Dies ist eine Auswahl von Knochen-Arbeiten, vorwiegend aus den Bereichen Archäozoologie und Taphonomie.
Die Datenbank enthält: 9282 Titel
Anzahl angezeigter Titel: 419
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(2019): Les suidés dans les pratiques alimentaires et rituelles du monde phénico-punique. – Antiquités africaines 55, 29-52
(2008): Uomini, Piante e Animali nella Dimensione del Sacro, Beni Archeologici - Conoscenza e Technologie 6, Lecce
(2005): Nassarius kraussianus shell beads from Blombos Cave: evidence for symbolic behaviour in the Middle Stone Age. – Journal of Human Evolution 48, 3-24
(2002): Criteria for Identifying Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) Age and Sex from Their Canines. Application to the Study of Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Ornaments. – Journal of Archaeological Science 29, 211-232
(1989): Palaeolithic Lunar Calendars: A Case of Wishful Thinking?. – Current Anthropology 30, 117-118
(1984): Varnish Replicas: A New Method for the Study of Worked Bone Surfaces. – Ossa 9/11, 29-51
(2004): Zwischen alter Tradition und industriellen Ambitionen: Die Produktion von Muschelseide in Taranto. in: (eds.): Muschelseide. Goldene Fäden vom Meeresgrund, 72-113, Basel
(2007): Biology, Ecology and Fishery of the Banded Murex, Hexaplex (Trunculariopsis) trunculus, in the Ria Formosa Lagoon, PhD-thesis Universidade do Algarve, Faro
(2021): In the Shadow of the Salt Cod. Writing vs Staging the Stockfish History in the Iberian Peninsula. – Trabalhos de Antropologia e Etnologia 61, 167-209
(2015): The fable of the cod and the promised sea. About Portuguese traditions of bacalhau. in: (eds.): Heritages and Memories from the Sea, 130-143, Évora
(1976): Having Herds: Pastoral Herd Growth and Household Economy, Stockholm Studies in Social Antropology 2, Stockholm
(2006): Early Swine Herding. in: (eds.): De la domestication au tabou – Le cas des suidés au Proche-Orient ancien, 31-38, Paris
(1995): Bis auf die Knochen – Spuren von Tierzerlegungen mit Steinwerkzeugen. in: (ed.): Eiszeitwerkstatt Experimentelle Archäologie, Urgeschichtliches Museum Blaubeuren Museumsheft 2, 7-11, Blaubeuren
(1998): Der Altenberg – Bergwerk und Siedlung aus dem 13. Jahrhundert im Siegerland, Denkmalpflege und Forschung in Westfalen 34(2), Bonn
(no date): Maschenöffnungskontrolle im Mittelalter, poster
(2019): An investigation into the strategy of pig husbandry combining zooarchaeological and stable isotopic approaches at Neolithic Houjiazhai, China. – International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 29(5), 772-785
(2005): Zeitreise Heldenberg – Geheimnisvolle Kreisgräben, Katalog zur Niederösterreichischen Landesausstellung 2005, Wien
(1995): Studien zum Burgwall von Mikulčice. Band 1, Brno
(2018): Hoedic, une île d’Armorique à la veille de la Conquête romaine. 10 ans d’étude pluridisciplinaire, Dossiers de Centre Régional d'Archéologie d'Alet Supplément AM-2016, Saint Malo
(2013): Steinzeitliche Rinderbestattung. – Archäologie in Deutschland 6/2013, 54
(2024): Leben mit den Ahnen. – Archäologie in Deutschland 4/2024, 65
(1973): The Effects of Domestication on the Structure of Animal Bone. in: (ed.): Domestikationsforschung und Geschichte der Haustiere, 157-161, Budapest
(2006): Using Osteohistology for Ageing and Sexing. in: (ed.): Recent Advances in Ageing and Sexing Animal Bones, Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Council for Archaeozoology, Durham, August 2002, 9-39, Oxford
(2009): Protocolos y bases de datos en zooarqueología y tafonomía. El caso del Laboratorio de Zooarqueología y Tafonomía de Zonas Áridas, Argentina. in: (ed.): 13er. Congreso de Antropología en Colombia. Antropología y nuevas experiencias sociales, 223, Bogota
(1998): Muscheln und Schnecken, 2. Auflage, Berlin
(1977): Das große Buch der Meeresmuscheln – Schnecken und Muscheln der Weltmeere, Stuttgart
(2006): Astragali through Time. in: (ed.): Integrating Zooarchaeology, Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Council of Archaeozoology, Durham, August 2002, 131-137, Oxford
(1996): Guide to the Identification of Scales of the Inland Fishes of Northeastern North America, New York State Museum Bulletin 488, Albany, New York
(2010): Graue Erbsen und Fleisch – gelbe Erbsen und Stockfisch. Die Verpflegung an Bord von Schiffen in der deutschen Grönlandfahrt. in: (eds.): Essen und Trinken. Zur Ernährungsgeschichte Schleswig-Holsteins, Studien zur Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte Schleswig-Holsteins 46, 149-157, Neumünster
(1961): Geschichte des bremischen Fischereirechts. – Bremisches Jahrbuch 47, 143-226
(1964): Die Rinderknochen der römischen Zivilsiedlung in Hüfingen, Badische Fundberichte Sonderheft 6, Freiburg
(2022): Kloster und Stift Herrenchiemsee – Archäologie und Geschichte (um 620–1803). Band 2: Historische und Naturwissenschaftliche Beiträge, Abhandlung der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Neue Folge 148, München
(2005): Frauenwörth. Archäologische Bausteine zur Geschichte des Klosters auf der Fraueninsel im Chiemsee, Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse Neue Folge 126, München
(2000): Opfermahl am Süßen See. – Archäologie in Deutschland 1/2000, 47
(2005): The Neue Laubenstein-Bärenhöhle (NLB), Chiemgau Alps/Bavaria – Results of the palaeontological excavation 2004. – Abhandlungen der Naturhistorischen Gesellschaft zu Nürnberg 45, 65-72
(2014): Recent camel finds from Hungary. – Anthropozoologica 49(2), 265-280
(2003): Animal bones as indicators of kosher food refuse from 14th century AD Buda, Hungary. in: (eds.): Behaviour Behind Bones, Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Council for Archaeozoology, Durham, August 2002 1, 252-261, Oxford
(2020): Pending danger: Recent Copper Age lion (Panthera leo L., 1758) finds from Hungary. – International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 30(4), 469-481
(2018): Medieval Multi-Horned Sheep from Present-Day Budapest, Hungary. in: (eds.): Care or Neglect? Evidence of Animal Disease in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 6th meeting of the Animal Palaeopathology Working Group of the International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ), Budapest, Hungary, 2016, 247-255, Oxford
(2015): Néprajzi csonteszközök és lhetséges Árpád-kori elözményeik [Ethnographical bone tools and their possible antecedents from the Árpád Era (1000-1301)]. in: (eds.): Hungarian Grey, Racka, Mangalitsa. Papers presented at the international conference honouring János Matolcsi, 25–26 November 2013, 223-236, Budapest
(2006): Variability in Medieval Dogs from Hungary. in: (eds.): Dogs and People in Social, Working, Economic or Symbolic Interaction, Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Council for Archaeozoology, Durham, August 2002, 85-95, Oxford
(1962): Substitution of Stone Tools for Bone Tools at Makapansgat. – Nature 196, 314-316
(1961): An Australopithecine Scoop made from a Right Australopithecine Upper Arm Bone. – Nature 191, 372-373
(1958): The Animal Bone-Breccia Content of Makapansgat and the Australopithecine Predatory Habit. – American Anthropologist 60, 923-931
(1956): The Myth of the Bone-Accumulating Hyena. – American Anthropologist 58, 40-62
(1949): The Predatory Implemental Technique of Australopithecus. – American Journal of Physical Anthropology 7(1), 1-38
(2018): Damage Caused by Permanent Fetters in Present-Day Sheep on the Island of Delos (Greece). in: (eds.): Care or Neglect? Evidence of Animal Disease in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 6th meeting of the Animal Palaeopathology Working Group of the International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ), Budapest, Hungary, 2016, 240-246, Oxford
(2021): Pre-Inuit walrus use in Arctic Canada and Greenland, c.2500 BCE to 1250 CE. in: (eds.): The Atlantic Walrus. Multidisciplinary insights Into human-animal interactions, 99-120, London
(2018): Falcons and falconry in pre-modern Persia. in: (eds.): Raptor and human – falconry and bird symbolism throughout the millennia on a global scale, volume 4, Advanced studies on the archaeology and history of hunting 1, 1793-1808, Neumünster
(1990): Kleine Hilfe zur Ansprache tierischer Knochen. – Mitteilungen des Bezirksfachausschusses für Ur- und Frühgeschichte Neubrandenburg 37, 82-88
(2005): Horse burials from Middle Lithuania: a palaeopathological investigation. in: (eds.): Diet and Health in Past Animal Populations. Current Research and Future Directions, Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Council for Archaeozoology, Durham, August 2002, 68-74, Oxford
(2017): Faunal Remains from the Middle Neolithic site of Qaleh Rostam. in: (eds.): Archaeozoology of the Near East 9 Volume 1, 41-58, Oxford
(2013): Ungulate invasion on a Mediterranean island: the Cypriot Mesopotamian fallow deer over the past 10,000 years, PhD thesis University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen
(2012): Phylogeography of an invasive land snail: natural range expansion versus anthropogenic dispersal in Theba pisana pisana. – Biological Invasions 14, 1665-1682
(2020): Tomka 80. Ünnepi tanulmányok Tomka Péter Köszöntésére, Györ
(2021): Microscopic Re-Examination of an Unique Bone Artefact: The Figure of a Theatrical Actor Found at The Roman Fort Iža/Leányvár (Slovakia). – Open Archaeology 7(1), 118-127
(2016): A cross-border use of in-growth antler, to face Neolithisation. in: (ed.): Close to the bone: current studies in bone technologies, 112-120, Beograd
(2014): How Using Technology to Set Past Human Technical Behaviour Toward Osseous Material? With a Special Emphasis on the Mesolithic Bone Industry from Norway (7900 - 6200 BP). in: (eds.): Proceedings of the 9th Meeting of the (ICAZ) Worked Bone Research Group, Zhengzhou, China, 2013, Zooarchaeology 2, 1-13, pl. 1-5, Beijing
(2010): Palaeolithic Portable Art and its Relation to Ungulate Bones (Metapods). in: (eds.): Ancient and Modern Bone Artefacts from America to Russia. Cultural, technological and functional signature, British Archaeological Reports International Series 2136, 115-134, Oxford
(2007): Principes de l’étude technologique des industries osseuses et critères de diagnose des techniques mésolithiques. Cours de trois heures du Séminaire de technologie osseuse de l’Université Paris X Nanterre (HMEPR202)
(2007): Technology on Bone and Antler Industries: A Relevant Methodology for Characterizing Early Post-Glacial Societies (9th - 8th Millennium BC). in: (eds.): Bones as Tools: Current Methods and Interpretations in Worked Bone Studies, British Archaeological Reports International Series 1622, 35-50, Oxford
(2005): Preliminary results on the recent technological study of the Early Mesolithic bone and antler industry of Estonia, with special emphasis on the site of Puli. in: (eds.): From Hooves to Horns, from Mollusc to Mammoth – Manufacture and Use of Bone Artefacts from Prehistoric Times to the Present – Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of the ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group at Tallinn, 26th–31st of August 2003, Muinasaja teadus 15, 67-74, Tallinn
(2004): Fiche Transformation des matières dures d'origine animale dans le Mésolithique de l'Europe du Nord. in: (ed.): Matières et techniques, Fiches de la Commission de nomenclature de l'industrie de l'os préhistorique 11, 113-149, Paris
(2002): Fiche percuteur sur métapodien d' Aurochs. in: (ed.): Retouchoirs, compresseurs, percuteurs... Os à impressions et éraillures, Fiches de la Commission de nomenclature sur l'industrie de l'os préhistorique 10, 133-136, Paris
(2001): Fiche arc miniature sur côte de grand ruminant. in: (ed.): Objets méconnus, Fiches de la Commission de nomenclature sur l'industrie de l'os préhistorique 9, 91-96, Paris
(1994): L'action des carnivores dans les gisements Pléistocènes d'Europe. Rappel de quelques étapes de la recherche en Europe occidentale. in: (ed.): 6è Table Ronde Taphonomie / Bone Modification, Artefacts 9, 77-82, Treignes
(1992): Kunsthandwerkliche Gegenstände des 8. bis 10. Jahrhunderts aus Alt-Ladoga (Die Sammlung der Staatlichen Eremitage in St. Petersburg). – Zeitschrift für Archäologie des Mittelalters 20, 5-61
(1892): Praktisches Kochbuch für die gewöhnliche und feinere Küche, 32. Auflage, Bielefeld
(1989): Escaped domestic animals and the introduction of agriculture to Spain. in: (ed.): The Walking Larder: Patterns of Domestication, Pastoralism, and Predation, One World Archaeology 2, 59-71, Oxford
(2005): Diet and Health in Past Animal Populations. Current Research and Future Directions, Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Council for Archaeozoology, Durham, August 2002, Oxford
(2005): Oral pathology, nutritional deficiencies and mineral depletion in domesticates – a literature review. in: (eds.): Diet and Health in Past Animal Populations. Current Research and Future Directions, Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Council for Archaeozoology, Durham, August 2002, 80-88, Oxford
(2010): Land and Freshwater Molluscs. in: (eds.): Extinctions and Invasions: A Social History of British Fauna, 175-180, Oxford
(1986): Ayia Irini: Period V, Keos 5, Mainz
(1981): Papers in Cycladic Prehistory, Monographs of the University of California Institute of Archaeology 14, 2nd printing, Los Angeles
(1994): Treasured Taonga – Traditional and Contemporary Techniques and Concepts in Bone Carving, Auckland
(2020): Early Neolithic Portuguese sheep (Ovis aries): were they shipped across the Mediterranean 8000 years ago?. in: (eds.): Farmers at the Frontier – A Pan-European Perspective on Neolithisation, 175-197, Oxford
(2019): Rabbits and Bergmann’s rule: how cold was Portugal during the last glaciation?. – Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 128, 526-549
(2018): An osteometrical method for sexing cattle bones: the metacarpals from 17th century Carnide, Lisbon, Portugal. – Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 120, 367-387
(2018): Animal remains from Neolithic Lameiras, Sintra: the earliest domesticated sheep, goat, cattle and pigs in Portugal and some notes on their evolution. – Archaeofauna 27, 93-172
(2017): Animal remains from Iron Age and Roman Odemira, Portugal. – Archaeofauna 26, 199-217
(2017): Animal remains from the 4th–5th century AD well at São Miguel de Odrinhas, Sintra, Portugal: tiny sheep and a dwarf dog. – Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia 20, 139-156
(2017): Towards a metrical distinction between sheep and goat astragali. in: (eds.): Economic Zooarchaeology – Studies in hunting, herding and early agriculture, 50-82, Oxford
(2016): Hacia una distinción métrica entre los astrágalos de oveja y cabra. in: (eds.): What bones tell us. El que ens expliquen els ossos, Monograies del Seminari d'Estudis i Recerques Prehistòriques, 35-58, Barcelona
(2016): The Velocity of Ovis in Prehistoric Times: the Sheep Bones from Early Neolithic Lameiras, Sintra, Portugal. in: (eds.): O neolítico em Portugal antes do horizonte 2020: perspectivas em debate, Monografias Associacao dos Arqueologos Portugueses 2, 51-66, Lisboa
(2015): Extinction, arrival and improvement of Lusitanian animals. in: (eds.): L'animal dans le monde lusophone, 19-47, Paris
(2013): Crise no mesolítico: evidências zooarqueológicas. in: (eds.): Arqueologia en Portugal 150 anos, 297-309, Lisboa
(2012): Animal Bones at the Nahal Zehora Sites. in: (ed.): Village Communities of the Pottery Neolithic Period in the Menashe hills, Israel. Archaeological Investigations at the Sites of Nahal Zehora, 1258-1320, Tel Aviv
(2012): Animal remains from Chalcolithic São Pedro (Redondo, Alentejo): evidence for a crisis in the Mesolithic. – Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia 15, 47-85
(2012): Molecular and osteometric sexing of cattle metacarpals: a case study from 15th century AD Beja, Portugal. – Journal of Archaeological Science 39(5), 1445-1454
(2011): Animal Bone. in: (eds.): A Neolithic and Bronze Age Landscape in Northhamptonshire. The Raunds Area Project, Volume 2 - Supplementary Studies, 667-701, Swindon
(2010): La Cueva de Caldeirão, (Portugal Central) El hogar de hienas, hombres, quebrantahuesos...?. – Zona arqueológica 13, 283-296
(2009): Animal remains from an 18th–19th century AD pit in the Palácio Centeno, Lisbon. – Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia 12(2), 239-250
(2009): Did the Romans bring fallow deer to Portugal?. – Environmental Archaeology 14(1), 15-26
(2008): «Thou shalt take of the ram ... the right thigh; for it is a ram of consecration ...» some zoo-archaeological examples of body-part preferences. in: (eds.): Uomini, Piante e Animali nella Dimensione del Sacro, Beni Archeologici - Conoscenza e Technologie 6, 63-70, Lecce
(2008): Animal remains from a Moslem period (12th/13th century AD) lixeira (garbage dump) in Silves, Algarve, Portugal. – Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia 11(1), 183-258
(2008): Zooarchaeological evidence for Moslem and Christian improvements of sheep and cattle in Portugal. – Journal of Archaeological Science 35, 991-1010
(2007): Caldeirão cave (Central Portugal) – whose home? Hyaena, man, bearded vulture.... – Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 259, 213-226
(2007): Mammal and bird remains from the Iron Age and Roman periods at Castro Marim, Algarve, Trabalhos do Centro de Investigação em Paleoecologia Humana e Arqueociências 107, Lisboa
(2007): Of metapodials, measurements and music – eight years of miscellaneous zooarchaeological discoveries at the IPA, Lisbon. – O Arqueólogo Portugues 25, 9-165
(2006): Agricultural improvements in gharb al-Andaluz – zoo-archaeological evidence from the sheep bones. in: (ed.): Animais na Pré-historia e Arqueologia de Peninsula Iberica. Actas do IV congresso de Arqueologia Peninsular (Faro, 14 a 19 de Septembro de 2004), Promontoria Monografica 3, 219-239, Faro
(2005): Why domesticate food animals? Some zoo-archaeological evidence from the Levant. – Journal of Archaeological Science 32, 1408-1416
(2003): 101 modos de tratar un erizo muerto: notas sobre la preparación de esqueletos desarticulados para uso zooarqueológico. – Archaeofauna 12, 203-211
(2002): British Agriculture: Texts for the Zoo-Archaeologist. – Environmental Archaeology 7, 47-60
(1999): Animal Husbandry and Agricultural Improvement: The Archaeological Evidence from Animal Bones and Teeth. – Rural History 10, 1-17
(1997): The Agricultural Revolution in England: some Zoo-Archaeological Evidence. – Anthropozoologica 25-26, 413-428
(1996): Animal Sacrifices. in: (ed.): The Sanctuary of Apollo Hylates at Kourion: Excavations in the Archaic Precinct, 181-182, Göteborg
(1996): Measurements of a Group of Adult Female Shetland Sheep Skeletons from a Single Flock: a Baseline for Zooarchaeologists. – Journal of Archaeological Science 23, 593-612
(1995): The Archaeology of Animals, London
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(1993): A barrow full of cattle skulls. – Antiquity 67, 12-22
(1993): The zoo-archaeology of sheep and goat in Mesopotamia. – Bulletin on Sumerian Agriculture 7, 1-7
(1992): 101 ways to deal with a dead hedgehog: notes on the preparation of disarticulated skeletons for zoo-archaeological use. – Circaea 8(2), 95-104
(1989): Some more Animal Remains from the Aceramic Neolithic of Cyprus. in: (ed.): Fouilles récentes à Khirokitia (Chypre) 1983-1986, 189-221, Paris
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(1966): Staroladoskije isdelija is kosti i roga (po raskopkam staroladoskoi ekspedizii IIMK an SSSR) [Alte Produktion aus Knochen und Geweih (auf Ausgrabungen altertümlicher Expeditionen der IIMK in der UdSSR)]. – Arheologiceski Zbornik 8, 103-115
(1986): Animal Exploitation in Ujrat El-Mehed, a Neolithic Site in Southern Sinai. – Paléorient 12(2), 105-116
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(2016): Eerste vermelding van een kraanvogel Grus grus (Linnaeus, 1758) uit de Noordzee (Eurogeulgebied). – Cranium 33(2), 6-10
(2017): De eerste vondst in Nederland van een premolaar (P4) van het luipaard, Panthera pardus (Linnaeus, 1758) gevonden op het strand van Maasvlakte 2. – Cranium 34(1), 13-18
(2013): Schelpdieren van het Nederlandse Noordzeegebied. Ecologische atlas van de mariene weekdieren (Mollusca), Utrecht
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(2001): Zooarqueologia dos mamíferos aquáticos e semi-aquáticos da Ilha de Santa Catarina, sul do Brasil. – Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 18(3), 719-727
(2017): Animal exploitation during the Classical/Hellenistic period at Tepe Düzen (SW Turkey): preliminary results. in: (eds.): Archaeozoology of the Near East 9 Volume 2, 404-410, Oxford
(2017): Faunal analysis of the Castle of Aqaba (Jordan): preliminary results. in: (eds.): Archaeozoology of the Near East 9 Volume 2, 443-471, Oxford
(2010): Camel, how shall I call you?, poster presented at the 11th ICAZ conference Paris August 2010, Paris
(2008): Animal Husbandry at the Early Neolithic to Early Bronze Age Site of Bademagaci (Antalya Province, SW Turkey): Evidence from the faunal Remains. in: (eds.): Archaeozoology of the Near East VIII Tome II, Travaux de la Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée 49, 367-405, Paris
(2003): Faunal remains from Neolithic Höyücek (SW-Turkey) and the presence of early domestic cattle in Anatolia. – Paléorient 29(1), 107-120
(2001): Animals at Ancient Sagalassos. Evidence of the Faunal Remains, Studies in Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology 4, Turnhout
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(2006): Dog Sacrifice in the Ancient World: A Ritual Passage?. in: (eds.): Dogs and People in Social, Working, Economic or Symbolic Interaction, Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Council for Archaeozoology, Durham, August 2002, 62-66, Oxford
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(1999): Diet and religious Practices: the Example of two Monastic Orders in Rome between the XVIth and XVIIIth Centuries. – Anthropozoologica 30, 33-50
(2013): The elk antler from the funerary chapel of Louis the Pious in Metz. – Burlington Magazine 155, 372-380
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