anglian Archaeology 120, Norwich
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(2006): Hoch zu Ross ins Jenseits – Pferdegräber und -opfer im Bestattungsbrauch der Friesen. in: (ed.): Pferdeopfer – Reiterkrieger. Fahren und Reiten durch die Jahrtausende, Bremer Archäologische Blätter Beiheft 4, 145-149, Bonn
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(2016): Herring and Cod in Denmark. in: (eds.): Cod & Herring. The Archaeology & History of Medieval Sea Fishing, 131-155, Oxford
(2016): Snapshots of past fish faunas: paleo-oceanographic perspectives from the Baltic and Black Seas. – Environmental Archaeology 21(2), 144-156
(2007): The Danish fish fauna during the warm Atlantic period (ca. 7000–3900 bc): Forerunner of future changes?. – Fisheries Research 87, 167-180
(2005): Dyreknogler fra Vikingetidens Viborg. in: (eds.): Viborg Søndersø 1018-1030. Arkæologi og naturvidenskab i et værkstedsområde fra vikingetid, Jysk Arkaeologisk Selskabs Skrifter 52, 239-268, Copenhagen
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(1997): Das neuzeitliche Wrack aus dem Hedwigenkoog, Kr. Dithmarschen, Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie 41, Bonn
(2012): Middle Palaeolithic Cave Taphonomy: Discerning Humans from Hyenas at Arcy-sur-Cure, France. – International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 22, 591-602
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(2018): Assessing the Radiocarbon Freshwater Reservoir Effect for a Northwest-European River System (the Schelde Basin, Belgium). – Radiocarbon 60
(2017): Beef, pork and mutton: An archaeological survey of meat consumption in medieval and postmedieval towns in the southern Low Countries (Flanders & Brussels, Belgium). – Quaternary International 460, 65-73
(2013): Sint-Veerleplein 11, Gravensteen: bewerkt bot en gewei. – Archeologisch onderzoek in Gent 2012, 215-236
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